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Naruto Parody: Poll Winner

Puppet Maker Uzumaki

Naruto is a budding puppet maker. Though he seems like a fool Naruto’s creativity and power shine through.

Chapter 1 The Puppet Maker

Naruto was born with a fascination with puppets. He glanced at the sand villages puppet method but he didn’t think it fit him. He studied and worked for 14 years. After all those years he has made 3 puppets. However his skills with his puppets are growing.

“Ok today’s the day, we’re going to become a ninja. I think you guys are ready. We will do our best.” The puppets moved and followed him. He sealed them in a special scroll and carried it with him. Naruto walked to the academy ignoring the looks of hate around him.

He arrived at the academy and Mizuki approached him. “Yo Naruto-kun, I hear your taking the special ninjutsu genin exam.”

“Yeah I’m ready for it…”

“Care to show sensei a little peek…” Naruto pulled out the scroll and showed his sensei the seals that held his puppets. Mizuki smirked and cast a genjutsu on Naruto. Naruto was frozen for a moment and Mizuki created a fake scroll and replaced it with Naruto’s.

Mizuki undid the jutsu and Naruto snapped back to reality. “Well that’s amazing Naruto can’t wait to see you pass the exam…”

“Thanks Mizuki-sensei…” Naruto ran into the room and took his seat and Mizuki tucked Naruto’s real scroll away.

The students had their exam and Naruto held tight onto the scroll. After everyone had their exam it was time for the special course exam. It was an exam to show a new ninjutsu style if the ninjutsu is not up to par the student fails.

Naruto stood in the front of the class with 1 other boy. The boy had white hair that went over his eyes and he was heavily clothed so no skin besides his mouth could be seen.

“Alright Naruto you’re first.” Iruka said. “Good luck.”

“Alright here we go.” Naruto undid the scroll. “Shokan Ningyo!!” Naruto’s chakra flared and the scroll sparked. “What?” The scroll exploded and paint covered the room.

“What the hell you idiot, you fail!!!”

“Wait that wasn’t supposed to happen…”

“Yeah yeah great joke Naruto, now it’s over…” A boy in class spoke.

“No something is wrong this isn’t my scroll.”

“I won’t hear excuses Naruto you had time to prepare and you just didn’t make it, so you pulled this prank, I’m sorry but it’s over for you…” Iruka said cleaning the paint off his face.

Naruto looked around and most people just avoided his gaze, some glared at him. Naruto felt tears fall and he ran off. Kiba saw the tears and that was enough for him. He got up and went over to the scroll. He poured chakra to his senses and sniffed the scroll, his eyes widened.

‘Naruto’s scent isn’t on the scroll, it’s Mizuki-sensei’s…’

Kiba tucked the scroll away Mizuki not even paying attention, he had a smug look on his face and Kiba wanted to hit him.

Naruto ran off not bothering to look back he ran home, and sealed the door shut collapsing onto the ground his heart broken. ‘How did this happen? I have to find my scroll…’ In Naruto’s mind he didn’t think anything of Mizuki, since he had showed Mizuki but in his mind the scroll never left his hands.

The blonde ran around his own apartment looking for a scroll, and since there was no luck with that he believed he may have dropped it, he was grasping at straws but his whole life was in that scroll.


Mizuki was walking around with Naruto’s scroll. The scroll had Naruto’s chakra which had special means for Mizuki. ‘This is perfect after I’m done I can even sell his scroll for a bundle.’

Naruto ran around for hours looking for his precious scroll, day turned to dusk and Mizuki had put his plans into action. He used a bit of Naruto’s chakra and made a henge seal. He transformed into Naruto and with a smirk he stole the scroll of seals. Some guard ninja saw him and alerted the Hokage.

The fake Naruto ran around with the scroll of seals, while the real one searched for the one that was stolen.

When Iruka heard that Naruto had stolen the scroll of seals he got dressed and went to find him. ‘Naruto what are you thinking…?’

Kiba heard all the dogs were panicking. He got out of bed and heard his mother on the phone. “What do you mean Naruto stole the scroll of seals? It doesn’t make sense he shouldn’t even know about it or know where it is only Chunin and higher know that, something doesn’t smell right…?”

“Naruto…” Kiba whispered before running off with Akamaru. “Akamaru find Naruto we need to warn him…”

With Akamaru’s help finding Naruto was easy luckily no one else had spotted him yet. “Oh hey Kiba what are you doing out here?”

“Naruto your looking for your scroll right…?”

“Yes!! Have you seen it?” Naruto asked his eyes shining in hope.

“Yes Mizuki took it…” Kiba handed him the fake scroll. Naruto’s smile fell and like a switch his mind connected. Naruto took the scroll.

“Thanks Kiba I owe you one…” Naruto ran off.

“Hey wait Naruto be careful…” Kiba shouted after him. He looked at Akamaru and the dog barked at him. “Damn it we can’t let him go alone…” Kiba chased after Naruto, not knowing how driven Naruto was even using his chakra to boost his speed


The fake Naruto had met up with Iruka, and Iruka believing he was talking to Naruto fell into a trap. He got kunai thrown at him 4 hitting his body deep. “Naruto why are you doing this?”

Mizuki decided to break the illusion. “Cause I’m not Naruto…” Mizuki broke the henge and Iruka stared in shock. “Mizuki?!”

“That’s right Iruka, all these years and you never knew the truth about me, how much I despised you and this village, but now I have the means to living a perfect life.”

“You won’t get away with this Mizuki…” Iruka tried to stand but the damage to his leg was more severe then it looked.

“I’ll leave you to your wounds, Iruka consider it a favor, if you had trusted Naruto a bit more this wouldn’t have happened.” Mizuki started walking away and Iruka tried to get up but found it difficult.

“MIZUKI!!!” Iruka screamed as Mizuki walked away laughing.

Mizuki walked through the forest heading towards the gate. However his smug pre mature victory glee blinded him from the blonde who had located him. He moved high above the trees. ‘I want my scroll back…’ Naruto performed a few hand signs. “Ningyō sono moji retsu ketsugō…” (Puppet String Binding)

Chakra strings formed from Naruto’s finger tips an came down from the tree. Mizuki walked right into his trap. The strings circled around Mizuki’s body and lifted him up into the air. “What What the hell is this?”

Naruto dropped down and glared at Mizuki. “Return my scroll…” One hand had chakra strings holding Mizuki in the air. Naruto reached out with his other hand chakra strings reaching out and went straight for where Mizuki was keeping his scroll. The scroll glowed and was pulled and grabbed by the strings and Naruto pulled it back towards him.

So happy he got his scroll back he released his jutsu and Mizuki fell to the ground. “Well if that’s all you wanted Naruto go ahead and take it and go.”

“Why did you take it from me Mizuki-sensei…?”

Mizuki put on a fake smile as he slowly reached back to grab a kunai from his weapon pouch. “NARUTO!!”

Both males turned to see Iruka leaning against a tree covered in blood and injuries. “Naruto run, Mizuki is a traitor he stole the scroll of seals, he’s dangerous…”

Before Naruto could react Mizuki kicked him hard sending him flying. Naruto recovered and landed holding onto his scroll tight.

“I spared your life Iruka now I will have to kill you…” Mizuki placed the scroll down and drew his 2 giant shuriken. Naruto undid his scroll. The two Chunin felt the spike in chakra. Mizuki turned to look at Naruto.

“I won’t let you kill Iruka-sensei…” Naruto performed some seals. “Shokan Ningyo…” (Puppet Summoning)

A massive burst of wind chakra and 3 puppets stood before Naruto. One was a male looking puppet with blue hair that covered his left eye. The middle puppet had pinkish red hair and had an eye patch over the right eye. The third puppet had a blind fold over both eyes and it had a dome like hat that hid any sign of hair it had bracelets on each hand. Each one wore the same style white robe.

“Shido, Archa, Domah, Mizuki is our enemy we will finish him and protect Iruka-sensei…” The puppet Shido drew a sword handle with no blade attached to it. Wind chakra leaked from the handle and formed a blade.

Archa’s left hand transformed and became bow like. Wind chakra swirled around the tip ready to fire.

Domah’s bracelets glowed and wind chakra swirled around Naruto and the three puppets like a barrier. Chakra strings were connected to the puppets.

“Prepare yourself Mizuki to face Naruto Uzumaki the Puppet Maker!!!”

To be continued…

Shido – Swordsman Puppet

Hair – Blue, Thick, Hangs Down Over Left Eye

Eye - Blue

Clothing – White Samurai Style Clothing, A White Headband That Disappeared Beneath His Blue Hair, A Pair of Sandals

Weapon – Sword Handle – Used to channel wind chakra and used as a weapon.

Special – Puppet Step – Able to move at high speeds the fastest of Naruto’s puppets

Archa – Archer Puppet

Hair – Pinkish Red, Short With Bangs the Reach Just Above the Eyes

Eye - Red

Clothing – White Eye Patch Over Right Eye, White Monk Clothing With Wide Sleeves

Weapon – Bow Arm – Can be modified to fire arrows of wind Cannon Arm: Can fire bullets of wind and can be charged up for an air cannon attack.

Special – Air Arsenal: Can fire a barrage of wind shots, in one wide spread direction, the most destructive of Naruto’s puppets.

Domah – Guardian Puppet

Clothing – White Robe, A Blindfold, An a Dome Hat

Weapon – Bracelets – Used to manipulate wind chakra to form a barrier

Special – Hurricane Shield – It deflects projectiles and physical attacks, the winds are so strong tend to rip apart anything that touches them. He’s the most durable of Naruto’s puppets.

Chap 2 Whirlwind of Power Puppet Maker VS Traitor

Iruka was amazed at the puppets. Naruto was telling the truth he was a puppet maker! ‘I didn’t believe him, these puppets are amazing.’ Naruto looked ready to fight, but Mizuku...he just laughed.

“Hahahaha, so you think your little toys are enough to beat me?” He smirked. “I’m not a weakling like Iruka, I’m an experienced Chunin. I’ll break you and your little toys brat!”

It was Naruto’s turn to laugh. “You think Iruka is weak? He’s not scum like you.”

“What was that?!”


“Shut up!” Mizuki shouted and launched a barrage of shuriken and kunai, only to have them bounce of Naruto’s barrier like it was nothing.

“You talk about being a powerful Chunin, but that’s only one step above Genin, there’s higher positions above that, and you couldn’t make the cut.” With a flick of his fingers Archa fired a wind arrow. It was able to pass through the barrier.

It was fast but Mizuki was able to dodge it. A good thing to, as it blew a massive hole in the tree behind him. ‘What the hell? So his barrier shields against outside attacks but allow his attacks to pass right through it.’ Such a thing wasn’t easy to do, it either took amazing chakra control, chakra manipulation, or the right chakra nature. “So you must have Wind or Water Chakra nature, very cute!”

He pulled out a weapon’s scroll. With a few hand signs he had summoned a sword. “You think you are clever.” He channeled his chakra through the blade. “But you don’t have a chunin’s skill!” He charged at the barrier. “I’ll slice through your pathetic barrier!”

‘Idiot!’ Naruto thought. Archa opened fire on him. The first he dodged well, a hole being drilled into the ground. The next shot came fast, forcing him to dodge left. Then another shot and another, steadily forcing him to withdraw. “What kind of ninja charges in blindly, worse you saw what my puppet did and charged in anyway. You really are a moron!”

Mizuki’s blood was boiling. This runt was mocking him. This drop out, this loser, was forcing him back. “You dare mock me!” He charged in again. “Your stupid little puppet can only fire one shot at a time!”

Archa opened fired. Mizuki dodged drawing closer this time. “Dodging this attack is nothing to an expert ninja!” He laughed. The wind arrows had a powerful piercing effect but they took longer to manifest than a bullet. So he took the charge time to draw closer.

Naruto wove some hand seals together. “Wind Style: Air Bullet Barrage!” Archa changed hands, his other arm now looking more like a mini cannon. Mizuki was hit with a barrage of wind bullets, while they lacked piercing, they sure knocked the wind out of Mizuki and sent him flying back and landing on his ass.

Mizuki coughed up blood. “You little shit...fuck...I thought your puppet was an archer!”

“He is, but Iruka taught me that deception was the ultimate tool in a ninja’s. Didn’t you know that, or did you skip that lesson when you became a Chunin?” Naruto smirked. “Deception is but one of many tools for a ninja, so my puppets have surprises. So tell me “sensei” were you surprised?”


Naruto didn’t respond to his words. He didn’t care what some traitor had to say, he had pushed Mizuki’s buttons and now he was attacking blind. He took a deep breath before weaving a flurry of hand signs. “Puppet Art Hurricane Shield!” The guardian puppet crossed his arms, and the barrier took a violent turn, the wind chakra that made the barrier became wild and scary. It was exactly like charging at a hurricane. Mizuki fell into Naruto’s trap, he slashed at the barrier, and his chakra was shredded, his sword was sliced apart by the raging winds. With his momentum he couldn’t stop as his hand and half his arm got into the danger zone. The wind chakra tore through his flesh and bone, even severing his chakra system.

Iruka couldn’t believe his eyes, such an advanced and powerful technique. Normally this technique was a double edged sword for a wind nature user. To use it effectively you had to get in close, which put your own body at risk. ‘Through puppetry he’s able to properly adjust and control the chakra flow and keep his physical body safe.’

Mizuki screamed. He was able to push away at the last second, so he didn’t lose his whole arm or worse. He writhed in agony, his arm was done. Both muscle tissue and chakra system were severed. He’d never be able to use that arm again, let alone form hand signs. The man was in PAIN, in so much agony he couldn’t even form words.

Kiba couldn’t believe his eyes, he had followed Naruto here and had witnessed everything, heard everything. ‘Naruto’s amazing! These are his puppets? So cool!’ He made the mistake of shifting ever so closely. Snap! ‘Oh crap!’

Mizuki whipped his head in his direction. His eyes were bloodshot from the pain and the rage. He moved with pure adrenaline, he caught Kiba faster than he could get away. He had size on him and a very sharp kunai at his throat. “Move and you die!”

“Kiba…” Naruto gasped.

“Let him go Mizuki!” Iruka shouted.

“I don’t think so, I got nothing left to live for now. So unless you want to see this little bitch choke on his own blood, drop the barrier!”

“Don’t do it Naruto, he’s fucking crazy!” Akamaru yipped at his feet and Mizuki kicked him away. “Akamaru!” The dog was okay, running off to get help.

“Don’t even think about it!” He cut Kiba’s neck, just a nick, but it made his blood run cold. “Now Naruto!”

“You idiot, Naruto’s not gonna give up just for me.”

Naruto moved his fingers, the puppet’s arms shifted and the barrier was dropped. “Let him go Mizuki!”

‘Naruto...no what are you doing?’ His eyes widened. ‘Why, he wants to kill you, he’s a traitor and he’s just gonna kill me anyway?’ His eyes began to well up with tears.

“Come over here, hands behind your back.” Naruto obeyed putting his hands behind his back and stepping forward.

“Just don’t hurt Kiba.”

“I don’t want him, I need to make you pay for what you did to me. Once I kill you I’m out of here.”

“Kiba...do you trust me?” He asked.

“Don’t even think about it!”

Naruto’s look repeated the question, and Kiba gulped. “I trust you!” Naruto immediately wove hand signs behind his back. Chakra strings connected to Shido tightened.

“You’re dead!” Mizuki went to slice his throat, with only one arm he needed to get momentum to cut through his neck. He didn’t even see the third puppet move. It vanished in a swirl of wind and in a flash, Mizuki’s hand went flying, the kunai hitting the ground.

“Puppet Step: Cyclone Slash!” His arm was severed in 3 places, the wrist, the elbow, and the shoulder. Archa gave one final shot hitting Mizuki right against the hitai-ate it cracked and he was down. Either from the blow to the head or just the overwhelming pain. He had no arms. His eyes were whited out.

Naruto relaxed, it was over. He returned his puppets to the scroll and ran over to Kiba. The dog nin was in shock, a nick on his throat but okay. Naruto hugged him. “Thank you for trusting me!” Naruto said, his cheeks red.

Kiba came out of shock and hugged Naruto back. “Thank me? Thank you….you saved my life!”

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief. “Naruto...you were amazing!”

“I got lucky, Mizuki was mad with rage and pain. It could have gone badly.”

Iruka came forward and ruffled his hair. “You got the job done, and protected both of us. Take the win Naruto. You’ve proven today you are worthy to be a ninja.” Iruka gave Naruto his hitai-ate. “You’ve earned this, I’m sorry for not believing in you!”

“You mean...I pass!?” Iruka smiled.

“You passed!” Naruto cheered and danced around.

‘So Naruto’s a genin, that means we can be on the same team.’ Kiba felt his heart flutter.

Kiba’s family arrived along with a ton of Anbu level ninja. There were so many questions, and Iruka had the answers. Mizuki was a traitor and arrested and Naruto was cleared of all charges and accepted as Genin. Tsume kicked Mizuki in the balls for threatening her son, it was too bad he was out cause from that kick he’d never be having children after that. She hugged Naruto and thanked him for saving her son. “He always gets into trouble, he needs a good man to get him out of trouble!”

“Mom...come on!” Kiba blushed.

Naruto chuckled. This was a crazy test run, but he wasn’t gonna stop he was gonna keep making puppets and become the world’s best!

To be continued


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