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DBZ parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

AN hey guys my new editing program kinda messed up the text a bit, working on fixing it. Did my best this time, I couldn't do much without having to rewrite this chapter from scratch and that never ends well. I hope its not too bad, it's a process and I hope its not awful, looked weird to me....I'm not sure if its okay please let me know will keep fiddling with this program in the meantime. 

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Rumble in the City
Kakarot marveled at all the life and activity the city held. “This is nothing like being on the Kai Planet. Is it similar to what our world was like?” He asked as Cumber finished off his treat.
“No such delicacies existed, and the streets were dirtier, the people were rougher...but still...I wonder if the Saiyans could have lived like this?”
“Maybe they can, there is a chance we are not the last. The universe is so vast it's divided into quadrants by the gods. Even if there’s not, we are still here.”
“You are all I need,” Cumber said with a smirk.
“Such a charmer!” Kakarot kissed his cheek and their tails coiled together. Their future together was so vast and full of possibilities. The idea of the dragon balls was tempting, they could wish the Saiyans back their people. It was a difficult choice in the end, but one they could figure out in time.
Suddenly an armored car tore through the park gates, followed by two other cars. There were two men in each car. In the armored car was the Boss, armed with a shotgun. Car A and B tore up the grass as the men got out, packing some serious weaponry. The Boss was named Bege, and he’s been working in the shadows for a long time, he mostly dealt with arms and drug smuggling. He was a guy known for calculation and risks, never taking on a job or order too big or too risky. So while his competitors met with hardship after hardship, his crime empire was booming.
Kakarot and Cumber had no idea about any of this, nor would they care. They were just packing serious money so Bege planned to rob them and potentially ransom them off. The world was vast, and while certain currencies don’t stack well to others, gold always had value. With how much dough these two were tossing around they had to come from somewhere fancy. Bege could smell a payday, one that would advance his empire to play with the big boys.
The civilians ran for it at the sight of the mobsters, while Kakarot and Cumber remained where they were. “Hm?” Kakarot blinked. “You sure caused a ruckus, do you have business here?”
“You boys sure seem calm.” Bege took a drag on his cigar. “We have business with you in fact.” His men aimed their guns at him.
“They seem to be holding some form of weapon, though I can’t sense any power or energy from them.” Cumber pointed out.
“You don’t know what guns are, what kind of backwater hicks are you guys?”
“Guns huh?” He checked Shin’s guide. “They seem similar to the weapons used by the Galaxy Police.” Though less advanced.
“Hand over your money, and we won’t have to hurt you!” Bege said and the goons chuckled.
“Oh, you want this, here you go.” Kakarot tossed them a bag of gold.
“Holy shit!”
“No way!”
‘Holy hell, if these fools are just handing out gold like this, they must have some deep pockets. We can milk these cash cows till they are dry!’ Blinded by greed, he failed to account for the strange atmosphere these two presented.
“Give the rich boys a warning shot Mugsy, put the fear of God into them!” One of the goons, Mugsy, a larger man pulled out a pretty small pistol and fired.
Cumber may not have known what a gun was, or what it fired, but these idiots shot at Kakarot. He backhanded the bullet, sending it flying with such force it penetrated the armored vehicle and blew up their engine. The driver bolted from the car. “You worms!” Cumber’s aura flared, rising into the sky like a pillar. “You dare try to harm my Kakarot!?”
“Easy Cumber, I don’t think their weapons can actually harm us.” Cumber calmed down but continued to growl at the men.
“You freaks, you wanna die?” His other goons pulled out weapons with a bit more firepower. “Get the big one, we’ll keep the little one alive.” A barrage of bullets was fired as the guns did their thing. Casings pelted the ground, as three goons went nuts, emptying their clips. When the dust settled Cumber was completely unharmed.
“Hmm, you are correct, it's like being poked by insects, annoying…” He brushed himself off.
“No way!” Bege fired his shotgun at Kakarot. The force did knock the Saiyan god back, but he bounced back. He did a little flip like it was nothing and he was back on his feet. “You gotta be kidding me!”
“That one has some force to it.”
“You okay?” Cumber asked, concern overtaking his rage.
“Yeah, all good.” He looked at the men, who were now sweating bullets. “We done here?” Kakarot crossed his arms. These guys were weak, not even getting the Saiyan an inkling to fight. Even at base power, he’d crush these guys, they’d be lucky to survive winding up in full-body casts.
The men tried to reload, but Kakarot had enough of those toys. His eyes glowed and bang, the guns were destroyed in a flash. Mugsy ran behind the armored vehicle and got out a flamethrower. “I got this boss!”
“Do it Mugsy roast these bitches alive!” It was too late now. Bege had poked the bears. The fight or flight instinct was crushed. Cumber’s intimidation made any idea of flight seem impossible. He had the glare that swore he would chase you till the ends of the Earth, and make you suffer. Fight was their only option. Mugsy fired and a stream of flame was launched at the two. It was some heavy artillery, but compared to the Saiyans and ki, it was a joke. Using their ki they were able to shield themselves from the flames.
“A weapon that harnesses the element of fire could be interesting,” Cumber said.
“But it lacks any impact behind it, no magic or ki to make the flames a real threat,” Kakarot said. There were a time flames could harm him, but since gaining divine ki, Kakarot and Cumber could bathe in a volcano if they wanted to. Had they not used ki to shield, their clothes would have been burned through.
Mugsy got mad. He dropped the flamethrower and cracked his knuckles. “I’ll smash you!” He charged at the two. Cumber flicked the man away, literally, with one flick he was sent flying back, landing hard with a couple of broken bones.
“These guys are monsters!” Bege cried out.
“We got this boss!” Two of the goons pulled out rocket launchers from the armored truck. “Die you monsters!” Bang Bang!
Kakarot took care of this with a kick and a chop, he sent the missiles flying back and blowing up their remaining get-away vehicles.
“You think you can mess with us you freaks!” Bege was freaking out. He was facing the unknown, with powers that surpassed his knowledge. Even martial artists had to fear guns, flamethrowers, and rocket launchers right?
“Mess with you? You attacked us!” Kakarot snapped.
“Can I kill them now!” Cumber asked.
“Hmm, maybe, probably should have asked Kami about this.” He crossed his arms and thought hard. “Hmm, you guys wouldn’t be willing to give up and change your ways now would you?”
Bege laughed. ‘No way am I giving up, but I gotta survive.’ He looked to his men. “Boys use everything in the truck, even if it won’t kill these guys it should slow them down.” With the fight option crumbling to dust, Bege reverted to the survival instinct, combining both fight and flight.
Kakarot didn’t even give them a chance, he fired a ki blast. It blew up the truck and all of their weapons.
The answer to their problem came swift as all the explosions drew police. The sirens raged as the police surrounded the park. With their getaway vehicles wrecked. Bege and his group had nowhere to run. “Shit!” The police arrested Bege and the goons.
“We don’t know how you did it, but thanks to you guys Bege and his men will be behind bars.”
“It’s simple we were just stronger than them,” Cumber said.
“Uhh right…” Cumber was intimidating. “Thanks for your help!” He saluted.
“You think this is over, I’ll get out, my organization will hunt you down!” Bege shouted. Cumber glared at him and snarled, sending a cold chill down the man’s spine. The look in Cumber’s eyes said it all, DEATH!
“What will you do with him?” Kakarot asked.
“He’ll be sent to jail, and being caught red-handed in all this means he’ll serve a long sentence. He does lead a pretty nasty group. We’ll question him, but we probably won’t get anything out of him.”
“Use this.” Kakarot created a crown-like ring, he infused it with the power of truth. “This will compel him to speak the truth and only the truth. You’ll get all the answers you seek.”
“O...Okay…” The officer took the ring, and it glowed. “I don’t think this will work.” He blushed and Kakarot chuckled. He was compelled to speak his truth, even if it was laced with doubt. “Thank you!” Magic was well known in this world, while rare, it wasn’t THAT strange. The cop was impressed and suggested that the force was always looking for powerhouses to help stop bad guys.
Kakarot turned him down gently, while Cumber let out a flat no. They had a job, instead of looking after a small city, they had a whole quadrant to look after.
The fall of Bege’s empire would come and go, but shake up the criminal underworld. Someone as careful as Bege being brought down, had some groups talking. Plus Bege had dealt with major players, moving guns for them specifically, now those deals were broken which could force some timetables to be upped.
Bulma Briefs got word of the madness in the city. Her dad was a big deal as Brief Industries gave the world its greatest advancements. From household inventions to capsule houses and machines, and even space travel, her family was at the heart of all of it. Bulma was the adventurous type, taking after her dad in the brains department and taking after her mother in the looks department. She certainly wanted to be in the know.
So when news of two mysterious men brought down Bege, it got her curious. It was all anyone was talking about, the two had caused quite a commotion. She drove down and doing a bit of detective work she figured out what was happening. ‘Whoever these guys are, they're loaded and strong.’ She got a mischievous look in her eyes. ‘If one of them is hot, we just may have boyfriend material.’
“Criminals are people who perpetrate crimes and break the mortal law. Laws and reasons vary from planet to planet, while reasons fall to the individual.” Kakarot read. “It seems like those guys were bad guys, but I don’t know what they wanted from us.” There were notes on galactic law, from the galactic police but that may not have applied here, it did hold a list of crimes that Kakarot referenced. “There is so much about this world we do not know.”
“Hmm,” a lot of this went over his head. Even Kakarot was finding it complicated.
“I think we should go case by case basis. We should get a guide to help figure out how things work.”
“When we make our world, we’ll keep the rules simple.” Kakarot chuckled.
“Yeah, simple works best for us.” He was very proud of Cumber, he could have slaughtered them all, but he showed restraint and patience. He kissed the man on his cheek.
“What was that for?”
“Because you are great.” Cumber blushed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
To be continued...Bulma’s Wish!


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