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Reincarnated as Slime parody: patreon request

Chapter 23 

Chapter 24 Orc Disaster Rise

Gelmud was furious, all of his plans were crumbling. “What is going on in this forest?” Hobgoblins, Goblin Shamans, Kijin, Dire Wolves, all united and working with the Lizards.

“What are we gonna do Lord Gelmud? Things seem to be spiraling out of control.” Laplace said.

“I know that you fool!” He snapped. “It’s not over, I still have the Orc Lord, his evolution into the Orc Disaster would set things right!”

“Brilliant, you are so smart Lord Gelmud!” Laplace said, dancing about.

“What are you two scheming in my forest?” Treyni appeared.

“Who the hell are you?” Gelmud asked.

“This isn’t good, she’s a dryad!” Even Laplace was on edge. “Someone troublesome has appeared.

“You are not welcome in this forest!” She smiled. “If you tell me what you two are planning I may show you mercy.”

“Sorry Lady, but it's my job to keep secrets.” He made a shush gesture.

“Then…” She summoned a superior wind spirit. “There’s no point talking to you then, you both shall be punished for disturbing the peace of the forest!”


“Aerial Blade!” The wind spirit sang and even as a barrier was erected to shield Gelmud, the air pierced through the magic and sliced off Laplace’s arm.

“How scary!” Laplace said, seemingly unaffected by the loss of limb. “We don’t have time to play with you, the game is almost over.” He conjured up some strange orbs and boom!

Black smoke filled the air and while the wind spirit shielded Treyni, it was nothing more than a cover. The two were gone. “They got away, Rimuru...please you must stop the Orc Disaster from rising!”


The Kijin were raising hell. Souei rejoined the group and was getting in on the action as the former Ogres got their revenge on the pigs that slaughtered their village and trampled on their pride. Though anger was only one emotion…

There was also joy!

The joy of serving under Lord Rimuru the Slime Lord. Going to battle for someone so strong and great filled them with an indescribable sensation. He gave them a chance to not only get revenge but to be his sword and achieve victory in his name.

Benimaru conjured black flames and unleashed them on the orcs. Explosions danced across the battlefield as the orcs were reduced to ash. “Did you not hear me…? I said get out of our way, or I’ll burn you to ash!” His expression was wild and kinda hot. An ogre enjoyed a good battle, for a Kijin...well Benimaru was hard as a rock right now.

A cloaked Orc watched the battlefield. “Looks like someone strong has appeared...majesty?” The Orc Lord stood still even as his people were getting wrecked by the Kijin.

“I’m hungry...anything is fine...just get me food…”


The fight wasn’t over. “Gabiru, stay focused, now that the Kijin are charging in, we can fight the Orcs on both sides,” Ranga said.

“R-Right!” Gabiru along with the lizardmen and goblin riders charged in and attacked the orcs. Ranga was doing his best to conserve magicules and used his incredible speed and claws to rend the orcs asunder.

The Goblin Riders ganged up on orcs, the wolves attacking their legs, with the goblins using their weapons to go for the throat or vital spots.


An orc attacked Benimaru with a chain scythe, Benimaru dodged it. He deflected the bladed side easily enough. “Now I got you!” The orc cheered as he sent the chain side and got it to wrap around Benimaru’s arm and sword. “Now I eat you!”

Benimaru smirked.

“Ugh... it's hot!” Flames appeared around Benimaru’s arm, they were channeled through the chain and roasted the orc alive before the chain itself melted.

“We should leave the weaker ones to Ranga and the Goblin Riders. I want to fight an Orc General!”

Hakurou laughed. “Do not get over-excited young master. This will be Rimuru-sama’s first magnificent victory in war!” He blocked an Orc’s sword and soon sliced him to ribbons. “We must show our lord our skills and strengths, to hold back would disgrace his victory.”

“You are right!” Benimaru blasted a group of orcs. “For Rimuru-sama’s glory. Let’s crush these pigs!” The words just got him more excited, Rimuru was watching. He was gonna put on a show.

“Well said!” Hakurou rushed through a crowd of orcs, slashing away at them, and decapitated the whole group. Benimaru followed up with black flames so the orcs couldn’t eat the corpses.

“My turn!” Some orcs charged at Shion and she unleashed a mighty swing sending a slash of energy tearing through the battlefield, anyone caught up in the path was sliced in two. Those not in the direct path were blown away by the shock waves. “I did it Lord Rimuru!” She called waving at him.

‘Man these guys are strong, I hope they’ll stay with us. Benimaru, Souei, and Kurobe are all hot and sexy wouldn’t mind having them in my harem!’ Hakurou kinda scares him, though they're still was charming distinguished gray.

Souei was using his threads and ripping orcs apart left and right. He sliced through their weapons and even used his swords to slice off some heads. It soon was becoming a game to see who could kill the most orcs. Benimaru could see Souei was just as turned on as he was.

Normally after a grand battle, there was a feast in the ogre village followed by a grand orgy. Benimaru may have been a warrior but had not gotten to experience that custom, first hand. As they fought in the backs of their minds, they couldn’t help but imagine being rewarded by Rimuru in that special way. For Hakurou, this was bringing back glorious memories. He felt like a young ogre again.

The battlefield was getting wild. Rimuru was watching it all.

Benimaru and Hakurou were a combo forged in blood. Hakurou had centuries of experience and tactics under his belt. Benimaru was taking charge of the battlefield leading them like generals. The Orc army was losing ground.


Gelmud was losing his mind, he smashed his last crystal ball and took off. “This is bad...if my plan fails...I’ll be the one dead!” He flew towards the battlefield. He wasn’t supposed to interfere but drastic times called for drastic measures.


Meanwhile, the man Gelmud feared was hosting a familiar guest. “It’s not like you to lose an arm, you are usually more careful Laplace.” The clown was back and with both arms.

“It seems Gelmud is taking action, the last act of the show is drawing in.”

“He’s certainly played his part...and the Orc Lord?”

“Not evolved yet but I have a feeling it’ll happen soon.” He revealed a crystal ball. “Let’s pop some drinks and watch the show.”

“Hmm, Gelmud was put in charge of this. His plans lack elegance, I’m not sure if I’d be interested in a demon lord of HIS making.” He caught a glimpse of the orb. “I take back what I said, there is something interesting after all.”

Rimuru was in the orb. “Let the show begin!” He poured himself some wine and took a seat. This was the man was known as the Puppetmaster Demon Lord Clayman, and he now had his sights set on Rimuru Tempest.


Gelmud arrived on the battlefield like a bat out of hell. He was acting like a big shot, chastising Rimuru’s forces for interfering, Gabiru’s forces for not dying, and even the Orc Lord for not finishing these fools off and evolving into a demon lord. “You are useless, if you’d just evolve a greater demon like me wouldn’t have to get involved.” All this talk of plans and schemes.

‘A greater demon? This guy?’ The Orc Lord didn’t seem to understand the plan, what was driving him was hunger and instinct.

“Tch! You really are stupid!” He snapped. “All that power and no brains at all!”

Rigur was watching everything thanks to the help of a Lizard Shaman. His blood ran cold when he saw the man. ‘It’s him!’ He sent a thought transmission to Rimuru. ‘Rimuru, that man, he’s the one who named my brother, his name is…’

“Gelmud-sama!” Gabiru approached. “Have you came to help us?” He was the one who named Gabiru, Rigur the First, the Orc Lord, and the one who approached the Ogre’s village.

‘He’s the one behind all of this.’

“You idiot, why aren’t you dead?!” Gelmud snapped.


“I gave a total moron like you a name so you’d be better food for the Orc Lord, you serve no purpose if you’re still alive!” Gelmud snapped. “Of all the idiots and weaklings I’ve given names to, you are all just the main course for my ultimate creation Geld!” The ogres were pissed that their lives toyed with all for some stupid scheme thought up by demons.

Rimuru could feel Rigur’s rage with their bond. His brother was just another pawn, if the wolves hadn’t killed him the orcs would have. ‘Brother…’ Riguru was crying, and Rimuru felt his slime boil, his hand tightening into a fist.

“Become food for the Orc Lord!” He blasted Gabiru with magic, but his men shielded him with their bodies.

“No!” Gabiru wailed. His men were happy he was still alive but their life force was fading fast. “You said I had promise, that I could be strong like you.”

“Ugh, you can’t even die properly. What a fool! Death March Dance!” He released a barrage of red energy.

‘Enough!’ Rimuru got in the way, turning his hand to slime he gobbled up the attack like it was nothing.

“It’s you, the slime…”

“I’m a Slime Lord!” He smiled and gave Gabiru some potions. “Potions for your men.” Though he may be an idiot, he has heart. ‘I think I like you Gabiru.’ He thought.

“Oh thank you.” He gave them out to his men, the special potions pulling them back from the brink of death. “Amazing!”

Benimaru approached Gelmud. “It seems you are doing well.”


“Don’t remember me, I remember you. I didn’t like the scent of you and my father agreed. You had the air of deceit around you.”

“A wise choice as you seem to have evil intentions from the start,” Hakurou said. “We shall end you quickly and without mercy.”

“You...you don’t know who you are dealing with!” He unleashed some explosion magic, but the Oni dodged it easily. Benimaru charged through and sliced off one of Gelmud’s ears. “Agh my ear you bastard!” He was aiming for the head, but Gelmud had dodged.

“SHUT UP!” He snapped. “My father died so my sister and I could live on. Not just my father, my friends, my teachers, my people. Strong and proud, all of them, and you were the orchestrator behind their deaths. You want to complain about a damn ear?”

Gelmud healed his ear and got away from Benimaru. The oni looked ready to kill him. “No way the great Gelmud backed into a corner?”

Rimuru wanted to take action, but the Orc Lord while motionless was giving off a dangerous aura. What was catching him off guard was the cloaked Orc near the Orc Lord was somewhat stronger somehow? ‘Is it intelligence?’

Notice: The Orc Lord’s mind has been corroded, due to the effects of the skill Starved. He is currently in a state of confusion as his body tries to process.

‘In the end, this guy was just a puppet too, I feel bad for him. Maybe if we destroy the one pulling the strings…’ He was gonna leave it to the oni, but…

Gelmud tried to escape but Souei bound him in thread. “You bastards, you force me to use my trump card. Deadly Chorus!” His staff began to glow, and it released negative waves of magic. Souei’s threads were undone, and Rimuru’s side began to cover their ears. “Hahaha fools, now you lot are helpless. This spell disrupts my enemy’s flow, now I can shoot you down one by one and feed you to the Orc…”

“Water Blade!” Rimuru sliced through his staff. Great Sage shielded Rimuru from such a spell.

“...Lord…” Rimuru wasn’t smiling, he was calm. Riguru, The Oni, Gabiru, this demon had toyed with all of them. “What the heck are you?”

Punch! He was knocked back.

‘Ohh damn, he’s strong!’ He got up. “Now hold on maybe you can come work for me.” Punch! “Gah!”

Gelmud was knocked flat on his ass. He had a little tantrum before sitting up. “You are finished! He’s going to make you regret this!”

“Oh? Why don’t you tell me who “he” is?” Calm and natural intimidation. The oni watched in awe as Rimuru approached Gelmud so calm and so filled with rage.

“Gulp!” He wasn’t getting away. Rimuru conjured up threads, binding his arms, legs, and torso.

‘This is for Riguru!’ Gut Punch!

‘This is for his brother!’ Shoulder Punch!

‘This is for Rigurd!’ Chest Punch!

‘This is for Benimaru!’ Gut Punch!

‘This is for Shuna!’ Shoulder Punch!

‘This is for Souei!’ Gut Punch!

‘This is for Hakurou!’ Chest Punch!

‘This is for Kurobe!’ Gut Punch!

‘This is for Gabiru!’ Punch!

‘This is for the Ogres!’ Punch!

‘This is for the Lizardmen!’ Punch!

‘This is for the forest and the dryads!’ Punch!

‘And this is for all the damage and pain you and this army have caused.’ PUNCH! He broke Gelmud’s mask with that one. Every single body blow was heavy, Rimuru was sure to break a few bones with every hit.

“And this is for pissing me off!” With one final body blow, Gelmud was launched through his threads and towards the Orc Lord. Rimuru was thinking out loud, so everyone heard through thought transmission.

“Ugh Orc Lord, don’t just stand there, help me!”


“Ugh, so useless...wait...Geld help me Geld!” His name seemed to give him some sense back. He started to move. The oni took a defensive stance. “Hahaha, you fools are so dead, my Orc Lord will devour you all!”


Geld lopped off Gelmud’s head.

Notice: Gelmud’s life signs have ceased.

‘I can see that.’ Geld began to eat Gelmud, the oni tried to stop him but the cloaked orc had ordered troops to get in the way. They were cut down but served their purpose.

Attention: Orc Lord Geld will evolve into Orc Disaster!”

“The voice of the world?” Hakurou gasped.

Geld’s evolution shook the battlefield, no one could even get close as his power rose. “I am Orc Disaster, Demon Lord Geld!” He declared, his transformation made him thinner and more muscular, but the true danger was his corroded intellect was repaired. “And you are all my food!”

To be continued Slime Lord vs Orc Disaster!


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