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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Bull Demon Seed

Natsu is a demon from the book of Zeref, Zeref gave him the power of the bull a symbol of strength in hopes of making him stronger. Natsu's demon form is like a Minotaur, his curse is Milk of Man he can produce milk from his nipples, and his semen is potent and highly addicting. Hyper Grower Lactate Minotaur Natsu/Harem

Chapter 1 The Red Bull

Zeref wanted to bring his brother back to life. The Dark Dragon took his family and brother away, treating them as mere insects. ‘Weak...we are weak…’ Zeref cried, his precious brother lost to the destruction.

He spent the next several years studying magic. Zeref was considered a prodigy, but his research into bringing back the dead was seen as taboo. He ignored the warnings as he got closer and closer to finding a way to bring his brother back to life.

The warnings rang true as Zeref was cursed by the God of Death, he was given an immortal body. His love of life became a trigger for his curse of death. The people around him died, but Zeref continued his research. Now he had all the time in the world to work.

He secluded himself and perfected his research. He built a body for his brother a perfect copy. Zeref gave the boy his memories. “You are my first, Etherious Natsu Dragneel, brother!” He hugged the pod that contained his brother.

Zeref crafted the demon seed for his brother. He studied many creatures but the bull stood out as a symbol of strength. “You will be strong brother, with this strength, this demon body, you won’t be killed again.” Natsu was the first demon of Zeref, his book, E.N.D. so long as it existed his brother could be revived over and over. The book was everything his brother is and was, his memories and strength.

As much as he believed his brother was eternal, the Dark Dragon was still a threat. He wanted to bring that monster down, but in the meantime he wanted his brother safe. His brother had the demon seed and curse power, but he could learn magic.

Zeref found Igneel the Fire Dragon King, it was said Igneel went claw to claw with the Dark Dragon. He left Natsu with Igneel for training, while he searched for the Dark Dragon to bring him down. Igneel believed that a dragon slayer was the only way to bring down the Dark Dragon.

Igneel taught Natsu to read and write, and even taught him about magic. Though something strange occurred when Igneel taught him dragon slayer magic. Normally this magic created a Dragon Seed inside its host. Said seed would grow and bloom until the user would become a dragon in time.

This didn’t happen as the demon seed devoured the dragon seed. The magic was merged with the demon seed and it was the birth of a new power. Natsu took his demon form and it had evolved, he grew horns, he gained fur along his arms and lower half, he sprouted a bull tail. His fur was once black, but now it was a blazing red. Flames and heat radiated off this form, it was intense. ‘We did it, a dragon slaying demon!’

“We shall call it the Red Bull!”

Igneel continued to teach Natsu magic. As the Fire Dragon King he knew about all kinds of fire magic. With his new demon seed his flames and attacks could harm dragons so it was best to enhance his arsenal.


Then a certain day, in a certain month, on a certain year happened. Igneel was gone, leaving Natsu with nothing but his treasured scarf. He went looking for Igneel, but without clues, money, or a home to go to, he ended up going to a Magic Guild for help.

Makarov had no idea what Natsu was, but his transformation came as a surprise. ‘What on Earthland is that? Is it take over?’ No it wasn’t. Makarov could sense a strange power coming from Natsu. ‘It is possible he is the child of a monster and a human...though that is quite rare.’ The boy had fire magic in spades. The heat that radiated off his body was intense, in this form his power was almost terrifying.

“Igneel taught me!” Natsu said with a grin. “Nnn!”

“Something wrong?”

“My chest is just a little tight, I probably need to get my milk out.”


Natsu played with his chest, his nipples were quite large. He played with his nips and milk came out. Natsu sighed in relief. “Natsu are you part minotaur by any chance?”

“I don’t know, Igneel is my dad. There was someone...but I don’t...remember…” Images of his brother seemed to be so close only to vanish into the darkness. “But I’ve always been able to take this form, since as far as I can remember.”

‘Dragon + minotaur equals Natsu?’ Makarov tried to do the math but he had no idea if that was possible.

“Well you got some pretty interesting magic, how about you join the guild. You can make money, while looking for clues.”

“Sure!” He didn’t know what else to do or where to go.


Natsu had more to learn. Over the years he learned more about the world, he learned more about magic and control. He also needed a talk about the birds and the bees, Igneel had given him some insights into mating but he didn’t fully get it.

His curse power Milk of Man allowed him to produce tasty milk from his nipples. Not only delicious and nutritious, but could replenish one’s magic power. He could produce this stuff in either form.

He sold it to Fairy Tail, and it was the main drink of choice. The whole guild new what it was and new where it came from, it didn’t matter. There was a farm that raised cow men and their milk was delicious, but Natsu’s was better. Natsu was a major treasure for the guild.

As he got older his milk production produced ten fold. If he didn’t milk himself every day his chest would swell up and his nipples would become tender. There were days after long missions he’d stay at the guild just getting milked. The production reached the point they could even export to other guilds. It was a win-win, healthy milk extraction made Natsu feel good and benefited the guild.

Word spread and Natsu became a target for Dark Guilds. Though he didn’t need protection…


Natsu was having a sparring match with Gray Fullbuster an ice wizard. He is an Ice Make Wizard with a habit for stripping off his clothes. For some reason, Natsu and him butted heads often. “Today’s the day flame brain, I’m gonna kick your ass!”

“Dream on streaker!” Fire and ice clashed, but before they could launch their next attacks some wizards clad in purple robes jumped Natsu. “Hm?” He was bound in magic robes and lifted up by the group of wizards.

“We got him!”

“This is the guy who’s the source of the magic milk!”

“Now Purple Scorpion will be the greatest Dark Guild in the land!”

“Natsu!” Gray snapped. Two more dark wizards popped out and confronted Gray. They had magic swords.

“Don’t move Ice Wizard, we are taking your little friend!”

The group ran off with Natsu looking more confused than worried. “You have no idea who you are messing with!” Gray said with a chuckle.

“You think we can’t take you?” The two snapped taking a fighting stance.

“Well no, I’d mop both of you, but that’s not who I’m referring to.”



Huge blames burst in the distance. “What the hell?!” The flames poured deep into the sky making it seem like the sky itself was turning red.

“Help...he’s a monster!” One of the men ran out of the flames completely naked. A fire ball hit the guy and knocked him out. Natsu stepped out of the flames in all his minotaur glory.

He yawned. “These guys were so weak.” The group was beaten and left naked and some a little charred. Natsu’s baggy pants were now pulled tight against his thick furry legs, his hips and ass were so firm and tight. His crotch bulged from Natsu’s giant balls and impressive dick.

Natsu’s muscles swelled and he grew larger in his demon form. His six pack grew into an 8 pack, and his pecs grew from lean to beefy, his nipples getting even larger. His tiny horns of the past were now thick and strong. The tip of his bull tail was on fire. His hair grew wild and thick!

“Now you guys are in for it. Didn’t you know who he was?” Gray asked. The ice wizard marveled at the pinkette’s transformation, feeling his blood rush south.

“No way...you mean he’s…”

“The Red Bull of Fairy Tail!?” As Natsu approached the wizard’s clothes and magic weapons melted and soon turned to ash.

“You picked the wrong guy to mess with.” Gray’s clothes weren’t spared and soon he was naked, his hard cock pointing in the air. The nudity didn’t slow him down and he quickly froze the two idiots, who turned their backs to him.

In his demon form he was even bigger than Gray. “I transformed for these losers…” Natsu sighed. He played with his chest. “Is my milk really so valuable these idiots try to capture me?”

“It is, it’s the best!” Gray moaned. “Though I prefer the milk that comes from here.” Gray walked up to him and palmed Natsu’s bulge.

“We came here for a spar, but I think a fuck would be more fun!” Natsu said with a smirk.

Gray turned around and bent over, showing off his well fucked hole. “Yes please, fuck me Natsu-sama! Pound me with your big dick!” Gray only got like this when Natsu was in his demon form, when his curse power was stronger.

Natsu’s monstrous cock was released, reaching 24 inches in this form. Just seeing it had Gray’s hole throbbing. It kissed his entrance, pre-cum spilling into his ass and making his insides nice and wet. “Here we go!” He thrust home, filling Gray’s ass and making his stomach bulge.

“YES!” Gray drooled.

Natsu went wild, fucking like a wild bull in heat, his massive balls clapping against Gray’s sending an extra shock of pleasure through his crotch. “Gray...my mate...so tight...fuck!”

“Yes Natsu fuck me, breed me!” The dark guild members came to, but didn’t dare mess with their love making. They didn’t get away as Natsu trapped them in a cage of fire.

“Just wait there, we’ll turn you in after I’m done with my mate here!” Natsu growled. He fucked Gray for 3 straight hours! The ice wizard cumming 4 times, once even while soft. The heat Natsu gave off made the essence vanish.

Natsu came hard and flooded Gray’s insides, making his stomach balloon. “Oh yes breed me!” He moaned and drooled. His orgasm lasted for several minutes.

He sighed and reverted back to human form. His dick shrinking down to a still impressive 16 inches. He was still hard but was able to tuck himself back into his pants. “Let’s go turn these guys in!”

“Yeah just give me a bit.” He rubbed his swollen belly. His ass was still gaping, with cum leaking out. Natsu smirked.

“Flame Carpet!” He was able to lift Gray up and carry him, along with the captured wizards.

The ice wizard had gotten a taste of his semen before, it was amazing! His body evolved to handle the demons monstrous dick and after he got a taste of that there was no going back. His body would break down the semen inside, and his magic power would no doubt get a huge surge.

He was one of Natsu’s mates. They had an odd relationship. They pushed each other to get stronger, and though they bickered and butted heads, at the end of the day they loved each other. They’d split the bounty on these idiots, and head back to the guild.

This was a Fairy Tail secret. Natsu needed a talk cause his curse effected his other milk. He had the biggest balls in Fairy Tail, and if he didn’t release they’d get bigger and he’d get this annoying itch. This milk wasn’t for sale, despite the effect it had on wizards. It could enhance and evolve the human body and it could increase a wizard’s potential power.

If not for the addictive nature of it, it could be mass produced. Zeref wanted Natsu to be surrounded by love and never lose a loved one. So his lovers would gain strength when they mated. Natsu reserved it for his mates and his mates alone. It was a good thing Igneel taught him about harems…

To be continued


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