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Bleach parody: patreon reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Nue At the Market

Renji’s wardrobe was limited. He preferred to be naked around the house. Which, while a treat for the eyes, Ichigo got him some nice work clothes, and he even used his mother's old sewing kit to make a tail hole for Renji. The work pants were tight at the waist but baggy along the hips and legs so they could breathe, but tight on the ankles. Despite how they sounded, they were quite comfortable and easy to work in. Renji would either go shirtless or wear a vest.

Ichigo didn’t know but the clothes he gave to Renji were treated as an important gift. For a Nue any gift or offering was sacred. Though he preferred a naturalist lifestyle he’d wear anything Ichigo bought, made, or altered for him.

Since they were going into town, he’d need something more. He got some jeans and suspenders, using his mother’s sewing kit he was able to let out areas to make things comfortable for Renji. ‘Renji would look good in some overalls, but my pair wouldn’t fit him.’

Ichigo frowned. ‘If I had more spending cash I could get Renji some nicer clothes instead of makeshift hand-me-downs.’ He smiled, it was nice to use his mother’s sewing kit. ‘He’d look good in a nice kimono, modern clothes don’t really suit him, I don’t think.’ He thinks.

“Hey Renji, I made you something to wear into town.”

“I’m ready!” Renji said he was standing proud in nothing but his fundoshi. He had a big grin on his face, he was pumped for their trip.

‘I can’t let him walk around town like that, he’d be labeled a pervert, or worse someone might try to do Kami knows what to him.’ Ichigo was blushing. Renji was just too sexy for words. Naked he looked so raw and natural, wearing a fundoshi made gave him a primal edge, but it still suited him.

“Do you think you can wear these?” He held up the jeans with suspenders. The jeans would be baggy as to not irritate his fur, and the suspenders would keep them supported while allowing his top half to breathe.

‘Another gift!’ Renji’s eyes sparkled, and he put on the trousers, adjusting the elastic over his shoulders.

‘His ass looks amazing!’ Ichigo thought. He mentally cursed himself for not letting out the back more, he did let out the crotch to ease Renji’s impressive manhood and balls.

“How do they look?” He asked.

“Awesome!” Ichigo said giving a thumbs up. The straps also shielded his nipples which made the outfit more erotic than intended. It showed off his broad shoulders, big pecs, and rock-hard abs. The straps complimented his markings.

Ichigo loaded his truck, with a small assortment of vegetables, fruits, eggs, and milk. “So we taking this stuff to market?”

“Yes, I finished the orders for this month, going to market is a necessity, and helps get us some extra cash.”

“How often does this market appear?”

“It happens every week, but filling orders come first. So I usually am only able to go once a month, but with your help was able to make a good turnover.” Renji blushed and felt a surge of happiness. They drove to the Farmer’s Market and got one of the walk-in places.

Not a prime spot, some farmers rented the prime spots year-round, but these guys had huge farms with employees and staff. Ichigo has been a one-man army so far. They got up early as a walk in spots go fast. “Oi Ichigo!” An older woman called. “Glad to see ya this weekend.”

“Ikumi-san, good to see you!” He shook her hand, only to get pulled in close. “Whoa!”

“Ichigo-kun, you are such a hard worker. You should come work for me full time. You got the spirit I look for in an employee!” She said, clearly impressed with his physique. “It’s not right you doing all this work all alone.”

“Are you eating, you looking a tad thin?” She ran her hand over his stomach.

Before Ichigo could respond he was pulled back. Zabimaru grabbed him from the back of his clothes and pulled him away from the woman’s reach. Renji had seen it, she was going in to for a feel-up! “Ichigo...who’s this?” Ikumi crossed her arms.

“Ikumi-san, this is Renji, he’s a Nue and I’m hosting him through the Exchange Program.” Ichigo introduced Renji. “Renji this is Ikumi-san, she oversees a lot of different businesses. She runs a health food store, which I’m one of the suppliers.”

Ikumi Unagiya was a take-charge woman, who wanted to improve the community for her son and the next generation. She tackled different jobs and gained all kinds of experiences. Her Odd Jobs business ruffled some feathers but she worked towards improving the community. She tackled failing and struggling businesses and found ways to turn them around or if the place wasn’t a good fit, she’d find a place in another city where the business would be better. She owned her own moving company and could flip houses. If Ichigo was a 1 man army this woman was a 1 woman horde. She worked with the best of the best, finding those with either the talent or the drive, and helped them tackle things and be productive. Her latest acquisition is one of the struggling Health Food Stores in town. She actually paid Ichigo pretty well compared to other contracts.

Renji didn’t like how close she was getting with Ichigo. He should be nice given the circumstances. “Oh ho, so you got yourself a monster boy, he’s quite handsome.” She eyed him up and down.

‘Big, strong, protective, handsome…’ she chuckled. “Is he working for you? With how protective he is I thought maybe he’s your boyfriend.” Renji and Ichigo both blushed. “You’ve got great taste.”

“I...he...we...Yuzu signed me up. He’s been helping out at the farm.”

“It’s about time you got some help. I’ve been offering for ages.” She looked to Renji. “You must have done something special to convince him.”

“I uh...umm...I just wanted to help!”

“Sure sure, well I must thank Yuzu the next time I see her, of course, she’d the one to break your stubborn streak.”

Ichigo sighed. “Like you’re any better when your son is involved.”

“He’s been asking about you by the way. He wants to visit the farm, to see you, but I told him you’re busy.” Ichigo used to babysit the kid when he was younger, but that was long before he took over the farm. “I’ll leave you, boys, to it.” She left to make her rounds.

They set up and even received cooling trays to help keep some of their products nice and fresh. Ichigo even got to set up a grill, he grilled some corn on it, putting them on plates. Soon the hustle and bustle of customers were coming. Renji was a bit nervous around other people, he tried to stay in the back and observe. He kept busy by minding the grill.

‘Ichigo is so charming, look at him smile. He’s always so focused when he’s working, he looks so calm here.’ He used the smell of the grilled corn to draw in new customers, they got a form of free sample, while getting to browse his wares.

His product was fresh, naturally grown, and absolutely delicious. ‘The land blesses Ichigo’s hard work, it feels his desires, it is touched by his love and care for it.’ The fruits of his labor were glorious.

The milk he offered and sold perfectly complimented the rich smokey flavor of the grilled corn. It showed the quality of his farm, so people were buying up their stock. “Renji can you bring some more grilled corn?”

“Yes!” Renji was careful gathering the order and bringing it up to the front. He had two plates in his hand and Zabimaru balancing another on his head.

He froze as there were gasps of shock. Humans were starring at him. “Ichigo...maybe I should stay out of sight.”

“Nonsense,” he brought Renji to the front, so everyone can see him. “Everyone this is Renji, he’s a great help to me, he’s my partner. I’m hosting him with the exchange program.” Renji blushed at the words.

“Oh my!” The crowd was chattering and murmuring. Thankfully Ikumi came back around, she vouched for the Nue which set minds at ease.

The women and even some men eyed Renji, admiring his muscles. Having a monster boy at the market was getting more and more common, but a Nue was pretty exotic. “Please enjoy our food!” He said with a bow.

“Yesss please enjoy!” Zabimaru spoke, earning more gasps. Some people took pictures, which Renji said was fine. He even got to socialize with some other monster boys. They really liked Ichigo’s food, and their host families were happy to purchase the food they enjoyed.

Centaurs said his vegetables and fruits were top tiers. Lamias and Nagas alike LOVED his eggs.

Ichigo cleaned house once again. His quality of stock was all sold out. He had to turn customers away, but not without directing them to stores that sold his goods. Ikumi was handing out business cards. His tip jar ran over, Ichigo could bring out more charm, and having Renji there was a plus.

Monsters were happy to support those that were supporting the exchange. So he got the extra business, and his quality hit home!

“This was great Ichigo, can we do this again next week?” He was helping put stuff away. Ikumi had brought over some seed samples to see if he can produce other high-quality products.

“We sure can try, if we work hard and fill our orders on time. Yeah!” He sorted the money. “Here!”

“Hmm, what’s this?”

“This is human currency. You can use it to pay for things.”

“But don’t you need it?”

“Well yeah, but you worked hard. You deserve to be paid for your work.” He didn’t have to pay rent and all other needs were covered by the program. Renji wanted to help, and Ichigo really wasn’t in the best situation to pay him, but he felt Renji deserved something.

“Yes but, I’m happy to be of help to you!”

“Yeah, so you deserve a reward.”

He looked to Zabimaru. “If I could ask for a reward, there is something I want.”

“Oh, sure what is…” Renji kissed him, Zabimaru coiled around his waist. Ichigo stuttered a bit after the kiss broke. “W-w-w-w-well that was wow.”

“If I’m to be rewarded for my help this is what I want.” He was too damn cute.

“That’s very sweet of you Renji, but this program is to help you learn about human society. A part of that society is money. I’ll talk to Kisuke and ask him if we can get you an account at the bank. We’ll deposit your wages in there, and if there is something else you want, to purchase then you’ll have money there.”

“Okay if you say so, but can I still get this as a reward?” he asked. Ichigo blushed.

“Yeah, sure!” So it was a deal. Renji smiled and hugged him.

The duo was packing up when a motorcycle revved up. “Oh no!” Ichigo facepalmed. “Not him!”

Their good day was about to turn a bit sour.

To be continued...Nue and the Rival


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