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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1

Wicked Anodite

Ben’s had it rough, caught in the shadow of his hero cousin. When he he’s gotten chances to be just as strong as his cousin Gwen always ruins it. He gets away of getting some power back, building it up over time. Good, Bad, he’d rather be Wicked.

Chapter 1

Ben was not happy. He was hoping this would be the best summer ever, but not only does he have to deal with his cousin Gwen. She gets a super cool alien device that allows her to turn into 1 of 10 aliens which she uses to do hero work. Ben always wanted to be a super hero, but Gwen gets the cool alien powers.

She was so smug about it too. Then Grandpa Max focused on her more, to help her gain control of her new abilities. He just felt like a Third Wheel. He even gave Gwen cool ideas on how to use her powers, which she did use but barely gave credit for.

Then they ran into a guy called Hex, and even Gwen was having trouble with him. With a bit of Tennyson Ingenuity, Ben was able to get one of the guy’s weird charms. It worked like a charm, Luck was on Ben’s side and he was able to bring down Hex. Gwen still took the credit.

Ben started using the charm to help out, much to Gwen’s annoyance. She wasn’t hiding the fact she couldn’t stand any competition. She was hyper competitive, Ben had his moments, but even he played games for the joy of the game. Gwen only played to win, she was a sour winner to.

Hex came back for his charm, and got a smack down. Ben managed to beat Hex even without the charms, but that didn’t stop Gwen from smashing all the Charms of Bezel. “Why did you do that?”

“Duh, clearly those charms are too dangerous! They are better off destroyed.”

“Isn’t that watch dangerous, does that mean it should be destroyed too?”

“Oh please, I’m very responsible, more responsible than you!”

“Hey, when I had that charm I was doing just fine. I can be responsible if given the chance.”

“That wasn’t responsible, that was luck!”

“Enough!” Max said. “Knock it off Gwen. As for you Ben there’s no use crying over spilled milk.”

“I’m not crying!”

“Seems like it to me!” Gwen sneered.


Ben had a whole costume as Lucky Boy, a dark green cloak with a hood, a stylish green and black mask. He changed his typical style for a black shirt and slacks. Since the run in with Hex Ben has been studying magic, at least what he could find.

Gwen thought it was a waste of time, telling him he should be studying for classes more than nonsense. By fate or by chance Ben did manage to run across another Charm of Bezel, this time it was the Key Stone. It could enhance the user’s abilities. With it now Ben was stronger, faster, more agile. It was great. He could finally be a hero, and he was putting the work in. “So awesome!”

His cousin didn’t think so. In her opinion she didn’t need any help, and Ben was getting in her way. She tried to get Grandpa Max to side with her on it, but Ben had an ace up his sleeve. “You let Gwen fight bad guys and do hero stuff. She has the omnitrix and I have this what’s the difference?”

Max didn’t have an answer, so he caved. He’d allow Ben to train, but he had to be careful. “I don’t need help Grandpa Max, I got brains, brawn, and talent!”

Turns out she was wrong as Hex was back with his niece Charmcaster in tow. The duo were after the Key Stone, while Gwen was at the mercy of the omnitrix. Ben was able to step up and take on Hex. She tried to take on Charmcaster, but the girl was packing some serious magic, conjuring stone creatures of all kinds.

Once Ben figured out they were after the Key Stone he lured them away from the pedestrians. Gwen was alone with Charmcaster who began to dish out some crocodile tears. She said her Uncle was crazy and forcing her to help him. She fell for Charmcaster’s trick, her ego made her believe that she could never fall for such tricks and deceptions.

Charmcaster said the Key Stone was too dangerous, and it had to be destroyed by magic before the eclipse. If her Uncle got it he’d be able to restore the other charms, and with Key Stone enhancing them and her uncle’s powers he’d be unstoppable. She stroked Gwen’s ego and won her over completely.

Ben sent Hex flying and got some applause. Gwen’s jealousy blinded her from what Charmcaster was really up to. Ben hit the showers, and Gwen went through Ben’s stuff. “Hey what are you doing?” Ben caught her red handed.

“This is too dangerous Ben, it has to be destroyed.” She turned into XLR8 and zipped past him. She took it from Ben and gave it to Charmcaster, who swiftly betrayed her. “You lied to me!”

“Duh, but I didn’t think it would be that easy. You got issues girl.” She left Gwen tied up, and was found later by her family.

Ben was furious, even Max was angry with her. They didn’t have time for this as the eclipse was beginning. Hex used the power of the Key Stone to restore the destroyed Charms. Max gave Ben a hover board and an alien weapon. “We’ll talk about this later!”

Gwen had a hard time fighting Hex but she did manage to get his staff away from him. Charmcaster blasted the both of them, disarming Gwen and both betraying and knocking out her Uncle. Charmcaster wanted power, and didn’t want to be in her Uncle’s shadow or under his thumb any longer.

Ben could respect that. He wasn’t gonna let her have her way though. He had destroyed some of her rock creatures with his blaster, but Charmcaster zapped it with magic and destroyed it. Ben grabbed Hex’s staff. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

“Oh Please, that only works in the hand of a Master Magician.”

Turns out she was wrong, it worked for Ben and he blasted her with the staff. The eclipse was almost over. Ben used the staff to bring the Charms to him, by magic he got some accessories. A fingerless glove the Key Stone became attached to, a long sleeve glove appeared on his left hand/arm and the charms became attached to it. As for Hex’s staff it turned into a sweet belt with a skull on it.

“You guys need a time out!” Using the Key Stone he zapped the two, draining their magic and returning it into the domain of magic. “Now we can hand them over to the police.”

“Ben we need to destroy those things.” Gwen said after reverting back to normal.

“You gotta be joking!” After everything she pulled today.

“Charmcaster said that stuff was dangerous, it’s too much power.”

“You mean the same Charmcaster who lied to you, betrayed you, her own family, and tried to kill us?” All excellent points.

” Max came over to him. Gwen had a moment of smugness thinking he was taking her side.

“You can’t be taking her side on this?”

“I’m not, I think you’ve more than earned the chance at using the Charms of Bezel. I do think the Key Stone should be stored away, at least until you are older. Sound fair?”

“Yeah...that’s fair.” He removed the glove with the Key Stone on it. Ben handed it over and Max had some tech to store it and hide it away for safe keeping.

“You can’t be serious. Ben isn’t responsible enough to

“That’s enough Gwen!” Max snapped at her. “You may have been doing a lot of good with that watch, but its given you a swelled head. You stole from your cousin, nearly putting the world in danger, and yet you find that he’s the irresponsible one?”


“Gwendolyn you are grounded.”

“Grounded! What about the Omnitrix?” Max had that covered. He put a special cuff on it, it would cut off the signal so no one would be coming after it. Gwen wouldn’t be using it any time soon.

Ben was actually quite pleased. He was done being in his cousin’s shadow. Her ego finally got her into trouble. She didn’t want to believe Ben could be just as clever, just as good, just as skilled as her. She didn’t think anyone could outsmart her, had she stopped and thought for a second she wouldn’t have fallen for Charmcaster’s nonsense.

She didn’t wanna believe Ben deserved to be a hero. In her mind she was a good girl, so responsible, so perfect! She couldn’t possibly have done anything wrong here. Charmcaster was a bad girl, lying, cheating, only out for herself. Ben didn’t know what her reasons were, but he felt bad for her.

Magic was all about the misdirection. Good...Bad
Ben would rather be Wicked.

To be continued


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