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Young Justice Parodies: Ideas

Young Justice

Hand of Clay

Sequel to Hand of Terror – A mission to go after Clayface becomes more trouble when feelings and relationships are revealed Aqualad must handle things. Clayface gets back to the cave and starts trying to take out the team one by one. His shapeshifting tests relationships.

YJ Advanced

Rewrite of the YJ series: Robin is close to becoming Nightwing, has issues with Batman’s secrets and methods. Superboy has strange abilities. The team is changed up, new adventures are had and romances are formed.

Lost Files: Chaos Circus
The Team must infiltrate a circus in order to find and track down some mysterious objects that have been stolen. Batman believes the circus is either involved or simply being used to smuggle dangerous artifacts and tech to criminal elements. Robin struggles.

Lost Files: The Ring
Robin was not happy, not happy at all. As he, Megan, and Artemis go under cover at a fancy cruise liner where women have been disappearing. Because of certain reasons Robin isn’t happy about, he’s having to crossdress. Much to his annoyance, Wally’s enjoyment, and Superboy’s surprise.

Lost Files: Practice Date
Superboy is nervous about asking Megan out, so he asks Robin for help. He suggests a practice date. He can get the kinks out and practice what he wants to say and do with Megan. Superboy is shocked with how great Robin looks in a dress, it’s not his first time doing it. Over the course of their date, Superboy learns he doesn’t have a lot in common with Megan, and thinks he may have feelings for someone else.

Lost Files: Hat Trick
While on a mission to take down the Mad Hatter, something goes wrong and Robin gets his mind messed with. It’s like all his inhibitions are unleashed. He starts doing and trying new things, Megan tries to fix him, but since this current Robin wants this, to force it would break his mind. They gotta stop the Mad Hatter and bring him in to fix this mess.

Lost Files: Forget Me Not
Simon messed with their heads, memories were cleared away, fragments that not even Megan could get back. Robin seems normal enough but Superboy seems upset as they had started dating. Robin doesn’t remember, he doesn’t remember any of the romances going on.

Lost Files: Team Bonding
The Team isn’t a team yet, while some of them have training, they don’t have a good feel for each other. Since they have time between missions its suggested they work on their Team Building exercises.

Lost Files: Clipped Wings
Superboy’s rash actions led to Robin getting hurt. Despite having a broken arm he pushes through with adrenaline to complete the mission, but Robin is grounded. So is Superboy as he has to help take care of him.

Lost Files: The Cruise
The Team is going on a guys only mission, as the girls absolutely refused to go. This cruise line has had some disappearances so the Team is tasked with investigating turns out the reason why the girls opted out its a nude cruise. Beast Boy loves it!

Lost Files: Hero Hunter
One of the greatest hunters in the universe wants to hunt a hero. He’s a calculating alien, so before he takes on the justice league he captures the team at Mount Justice. Now the Young Heroes have to survive this alien psycho, dealing with traps, side effects, and being completely exposed.

Lost Files: Chaos Gamer
Klarion messes with the team, when in some down time they have a little game tournament. Klarion pulls them into the game world, the rules are simple play by the games rules, lose your three lives its game over. Can the team escape with their lives.

Lost Files: Perfect Man
A new villain is in town and she’s been giving out these strange flowers. They drain a man of his essence and its collected to create the perfect man. She decides to collect some heroes and the Team learns if she takes the essence of a hero it takes their powers too. The worst part is if the perfect man is born all those who were used in his creation will die.

Lost Files: Curse of Black Pearl
Aqualad asks the team for help, as a cursed object known as the Black Pearl is on the loose. It has strange powers not fully understood, supposedly it grants wishes for a terrible price. Once the wish is granted, the wisher becomes a slave to the pearl and works to create more.

Lost Files: Deadman’s Deal
Batman is keeping secrets from Robin, which proves to be a problem when a string of robberies is connected. Robin and the Team go to stop the bad guys only to find out its his Dad and Mom. Batman wants Robin off the case, but Robin is furious that Batman didn’t tell him his family’s graves were robbed. A magician of chaos is playing games using the dead as puppets, they think they’ll be allowed to return to their loved ones, but…

Lost Files: To Be Young
A villain gets a grand idea from Klarion banishing all the adults to another plane of existence. This villain has gathered other young villains and is causing all kinds of trouble. The Team Steps up doing their best to keep it together until the spell can be reversed.

Cursed Ink
Robin had done a mission in Japan with Batman, there they encountered a cursed man with living ink. They defeated him, but the curse could not be destroyed only passed on from person to person. Robin makes the sacrifice and gains some strange powers. He can now make weapons and creatures out of ink, and he has a living ink body suit.

The Light has made contact with a certain man and received Mutagen. They test it out, Robin protects the team, but is mutated. If he isn’t changed back in a week the changes will be permanent. Naga Robin/Harem

Young Lanterns

The guardians have foreseen great strife in the universe, Will alone would not be enough. Even the red lanterns have sensed this terror and have signed a truce with the guardians. A new generation of lanterns must be gathered where this disturbance is building, so the guardians contact the justice league and they have some youths capable of bonding with the rings. Dick/Harem

Beetle Queen
Blue Beetle while under the reach control tries to infect one of the Team with the Queen Scarab. There are some concerns as the Queen is very difficult to control but since they can make new scarabs its seen as a necessary. Most are not a match until its attached to Nightwing. Bottom Nightwing/Harem

New Heroes
The Justice League decided to open up a school for heroes, to train them, help them get control of their abilities. It’s also the perfect place to learn to connect and work with others. Damian feels like he’s being punished being sent here. Nightwing is also coming as a teacher.

Flown Out

Dick was the leader of the titans, when he left things began to fall apart, some joined the league but it wasn’t the same. Beast Boy goes to find him, a new team was needed to be formed. Nightwing/BB/Blue/Superboy/Geo Force

Titan League

Nightwing is leading a new team, Batman calls him in to help train the next generation of heroes. He says he's not doing it for Bruce he's doing it for them. Superboy, Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, and Static are nervous, excited, and upon meeting their mentor horny. The Justice League wants to bring in and train new heroes, what better way to bring down gods than with titans.


Dick had joined the titans when he was younger, so he had experience leading a team, he had met the others Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Speedy through these connections. When he left Batman he also left the titans. They bump into each other at the Cadmus facility and things get a little wild from there on.

Reforming the Titans

Nightwing used to be a titan, he made friends but the justice league shut them down, saying they weren’t ready and when they were they would join the Justice League officially. Nightwing had heard that before so he left, honing his skills, and then Batman needed a team, needed him to come back and reform the titans. Nightwing/Batman/Harem

Meta Gene

Nightwing is captured by the meta teen traffickers, he was experimented on. He had been going in alone and got overwhelmed by some mind controlled meta humans. He escaped the facility thanks to his new powers, but what happened to him caused him to seek a team again.

Coming Out of Retirement

Nightwing retired from the team along with a few others, Superboy, Beast Boy, and a few others hung up their cape. Still needing to make money Dick went back to the circus, the others coming with him. Kid Flash’s death shook him, but what happens when a familiar face shows up saying to come back into the game.

Daddy Nightwing

Nightwing often runs a team, he trains them, hones them, looks after them. When he’s gone Wally is in charge, after the incident he lost his powers but he survived. He sometimes goes off on missions for Batman but when he’s back, its daddy’s home all the way. Nightwing/Wally/Beast Boy/Robin/Blue Beetle

Den Mother
When the Team is founded, Tim, Superboy, Kid Flash, Beast Boy, and Aqualad were expecting a member of the Justice League tasked with “babysitting them” their joy that it’s Nightwing reaches new heights. He’s moving in and plans to get them into shape, he knows they are skilled but he’s gonna make them a team. Switcher Nightwing

Round Table

Nightwing sets up a team of his own, he’s been doing the research, he’s gathered a team to work outside the league, to take on those that are teaming up against Justice. Their first mission is to explore Cadmus. He’s got the experience, he’s got the training, and he’s got one thing...he’s not Batman!

Chaos Wolf

Nightwing has gone missing, he’s off comm, off grid, even Batman can’t find him. So there are a lot of worried heroes, Superboy has gone cross country trying to find him, but Nightwing didn’t want to be found, he was cursed by Klarion and made into a werewolf. Knot Furry

Robin ½

There are a lot of old and ancient magics in the world. The lazarus pit could be considered one of them. Many years ago there were magical springs that cursed those that fall in. Fate disposed of those springs, purifying them. Klarion held onto some cursed water but he doesn’t know what kind he has. Hentai/Yaoi Mix

Nightwing’s Fate

Nightwing makes a sacrifice to help Zatanna, giving up his body for Fate. It turns out Nightwing has a latent potential for magic, had he not faced tragedy and his fate changed he could have been a magician. He takes on the roll of fate, he’s able to live his life semi normally. Nightwing/Constantine/Harem

Magic and Mystery

Batman is dating Constantine, this leads to some mixed teachings for Dick Grayson. Things are always strange in the bat cave, when Batman forms an off book team Nightwing leads with Constantine’s support. The two couldn’t make it work, which leads Dick to believe its not possible for heroes to fall in love, Constantine believes different.

Dick’s Life with Monster Boys

Dick Grayson had it rough, he had signed up for the inter species exchange what he got was an overworked rep, who often sits Dick with a lot of tough cases. Superboy the lamia, Kaldur the merman, Wally the centaur, among many others. John just loves to pass his work onto him.


The team was going out on a mission when a sudden space ship swoops in and abducts them for experimentation and study. What are they studying...the mating habits of humans. Apparently this race of aliens has done this on several planets, can the boys survive this abduction or the after effects.


An alien race was wiped out by Apocolypse, so they take a swarm of pods and go to earth to help keep his race alive. The pods drop, creatures are let loose and bodies change. They find the one who did this but with his final words humanity accepts the new life they’ve been given. Hypersexuals Rule 63 Cock Hugger Cock Tail

Alien Souvenir

On their first big time space mission Kid Flash finds a strange pod. He did a scan and the scan wasn’t able to detect any life signs. Turns out, until the pod opens the creature isn’t seen alive. It escapes and begins to change the Team. Cock Hugger Hyper

Reach Plot

The Reach has the Blue Scarab plant some unique alien eggs in the base. They want to distract the heroes, and nothing is a better distraction than hormones, lust, and a little bit of confusion. The creatures hatch and begin to change the team one by one, the reach might be stopped but the effects are permanent. Cock Hugger, Cock Tail

Chaos Awakening
Klarion unleashes a terrifying creature of chaos. Harnessing the powers of lust, the creature goes wild. Even the light isn’t sure about this plan as creatures of chaos, these breeder crabs have no loyalty or sides. They fullfill their purpose, on heroes and villains alike. Cock Hugger Cock Tail

Chaos Lust

Klarion decides to work his magic on the team, nothing like messing with some hormones to spread a little chaos and a good distraction. The lust spreads feelings are tested, and things got hot and wild. Permanent Erection Double Pen

Super Match

Superboy is the hybrid of Lex Luthor and Superman, turns out he has a half brother, a pure clone of Superman, his thicker, beefier, and has anger issues. (DCU Superboy and Young Justice Superboy) The two share a mental link, which can make things awkward. Superman isn’t dealing, saying one is too dangerous, but Nightwing believes they both can be saved and helped.


Superboy is a lucky boy, he’s got not one not two, but four bird boys wanting him. After some convincing he decides to just become theirs and things go hot and fuzzy. Even his kryptonian stamina is pushed to the limit. Nightwing/Jason/Superboy/Tim/Damian

Lost and Found

Robin was the piece holding them together. He knew them, understood them, he loved them. Then after a mission Robin returns without his memories. Its all gone, he doesn’t remember the Team, Superboy, and even pieces of his life were splintered. Can they find Robin’s memories or be forced to let him go and live a normal life.

Broken Wing

Superboy is still struggling with the whole team thing, and after a moment of rage he accidentally injures Robin, breaking his arm. He’s grounded big time, and so is Superboy until Robin’s cast comes of. Things get wild when a strange being named Larry shows up to...help...his help makes things crazy. Oops.

Kaldur’s Harem

Aqualad loves, he loves hard, and he’s surrounded by adorable guys he wants. For an atlantean harems are normal, but how does he explain that to his friends and secret crushes. If given the chance he can show he’s got the equipment to satisfy multiple lovers. Two Dicks Kaldur/Harem

Farmer Conner

Conner runs a failing farm so he decides to register as a host family for monster boys. Things go a little crazy when he gets a pack of cow boys, literally. Each one is kinda wild if he’s gonna save his farm he’s gonna need their help.

Clone Wars

The Light has made a team of their own, with Match, a bunch of cloned soldiers are used to take on the Team. Not only do they have their skills, they have more advanced weapons, things aren’t looking good until Robin is nearly killed but he’s saved by Match!

Vampire’s Match

A vampire is loose in the city, attacking innocents. The Team was out on mission, when the vampire crossed their paths. They try to take it down to very little effect, thankfully before they could be killed Constantine saves them, but damage was done, Robin’s been bitten! Hypno Blood Control

Lust Curse

Superboy has been repressing his desires, turns out he’s been getting excited around the other guys. He’s been hiding it and been trying to put up walls. The person he confided in gave him shit advice, Klarion finds out and puts a spell on him, the more he represses his desires the more he grows. Hyper

Cursed Mark

After a fight with Klarion, Superboy gets a strange mark placed above his ass. The mark responds to Superboy’s dream and he grows a very phallic tail. It claims his ass, and the noise draws in a the others and one by one, the curse mark spreads like a virus.

Megan’s Unusual Yaoi Dreams

Megan has been reading yaoi and has started having some unusual dreams. This wouldn’t be a problem except her powers ripple out and the guys become effected by the yaoi dreams unaware of what was causing all this.

Greedy Rule

The Light exposes Robin to the orange lantern. This effects him in strange ways, his lust fueling his greed. They release him upon the league and Robin begins to collect heroes marking them as his infusing objects with his energy to keep them in his hold. The Light thought they won until Robin decided to get rid of any threat to his harem.

Love Rule

Robin revealed his feelings and was heart broken. He felt lost, alone, and then they came for him. Offering him power, fueled by his love. Robin takes it, and becomes one of the lanterns. His love is stronger than his pain, so he’s able to use the power without growing crazy. This love he shares with the others. Brain Break

Scarab Rule

Robin is captured and made the new Black Scarab, his body is modified and enhanced. He steals reach tech and starts making more scarabs, he’s not on their side, he’s on his own side. The reach are broken, but the scarabs rule. Hyper Brain Break

A Change in Fate

Constantine is tracking a demon to a circus, and fails to keep it from killing the Flying Graysons, except one. Constantine has no choice but to take in the young lad. Grayson wants to help protect people from such terrors, and his new mentor helps teach him magic. Even Aqualad is impressed at Grayson’s skill at magic.

Clay Robin

Joker has kidnapped Robin, and has some Joker putty, he had stolen the formula that created Clay Face and modified it. Batman and the Justice League try to find him, but its too late. Robin gains the power of Clay Face and has a become a bit mad.

Mad Little Bird

Robin knew one thing if he was gonna survive in the Super Hero world he’d have to be flexible and adapt. So after a mission to bring down the Mad Hatter goes off swimmingly, he picks up some impressive mind control tech. Bruce doesn’t approve at first, but he comes around. Hypnosis Mind Control

March Hare

Mad Hatter has kidnapped Dick Grayson, unaware he’s Robin, but just for his connection to Bruce Wane. He messes with the his head and creates a new personality. Though he may have created a monster as the new March Hare side kick is far superior in both combat and even uses of his technology.

Stupid Cupid

A new villain known as Love Archer is causing all kinds of problems. Both the League and even the Light struggle with this renegade. He’s on a massive crime spree and causing distractions left and right.

Earth 34

In this universe sex is highly normalized. It was no secret the heroes were fooling around with each other, sometimes it was for love, sometimes stress relief, most of the time it was just for fun. Superboy is rescued from Cadmus and must figure out how things work. The Light strives to cleanse the world of this “impure” thinking.

Rise of Starling

Batman broke Robin’s heart, handling his charge the worst way possible. He’s approached by the Violet Lantern Corp, and granted a ring, Robin becomes his own hero known as Starling working to tie in the Star Sapphires, and the bird theme. Turns out he’s not the only lad who’s been burned by their mentors.

Hypno Beetle

The Reach have captured Nighting and fitted him with the White Beetle, and tries to brainwash him. It works to some extent but he’s not under reach control. Like Black Beetle he’s become a terror in his own right. He’s able to spawn mini beetles that hypnotize and reprogram people, giving them a fancy new skin tight body suit in the process.

Titan’s Day

Dick had set out on his own forming his own team called the titans. Things take a turn when Wildfire arrives on earth, it makes the team stronger. With Robin, Wildfire, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Speedy they have been doing a lot of good work, and think they are finally being brought into the league. Turns out nope! It was a cheap tactic to get the titans in line, but when Robin hears about the Cadmus fire he decides to check it out, of course his team is with him. They find Superboy and things get even more wild. Robin/Wildfire/Superboy/Harem

Clone Hero
Superboy has both Superman and Luthor’s DNA, but to adjust the issues in his genetic code he was granted genomorph cells. This gave him unique abilities that not even Superman has, Telekinesis, Electric Manipulation, among other things. He feels like a freak sometimes, but he has a very sweet boyfriend, he makes him feel whole. Robin/Superboy

Robin Magic
Robin was around when Fate needed help. Kid Flash doesn’t believe in magic, and even looks to Robin for back up. Turns out no, Robin had seen magic both real and fake. He actually likes magic and he even has an affinity for it. So much Fate almost doesn’t relinquish Robin’s body. He does after making a contract that Robin learns magic.

Order of the Night
Batman has a bad habit of pushing people away, he pushed Robin away and he became Nightwing. Dick Grayson forms his own team the Order of Night to help people. He’s in for a shock when Batman asks him to come help train some new young heroes. Nightwing/Tygrus/Constantine/Harem

Owl vs Robin

Dick never knew he had a brother, even Batman didn’t know. The court of owls took his brother away at birth and all records were erased. The Light asks the court of owls to bring down Batman’s Young Justice League, Robin meets his brother Talon for the first time.

Stone of Fate
There are quite a few Lords of Order in existence Nabu is only one. So when Klarion finds another vessel for one, he wants to take it and destroy it. In order to protect it, Robin puts it on, causing a chain of events that may not be stopped.

Megan’s Unusual Yaoi Dream

Megan has been having weird sex dreams about her friends, as it turns out her powers tended to make things happen. While she has no idea what’s happening the boys are discovering pleasure between each other.

Beast Boy’s Rental

BB rents a movie for guy’s night, unaware of the fact he picks up a dvd with a hypnotizing program on it. The guys watch and are hypnotized, and once the video ends the real fun begins.

Teen Rule
Morgan got his hands on the amulet of first magic, and banished all the adults from the world. With the Justice League and even the Light banished its up to the Team to bring down Morgan, but with his new magic can they?

Hypno App
Beast Boy is really weak to Hypnosis, and easily tricked. So when he downloads an app he soon becomes a slave to it. He’s programmed to get more members for the app, so with his new programming he starts taking control of his friends.

Stone Love
Kid Flash likes collecting souvenirs but this is used against him as Klarion slips a treasure with a lust demon inside. Wally gets brainwashed and becomes a slave to the lust. One by one the team is taken and reshapen, can even the Justice League stop this...no...no they can’t…

To Be Heroes
The Young “Heroes” of New Genesis are given permission to come to Earth and train to become stronger and learn to fight against evil. There is a bit of confusion, but they working on growing and being better people.

After helping out Sphere and the Forever Teens, they give Superboy some tech that will allow him to fuse with his fellow heroes creating new powers, new abilities. This gem is very powerful but makes things very intimate between the team.

Diamond Rescue
An alien is on the run from the Reach. She gets damaged and is struggling to hang on. She needs to fuse with a bio life form in order to repair. It fuses with Robin, but the revival energy is used up when Robin dies to save the alien. He’s brought back fused with the gem gaining special powers.

Kobra Venom
Robin faces off against the leader of Kobra. The fight isn’t going well but Robin is holding his own, that is until Kobra injects Robin with some kind of chemical. Robin goes through a change and gains snake powers. He’s got two dicks, special eyes, and can even spit some venom.

Soul Protector
A demon is after Nightwing’s soul. Constantine is called in, but things aren’t looking so good. His first attempt doesn’t go well and the Team is almost wiped out. He almost willingly surrenders but Constantine steps in at the last minute. Klarion is playing hard ball so Nightwing is taken from the Team to protect his soul, but will the Team let him go?

Trojan Wolf
Klarion never was one for dogs, but he jinxes the Team’s latest pet. On the full moon his spell is unleashed and Wolf loses his mind. Superboy is able to resist, but Robin isn’t so lucky. Once the curse is made, Wolf goes back to normal but Dick Grayson may never be normal again. Growth Hyper

Destruction God
Klarion is after a very dangerous magical item said to contain a destruction god inside it. Fate and Constantine aren’t sure which one as there is multiples of them in every dimension. Klarion manages to break the seal, but Constantine warned of a fail safe, to bind a living soul to it. Nightwing jumps in to save the world and Constantine now knows which creature now inhabits Nightwing’s body. Zoan

The New Team
A lot of things have changed over the past 5 years. One of the biggest things is the Forever People team has moved in on Earth to learn the ways of heroes. Shocking but it was Orion’s idea, since he learned so much from the Justice League. Their unique skills help the team grow, and their insights on intimacy help the team grow in other ways.

Take Out the Leader
The Reach have an idea on how to bring down the Team. They have Blue Beetle knock out Nightwing and bring him in for an experiment. He’s sent back but with a new passenger. Martian Manhunter explains what it is but states they can’t forcibly remove it or he will die, and if he doesn’t get pregnant he will also die.  It’s a good thing Nightwing has offers. Mpreg

Young Titans
A hybrid of Young Justice and Teen Titans. Batman needs a team of new heroes, not just to operate covertly but train the next generation of heroes to use their powers and talents to the fullest. So it is built, the Tower.

Megan’s obsession with this old show is out of hand. Klarion is able to work some magic and he traps the team inside the show. In a way… They in a strange dimension where the show and its characters are real. Even when they run through the episodes, they can’t escape because Megan is making new episodes in her head, they can leave since the season ended but thanks to Megan their stuck.

While on a mission Nightwing, Beast Boy, Superboy, and Blue Beetle end up stranded on a strange alien world. They run into a banished Tameranian named Wildfire. There isn’t much of a way off world. They have to survive while dealing with Blackfire.

Bang Babies
The Reach uses Lex Corp to harness a chemical that can trigger a person’s meta gene. These new heroes are called Bang Babies. While some who’ve gained powers are willing to join the hero side, others are joining the villains.

Unwanted Power
Dick Grayson is used as bait to bring down this meta human trafficking ring. The Team doesn’t get to him in time as his meta gene is activated. Though the power he gets might be unwanted. Pheromone Manipulation Scent Kink Macro

Nightwing is tricked into putting on the Orange Lantern ring. His pent up greed is unleashed and he now has the power to collect the things he wants. The Light thought this was a grand way of taking out one of the heroes, but even heroes can be greedy.

One Shots

Saw it on TV

Superboy watches a romance movie, and sees two people kiss for the first time. He decides he wants to try this kiss thing. He gives it a few tries with mixed results.

First Time Watching
Kid Flash gets the bright idea of showing Superboy an adult movie. The effects happen and Kid Flash is happy to give a hand or a mouth to the chubbed up clone.

Lust Found

Superboy goes on a mission and disappears, Robin goes out to find him. After finding him he’s found super charged and lustful. Superboy/Robin(Grayson)

The Pink Stone

Superboy is given a very special cock cage, one with a pink shard of kryptonite in it. He thinks he’s going mad but he trusts his partner to take care of him. If things go well this may be a life long deal.

Shower Surprise

Robin and Kid Flash are having a dick measuring contest in the showers. Superboy beats them, in length and girth, but when Aqualad comes in he has them all beat in size girth and number.

Race To Release

Robin and Kid Flash often compete over silly things, who’s the biggest, who’s the longest, who can cum the most, farthest yada yada. They want to see who’s the best at giving blow jobs but on each other they can’t find a winner, then they see Kaldur’s twin d’s and they turn to him. Aqualad doesn’t have the heart to tell them its impossible since both dicks are connected.


Robin and Superboy have a romantic relationship and after a night of passion Robin gets some bruises on his hips the size of hand prints. Now people wanna know who made em, especially Batman.

First Time

Superboy has been having dreams, sex dreams, his desires are becoming more and more heated. He walked in on his crush doing stretches in his skin tight armor, and he gets that feeling. He needs advice, but the person he usually talks to is his crush! He goes to Kid Flash and well...Superboy’s first time is gonna be interesting. Bottom Superboy

Break Up!
Megan is called out for her obsession with Hello Megan. Superboy asks her what is it about him she likes, anything about him specifically. She doesn’t have an answer, but Robin does. Superboy is surprised, but feeling really happy.

Love is Here
Kaldur thought he loved Tula, but things change. Batman didn’t want him starting anything on the surface, if his heart belonged in Atlantis. Now Kaldur has no doubts. Kaldur/Robin

Kaldur and Superboy have sparing matches, often shirtless with very tight pants. So Kaldur notices one day when he pins Superboy down the clone is rather excited! Kaldur/Superboy

It’s True
Kid Flash doesn’t wanna believe it, there’s just no way its true. Robin swears it is. So he checks and after failing to peek and getting caught by Kaldur he learns it is true. “You have two dicks!” It’s quite common in Atlantis. Wait how did Robin know? Kaldur/Kid Flash

Sex Ed With Dick
Superboy has many questions after sex ed at school. They weren’t able to really teach him, just confuse him. Robin agrees to give him hands on sex ed, and answer any and EVERY question he has.

Red Sun
Superboy made a deal with Robin. That he’d keep his programming and trigger words so long as Robin recorded it so he could see what happens. Superboy getting tranced out and watching and fapping to the show later!

Superboy feels alone without having a mentor to bond with. Robin has a solution that they can share his. Superboy doesn’t quite understand until he’s brought to the mansion and finds a tied up horny Batman waiting for them.

Superboy is feeling self conscious showering with the other guys. He’s actually quite large and because of his standing that makes him feel like an outsider. With a little push from Robin he learns he’s not. Aqualad/KF/Robin/Superboy

Captain Marvel wants to be a part of the team, though the team doesn’t really trust him but when he says he’ll do anything. Robin thinks they should give him a chance. Team X Cap

Robin is angry with Superboy, when they got together they made a promise to respect one another as heroes. Superboy fucked that up big time and is gonna have to face some serious punishment.

Caged Power
Robin invents something for Superboy, being the twisted imp he is he found a way to grant Superboy his full powers while also making things exciting in the bedroom. Superboy is a tad embarrassed but he doesn’t regret being caged.

Boy’s Night
The guys are doing some male bonding, which leads to some poker. Kid Flash wanted to spice things up, but too bad as Robin says he sucks at Poker. Superboy is feeling embarrassed, but Robin wins and helps take their bonding to the next level. (Possible Multi Chap)

Ivy Trap
Robin has been caught by Poison Ivy, he’s bound and stripped and used as bait. When the others come in they are doused in special pheromones. Robin thought he was in trouble, but if he doesn’t help his friends they gonna lose their minds. (Possible Multi Chap)

Aqualad brings Garth to the surface to meet his earth friends. Garth doesn’t understand why he loves the surface so much. The Team gives him a warm welcome, and helps him learn a lot.

Aqualad’s true love wasn’t Tula it was Garth. They were more than just best friends they were soulmates. Atlantians have very unique bodies, some males like Garth are intersexed, while other guys like Kaldur have twin cannons below the belt. Reuniting with Garth under the sea, allowed Aqualad to get some much needed relief.

Atlantian Magic
Wally is talking smack about magic again. So Aqualad goes to shut him up with a little atlantian trick all he needs is a little pearl. The trick works a little too well and Superboy falls for it too. Not one to look a gift seahorse in the mouth Aqualad has some fun with his team.

DNA Extraction
The Team is captured by Cadmus. They are strung up with plans of extracting their DNA to make clones. The guys are dosed with an aphrodisiac and strapped into milking machines, to collect samples. Superboy is starring for multiple reasons. Milking

Sphere Jerk
Superboy is feeling sexually frustrated. Sphere is very accommodating its so great Superboy gets his friends in on it. Milking

Superboy isn’t focusing in school. Batman suggests a tutor and Superboy picks Robin. It turns out Superboy has questions he can’t learn in school. Robin helps, and the clones grades go up, so Robin remains his tutor.

Daddy Issues
Superboy has issues with Superman. Robin comes up with a plan to deal with said issues, and it involves some pink kryptonite. Superboy gets some bonding time with Superman, and the man of steel learns he can’t just run away.

The Wager
Superboy challenges Robin to a sparring match. He thinks he’s got it in the bag but the boy wonder has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. Superboy learned not to make bets with Robin...or maybe not… Toys

He’s In
The guys wanna get Red Arrow into the team. So they introduce him to Superboy. Together they are able to convince Red Arrow to join the team.

Superboy is dealing with some new emotions. When Simon wiped his mind, he thought thoughts of Megan would remain, but weirdly enough the thoughts he protected most were of him and Robin.

Ice Ice Baby
Superboy as Tommy Terror has to make nice and get in close with Junior, the youngest ice villain of the lot. He isn’t sure about this but with his cover at stake he may have to do some things.

Monkey Mischief
Superboy goes off plan and ends up facing off against an army of mechanical monkeys. He thinks he’s got this given his powers, but these monkeys have tricks and he’s about to get overwhelmed real fast. Stripping Toys Humil

The team feels bad for dismissing Captain Marvel. So once the tricks are all said and done. They invite Captain Marvel for some treats.


The Forever People tell Superboy he’s not good with intimacy. Superboy wants to prove them wrong. Dreamer goes off with the girls for some girl bonding. While the boys see just how intimate an earthling can get.

Kid Flash had an unexpected Birthday mission. When he gets home he finds his friends have a special surprise for him. With ribbons bows and toys oh my! Switcher Wally

Beach Day
Kid Flash is so pissed off that he missed the Team’s Beach Day. Especially when he found out they went to a nude beach. The guys had a VERY good time. To their shock Megan says she has pictures.

Magic Bow
Artemis is gifted a magic bow after the events of Secret. She can fire normal arrows, but there’s also some magic arrows that can cause quite a bit of trouble. Things go a little wild when Superboy is hit by a Cupid’s Arrow and his new target of affection is Robin. The effects will wear off after the two sleep together...supposedly. (Possible multi chap)

Under Sea Tea

Aqualad brings some special tea into the base. Mer folk drinks causes side effects in humans. Not only is it a powerful aphrodisiac it puts some oomf oomf into the pecker area. Kaldur is gonna have his hands full.  801 Hyper

Learning Curve
Superboy walks in on an intimate scene between KF and Robin. He doesn’t under how two males get together KF decides to let him watch and later join in.

Magic Favor
Megan asks Zatanna for a favor. There’s a spell to make a fictional character real, even if it’s for 24 hours. She tries to date the real Conner from the Megan show. Zatanna does it, but Show Conner turns out to be gay, and has the hots for Superboy.

Red Sun Bad End
Superboy wants nothing to do with Luthor. To bad the villain has plenty ideas for stuff to do together. Two little words make it all happen. Mind Control

Sex Pollen
After a fight against Ivy Dick is doused with some weird pollen. Nothing seems wrong, but when the boy starts to sweat strange things start to happen with the guys around him. (Possible multi chap)

Bad End: Reprogrammed
The Team is captured by Cadmus and with the help of Simon their minds are in some serious danger. Those that fall will assist the others in becoming one with the light.

Bad End: Red Kryptonite
Lex has another solution for Superboy’s lack of powers. Red Kryptonite it does super charge his powers, but it also warps his personality. Lex may have created a monster.

Bad End: Match Wins
Superboy fought hard against Match, but he was just too strong. Match wins, and by kryptonian rules to the victor goes the spoils. Superboy doesn’t know if this new submissive nature is from Superman or Lex.

Bad End: Clay Dolls
Clayface has infiltrated the team, and wrecked them. Now he’s got them right where he wants them, and he’s gonna make them the perfect fuck toys for him. Tentacles, Size Manipulation Brain Break

Simon’s Revenge
Simon’s back and he wants revenge on Megan and the Team. Now there’s even more minds to play with and even more toys to play Simon’s game. Megan watches as her friends fall under his sway.

Bad End: Perform For the Queen
Megan pissed off Queen Bee, so she decided to mess with her little friends. Under her sway they put on quite the performance. Robin/Superboy/Kid Flash



Lot of great prompts. Any more backburner stories list in the future?


Thank you for the backburner! I have made a not so short list of stories I'm contemplating, as well as a sub-list of Kon centric stories. I was wondering if you could clarify some of the sex roles /tags (switch, bottom, etc.) for him in these stories: Earth 34, Super Stud, Super Match, Curse Mark, and Fusion Also great work on "Second Bite: Pink Menace," I'm liking the direction that's heading in


earth 34 everyone is a switcher, SuperStud is mostly bottom superboy at first, but he'll slowly become a switcher. in fusion lot of switchers, Cursed Mark has cock tail superboy so lot of switching. Super match has both superboys bottoms. and sorry for the lack of tags, I've been told some requesters like the ideas but not the tags attached and since I'm pretty easy going I don't mind tweeking some stories adding or adjusting some kinks. So you know almost every fic has superboy in the harem, I keep superboy prevalent in the show and the smut. If you like bottom superboy you can't go wrong with about 90% of fics.


No worries on the tags! I like most kinks so the more perverse the better lol. Though I do have a preference for bottoms and switchers, so it sounds like most of this is right up my ally.