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Dbz parody: Tier 1/Phone Fic/Wip

Results of Dbz month on phone

Ruby Kakarot Chapter 2

Kakarot and Broly were exploring the Earth. The soil was certainly rich, and the planet had all kinds of natural resources. Food, Water, Vegetation, and Clean Air. "Bardock would be so impressed, this planet is a terraformer's dream!" 

"Mmm," Broly said. This place was so peaceful and nice. Birds seemed drawn to Broly, while other animals were drawn to Kakarot. It was quite the sight two naked young men wondering about. They looked mostly human except they had gems in their bodies, Kakarot's Ruby was in his navel while Broly's Sapphire was in his back. 

The sun's rays made them sparkle. 

They hadn't come across any other humans since the strange farm couple. Broly was categorizing the different creatures they came across but none of them felt threatening or hostile. The animals even helped them find food. 

A friendly deer led Kakarot to some berry bushes, while some birds showed Broly an apple tree. Monkeys led them to a lush area where all kinds of fruit trees could be found. 

Gems didn't need to eat, getting all the energy they need in their gems. They could eat and enjoy the flavors, so most gems ate for fun, celebrations, and even raise their power level. The latter, a gem had to be careful with, if they ate too much they could overload their physical form and ruin it. 

Their pallets helped them discover all kinds of tasty food, which won them favor with Lord Beerus. 

So Kakarot and Broly kept busy by sampling the local vegetation and fruits. "Hmm, this stuff is tasty!" Kakarot said, popping a few berries into his mouth. 

"Kakarot, try this!" Broly took a bite of an apple. "This is so yummy!" Kakarot zipped over. He took a bite of Broly's apple.

"It is yummy!" He licked his lips, making Broly blush. The urge to kiss the other gem's lips soaring through him. He inched closer but...

Suddenly the animals fled. "What's going on?" Broly gasped. 

"They must sense danger!" Kakarot gasped. They looked around before shots rang out.

Bang! Bang!

"Over there!" The two raced over and Kakarot's deer friend was shot. 

"Looks like we caught a big one!" A man with a gun declared. 

"This forest is full of big beasts, guess they get to grow big and strong out here!" The driver said. 

"This beast will look great stuffed on my wall!" The men laughed. 

"Hold it!" The two burst out. 

"Who are these perverts?" 

"Why did you kill that animal, did you need food?" Kakarot asked. The two men looked at each other before laughing. 

"Oh man they must be nature loving nudist freaks!" The driver laughed.

"We got plenty of food, I killed that beast for fun." Kakarot bristled in anger. His gem glowing with his surge of emotion. 

"Would you look at that?"

"That's some fancy jewelry you got there, bet its worth a lot. Hand it over!" He aimed his gun at Kakarot. Broly didn't like that and was about to attack. 

"Broly, hold on I'll deal with them. Can you help that beast?" 

"I…I can try!" He raced over to the downed animal. 

"Hold it that's my prey!" He tried to aim his gun at Broly but Kakarot threw a rock at him and just barely missed. The impact sure got his attention. 

"I may be new to this world, your standing and actions may even be seen as reasonable in your society, by the way of my people I have no place to judge." He touched his gem and manifested a red staff. "But you hurt my animal friend, not out of a need but for selfish gain, for that reason I am gonna punish you!"

"What the hell is this guy!?" The driver gasped. 


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