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Dbz parody: Phone Fic/Tier 1 Wip

Results of Dbz month on phone

Saiyan Wish

Son Goku had just saved the world from Piccolo. He pushed himself to his limit, using Kami's training and the power he had deep inside. Krillin was amazed and admired that power. So a year later he got the dragon balls setting off a chain of events that would change their lives.

Chapter 1 

Kami had trained Goku for three years, even doing some spiritual training so Goku could harness the power of the Great Ape inside him. Through this training and some ghostly advice from Gohan. Goku manages to tame this great power and control it. 

Thanks to this Kami was able to wish back the moon and Goku could keep his tail. He was gonna need it because he was gonna be fighting Piccolo Junior. His friends tried their best to fight him and defeat him, but even Kami was no match for him. 

It was up to Goku, and all seemed lost when Piccolo used the gigantification technique. Their battle had taken well into the night and the moon was shining bright. Without fear or hesitation Goku looked at it and turned into a Great Ape. 

His friends were freaking out, even Piccolo was shocked. "Hehehe, it's okay guys I'm in full control!" He gave them a peace sign. He had some control in the past, just no one realized it. Kami was watching and saw he hadn't harmed Bulma despite having her in his grasp. 

Now he was able to fight in this monstrous form. The two clashed in an epic kaiju sized battle. Goku was able to match him blow for blow, blast for blast, but as the battle drew on Piccolo was losing energy.

This form wasn't the easiest to maintain. Meanwhile Goku was getting strong as he fought. He defeated Piccolo but didn't kill him. "If you don't kill me now, I'll hunt you down for as long as I live!" 

"Good, I'll be waiting for you." Goku reverted back to human form, now in all his naked glory. He was quite….impressive. Even Piccolo blushed at the sight of him. 

"Tch, I'll remember this!" He escaped but Goku wasn't worried. The man walked around without any shame, his "power pole" swaying as he moved. 

Chichi was glad this was over so now she and Goku could get married. Goku didn't know what that was and told her he just didn't feel that way. He liked her as a friend, nothing more. She was mad at first, but quickly set her sights on Yamcha.

Yamcha had completely forgotten about his life or death love confession to save his skin. It seemed Chichi remembered. 'So much for loving Goku, she just wants a man, any man.' Bulma thought. 

She was right, after Yamcha rejected her, she went to Tien, And even Krillin. The bald man could see through her crap. 'Dodged a bullet here!' He thought as she left without a man. Krillin had thought she was cute at first, been then again he had thought Upa was cute too. 

Krillin was really amazed about Goku, so strong, so cool, so...dare he say sexy? His eyes roamed Goku's naked form. 'So sexy!' He blushed. 'What am I thinking?'

Goku was exhausted, but his victory landed him the title of the World Champion. He had saved the world from a terrible threat and officially won the World Martial Arts Tournament. Goku decided to go home and rest up. 

Krillin was bubbling with unsaid feelings. His friend was heading back to his home in the mountains, and who knows when they'd see each other again. It was hard to be near him, he had these feelings he didn't understand. He was both happy and sad; Goku went through hell to bring him back to life, they meant a lot to each other.

He was both amazed and jealous of Goku's power; even Master Roshi said he was special. He was embarrassed and envious of his friend's lack of shame and bountiful sexiness. They competed for so many years, and Goku suddenly flew past him. He felt like he was being left behind. 

Goku was healed up and they had a party. Krillin kept stealing glances at Goku seeing him laugh and smile, and it made his heart flutter. 'I need some air!' He slipped off, but was noticed by Goku.

"Something wrong Krillin?" He followed him outside.

"No...nothing...just happy we all made it through this." 

"I wasn't gonna let him kill you, I don't wanna lose my best friend." Krillin blushed. 

"Goku...do you ever get lonely?"

"Hmm, yeah I do…" he was so hard to read. 

'Do it Krillin ask Goku if you can go with him. It'd be great just you and him...living alone...together…' he gulped, feeling something holding him back. "Then why didn't you accept Chichi's proposal?"

He mentally slapped himself. 'Stupid stupid stupid!' 

"Chichi wanted something I wasn't able to give. I didn't feel for her the way I needed to feel." Krillin had so many questions but fear gripped his heart. 

'Just ask him Krillin...say something...do something...anything!' 

"Do you ever get lonely Krillin?" 

"Yeah...I do…" he blushed. "I think we all do sometimes."

"You are really smart Krillin!" Goku said with a smile. "You are amazing!" Krillin blushed and felt his heart flutter. 

'No I'm not…' He had so many chances to talk to Goku, but he didn't, he let him leave, leaving him confused. 

It was hard for Krillin, he was raised in a temple surrounded by a bunch of bro monks, who loved to pick on him for every little thing. Even though he showed them up, they still left a scar on his heart, and a bunch of insecurities. It only got worse as he got older. Feelings were leaking out of him. 

Over the next year..

These feelings became issues, issues he needed to fix. He wasn't sure how he was gonna fix them? He just wished he had told Goku everything a year ago. His issues that were weighing on him, his feelings, the more he thought about it the worse he felt, and the worse he felt the more he thought about it. A vicious cycle! 

Then it hit him… 'Wish!' Yamcha told him once how he planned to use Shenron to wish away his problems with women. 'Maybe Shenron can help me?' It was worth a shot. 

Goku hadn't gone looking for the 4 Star Ball yet. Krillin decided to gather the Dragon Balls. He asked Bulma for the radar.


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