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Danny Phantom parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6

Danny’s Pov

I hated crying…

Other guys used to mess with me if I cried. As much as I acted tough, I never saw the issue with it. When you’re sad you cry, what does being a boy have to do with that? When you’re hurt you cry, when your heart breaks you cry. I can understand wanting to be tough, but why laugh at someone who’s hurting?

As I bask in this moment of failure all I can do is cry. It felt like my world was crashing down around me. Becoming a ghost was already a strange shift in my life, then figuring out that I like guys instead of girls. The Jury is still out if I like both, but I’m still figuring it out. I’m pretty sure I like guys more….ugh I think I’m getting off track here…

I’d rather think of anything else right now. I think my life would have been less fucked up if I went ghost in front of him. Sure these powers have made me more confident, and I’ve tried to use them to be a hero, but where has it gotten me. I’m packing double d’s below the belt. There’s a ring on my finger doing God knows what to my body, something I can only see when I’m a ghost. This ring was put on me from my enemy.

So many lies...so many secrets...I’m lying to my parents about being half ghost. I have a secret arrangement with the guy who was making my life difficult, but things have been better with us now. 99% of the world doesn’t know I’m a hero or what I do to protect them from ghosts. I haven’t told Sam or my family I might like guys instead of girls, and while Jazz will probably be supportive, I have no idea how my parents or Sam will react, or even Tucker for that matter.

It’s hard enough just getting through high school being treated as a nerd, a geek, a loser, etc. I think I’m gonna have to add freak to the list, I’m sure Dash has probably told everyone what happened by now. I’m gonna be a laughing stock, seen as a freak or some kind of monster, my life is over…

Coming out as a ghost would be easier than this. At least then they'd think of me as a hero.

I found some stocked paper towels in the closet and used it to wipe my tears away. I fixed myself up before slipping out and headed to class. My mind running through every horrible and negative scenario I could imagine. “You are late Mr. Fenton. You’ll stay an hour late after school.”

“Yes sir.” It didn’t matter, I cast a look around the room, but didn’t notice anyone looking at me differently. They laughed when I got detention but that happened. If someone got called to the principle’s office there would be Oooh’s and laughter to. I took my seat, expected a paper ball thrown at my head with the word freak written on it.

No response, no reaction, nothing. It was almost eerie. Was this the calm before the storm? I half expected one of the jocks to stand up and call me a Two Dicked Freak and have everyone laughing at me. I cast a look at Dash, who seemed to be avoiding looking at me. Is he mad? Is he upset? Why didn’t he tell anyone?

This was the kind of dirt Dash Baxter loved to lord over someone…

Maybe he’s just too disgusted by me….

I don’t know which is worse.

Snap out of it Fenton, it’s not like we were dating, it was an arrangement. Just like with Tucker, but why does it still hurt then.

Classes pass by like a blur, I can feel my libido trying to stir, but I’m too upset. Looks like the inferno of a libido can be crushed under a sea of despair. I’d find comfort in that if I could focus. Thoughts of ditching class and going to find Dora would cross my mind, but that would just lead to more lies. I’m so tired of lying, knowings its necessary just helps me get through the days. Maybe I’m just lying to myself…

At lunch I can barely eat, poking at my food. Dash won’t look at me, or talk to me. I didn’t even see him at lunch. “Something wrong Danny?” Sam asked.

“Yeah…” Another lie. “No...I don’t know...I’m still processing.”

“Did Dora find you?”

“Yeah she did.”

“And your gonna help her?”


“Why were you late to class today?”

“Was Dash messing with you?” Tucker added.

“He didn’t do anything to me!” I said, probably a harsher tone then I intended.

I was able to dodge the question. These were my friends, they knew about my ghost stuff. I should just tell them. Then the look Dash gave me flashed in my mind, and my confidence crumbled. My lunch went to Tucker I didn’t feel hungry anyway.

After lunch there was a free period. Dash and the jocks often used that to score extra time in the gym. I decided to check in on him, but Dash wasn’t there. “Hey Kwan, where is Dash?”

“Funny you should ask. He’s been acting weird all day. I think he said something about going to the computer lab.” Kwan laughed. “He’s probably off banging some girl ya know?” Was that the excuse he used when he snuck off to fool around with me?

“Dash has a girlfriend?”

“Not sure, but he’s been really happy lately, more chill and focused. I figured he met someone. With all the popular girls throwing themselves at him, he’s gotta be having a fling or two right?” Dash told me about that. At first he liked the attention, but the fact that they only liked him because he was the captain of the team, the ace of the team, or the big jock on campus, always soured the mood.

“Yeah sure.” I wonder what Kwan would say if he knew Dash was banging me and vice versa.

“You thinking about joining the team right?” Oh right I almost forgot about that.

“I’m thinking about it yeah!” Not a total lie, if not for all the crazy going on I’d consider it more.

“Well I think it’d be great, to be honest I think you are a cool guy. It’d be nice to hang with you after practice and stuff.”

“Oh umm thanks!” We did a fist bump and I left. School society didn’t really make much sense.

Heading down to the library I bump into Dash. “Out of my way Fenton.”

“Dash...can we talk please…” I caught his hand and he looked at me, but I couldn’t read his expression.  I noticed some other students staring at us. “I wanted to talk to you about signing up for a team.”

“Right…” He grabbed his bag. “After school. I’ll be waiting for you after detention in the gym.” He opened the door. “If you keep me waiting I’m gonna cream you!”

Dash was quiet all day. What was he thinking? I thought about going ghost and taking a peek inside his head but...yeah not in the best state of mind for that. Gym was easy to avoid suspicions first one in to get changed and last one out, easy peasy, no one had to see my...additions.

Detention was a drag, but still no freak outs, no one teasing me anymore than usual. I don’t get it. As I started to calm down my libido began to cook. Just great…

Once I was released I rushed to the gym. I hesitated at the door, what if this was a trap. What if he has the whole school...damn it Fenton calm down. This is Dash...but is it the Dash that I’ve come to know...or the Dash the whole school knows. Taking some deep breaths I open the door and there he was.

“Dash!” I was happy to see him, and he was alone. “Look I’m sorry about what happened, a ghost did this to me, and I tried to tell you and…”

“Shut up!” Dash shouted, shocking me. “Just stop talking and don’t apologize.” He took some deep breaths. “I’m sorry!”


“I...shouldn’t have freaked out like that. I shouldn’t have ran out on you.”

“Dash…” Wow I was at a loss for words. Dash was apologizing to me?

“I should have realized you were out of it and that something was wrong. You did try to tell me...and I just...then I saw…” He was blushing and I can feel I was too. “With all the weird stuff that happens in this town I shouldn’t have jumped wigged out, but I do what I always do, I ran.”

“Dash I understand, it freaked me out too. It’s why I was so out of it. Things have been weird lately, and I know a ghost is to blame.”

“Are you gonna be okay?”

“Yeah...I’ll be fine...my parents are ghost experts I’m sure I’ll be okay.”

“Are you gonna be stuck with…” he made a gesture. “Them?”

“I...I don’t know...I can’t imagine what you’d think if I was stuck like this. You must have been grossed out huh?”

“THAT’S JUST IT!” Dash snapped. “I wasn’t…”


“At first I thought I was seeing things, but it was real. You have two dicks now!” I nod. “I was hit with this curiosity and excitement and that freaked me out.” He started pacing. “You’ve been opening my eyes to so much, and I think I...am becoming a better person. I’m accepting more of myself but its hard and I am trying to deal with all that.” He was on quite the roll. “When I first started having these thoughts I rejected them, I ran. Then we had our arrangement, things have been slow because of me but nice. You got me to try new things. Things have been good between us, and after I ran I felt horrible. I couldn’t stop thinking about you and them and it didn’t turn me off.”

He actually did research in the library. Diphallia or Double Penis is a rare genetic condition. Though in most cases only one is fully functioning, but there were cases of both being fully functional. With genie ghosts that grant wishes, ghost insects that can give super powers, mutated ghost monsters, ghost dragons, ghost knights, magic swords, ghosts that control technology, with all the strange and fantastical stuff they’ve seen or been through having two dicks was a drop in the bucket. Thanks to Aragon I now have two cocks that work, and thanks to this enchanted libido both are hard right now.

I was impressed. “I don’t think you are a freak, you caught me off guard is all. I’m sorry again. I didn’t know this was even possible.”

“Neither did I.” I laughed. It felt like a weight was being lifted off my chest. “Thanks Dash.”

“Are we good?”

“Yeah, we good!” I can feel myself smile for a moment. “But what happens if...even if this ghost is stopped, what if I can’t go back to normal?” Dash hugged me.

“Then this will be your normal and there will be more of you to love.”

“Love?” I look up at him and his whole face is red.

“Oh shit…” He facepalmed.

To be continued


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