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Miraculous LAdy Bug parody: Tier 6

Miraculous Mister Bug and Chat Noire

Marc is a new student, while Nathaniel has been in the same class for years. Nathaniel has been dealing with Chloe for ages. He’s tried to keep a noble heart like the heroes he loves but it can be hard sometimes. The two boys have pure hearts and thus are chosen to be Mister Bug and Chat Noire. Marc/Nathaniel Adrien/Marinette Juleka/Rose Alya/Nino

Chapter 1 The Beginning

The Pen Can Be Mightier Than The Sword, It Is Truth, Courage, And Knowledge That Sharpens This Tool, With It You Can Fight For Truth, Justice, And Peace…

Marc Anciel believed in these words, but often felt he lacked one of these specific traits...courage…

He often read about heroes in storybooks, they were so strong, brave, and cool! He always wished he could be brave like them. So far his wish hadn’t come true, even as he started writing stories about heroes, villains, monsters, and magic. Kids at his old schools thought he was childish or weird for liking what was seen as kids stuff. No matter what school he transferred to he felt more reserved and withdrawn. He found himself often preferring to sink into fantasy than put himself out there in reality.

Marc hoped that going to College Francoise Dupont would help bring him out of his shell. The school believed highly in the arts, and he was a creator. ‘Maybe this time I can be brave.’ he looked down at his latest story.


Nathaniel was having a rough day. It was the first day of school, something he had been dreading for a long time. Mostly because he had a terrible feeling he was gonna be in a class with Chloe again. Four years in a row, he had the worst luck ever.

Their bad blood started the year they first met. He had just premiered his first comic book for an art class and an expo. Chloe was there, she believed herself to be a connoisseur of high art. Though she just went around mocking everyone’s art pieces. Nathaniel wrote his own persona as a hero, fighting bad guys. Illustrator!

Not the most creative of names, but his artistic nature leaned more towards drawing than writing. He wished he could find a writer to collaborate with, to take his creations to the next level.

“You can draw comics?” Nathan jumped as Chloe stopped in front of his set up.

“Uhh, yes, yes I do!” She flipped her hair.

“Let’s see, let’s see.” She flipped through some pages. “Can you draw me as a Super Hero?”

“Oh umm, I believe so.” He was trying to be nice, and he put his art skills to good use. He had a talent for speed sketching, once he had an image in his mind, he could bring it to life in a manner of minutes. He stared at Chloe, letting his mind work.

“Ugh, why are you starring at me like that!?” She snapped.

“Oh I’m visualizing.”

“Oh that’s okay then!” She kept striking poses like she was a glamour model. He began to sketch her, applying touches here and there, drawing her out to be a glamorous hero. “Here you are Glamour Girl!”

“Hmm hmm, very well you’ll do!” She snapped her fingers and her butler took the drawing away.

“I’ll do for what?”

“I need a talented artist to do a comic book series all about me and my life. It’s much better than the common trash.”

“Umm, actually I’d rather draw with my ideas and my characters.” Chloe laughed.

“Oh please male heroes are so out of fashion. You’ll be so much more popular with me as your leading character than whoever this is supposed to be.” She flipped her hair again. “Besides with me as your muse I’m sure you can achieve better things.”

Nathan was getting really uncomfortable. When he declined to draw a comic book series about her she flipped. She ripped up one of the sample comics he put out and stormed off. ‘Dodged a bullet there.’ He thought it was over, but with Chloe it’s never over.

He won the expo and got into this really fancy school, for artists, musicians, athletes, gamers, and other talented youths. His parents were so proud. Sure enough there was Chloe, turns out her daddy got her into the school with a hefty donation.

She went out of her way to tell everyone mean things about him. She said his stare was creepy, and he just got that way when he was in the zone or super focused. He didn’t think it was that weird or creepy.

Chloe went out of her way to make his life hell. She had help, Sabrina was her lackey, she did everything Chloe said without question. With her help Chloe was able to play pranks on him and always have an alibi. Then there was Kim, he got in this school on a Physical Academic Scholarship, but let’s face it, it’s because he was good at sports.

She had him wrapped around her finger and now that she had muscle. Nathan felt even smaller and helpless. Plus now she could get to him even in the boy’s locker room and bathroom he had no escape. Nathan got back at her when his first issue dropped Illustrator vs Divatox, because Chloe was a Diva and  Toxic.

The school got a huge laugh from it, and it knocked her down a peg. Chloe tried to get her dad to do something about this, but Nathan’s dad wasn’t a man to be crossed either. His dad was an entrepreneur, name a product and his dad was a lead investor, he was a marketing genius. Nathan never told Chloe that he came from a rich family, because that stuff didn’t matter to him. His dad just wanted the means to follow his passions.

His dad got it, he wanted his son to work hard and earn his own place in the world. To follow his passion. He was a man even Mr. Bourgeois feared. So Chloe’s go to when she usually got in over her head was off the table.

That didn’t mean Chloe didn’t still make him miserable, or have ways of bothering him and others. Nathan just was able to negate her trump card. His dad even wanted to transfer him to another school, he could pay for any art school in any country around the world, but Nathan earned that spot, he wasn’t gonna get let Chloe ruin it.

He just didn’t want her in his class!


Marc was heading to school and he bumped into Chloe. “Ugh, who are you?”

“Umm Marc, I’m new!” He offered to shake her hand.

“Ugh you are the creepy transfer kid I heard about.”

“I’m not creepy.”

“Wait did you bump into me to try and cop a feel!?”

“What?! No, I don’t even like girls.”

“You must be joking. There isn’t a man in the world who doesn’t admire my beauty.”

“Umm, I don’t and even if I liked girls, you seem pretty mean. I don’t think I’d like you very much.” He said and tried to dash off. Chloe snapped her fingers.

“Kim show the new guy what happens to those that displease me!” Kim grabbed Marc by his jacket and hauled him up.

“Wait what are you doing? Stop let me go!”

“Give him the usual!”

“Sure thing, anything for you Chloe!”

“Hey wait stop!”


Nathan was racing to class. ‘If I can make it to class first I can get my favorite seat.’

“Hey there!” Nathan froze.

“Kim, dude come on don’t do this.”

“Sorry but Chloe wants you late for class today!” He cracked his knuckles.

Nathan would have tried to run, but Kim was the ace of the track team. Plus he’s tried, it doesn’t go well. He soon was hauled off and thrown into the storage closet. “Kim damn it!” He banged on the door.

“Later freak!”

“Great…” He jumped when he heard some sniffling. “Who’s there?”

“Just me, the new kid.” It was so dark neither one could see.

“Let me guess you bumped into Chloe?”

“I guess, blonde hair pony tail?”

“Yep that’s her. Spoiled rich princess of the school.”

“She’s awful.”

“To say the least.” Kim took his bag before throwing him in here. “Don’t suppose you have a phone.”

“Actually I do hold on!” He was shuffling around and there was a small accident. “Oh no!”

Crash bang sploosh sploosh splater.


Marinette’s phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number but answered it anyway. “Hello, who’s this?”

“Hey Mari…”

“Nathan? Where are you, Chloe’s in your seat...wait don’t tell me.”


“The usual place.”

“Yeah, can you get here quick, there’s been an accident.” Marinette burst out of class. She was the class rep so she had the keys to the storage rooms. She opened the door and there was Nathan and Marc covered in paint. “Hey Mari, this is Marc, we accidentally knocked over some paint supplies.”

“I knocked over the paint supplies.” Marc said.

“Hey it was dark. It’s no big deal.” Marc’s face was covered in paint so he was keeping his eyes closed.

“Why don’t you hit the showers. Nathan you got him?” He mostly got it in his hair, and their clothes were wrecked. “I’ll let the teacher know what happened.”

“Thanks Mari!” He went to hug her but she stopped him. “Hug me after you change your clothes. I’ll grab your spares.”

“You have spare clothes?”

“This has happened once or twice, not this exact thing, but don’t worry Mari’s got this.”

“Your girlfriend seems nice.”

“She’s not my Girlfriend She’s my best friend. I uhh, well let’s just get this paint off us okay?” They hit the locker rooms, and Nathan had to help Marc get undressed. He blushed as seeing the other’s naked body made his blood rush south. ‘Oh crap he’s hot!’

“Just keep your eyes closed, and I’ll get you to the shower.”

“Okay, I’ll trust you!” Nathan undid his own clothes, and dropped them and Marc’s clothes in the laundry hamper. Nathan got the water just right and moved Marc into it. “Thanks!”

“No problem.” He had such a hard on right now. He turned on  a cold shower to try and deal with his problem...didn’t help.

Marc washed his face, before opening his eyes. He turned to look at his helper and blushed. ‘He’s so sexy!’ His blood rushed south and he gasped, trying to cover his erection.

“You okay?” Nathan asked.

“Yes and no...please don’t freak out. I sorta...like guys…”

“You too huh?”

“Yeah, the girl you thought was my girlfriend she’s just the friend and first person I came out too. She was very supportive and helped me out a lot.”

“I wish I had someone like that.”

“As you wish!” Nathan stepped up to him, all wet and sexy. “May I give you a hand?”

“Oh uh um ok…”

Nathan warmed his hands up and Marc pulled his hands away. “You got a nice piece here.”

“Ohhh thank you!” He moaned. “Can I?”

“Sure!” Marc put a hand on Nathan’s dick and the boy bucked into his grasp.


“Don’t be just do what I’m doing.” The two began to jerk each other off, making the showers even more steamy. The virgins came quickly, blowing their loads and the evidence getting washed away.


“Yeah...wow!” The two were panting and trembling. The two felt such a powerful connection to each other, despite their wild encounter being something they may not tell their kids one day, it was the start of a very interesting relationship.

To be continued


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