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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Perverted Parasites and Snow Mission

Happy went to get the guys, unaware of what was about to happen. They had no idea what happened at the guild today, or why Natsu was acting so weird. They were sure as heck gonna find out. Though they had to wait a bit for their erections died down.

The Exceed arrived, and although he didn’t tell them everything, just that Natsu LIIIIIKED them, but was scared to tell them because of what happened to Igneel.

“What are you talking about Happy?” Gray asked, a blush growing on his cheeks. ‘Natsu...likes me, that way?’ The ice wizard has been harboring a crush on Natsu for some time now.

“I didn’t hear everything, but Natsu and Lust were talking.”

“It’s not manly to eavesdrop!” Elfman scolded. Though he was a bit pleased to hear Natsu may have liked him too. For a long time Elfman was never interested in women, Lisanna had helped him figure it out before she passed away. She even tried to set him and Natsu up, but he was too shy back then and rejected spending time with the dragon slayer.

“Forget all that, tell me kitty cat, which one of us does Natsu like.” Laxus was intimidating, and he made Happy cry. He muttered. “Shit!” And backed off.

“You can’t be serious, Natsu being interested in us...that way…” Alzack was blushing, and twiddling his fingers.

“Natsu really hasn’t shown interest in anyone, but can you blame him. With what happened to Igneel and all.” Loke aka Leo had wanted to be with Natsu, but chose against it as he didn’t know how long he had in this world. He didn’t want to start anything with Natsu if he couldn’t go the distance.

“I can’t believe you guys all have feelings for him.” Mirajane points out. “And you never told him?”

The guys all looked away, finding the ceiling, their shoes, or the walls suddenly very interesting. ‘Dumbies!’ She face palmed.

“So are you guys going to try and get with Natsu?” Happy asked. A spark of realization rang through them. They now realized that they may have a shot with Natsu, and these other guys were rivals.

‘Who’s he gonna choose?’ Was the shared thought between them.

“Of course Natsu is a dragon slayer, he may want all of you!” Happy said. Happy was dropping bombshells on them, they hadn’t thought of that. That opened a door with conflicting thoughts and emotions leaking out.

“We need to talk to Natsu!” The group barreled out of the guild finding Natsu’s place. He wasn’t answering the door, but when they heard a moan inside they moved around to the bedroom window, and boy…


“Does this mean you aren't gonna mess with me anymore?” Natsu asked. He’s really like it if the perverted parasite would stop messing with him so much.

“Did I say that?” Lust spread over Natsu and began to strip him causing his semi hard dick to spring up. “Ha, you got stiff from their arousal, you LIIIIKE them.”

“I swear Happy got that from you!” He blushed as Lust began to tease Natsu aroused body. He bucked and moaned. His cock and nipples were teased. Natsu was so used to this by this point, it became almost second nature. “You parasite!” Natsu moaned as his dick was consumed by the goo.

“Love you too,” it says before sucking on Natsu's cock and nipples in kind. Lust also loved Natsu a lot, he loved him first and would love him forever.

“Ahh you pervert!” He barely had time to make it to the bed before his legs felt like jelly.

“Ahh ahh Lust stop it...stoooop!” Natsu moaned. The ooze spread to his balls, and his nuts got sucked on, while the ooze on his cock shifted to a pumping motion. Natsu fisted his sheets, bucking and shaking as his body was hit with non stop pleasure.

Lust knew his body well, applying the right stimulus to the right spots at the right time to maximize his partner’s pleasure. He could feel it, and he worked on drawing more out.

The guys arrived but before they could knock on the door to call Natsu out, they heard his moans. They paused thinking they didn’t hear what they really heard. Then it happened again. They came around to check in on him, and boy were they in for a sight.

They blushed, their blood rushing south and filling their respective cocks. They didn’t crumble this time, Elfman and Laxus being taller and able to peek in with a higher view, while Gray, Alzack, and Loke were lower, peeking over the windowsill. They didn’t want to miss this show.

It wasn’t just the sight, but the noises he was making that sucked them up. They never heard Natsu sound like that, the closest was when he ate some really tasty fire. These noises kept them from looking away drawing them into the scene.

Natsu had his eyes closed as his body rocked in pleasure. “Nnnhhh haaa aaaahhhh!” His legs spread and the good shifted forming a dildo. Lust pushed inside Natsu making him moan and arch off the bed.

‘Ohh fuck!’ The guys were frozen in place, as the erotic scene played out before them. Each of them admiring Natsu’s beauty, his raw sex appeal.

‘So hot!’ ~Laxus

‘So beautiful!’ ~Gray

‘So sexy!’ ~Alzack

‘Such a man!’ ~Elfman

‘My word!’ Leo had lived a long time, had many masters, and seen many wizards. The scene before him was so new and wondrous he could barely form words. ‘It’s good to see the beast bonding with Natsu so well.’

The goo was massaging Natsu’s chest, sucking his nipples into perfect buds. The nipple stimulation was sending pleasure to Natsu’s cock, like building up pressure in a volcano. They watched the buds spasm and twitch, their fingers twitched to play with them, the urge to suck on them growing stronger. The more they watched they soon felt a tingling in their own pecs.

Natsu moaned and bucked his hips. Gray, Alzack, Elfman, and Leo watched the goo massaging his rather impressive dick. The goo hugging his length like a glove, squeezing and working his erect flesh. Lust was able to suck Natsu like a milking machine, never stopping, while adding extra stimulus for it. Seeing such a big cock was making these four feel all tingly inside, feeling their holes twitch.

Laxus was the first to focus on Natsu’s ass, so plump and juicy getting fucked by a pretty sizable phallus. ‘Heh, I’m bigger!’ He thought, feeling his massive manhood throb at the sight.

He was soon proven wrong as Lust increased the size of the phallus, making it grow bigger, thicker, reaching deeper inside Natsu. His toes curled in delight as his stomach bulged. ‘Oh fuck!’ Laxus, Elfman, Gray, and Leo were drawn in by the sight of the bulge.

Their gaze moved down to marvel at his ass. ‘He’s enjoying being taken like that?’ Gray thought.

‘He embodies the true spirit of manhood, top or bottom you are all man!’

“Ahhh ahhh so big ahhh fuck ahhh too much I can’t!” Natsu moaned as he came. The goo expanded slurping up his semen like it was nothing. The guys counted at least 7 spurts, his penis twitching for a few minutes after.

They got to see Natsu in a post orgasm state, and felt their hearts skip a beat. They scattered to take care of their own needs. Lust took care of cleaning up Natsu, and despite the TLC Natsu was still mildly annoyed with his parasite.


The next day Natsu came to the guild. “Do it, do it!” Lust urged.

“I will stop pestering!” Natsu blushed lightly. He spotted Gray at the bar and approached him. “Hey Gray…”

The ice wizard tensed up. “Oh...hey Natsu…” The ice wizard blushed.

“So um...there’s this mission I had my eye on. Would you wanna...go with me?”

“Yes!” Gray said, he didn’t have to even think about it. “I mean yeah, I’m free, let’s do it!” He had a hard time looking at Natsu.

“Really?” Natsu smiled. He handed Gray the flier. “I’ll go tell Mira we taking this quest then.”

He wanted to spend some time with Gray, but he was shocked this was so easy, he thought the ice wizard would bring up what happened yesterday at least. Usually Gray had to be dragged kicking and screaming to go on a mission with him.   Even Lust was a bit surprised, but hey whatever works.

The Mission was to head up to Mt. Hakobe to deal with some Vulcans. The trip to the mountain would be rough for most, but the blizzard conditions on the mountain made it a tough road for some wizards. Natsu being a Fire Dragon, could regulate his heat so it wasn’t any trouble.

As for Gray he was so used to the cold he ended up stripping down to his boxers, it didn’t bother him.

Macao had his eye on this mission, but settled for hunting Forest Vulcans instead.

Natsu kept looking to Gray because he was very quiet so far, and the ice wizard kept stealing glances at Natsu and looking away. ‘Talk to him?’ Lust urged.

“Hey Gray, is something wrong? You are really quiet.”

Gray blushed. “No, it’s nothing.”

“Look Gray if you didn’t want to come with me on this mission, you should have said so!”

“That’s not it!” He was hard, he couldn’t look at Natsu without seeing what he saw last night. Seeing him like that opened the floodgates. Top or bottom, his brain wouldn’t stop thinking about it. He jerked off three times last night, once even playing with his ass.

He jerked off twice more in the shower, and still just seeing Natsu again had his body getting hot. When Natsu asked him to go on this mission, inside his head he was doing back flips and cheering. The problem was despite carrying a torch for Natsu, he had played it too cool. Now he didn’t know what to do.

“If it’s about what happened yesterday, let’s just pretend it never happened.” He was talking about the guild, Gray was curious about that, but had a feeling it was Lust’s doing.

“I don’t wanna pretend. Natsu...I know I’ve been a jerk to you. I know we butt heads...a lot...but I just need you to know. I do like you a lot, maybe...more than like…” His whole face got red.


“Man!” A Vulcan dropped down behind Natsu. “Sexy man!” The Vulcan glowed. “Mine!”

He tried to take over Natsu’s body. ‘Oh no you don’t!’ Lust reacted in time, putting Natsu in a trance like state, his body glowed and repelled the invasion.

“He strong!” The Vulcan grinned. “We like strong!”

“Natsu!” Gray charged in. “Get away from him you bastard!” Two more Vulcans jumped Gray, but they were only a distraction. The first Vulcan grabbed Natsu and carried him off to the pack den. “Shit!”

Lust was in a bind, he had to keep Natsu in a trance to avoid being taken over. Take Over magic was very powerful, Vulcans were known for taking over wizards and stealing their abilities. If that wasn’t dangerous enough Vulcans were well known perverts, women, men, and everything in between. They would breed with anyone they fancied to increase their numbers.

Vulcans were also pack creatures, so if you saw one there was at least a dozen more. Lust knew there would be a window to turn the tables, for now he just had to protect Natsu and hoped Gray would be able to find them fast.

To be continued...Vulcan Den


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