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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Renovation

Rook couldn’t remember the last time he slept so well. He was in a big soft bed, surrounded by his Darling’s scent, being spooned by his love. If this was a dream he didn’t want to wake up. Then an irritating noise echoed through the room.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

It was Ben’s alarm and Rook didn’t know what it was, but he wanted to kill it. Ben shifted behind him, and moved over to silence his alarm clock. “Mmm, morning Rook!” Ben kissed his cheek and all was good again.

He yawned and stretched. “You want to shower first?”

“Oh yes, that would be nice!” He marveled at Ben’s form. He may not have been as buff as some of the warriors on his planet but his body was physically fit. He eyed Ben up and down, truly drinking in the man he’d be living with from now on. ‘Darling!’

He almost didn’t want to leave the bed, but he did want to wash up. So he scampered off into Ben’s shower. Ben threw on some boxers and got out of bed. He did some morning stretches, before heading to his little kitchen.

Ben thought a nice breakfast would serve as a good welcome to Rook. He popped in some bread for some toast, started a pot of coffee, and began cooking some eggs and bacon. ‘Haven’t cooked like this in awhile, but it’ll be nice for Rook to try new things.’

Rook stood under the shower spray, this was quite convenient. He was able to wash and scrub himself. ‘Ben!’He wished Ben would join him, just thinking about his Darling got him all excited.

He began to play with himself, feeling his lust and excitement burning. Rook wished they could do more, he wanted his Darling to claim him, mark him with his scent, and breed him. Just remembering his Darling’s hand on his cock made him so hot.

Rook played with himself, faster and faster until his balls were bouncing from his force. He used the shower’s noise to mask his lustful moans, a trick he picked up back home when near a waterfall. His climax hit with all the evidence being washed away. ‘Last night was not a dream, it was real. I swear, I will show Ben how much of a good mate I will be. Becoming his partner in the home will strengthen our bonds and improve our relationship going forward!’ Rook thought. When he signed up for the IntergalacticAlien Exchange program he didn’t know he would find his Darling. He just wanted to come to Earth and experience new things. This was better than he could have dreamed!


While Rook was enjoying his shower and fap, Ben was busying himself with breakfast. He turned on his TV for some background noise. They were covering the new all alien band that was topping the charts, they played their hit song. “That’s a catchy tune!” Ben said.

“It is nice to have someone here. This place can be so quiet, which is both good and bad sometimes.”

“Do you always talk to yourself?” Ben jumped. He whipped around and there was Kevin.

“What? How? How did you get in my house!?”

“Oh please Tennyson relax. I have a key!”

“When did you get a key?” Kevin eyed him up and down.

“I must say I appreciate your lack of typical modesty.” Ben blushed and turned off the stove.

“This is my house, if I wanna walk around naked I can!”

“Oh please do!” Kevin said with a smirk. “I’m sure Rook would appreciate it too.”

“Seriously why are you here, and why do you have a key?” Ben knew he’d come by from time to time, but that didn’t mean he could just enter his home.

“Oh Ben, as Rook’s handler I have to have access to him at all times. The key is for regular visits to check in on you and him. You being almostnaked is just a treat.” He got up and approached the young man clad in only his boxers. “Mind if I have some coffee?”

The government government ordered a key for Ben’s place so Kevin could do his job. “Could you at least knock or something?” Ben sighed and got him a cup.

“Why?” Kevin pinned Ben against the counter. “You wouldn’t be planning to do terrible things to Rook are you?”

“No!” Ben snapped.

“Good, then we don’t have a problem then.” He poured himself a cup of coffee. “Mmm, good stuff much better than the crap I got at my office.”

“Make yourself at home I guess.” Not that he had much of a choice in this situation. “Are you like this with every client of yours?”

“Just the ones I fancy!” He said with a wink. “Benji!”

“Please don’t call me that.”

“I’m just checking in, wanted to see how Rook’s first night was. The renovators will be here soon too!”

“I think it went fine, he’s in the shower. I’m sure he can answer you for himself.”

“In the shower huh?” Kevin sipped some coffee. “You didn’t do anything law breaking did you?”

“No?!” Ben gasped blushing.

“Even if you did, I doubt Rook would be complaining.” He eyed Ben’s bulge. “I see you have a lot to offer a guy.”

“Well I didn’t.”

“The law is still new, a lot of things are still being worked out. We are looking out for the interests on both sides.” They had to avoid such things to avoid bigger incidents.

“I get it.” Taking an alien’s virginity, and various forms of penetration were taboo. The law had to be restrictive for now, to cover every base and to make it hard for someone to abuse the system.

“Give it time, maybe things will be better.”

“Yeah maybe...Rook’s a great guy I don’t wanna ruin anything for him.” A lot of guys he met knew him right away and just wanted to date him for his money. “He’s really nice. I like him, and don’t wanna hurt him.” It was nice having someone around, and liked him for him.

“Mmm, I trust you won’t give into temptation.” Kevin finished his cup and got up to get more. “It’d be bad for both of you.”


“And you know, if you get pent up. I’d be happy to give you a hand.” He got in close. “Did you know you are cute when you blush?”

“Mr. Levin!” Rook snapped. “Please get away from Darling!” He was wearing only a towel.

“Darling ehh?” Kevin chuckled and pulled back.

“It’s a pet name.” Ben exclaimed quickly.

“Right!” Rook got the hint. The word meant so much more than that.

“Well if he gets to call you Darling, I get to call you Benji.”  He snaked his arms around the half naked Ben.

“Hands off him this instant!” Rook growled.

“Easy Tiger, I’m just teasing.”

“I can smell your arousal!” Rook countered.

Kevin blushed but did back off. “Well you seem attached already. You haven’t mated have you?”

“No!” Ben and Rook say in unison, a little regret in both of their voices.

“From the look on Tiger’s face I believe it.” Kevin eyed him up and down.

“Uhh Rook, maybe you should get dressed.”

“Eep!” Rook blushed and dashed off, losing his towel in the process.

“He’s got a cute little butt.”

“Don’t you have any self control?”

“I’m just having some fun, my job is full of boring sticks in the mud. Plus most clients aren’t as cute as you two.” Government jobs could be very taxing. He was also over worked and under payed. So when he had chances to let his hair down he did.

Rook came back dressed, and even brought Ben some sweats to throw on.  Ben finished cooking and even Kevin stayed for breakfast. “Do you like it Rook?”

“It is very excellent!” he scarfed down a few eggs.

“Didn’t know you were such a good cook Benji.”

“My Grandpa taught me, and as a bachelor have a lot of time to cook for myself. So lots of practice.”

“So Rook, Ben taking good care of you?”

“Yes, yes he is!”

“That’s good, I’d like Benji here to be one of the big successes. It’ll help promote the law, and ourdepartment needed more funding and support.” The truth was the Earth found out just how small they were. Aliens with all kinds of powers, abilities, and tech were discovered. “Truth is this law and program needs to succeed, for the sake of the world. So yeah no pressure!”

“No pressure.” Ben sighed.

Kevin laid out some plans. “We’ll get a room for Rook of course, upgrade your bathroom and kitchen. I can even swing for a private studio.”

“What do you think Rook? Anything yo make your stay more comfortable?”

“Well...I do not need a room, I would like to stay in Ben’s room.”

“What you guys do behind closed doors is up to you within reason, but on record you need your own room.”

“I see.”

“Don’t look so sad Tiger.”

“Can I have a gym, I do enjoy a good work out?”

“That is doable.”

“I am gonna drop some scriptsoff at my office. How about I show Rook around town while you guys do the renovations.”

“That’s an excellent idea.” Kevin said. “Good luck on your date. I’ll make sure things are handled here.”

“Date?!” Ben and Rook blushed.

To be continued Tour Date?


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