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Slime parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 22 

Chapter 23 Tides of Battle

Gabiru was in trouble. The tide of battle had turned and not in his favor, while his troops were surrounded, some other orcs were moving towards the base. ‘This is bad, this is bad!’ He couldn’t leave the goblins to be devoured, but his plans were falling apart. ‘At this rate, the elders, women, and children will be killed...the lizard men will be wiped out...we are all gonna die!’ His grip tightened on his trident. ‘I didn’t know the orcs could take out abilities like this...how...how is this possible.’

His attention was drawn to a heavily armored orc, emitting a terrifying and malicious aura. ‘Is that the Orc Lord?’ He thought. ‘If I can defeat him, maybe I can put a stop to all this!’

Gabiru stepped forward. “You there…” he pointed at the one clad in black armor. “You must be the Orc Lord, I Gabiru of the Lizardmen challenge you to a one on one duel!”

“I am not the Lord.”


“I am but one of three Orc Generals, my brothers are invading your home base as we speak.”

“No...no way but you are so strong!” He gasped. ‘He’s not the Orc Lord, and two such monsters are heading to our base. The elders, the women, the children.

“We are our Lord’s trusted generals, but our power pales in comparison to him.”

‘What kind of monster is the Orc Lord?!’ The orc general towered over Gabiru.

“You challenged me yes? Very good I accept!”


The other two Orc Generals were attacking the base, with a small army behind them. The first Orc General was able to enter through the front, and was walking into the natural labyrinth of the base. The second found a sealed entrance and was currently trying to break it.

This entrance led to the bunker where the women and children will be found. “I can smell it, meat, tasty meat, food for the orcs!” He chanted as he bashed against the door.” The orcs behind him cheered for him.

No one noticed what happened until it was too late. Riguru used Shadow Stealth, the late hour making it the perfect time, he slipped passed the Orcs and managed to set up his Shaman Totem. When the Orc General attacked the door again, it was reinforced with protection magic and he was blown back. “Who did that?”

Riguru dispelled Shadow Stealth, appearing from the darkness like a boss! “That would be me, I won’t allow you to have your way anymore Orcs!”

“A goblin? No a Goblin Shaman!” The general got back up. “You believe your inferior magic can defeat me?”

“Already looking down on me, that’ll make your death all the sweeter.” He brought his hands together. “Multi Firebolt!” he extended them and launched a barrage. The Orc General was able to block it with his shield, but the army behind him wasn’t so lucky.

“Kill him and destroy his totem then the lizard meat will be ours!” The orcs let out a rallying cry and charged.

“Time to roast some piggys!” Thanks to his skill Fire Magic Affinity he could use fire magic without burning through a lot of magicules. “Multi Fire Ball!”

A barrage of fire balls hit, even the ones with armor were taking heavy damage and soon they were roasted. Their armor wasn’t as protecting or fine as the Orc General’s, and soon heated up making it burn the orcs wearing it until they collapsed in death. “Trample all, trample all!” The orcs tried to feed on their fallen comrades but that just made them prime targets. “Firebolt!” He sniped the distracted orcs getting head shot after head shot.

Once the orc bodies piled up. “Blue Flare!” Riguru launched a blue fire ball and created a massive blue bon fire again and again.

“One little shaman cannot defeat us all!” With so many enemies the orcs tried to box him in.

“Fire Wall, Fire Wall!” He cast the spell twice putting up two walls of fire. The orcs slammed into it, and soon were scorched piggys. The few that managed to push through the flames were too weak and injured to survive. “Burning Hands!” With one touch he set their heads ablaze, ending their suffering.

“He will run out of magicules soon, quickly rush him for the glory of the Orc Army!”

‘He has a point, but still…’ Riguru smirked. “Sleep!” He cast, knocking the Orc’s out one by one. The Orc General was too strong to be knocked out, but his remaining forces were ready to attack.

This was a life or death situation, eat or be eaten. Riguru was working his magical muscles, and was rewarded just in the nick of time. “Multi Sleep!” He cast, and the rest of the army dropped like flies, asleep but out of his way.

“You were right Orc General, I don’t have enough magicules to take you all on, but I’ve saved enough to defeat you.”

“You little pest I will devour you!” He used Chaos Eater.

Riguru drew his sword, striking an epic pose, he used a fire enchantment to coat his blade in red flames. He fended of Chaos Eater, showing off his nimble body and agility. The flames carved through the rotting magic with every slice. He was also swift enough to avoid the other embodiment trying to eat him. “Ugh I’ll cut you down myself.” He charged at the Goblin Shaman, who dispelled the flames.

“Parry!” He took the Orc General’s swing of his axe and with the power of his skill he was able to throw him off. With the Orc General off balance, Riguru dropped his sword, jumped up and cupped his face. “Burning Hands!”

The Orc General cried out in agony but was tougher than the others. “Please...I’m sorry...I was just following orders…” He said. “Please let me live...forgive me…” He began to cry. ‘Yes little Goblin Shaman forgive me, then I will crush your skull in with my shield as soon as your back is turned.’

“I forgive you.”

‘Good, now grab your sword and I’ll crush your weak skull open, and eat all those pathetic lizards cowering in those caves.’ However Riguru didn’t move.

“So...you plan to crush my skull did you?”

“What?” Riguru had two fingers two his forehead. Thought Detection, he had heard everything.

“Boro Breath!” With one final attack he blew off the Orc General’s head and a portion of his upper half. “Now, I’m out of magicules.” He exhaled sharply. Not to shabby for one taking on an army by himself. “Still, got to clean up this mess.” He picked up his sword and began to cut down the sleeping orcs.


Souei and Gabiru’s sister went inside the base to save the Elders and the Chief. Her jaw was dropped as Souei used wires to cut up and eviscerate the orcs so quickly. The guards were struggling so much against these monsters and Souei just swooped in and took them out easily.

‘He’s so strong!’

He conjured some body doubles and used them to sweep the tunnels picking off the lost orcs. She got the keys and freed the elders. “Souei its good to see you!” The chief said happily.

“We are helping our comrades, we are in an alliance after all.” His daughter explained how she acted as his proxy and agreed to the alliance.

“Our people...our people will be saved.” He shed tears of joy.

“I wouldn’t be so sure!” The Orc General found them. “I am the strongest of the Orc Generals and I will kill you all and…”


The Orc General couldn’t move as he was bound by Souei’s threads. “He’s already been immobilized.” He said. All the Orc General could do was squeal, any movement had the threads cutting into him.

Chief’s jaw dropped. “I guess that’s a typical reaction with him.”

“I wanted to get information from you, but it seems you linked and sharing information with someone.” Souei was pissed. “Such a rare opportunity wasted, so I’ll have you send a message to whoever is watching!” Souei sent a message alright. He tugged on a string, and with one pull he ripped the Orc General apart.


Gelmud gasped. The Orc Generals were some of his best eyes and ears in the army. They had intelligence and were capable of thinking and strategy. He had needed them to control the army for him, sure he pulled the strings from time to time, but Geld was a bit slow until he evolved this would be a problem.  ‘First the mysterious village, now two of the Orc Generals have fallen.’ He was beginning to sweat. “What has been going on without my notice?”

To the puppet master watching us. No more games!”It was spoken to the orc just before his death. His crystal ball shattered. ‘Oh no, at this rate I’ll be killed by him!’ He had one more Orc General in play, and a whole army too, not to mention the Orc Lord himself. ‘The game isn’t over, not until I win!’

He planned to use observation magic, but…

Souei’s body doubles helped station Riguru’s totems around the base. This shielded it from being watched. “What is happening? Who are these monsters? Could some of the Ogres have survived, impossible!”

Riguru was being treated by some Lizard Shamans, and together they erected a barrier so no more orcs could enter the base. “I got this, please join Lord Rimuru in battle.”

“Thank you Rigur.” Souei left the Lizardmen in capable hands.

-x-Rimuru’s Pov-x-

Gabiru was not having the best luck, but he was actually kinda impressive. His skill with his trident was top notch, and he had an impressive skill Vortex Crash. The Orc General was just stronger than him. The other fact was Gabiru was fighting to win the Orc General was fighting to eat.

I must admit I gained a bit more respect for Gabiru, he’s still an idiot in my eyes for causing this, but I had a feeling he was played to. He cared about the Goblins and stood to protect them, maybe with some training he can get even stronger.

‘Lord Rimuru, the Lizardman base is secured.’

‘Good work Rigur. I’m proud of you!’ I swear I could feel Rigur’s happiness through out link. I need to praise Souei later as well, they both did an amazing job I’m sure.

The Chaos Eater had dissolve a lot of Gabiru’s clothing, it seemed the Orc was laughing at him. Just as I was about to step in Gobta and Ranga joined the party. I don’t know what he said but he made Ranga very angry!

My mate unleashed Death Storm, taking out quite a few Orcs and he friend the Orc General with some Black Lightning. Whoa Ranga! He evolved, his magicules spiked causing a stunning evolution. He took on his wolf man form and charged into battle. I think he got even buffer now, nice!

He wasn’t the only one having fun, but my attention was drawn elsewhere as I spotted the Orc Lord.

To be continued Orc Disaster Rise!


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