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One Punch Man Parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 House of Evolution

Long ago there was a brilliant young man, with bold ideas on shaping the world and evolving humanity. He saw many imperfections with people and believed through evolution humanity could not only become stronger but better. He viewed the ideals of a human’s unlimited potential to be a joke, everyone had their limits. Only through evolution could one break those limits.

Sadly his ideas were deemed to fantastical to be true. He was dismissed and his name dragged through the mud. The world renowned scientist became seen as a joke.

The doctor saw them as fools. He’d reach their heights of evolution himself. It took him many years, but despite his old age, at seventy, his discovery was ground breaking. He was able to reverse his aging process returning to the prime of his youth, and stopping his aging process. Then he mass produced himself creating clones to act as his staff and assistants.

They then applied their scientific knowledge studying and researching animals, finding the special traits of animals and how they could benefit and improve humanity. So the House of Evolution began. Genus first began his work making artificial mutants, but animal mutants lacked sufficient power to be warriors. So he then began to scout out powerful fighters to be evolved.

Some came to him seeking strength, for these some power meant freedom. Working for the House of Evolution was a small price to pay. Nearly all of his experiments were loyal to the House of Evolution, only one fled. A shame to, as he was the results of his immortality experiment.

Beast King was once a man named Jou, a former deciple of the Beast Fist school and he was cast out for his arrogance and desire for destruction. Jou had been approached by Dr. Genus, or one of his clones it was hard to say. He was the holder of the Lion Fist style, but thanks to the good doctor he had the true power of the lion now!

Saitama was caught and brought to the house. He was getting a history lesson from Armored Gorilla. “Yeah thanks, but can I have some pants?” Saitama was in some restraints naked as the day he was born. His martial arts training had given him a rocking body, toned arms and legs, fine pecs, a full six pack, and he had a nice patch of hair crowning his crotch. “It’s drafty in here.”

“Forgive us, we took your clothes after we brought you here. You’ll be given new ones once the doctor is finished with you.”

“A doctor huh? I’ve already had all my shots.”

“You see he’s interested in your future, we’ve noticed your actions of late.”

“My hero for fun thing?”

“Uh...yeah…” That made Saitama a little pleased.

He was under surveillance. Dr. Genus and his clones were monitoring his vitals, but there was weird spikes in the data they couldn’t isolate. “He doesn’t seem to effected by his sudden capture.”

“I tell you he’s just an idiot, we shouldn’t waste our resources on him.”

“You say he used the Wolf Fang Fist?” Genus asked.

“Sure did, but it was nothing compared to my Lion Fist!” He laughed.

“Careful Beast King, your ego is showing.” The lion man huffed.

“Still, a wolf mutant would be very beneficial, speed, power, keen senses. Yes...yes...he will do nicely.” Genus got to work.  He had plenty of wolf DNA thanks to Mosquito Girl.

“Tch, lions are better than some crummy wolf.” Beast King grumbled.

“Can you try to keep his looks doctor he’s a cutie!” She asked.

“Hmm, legends speak of wolves being able to shift from man to beast. With my science I can make myth into reality.” He smirked and began altering the formula. It was brilliant, positively brilliant.

While the world may not be aware of Saitama’s hero actions Genus was. Such strength, such raw power, such skill, Genus wanted to improve it and create the ultimate warrior. Carnage Kabuto may have had power and the capability of destruction, he lacked any form of control or humanity, he was a failure.

This man had a strong desire to be a hero, so it would be a big motivator for their cause. Genus completed the serum, and it was time to speak with Saitama. Genus prime came forward and appeared before Saitama. “Hey...can I have some pants?”

“In a bit, I need to speak with you. To be precise I have a proposition for you.”


“You’ve come across my radar, you’ve been doing the work of a hero I’d say.” Genus said. “So I’d like to help you with your hero work.”

“But didn’t you guys kidnap me?”

“Well...you were a difficult man to get a hold of. You didn’t make it easy, appearing and disappearing like a ghost.”

“But you still kidnapped me, so I think that makes you bad guys.”

“You are mistaken. I am Dr. I Genus, founder of the House of Evolution. I seek to make improvements on humanity through evolution!”

“Ok…” Saitama said.

“I believe I can take you to the next level!”

“No thanks.”


“I’m good, can you let me go now?”

“I’m offering you a chance to evolve into a mighty warrior.”

“Yeah, I’m good, I’m gaining strength on my own.”

“Told you he was an idiot.” Beast King said.

“Please, if you offer up your body to us it’ll further advance my research!” Genus said. “I can offer you power!”

“I’m getting stronger on my own.”

“I can offer you women!” Mosquito Girl giggled and blew Saitama a kiss.

“No thanks I’m not interested in girls.”

“Oh…” Genus blushed. “Ahem!” He cleared his throat. “Do you want money, lot of people sign up for experiments for money.”

Saitama paused, he couldn’t live at the temple forever, besides maybe he could use some of the money to fix up the place. It’d be nice to have a decent apartment after he completed his training. “How much money?”

Genus smiled. “I can transfer 1 million into any account you wish.”

“Fine I’ll do it!” He was given one hand free to punch in some account info, and Genus was a man of his word, transferring a million of his private funds into Saitama’s account. Genus couldn’t believe it was that easy, Saitama was a realistic man of the world.

Genus loaded his serum and Saitama was injected. “Gah!” He gasped, his heart began to pound. With each pump spreading the serum a little faster. “What is this!?” His canines grew sharper.

His impressive manhood grew hard as the transformation took hold, he was packing a lot of girth. His thick nest of manly hair grew into a treasure trail up to his navel. His balls swelled, and became covered in fur.

Fur spread on his wrists up to his elbows, and his ankles up to his knees. “Ahhh it’s hot!” He cried out.

“This is normal once the pain is done you will be fully transformed.” Genus said, marveling at his transformation.

Saitama could feel his body changing his bones shifting. He sprouted a wolf tail, and his ears became slightly curved and pointy. His brain sparked as new senses were triggered. A new line of nerves lined his inner walls as his body was conditioned to break down all food and double his energy output. His 6.5 inch manhood doubled in size, reaching 13 inches and getting even thicker.

His already fit body was enhanced, the serum stimulating his muscles, nullifying the limitations of the body. His nails grew sharp.

“Marvelous, you are transforming beautifully!” He was ready to call this a perfect success, until…

“Gah AHHH!” Saitama’s eyes glowed, a weird orange glow overflowing and leaking from his vessel. “Ah ah ah ah grrrrr!” Saitama turned into a full werewolf, black fur spreading over his body, though gray fur over his pecs and abs. The lycanthrope hybrid broke free of his restraints. His cock gained an additional 3 inches. “Ahhhhooooo!”

“Restrain him!” Genus said.

Beast King chuckled. He cracked his knuckled. “Good another round then!” He charged at the werewolf Saitama, only for him to zip around him and kick him into a wall. Beast King was still alive but stuck in the wall.

Mosquito Girl tried to grab him and suck his blood, but he was too fast even for her. He knocked her out with a single chop to the back of her neck. Genus called in his clones and they open fired with assault weapons. The bullets couldn’t penetrate his modified hide. Saitama growled, he zipped around and used his powerful claws to destroy their weapons and shred their clothes.

Armored Gorilla tried to catch Saitama but he used the wolf fang fist and knocked him back. ‘Did I create another monster?’ Something had gone wrong. He didn’t seem to be intent on killing.

He tried to put his lab in lock down, but Saitama simply tore through the doors with his claws. “Saitama wait, you can’t leave we must…” In a flash Saitama shredded Genus’s suit. “Gah!” Saitama licked his lips.

The werewolf let out a howl and his dick erupted covering Genus with semen. ‘Such power, such volume, such dominance!’ Genus shivered as he was covered from head to toe in thick werewolf jizz. He was brought to his knees, the musk making him a bit dizzy, and his penis throbbed.

Genus spent his whole life focusing on scientific pursuits, so he was still a virgin. He blushed feeling his libido spike in ways he haven’t felt in years. Beast King broke free out of the wall and chased after Saitama. He found Genus naked and covered in cum. “Where’d he go?”

“He ran off…”

“I’ll bring him back!” Genus doubted it, the scary part was Saitama’s power was growing beyond his calculations. Beast King gave chase, he found Saitama bathing in moonlight. “Stupid wolf, now eat this Fist of the Beast King!” he attacked with the lion fist technique.

Saitama dodged him with ease and to add insult to injury he got smacked with the werewolf’s still hard dick. “You bitch, I’ll teach you!” He tried to beat Saitama, but the werewolf was on full auto pilot, avoiding his punches and slashes effortlessly.

Genus watched the whole thing on security cams, he took hold of his cock and began fapping. Saitama shredded Beast King’s clothing. Beast King’s fat cock became fully exposed.

“Damn you!” His muscles flexed, his arm bands breaking. “Die, Pride of the Lion Barrage!”

Saitama took the wolf fang fist pose, and whoosh! He hit Beast King hard and knocked the wind out of him. He grabbed Beast King by his mane, and slapped his face with his dick. Genus worked his penis faster. The act of dominance and the heavy musk of werewolf cock had Beast King’s head spinning. He tried to catch his breath, but breathing through his nose just gave him more musk.

‘No...I’m strong...I’m the king of beasts...I can’t lose...I can’t become some wolf’s…’ Saitama came, showering Beast King in think werewolf cum. ‘His bitch!’ He was being scent marked, some of his semen getting into the lion hybrid’s mouth.

The taste sparked and fueled his libido, his fat dick stirring. His instincts took hold, he opened his mouth wide and drank Saitama’s semen. He reached down and began to beat his meat. Genus was doing the same, he scooped some of the cum off him and sucked it off his fingers. ‘It’s so good!’

Saitama finished cumming, marking the lion hybrid as his. Beast King roared and blew his load, his semen vanishing in the sea of white. He lost, the law of the jungle was clear, Saitama had marked him as his.

Genus came, splattering the monitor. He wasn’t bound by any law of the jungle, but Saitama’s supercharged libido was oddly contagious. Even Genus’s clones were feeling oddly excited.

Saitama howled and ran off. He was losing his mind, acting on pure instinct. His limiter was about to break, and with it he’d lose what made him human. His training had pushed him close, but the serum was changing him. He had a feeling in his heart where he was going, but he had no idea what was gonna happen when he got there.

“Saitama…” Mao appeared before him. “Your limiter is about to shatter.”

“Mas...ter…?” Mao was beyond the border of the temple. “Get...away...can’t...control…” He attacked Mao, but the man had his limiter broken, so he was beyond Saitama’s reach.

“This is my fault, I should have protected you.” He said as he dodged Saitama. “Since I broke my limiter I dedicated my life to training the next generations and protecting them, I should have guided you differently. It’s been so long since I care about the world.”

“Aaaahhhhh!” His limiter broke.

“Pagawan Sanfa!” Mao gathered a strange force, and struck Saitama. ‘My student, I will not let you fall!’ A huge flash of light occurred.

When one’s limiter breaks you obtain great power in exchange for a piece of your soul, though it is rare what one loses very from person to person, it is a terrible fate.

‘Saitama...I fear the world faces great challenges ahead, you who wish to help the world, I bestow this blessing upon you!’

To be continued...


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