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My Hero parody: Tier 6

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Prime Exam

Izuku was excited, nervous, and a flurry of other emotions that it was hard to process them all. He was heading to UA, to take the entrance exam. His mom was probably running through the same emotions as him. “Ohh my sweet baby, I’m so proud of you!”

“Thanks mom!” Izuku smiled and hugged her.

“Are you gonna be okay sweetie?” She knew the UA exam was dangerous. “Even if you did present as a Prime, I still worry.”

“I’m gonna be okay mom, I promise!” He smiled brighter. “No need to worry!”

“I’m a mother I always worry!” She sighed. “You’ll understand one day, once you meet your mate!”

“Mom!” Izuku blushed. He didn’t want to think about that right now. He needed to focus not think about baby making. Though if it was Kacchan….Izuku’s whole face got red and he felt a stirring in his loins. He mentally slapped himself not to think about such things.

“Be safe out there sweetie, I’m sure you got this!”

“Thanks Mom!” He headed out.

He reached the UA gates as other students were pouring in. There was alphas, betas, and omegas all over the place. Some alphas were using this opening as a meet cute, sizing up other alphas, checking out betas and omegas. “Hey baby!” Izuku shuddered in disgust. “You must be the cutest omega here!”

“Huh?” Izuku blinked.

“Ohh yeah, that adorable hair, those cute freckles, those gorgeous eyes!” While flattering the dude was putting out a lot of pheromones which was making Izuku sick. “How about after this exam you and I go…”


He didn’t get a chance to finish that sentence as Katsuki burst in unleashing some explosions. “Get lost you shitty extra!” He snapped. The blonde was looking furious.

“Kacchan!” Izuku gasped.

“Who the hell are y…?” Boom!

“Get lost fucker!” He released his pheromones and the guy went blue in the face. Izuku watched him back down, looking like he was about to piss himself. Without another word the guy ran off, Izuku never even learning his name, a true extra as Katsuki said.

Katsuki turned his attention on Izuku making him jump out of habit. “Is that him?” He asked.

“Huh?” Izuku blinked in confusion. “What do you mean Kacchan?”

Katsuki sniffed the air. “No not him.” He grumbled. Izuku had no idea what he was talking about.

“Kacchan, is something bothering you?” Katsuki’s eyes widened, as he caught a whiff of Izuku’s breath.

‘It’s gone!’ He sniffed about, trying to find a trace of scent marking, but not a speck or a trace. Midoriya had brushed his teeth and had absorbed All Might’s DNA, so the scent trail was gone. ‘Was I imagining it?’

“Kacchan, you are acting strange, are you sick, are you running a fever?” Izuku pressed his forehead to Katsuki’s making the blonde blush.

‘So close!’ Katsuki backed up without thinking.

“Well you aren’t warmer than usual.” Izuku scratched his chin, in a pondering gesture.

“I’m fine ya damn nerd!” He growled. “So you came here after all huh?”

“Yes, I did. I’m gonna pursue my dream!” He said confidently. A weird shiver raced up Bakugo’s spine. He shook his head.

“Just don’t go dying out there, you got that!” He snapped and ran off. Izuku couldn’t help but stare at Katsuki’s toned alpha ass as he went.

‘No stop it Izuku you can’t lust after him, he’s your friend, he’s an alpha, you can’t stuff him with your big prime dick and make him mewl and beg for each of your knots as you reward him for being…’ Izuku groaned, he was hard now.

He had to take some medicine to calm himself down. Though primes were rare, there was a medicine similar for alphas. Without it, Izuku might have been stuck in the bathroom for three hours just trying to get soft. ‘I shouldn’t think about him like that...so why do I?’ He let out a frustrated sigh. Because Katsuki would look so cute blissed out on his dick.

Midoriya popped another pill and made it to the assembly. Of course he was sitting next to Katsuki. Present Mic came out and Izuku gushed. It was a jab to Katsuki’s Alpha Pride, his desired mate gushing over another alpha. Yes, that was a big problem for Katsuki, the fact he was a Hero Fanboy didn’t help. They may have liked similar heroes, but after he presented, his Alpha was a possessive.

A lot of alphas tended to be when courting, but calm down after the mating process. Katsuki thought Izuku was an omega, maybe a beta, he didn’t care he knew what he wanted. A part of the problem was Katsuki used his pheromones to try and attract Izuku which didn’t work, he thought Izuku was rejecting him which was another reason he was so prickly. The two really needed to have a talk. For now he growled. “Damn nerd…” under his breath.

He gave them all their written exam, which Izuku believed he passed, he used his nerdy knowledge to answer every question he could. The tests were collected and handed in. This was just one part of the UA exam.

Present Mic came back to explain the practical exam, they would be fighting faux villains, robots. They ranged in size and strength, from 1 Pointers, 2 Pointers, and 3 Pointers. The applicants would have to bring down these villains and their final score would be added to their written exam. Bakugo growled. “We are at different sites, probably to keep students from the same school from helping each other.” He wanted to protect Izuku.

“Not a bad practice to avoid favoritism.”

“Excuse me sir!” a beta stood up, he had blue hair and glasses. He went on a rant about the prestige of the school and how on their handouts there were four faux villains not three. “And you there!” He turned to glare at Izuku. “You have been muttering quite a bit, it is distracting, you should have more control over yourself!”

It caught Izuku off guard. “Shut it you beta bitch!” Katsuki hissed at him. The beta was caught off guard and sat down, clearly he must have gone to a fancy school, he wasn’t used to such wild alphas.

“Now now, settle down,” Mic said. He explained how the last faux villain was a 0 pointer as it was simply an obstacle to avoid not to confront. “Got that listeners!”

Izuku was a bit nervous. The students were filed out and led to the sub sex changing room. Katsuki looked around but didn’t see Izuku anywhere. ‘So he really isn’t an alpha...good…’ He smirked, that was a load off his mind now he could focus on the exam.

Midoriya was taken to a special room for him to change. He went to his allotted site number. He was a bit nervous but he was doing some breathing exercises. ‘You can do this, show your courage, show your strength, you are a Prime...no you are Izuku Midoriya!’ He had been preparing for this!

“You can do this!”

“Hey!” Izuku jumped.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you. You’re an omega right?” It was the glasses boy again. “I wanted to apologize to either you or your alpha, I didn’t mean to be so rude.”

“Oh Kacchan?! He’s not my alpha or my mate!”

“Really? It’s just that he seems so protective of you?” Izuku couldn’t believe it.

“We are just friends.” Their convo ended abruptly as their exam began. Izuku charged in without hesitation, All Might had been training him for this, he studied for this, he had experience with a real villain. All of this was pushing him forward.

“Exterminate, Exterminate, Exterminate!” The faux villains chanted as they attacked. Izuku used his training to disable a few 1 Pointers, he didn’t even use his quirk. He identified that the 1 pointers had a weak spot which he was able to exploit. A few wire pulls and bam he had points. The 2 pointers were too much for him without using all might’s quirk.

Though Izuku noticed some others were struggling as well, so he came up with a plan. “Over here!” He called and became the target of the robots, he was quick like the bunny. Even without a speed quirk his honed body was quite swift.

He led them into a trap, a boy with a navel laser blasted one. While two other boys used their quirks to bring down the other two pointers. “Thanks for the help!”

“No problem!”

“Merci, you make a great distraction!”

“Hehehe,” he chuckled.

Izuku picked up a piece of the broken robot and used it as both a shield and a weapon. He managed to rally the other students to work together to bring down 3 Pointers they stood no chance in. The teachers observing were impressed, Alphas, Betas, and Omegas working together. “That boy is good!”

Once the 0 Pointer was unleashed Izuku led a party to make sure no one was left behind and everyone escaped safely.

The exam wasn’t over, for the last part of the exam was a sub sex and physical exam. Alphas clamored around the Omega exam room before getting chased off by Hound Dog. “Control yourselves or be prepared to fail this exam!”

Katsuki looked for Izuku after the exam, he couldn’t smell him near the omega room or the beta room. ‘Where is he?’ He caught a whiff. Bakugo followed his nose and led him to an unlikely place. ‘He’s in Recovery Girl’s office…’ His heart sank, what happened to his Deku. “Deku!”

He burst into the room just as Izuku finished getting undressed. “Kacchan!?” He froze, seeing something one would not see on an omega, a beta, or even an alpha.

‘So big!!!!’ On this day Katsuki discovered what sub sex Izuku really was.

To be continued Prime Talk


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