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Naruto parody: Tier 6

Chapter 4 

Naruto Original Size 7 inches: Moon Orb Size: 13 inches 26 inches hard

Sasuke 11 inches soft 12 inches hard Moon Orb Size 24 inches

Kakashi 14 inches

Chapter 5

The new Uchiha was basking in the glory of the sex. Even after a dip in the nearby river, Sasuke’s ass was plugged to keep the bounty from leaking out. His belly was swollen, with semen. Sasuke kept rubbing it, remembering the bulge of Naruto’s dick. It was like he could still feel it. His hole sure as hell remembered.

Naruto gave him a tongue bath, and plugged up his wrecked hole. Sasuke felt so loved, it had his heart fluttering. The tongue bath, the skinship, His channel was still left gaping, Naruto’s cum filling the void. He wiggled in delight. ‘So goopy!’ His hole tightened around the plug. He returned the favor, licking Naruto all over, taking special care/time to sniff his master’s pits, balls, and feet. The skinship strengthened their bonds.

It was exciting for Naruto to see Sasuke so lustful, you never would have guessed looking at him before. ‘Didn’t know he had it in him.’

“Give my ass a kiss Sasuke!” The Uchiha obeyed, kissing tan cheeks, licking the heated skin, before burying his face in his rear. “Ooohhh yeah baby, work that tongue.” Naruto got horny enough just to produce some pre-cum.

He used his essence to scent mark Sasuke. The wolf boy shivered in delight, he wanted to smell like his alpha. His own scent was overwhelmed. “Mmm!”

Naruto was sure neither Sakura or Kakashi would notice, probably the only ones who’d notice were those blessed by the moon orb and maybe the Inuzuka clan. With Naruto’s scent over powering Sasuke’s, if the Uchiha worked out or got excited, his pheromones would be marked by his alpha and give Sasuke a mini high.

Once they got out Sasuke found it was hard to get his shirt on.  He didn’t have to wait long before his belly was corrected, his chakra system feeding on the surplus of cum and fueling his chakra levels. “Ohhh!” His stomach shrank down enough to show off his six pack abs.

The beauty of it was the wolf boy still felt full, his belly was still stuffed to the max and would digest over time. The sensations alone had the Uchiha’s tail wagging.

Sasuke was having trouble masking all of his new changes. The furry features yes, a simple henge was enough, but the monster in his pants...

It was hard to mold his chakra to mask that monster. Best he could do was stuff it down his pants, Naruto would help him, but he liked the way it bulged. The most he’d do was let out his crotch a bit.

Naruto cupped his bulge, playing with the crotch with his chakra. Sasuke sighed as the fibers relaxed allowing his massive prick to swell and fill out the groin.

“Mean...” Sasuke grumbled as he went commando, his underwear could no longer handle his bodacious booty or his massive dick. Even with Naruto letting out the groin some, and getting some crotch support, part of Sasuke’s dick was partially tucked in his pant leg. He made quite the bulge even soft.

Naruto was certainly pleased at the sight. “Hmm, maybe a little but it’s fun to tease you.” he kissed his cheek. Sasuke blushed, and tried not to get hard, even as the blonde nibbled on his ear. The blonde had been enjoying teasing the stoic Uchiha getting him to make all kinds of adorable reactions.

“So you found this in Gato’s place?” Sasuke eyed the strange orb.

“Sure did, funny thing for him to have?”

“He was probably moving it for someone.”

“But who?” Given how powerful this little trinket was anyone could/would want this thing. “You could build an army with this thing.” He twirled the orb on his finger. “A lot of suspects.” He slipped the orb into his tail fur and kept it hidden.

“We could interrogate him.”

“Sounds like a good idea. We learned Inari’s dad is still alive and somewhere. A little more coaxing and he’ll spill the beans.”

-x-Gato’s Holding Cell-x-


Gato was tied up heavily, wounds from his interrogation already healing. “Who’s there?” He could hear something moving in the shadows. “I...I...I’ve told you everything I know already.”

“Did you…?” Golden eyes peered at him through the darkness.


“Sssshhh!” The figure approached, keeping in the shadows.

“I didn’t tell them anything about you I swear!” Gato said.

“Good, but I heard your store houses were raided.”

“W-w-where did you hear that?” He gulped.

“I have my sources. I trust my treasure was kept safe?” Gato heard shifting in and saw snakes gazing at him.

“It...It’s gone…”

“What do you mean gone? You either lost it or it was stolen? Which is it?”

“Those Konoha ninja stole it, I swear I did everything I could.”

“Konoha ninja?” The figure chuckled. “It seems I’ll have to step up my game. If my orb is in Konoha, I’ll get it back.”

“Then we are good then...will you help me out?”

“Help you?” The man chuckled again. His snakes hissed and slipped through the bars.  “Ohohoho, I’ll help you!”

“Wait… stop…!” A snake dropped from the ceiling and coiled around his throat, cutting off his air supply. Gato’s face began to turn red, slowly gaining a bluish purplish tint to it. He could have easily been strangled to death, but that would be too easy.

“You were tasked with transporting that very important orb to me, not only did you lose it, you lost it to my enemies. You’ve forced me to alter my plans instead of properly preparing to take down Konoha.”  His tone grew darker, angrier!

“Plus you have no information on who has my orb!?” The snakes coiled around his arms and legs.

‘Please...no…’ He began to sweat.

“Plus, you are weak, you gave in to them once you’ll give into them again. A small man who gained some power and influence and believe he’s untouchable. Allow me to help!”

With one final hiss the snakes bit Gato. The man cried as poison spread through his veins. In just a few seconds he was dead, but for Gato his death was slow and agonizing, each second felt like hours. With a snake’s tight grip on his throat he couldn’t even scream or cry out. Liquid fire spread through his veins making it feel like he was burning and melting at the same time as the poison ate away at him. A taste of the hell that awaited him in the after life.

Once he was dead, the snakes left him and the figure vanished into the shadows.


“He’s dead?!” Naruto gasped.

“How did that happen?” Sasuke asked.

“It seems to be poison, we’d have to perform an autopsy to find out the details.” Kakashi points out. “We had guards posted outside his cell, but whoever did it managed to get in and out without being seen.”

“It was probably Zabuza or Haku, getting their final payback!” Sakura accused.

“I doubt the two would risk their freedom for petty payback.”  Naruto crossed his arms. ‘So much for finding out who this orb was being sent to...no matter I’ll keep it safe and put its power to better use.’ He smirked.

There were three prime targets in his grasp. Inari wanted the power and strength to find his father, Sakura needed a lot of help, and Kakashi well…


Kakashi noticed a strange closeness between Naruto and Sasuke. They were gonna rest a bit before returning to the village. Taking on Zabuza and Haku took a lot out of them. He didn’t want any surprises on the way back.

It wasn’t the only thing he noticed. ‘Did Sasuke have a growth spurt?’ He gulped gazing at the massive length. Kakashi hated to admit it, but in his massive collection of porn, he liked to read about guys being taken by big Big BIG dicks. He was a size queen, and seeing that bulge was doing things to him.

He thought he was fine, but the boys could smell his arousal. So when he’d sneak off, the guys knew what he was doing. Kakashi had felt a surge in his libido as of late. He was no stranger to erotic dreams, but they were so powerful and felt so real.

As a closet perv, he had all kinds of tricks to achieve orgasm quickly. Normally he just jerked off, applying some chakra to achieve a super orgasm. The need to get fucked was driving him crazy.

After seeing Sasuke’s prominent bulge he couldn’t resist. He dropped his pants and boxers, his fat 14 incher springing up. ‘I think I’m too old to be pitching this much wood.’ With one hand he began to play with his cock, while his free hand went behind to play with his ass. “Nnnnhhh!” he shivered.

Two fingers stuffed up his hole easily, he began to gingerly thrust them as he worked his cock. It was because of his teacher he first started playing with his ass, the man had a sizable bulge, he wished he had gotten the chance to ride it, taste it, worship it! Now he was having dreams about his son.

In his dreams, he imagined his sensei training his body, tying him up and serving him as a gift for his son Naruto. He dreamed of giving Naruto a private lesson, with the blonde showing him how much of a good student he was. The dreams only got more real and intense as of late. It made him feel good, in his dream he was being dominated. That was his favorite dreams, he wanted to serve, he wanted to be a good boy. He’d have been such a good boy for Minato-sensei.

He tried to top a few times to make his partners happy, it worked well enough but his true desires never waned. When he saw big cocks it was like a switch, a craving he wished could be sated.

Now he had Naruto and even Sasuke, two young studs. Judging from his dreams and Sasuke’s recent growth hung studs. He’d be in hog heaven if they double teamed him. Kakashi moaned and added a third finger. He was working his fat cock so much his balls were bouncing. His ass was throbbing, a burning ache was felt.

“Naruto...Sasuke...hhhnnnn!” he growled as he came. Thick spurts of cum shooting off and landing in the grass before him.

“Well isn’t this a surprise.” Kakashi froze.

“Sure is, we came looking for you sensei.” Kakashi turned his head and there stood Naruto and Sasuke.

“You are a naughty boy sensei!” Naruto said with a smirk.

“I think we should punish him?” Kakashi shivered and his dick stood back at attention.

“I think he’d like that!” Naruto held up a sign and in a poof the boys were both naked their massive dicks swinging free. Kakashi had hearts in his eye.

‘So big!’ Kakashi felt his heart pound in his chest like a drum.

“What do you say sensei?”

“Wanna play with us?”

To be continued...Slutty Wolf Awakened


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