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Naruto parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Forbidden Jutsu: Slave Kiss Jutsu

Naruto learned this technique from the forbidden scroll. This jutsu is known as the slave kiss jutsu, a kiss on the cheek will make someone a temporary slave, a kiss on the lips will make someone a slave for life. Using this jutsu Naruto begins to change his life, strengthening Konoha’s power and building a harem for himself. Mind Control Switcher Naruto/Harem

Chapter 1

The Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu wasn’t the only jutsu he learned from the forbidden scroll but it was the only jutsu he needed to bring down Mizuki. The scroll of seals existed to seal away jutsu said to be too dangerous. The Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu was sealed as it created special clones made from the users chakra; and if used the right way could help one’s development.

Naruto was a bit of a perv, and he had his own brand of pervy jutsu he found worked quite well on others. So when he spotted this jutsu in the scroll of seals he took interest of it. “Thanks for saving me, Iruka-sensei!” He said, performing some hand seals.

“I’m not your sensei anymore Naruto,” he took off his hitai-ate and gave it to Naruto. “You more than proved your strength here today. You are ready to become a ninja.”

Naruto blushed and smiled. “That’s good, because I want to thank you...Iruka…” He put on the headband. His lips were tingling from the chakra. ‘It’s now or never!’ He surprised Iruka by glomping him. The man blushed and Naruto sealed the distance between them.

“Naru…?” He was cut off as Naruto’s lips sealed over his. Ba-Bump Iruka’s heart skipped a beat, and he had hearts in his eyes.

1 Hit...2 Hits...3 Hits...4 Hits...5 Hits…

Iruka felt his knees go weak, they buckled as his body relaxed.

6 Hits...7 Hits...8 Hits...9 Hits...10 Hits…

Iruka moaned his head going fuzzy.

11 Hits...12 Hits...13 Hits...14 Hits...15 Hits…

His heart started pounding in his chest. He was growing hot under the collar.

16 Hits...17 Hits...18 Hits...19 Hits...20 Hits…

Iruka felt his blood rush south and his dick started tenting his pants.

21 Hits...22 Hits...23 Hits...24 Hits...25 Hits…

Iruka whimpered his cock becoming painfully hard and weeping pre-cum. He clung to Naruto as he felt a weird tingling in his ass.

26 Hits...27 Hits...28 Hits...29 Hits...30 Hits!

Iruka came hard, soaking through his underwear and making a wet spot on his pants. The rest of his cum ran down his legs. Naruto broke the kiss and Iruka crumbled, panting and twitching. “Who is your master?”

“You Naruto-sama!”

“Who will you serve?”

“You Naruto-sama!”

“Tell me who you love!”

“I love you Naruto-sama!” He moaned. Naruto smirked. He was so tired of being alone, with this new jutsu he’d be surrounded by love.

Iruka was tasked with reporting this mess to the Hokage, omitting a few details. The scroll of seals was handed over, but Naruto decided to keep this little jutsu a secret. Mizuki was arrested, and the blame for the whole incident fell on his shoulders. Iruka saw the healers before heading home.

“Hmm, where is my key?” Iruka checked his pockets. He checked his door and found it unlocked. ‘I’m sure I locked it…’ he entered his home on edge and alert. Nothing was amiss until he reached his bedroom. Naruto was laying in his bed butt naked. “Master!?”

Seeing his master, Iruka felt his heart soar. His blood rushed south and his penis swelled. He had a painful desire to fuck and be fucked. “Are you all healed up?” Naruto asked lazily working his penis.

Iruka’s heart fluttered. ‘Master was worried about me?’ he smiled. “Yes Master, I am fully healed and ready to serve.” All questions of what Naruto was doing here was thrown out the window.

“Good, because I’m moving in!” He was sick of his run down, over priced apartment. Now he knew why, he was hated because of the Kyuubi inside him. It explained a lot, why the adults treated him like trash, why they told other youths to stay away from him. He had to act like a clown to get attention from anyone, he was tired of acting.

His family had left him money to pay for food, rent, and other necessities according to the Third. The money was in a bond, that he couldn’t access until he was 21. With how much he was being drained he doubted he’d have anything left.

‘Master...living with me?!’ A wave of joy crashed onto Iruka making the man grow excited. His head filled with thoughts of taking care of his master, waking his master up with a blow job, washing his back for him, making him breakfast, being rewarded for doing a good job. Iruka began to salivate.

Naruto chuckled. He sat on the edge of the bed. “As the master of the house I get to set the rules right?” He was still working his cock, much to Iruka’s delight. It was filling the room with his manly musk. The jutsu had already programmed Iruka, the man couldn’t lie to him, couldn’t betray him, he had to obey his commands, etc.

“Yes master!” He had Iruka spill are his dirty little secrets, listening to the man crave to serve his every want and need excited the blonde to no end.

“First rule, this is my house, you and everything you own belongs to me!”

“Yes master!” He didn’t need any possessions, he just needed his master.

“Rule two, when in my new home, I want you naked. You’ll remain naked unless I decide to dress you in something special!”

“Yes master!” Iruka obediently began to strip. He took off each article in a way that let Naruto enjoy the view. Iruka had a rocking body, honed through ninja training. The blonde licked his lips as the last garment fell and Iruka’s dick slapped his abs. Naruto whistled.

“Isn’t that better?”

“Yes master!” It was so freeing. His master was so smart, this was so much better.

“You are really hot Iruka! I can’t count how many times I’ve jerked off to you!” Iruka blushed. “You know those nightmares where a guy will come to class naked or in their underwear. I used to have dreams about you coming to class naked, and I’d punish you by fucking you in front of the whole class.”

“Nnnnhhh!” Iruka felt his lust surge. He had no idea Naruto had such feelings for him. He gazed at his former student’s penis, it was so big. Iruka was no slouch in the cock department but the blonde had him beat by a couple inches and his girth was intense. He wanted to suck it, he wanted to feel the blonde inside him, he wanted to cum.

His dick was already leaking. “Do you wanna touch yourself Iruka?”

“Yes master!”


“Because, being naked in your presence excites me, seeing you play with your cock excites me, seeing you naked excites me. I’m so horny I feel like I’m gonna burst.” Iruka confessed.

“How often did you jerk off before?”

“At least once a day, sometimes twice.”

“You poor man, I jerk off at least nine times a day.”

‘Nine?!’ Iruka gazed at Naruto’s hefty balls. ‘So big!’

“I don’t know if it’s because of Kyuubi, but I have a big libido I guess.” It wasn’t just because of the Kyuubi, he inherited his size from his father, his libido comes from his Uzumaki blood.

“You aren’t the Kyuubi master, you are a member of the Uzumaki clan, no doubt your libido comes from that clan.” Him being part of a clan came as a surprise. Today was just full of surprises.

“Rule Three: You will jerk off and train your ass for me, sometimes I will watch, but you’ll purchase toys for us to use.”

“Ohh yes master!” Iruka moaned and began to play with his weeping cock. His free hand playing with a pert nipple. “Master!” He moaned and began to drool.

“This is so hot! I love this jutsu!”

“I’m happy you made me yours master!”

“You aren’t mine yet, but you will belong to me soon, mind, body, and soul!” Iruka moaned and came. He made such a mess.

“You really are a special kind of pervert Iruka. That was fast!” He ordered him to clean up the mess and without missing a beat Iruka began to lick his cum off the floor. The dominance Naruto had over the man was absolute

“Rule 4: You may no longer be my sensei, but you shall be my training partner. You are gonna teach me more about ninjutsu, more about sex, and more about me!” He smirked. “And I’m gonna train you to being the perfect slut for me!” He read about dirty talk in some magazines.

“Yes master!” He was eager to help his master get stronger.

“I must say, you have quite the naughty body sensei!” Naruto’s gaze roamed over Iruka’s form. He applied chakra to his lips and he kissed the man. Iruka moaned, his chakra was surged down creating instant recovery. “But we’ll make it naughtier won’t we.”

“Yes master!”

“You have a nice cock sensei, but I don’t think you can satisfy me as a top yet.”

“I’ll work hard to serve you master!”

“I know you will,” Naruto sat back down. “Suck my dick slut!”

“YES!” Iruka got between Naruto’s legs and began to slurp on his dick.

“Oh yeah Iruka, this mouth that always scolded me, is now sucking my dick!” Naruto moaned, his body shaking. Iruka knew what to do but Naruto’s size was giving him trouble, it was so long and thick. He sure as hell was giving it his best effort, Naruto wasn’t complaining.

The man licked his shaft, kissed the tip, worshiping the head, teasing his glans. This felt so much better than his hands. Iruka was playing with his cock as he enjoyed his master’s penis. “Ah ah, you’ve already cum once, play with your nipples!” Iruka obeyed, pinching and working his naughty nipples. They were an erogenous zone from the brunette Naruto planned to train them into something special.

Even with playing with his nipples, since he was sucking his master’s cock Iruka’s lust was building. “You are enjoying this so much Iruka, I’m glad I made you my first!” Naruto moaned.

Iruka moaned. He was working so hard to bring his master to orgasm, his gag reflex breaking as he took the monster down to the root. ‘Oh fuck master!’ He was in hog heaven. Tugging and pinching his perky nips, sending long surges of pleasure down to his dick.

The more he sucked on his master’s cock the hornier he became. Iruka craved more, more moans, more pre-cum, more pleasure for them both. He sucked and licked, doing everything he could think of to bring his master to orgasm. Time blurred, even as his jaw ached he kept working.

His efforts were not in vain as Naruto howled and came into Iruka’s mouth. Six heavy spurts shot down his throat, before he pulled back to catch another five heavy spurts in his mouth. He barely had time to savor it as seven more thick spurts filled his mouth. Iruka had to swallow. He saw stars and his own cock erupted beneath him.

Naruto’s cock tasted so good, and his thick man milk tasted even better. The blonde grunted as his dick continued to twitch and expel more of his fresh seed. Naruto pulled out and splattered Iruka’s face with three hefty spurts of his cum. “Damn you look so hot sensei!”

Iruka’s eyes widened as Naruto was still hard after all of that. To his shock so was he his hard cock twitching between his legs. “I shared some of my libido with you, say thank you master!”

“Thank you master!” Naruto cupped the back of Iruka’s head and thrust his dick inside.

“Your welcome slut!” Naruto moaned and humped Iruka’s face. Iruka’s mind drifted into sub space, he just relaxed his throat, breathed through his nose, and let his master use him. Being used by his master turned him on even more and made his ass hole very jealous. “This jutsu is awesome!”

Naruto came again, but this time he emptied his full load down Iruka’s throat and filled his belly. After Naruto’s incredibly long orgasm, Iruka felt drunk off his cum. “I think its time for our first training session.” He playfully slapped Iruka with his still hard dick.

To be continued...A Ninja’s Body


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