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Bleach parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 16 

Chapter 17 Jugram’s Identity and No Class Ups?!

Ichigo was not in the mood for this. Askin suddenly attacked him out of nowhere. ‘This guy is a total idiot!’ They were in the middle of a public street, with civilians and stalls all over. “Askin what are you doing?”

“Shut it, I saw that cutie with you, how many more adorable guys do you plan to enslave you monster!?”

“Huh?” Askin spun his spear and charged at Ichigo.

“Free him at once, you scum! I can’t believe you!” Ichigo blocked his attacks and forced him back. “You are a fiend, not only do you have Renji-chan and Grimmjow-chan, but you have more slaves! Does your lust know no end!” Ichigo sweatdropped.

“Will you shut up!” This guy gave Ichigo such a headache. “What is your beef this time? You aren’t making any sense!”

“The little cutie with the wings. You made him your slave too didn’t you?” He glared.

“Are you talking about Toshiro?”

Askin blushed. “Toshiro-kun!” He blushed and panted. “He looks so much like the guy from my favorite dating sim!” He gushed.

“I don’t care…”

“You see I have a thing for elves, imps, and devis. I LOVE FANTASY WORLDS!!!” Devi’s are similar to incubi, but what they are called in Askin’s world, they have demon like wings. Toshiro’s dragon wings look a lot like their wings.

“Yeah, I really don’t care!” He blinked. ‘He’s interested in Toshiro in his human form? Doesn’t he realize he’s the dragon that kicked him in the dick?’

“First you got a thing for Renji and Grimmjow, now Toshiro, do you fall in love with every cute guy you meet?”

“No!” He snapped, before acting all cool. “I can’t help it if I’m popular with the ladies and men alike.”

‘And this dude calls me scum?’ He could tell Askin was a total player, he hops from guy or girl on a whim. ‘Doesn’t he realize that makes his words of love seem empty and cheap.’ He noticed Askin’s party, they were different people then before except for the bitch.

“I’ll save them!” He attacks Ichigo again, for him to dodge.

“Stop it!” Ichigo snapped. “Why don’t you stop the moron?” He shot at Bambietta. She just smirked and sneered. ‘This bitch!’ This is a public place, did she not care about her citizens? ‘Some princess…’

“Please stop Spear Hero!” The red haired knight from before cut between them and defended Ichigo.

“Who the hell are you?” Askin asked.

“My name is Jinta and I’m a knight in service of this kingdom!” he declared. “You must stop, this is a public area and no place for a duel.”

“Actually it is!” Bambietta stepped forward. She held up a scroll. “I declare this an official duel, so don’t interfere or you will be punished.”

“Ugh...you are rotten!” Ichigo growled.

Jinta was sweating. “I am a soldier ma’am, it is my job to protect the citizens!” Ichigo blinked in surprise. “Such a duel is unfair, as the Shield Hero cannot fight back.”

“You insolent man!” She prepared to attack Jinta. “You dare defy the princess?”

“Enough!” a voice rang out. “A personal duel between the Spear and Shield Hero is not permitted.”

“You…” Ichigo blinked in surprise and was cut off by Bambietta.

“Why are you here?” Bambietta cursed.

“Prince Jugram!” Jinta cheered.

“Prince?! He’s the prince?” He couldn’t believe Jugram was Bambietta’s brother. They weren’t alike at all.

Jugram held up a scroll. “Spear Hero, the heroes cannot be fighting each other like this. Look around you!” Askin had caused a lot of damage, attacking Ichigo, his misses hit the surrounding area causing a lot of collateral damage. “You shall pay for the damages for starting this fight.”

Askin flinched but accepted defeat. “Sister, it seems you are being quite mischievous again.”

“I don’t know what you mean, I’m simply acting as a support for the Spear Hero!”

“And you call a public duel that puts citizen’s lives at risk support?” Bambietta frowned. “You are driving them to fight, instead of stopping it and protecting our citizens.”

Ichigo was surprised, this country was supposedly a matriarchy, but it seems Jugram had more power than Bambietta. “Master!” Toshiro, Renji, Grimmjow, and Komamura arrived.

“What happened?” Renji asked.

“Nothing, just Askin being a moron again.”

“You!” Askin came forward and got down on one knee in front of Toshiro. “You are lovely, may I have your name, hobbies, interests, are you single?”

“I’m Toshiro, and I love pulling the wagon!” He declared.

“Don’t answer him!” Ichigo face palmed.

“Ichigo...you fiend…” He trembled in rage. “You have this adorable treasure pulling your wagon, like he’s your lame dragon.” Toshiro twitched.

“I like hunting monsters, and I’m gonna be master’s mate one day!”

“Ichigo you bastard!” Askin stood up and Ichigo noticed his new accessory, a crotch plate.

“Nice accessory!” Askin blushed.

“That’s right, your idiot dragon did a number on me, but I won’t let that worthless beast get me again.” He aimed his spear at Ichigo. “Toshiro you shouldn’t be with him, he’s a dangerous man, I’ll finish him off and set you all free.”

“Lame...Idiot...Worthless...you are so rude, you were rude the last time we met too!”

“Huh, what do you mean Toshiro-chan?” Toshiro transformed into his dragon form. “Wait...you were the lame dragon…”

“Then you have the balls to threaten my master in front of me!” He glared, his gaze chilling. “I hate you spear guy!”


Askin was sent flying, his crotch plates breaking. Bambietta took him for healing. Ichigo laughed. “Well done Toshiro!” Ichigo was so brightened and cheery it was shocking. It was nice he was opening up more. Toshiro was more than happy for the praise.

“We’ll remember this!” Bambietta snapped.

“Saint...no Shield Hero!” Jugram approached Ichigo. “We must talk!”


Urahara was surprised Ichigo came to his shop to have a little meeting. “Prince Jugram you sure have grown up.” He bowed.

“Allow me to introduce myself. I’m the heir apparent to the throne Jugram!”

“I thought this was a matriarchy, that’s what you sister told me, or was that just another lie.”

“No its true, but my sister has issues, that makes her unfit to rule. So mother made me heir to the throne.”

‘No kidding…’ Ichigo thought. He had heard enough, Jugram wasn’t just a noble, he was royalty, the same family that ruined his life. He felt his unease right. “I’ve heard enough, you are one of them, I can’t trust you!”

“Ichigo-sama!” Renji gasped. He tried to protest Ichigo’s current path.

“Renji...stop…” Grimmjow said. He could see the rage in Ichigo’s eyes.

“Please listen...I…” Ichigo cut him off.

“Your father and sister, ruined my life, do you have any idea what they’ve done to me!?” He snapped. “They tried to take Renji and Grimmjow from me, they smeared my name and dragged me through the mud, so why should I listen to you?”

Jugram was shocked and hurt, but he could see the raw anger in his eyes. Just moments ago he had seen the features so soft and joyful now hard and angry. Ichigo may not hate the world anymore, but he hadn’t forgiven those that had betrayed him. Despite their time together, the shadow of Bambietta’s betrayal gripped his heart.

Some knights came in. “Jugram-sama the king has called for you.”

“Understood.” He looked at Ichigo who huffed. “I hope...we can come to an understanding. I really did enjoy traveling with you all!” he said with a smile.

Toshiro didn’t know what was happening, he made a friend and now for some reason he wasn’t allowed to hang out with him. His master was angry and upset. Renji and Grimmjow knew why, Sajin was also brought up to speed. Only Rose and him didn’t know what was up. “Master…”

“Ichigo, are you sure that is wise?” Kisuke asked. “Jugram is a lot like the queen, he’s a good guy. Don’t you think you went too far?”

He huffed. Toshiro and Rose looked at him, and he sighed. “The princess bitch, Bambietta was the first person to join my party. I didn’t know she was the princess, I just thought she was a kind adventurer who actually wanted to help the shield hero. She betrayed me and framed me for a crime I didn’t commit. The King didn’t even want to hear what I had to say. The other Heroes besides Bazz didn’t believed me.” He told Toshiro and Rose the whole story, of how they forced a duel, took Renji and Grimmjow hostage. It was hard to hear what their master had gone through.

“Wouldn’t it be better to have Jugram on your side?”

“I can’t trust them...I can’t…” Sajin hugged him, and rubbed his back.

“You trust your team don’t you?” Kisuke felt for the guy, he could tell by the look in his eyes. ‘If the queen wasn’t away this wouldn’t have happened.’ There had to be a way.


A knock came to the door. “A customer?” Urahara went to answer it.

“Shield Hero-sama!” It was Jinta.

“You again?”

“Yes sir, me and my squad would like to help support you during the waves!” He declared.

“Look it would be better for you and your career if you supported the other heroes.” Jinta shook his head.

“No way, I was really impressed with you during the last wave.” He said. “And I’m not the only one.”

“You must have a reason?”

“I happen to be from the village you saved. You helped my family and friends, you protected them...though I am a soldier sworn to the kingdom, I believe the kingdom is its people. If we fight the waves we need to make sure there is as little collateral damage as possible.”

“Sounds noble…” Ichigo stood up. “If you want to earn my trust, buy this!” He revealed an accessory, a silver cross with a blue magic orb in the center. Kisuke was impressed.

“So you can make accessories now, you’ve grown up a lot while you were away.” Ichigo ignored him.

“600 Silvers!”

“WHAT?!” It was an accessory left over from their selling campaign.

“I...I...I’ll find a way. I’ll go pull the money together!” Jinta left.

“That’s a bit rough Ichigo-sama!”

“Tch, its for the best we don’t need weaklings holding us back. That includes those idiot heroes.” Grimmjow growled.

Kisuke smirked. “I think you are up to something!” They looked form Kisuke to Ichigo. The shield hero said nothing.

“Did we make enough money for the class up?”

“We did!” Sajin, Grimmjow, and even Toshiro had bags of coin. Ichigo eyed Toshiro’s, it was money from the kingdom.

‘We did the job, best to accept it!’ With the reward they got from helping Jugram they actually had 100 Gold.

“Alright, let’s go!” He wanted to get Renji and Grimmjow their class ups, they’ve been with him the longest.

“Aww I wanted to get one to!” Toshiro whined.

“Next time I promise, and I’m sure by then Rose will be ready to class up to.” Rose cheered. He wanted the ability to move around and walk with master. For now he had to stay and watch the wagon.

Ichigo, Renji, Grimmjow, Sajin, and Toshiro head back to the church where the Dragon Hourglass stood. Some priests and priestesses were standing by to assist with the upgrade. “The Shield Hero and his party…” Berenice sneered.

“We are here for a class up!” He declared.

Berenice glared at Ichigo’s party. Sajin could see it in her eyes, a deep raw hatred for demi-humans and beastmen. “You are aware that the cost of a class up is 50 gold, per head?” She sneered.

“I’m aware,” he revealed a bag of gold. “I want class ups for Renji and Grimmjow.” Berenice was shocked.

“No!” She said.

“Excuse me?”

“But didn’t you just say?” She revealed a scroll.

“By royal decree, the shield hero’s party are banned from receiving class ups!” She smirked.

“Royal decree huh?” Ichigo seethed with rage.

“No way!” Grimmjow growled.

“No…” Toshiro hung his head.

Sajin frowned. ‘This isn’t gonna improve Ichigo-sama’s view of the royals, not that I can blame him.’

“If you have no further business here, leave!”

Ichigo didn’t know what to do, but he left. He had to figure out something, cause the wave was coming and they needed to be ready. ‘But what can we do?!’

To be continued Special Offer...Renji’s Class Up?


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