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My Hero parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 UA Exam

The day of the UA Exam came after what felt like an eternity. Izuku was getting ready for the exam. His mother was worried, but supportive. She was making sure he had everything. “Are you sure about this sweetheart?”

“Yes Mom, this is my dream.”

“But there are other schools, UA’s exam is so dangerous.”

“I’ll be fine!”

“Oh sweetie!” she hugged him.

“I promise, I’ll be okay!”

“Just be careful.” She was a mother, she would always worry. Inko did support her son, and knew how hard he’s been working. Training his body, training his quirk, he was so gung ho about all this. After working so hard, she had to be supportive.

Izuku and Katsuki met at the gates of UA, the two had been preparing the last 10 months to take the UA exam. It was a bit intimidating, so many amazing pros got their start here. Izuku was getting nervous.

“Oi Deku!” Katsuki snapped making Izuku jump. “Don’t lose your focus!” He took hold of his hand and gave it a squeeze.

“Yeah, thanks Kacchan!”

“Aww how sweet!” The two turned to see a short haired blonde. “Are you a couple? Do you think you can take this exam together?”

“Who the fuck are you?”

“Neito Monoma, I’m also applying here. I’ll be aiming for the top. With my unique quirk, I’m sure to suck up all the attention.”

“Tch, you damn extra!”

“Kacchan, be nice.” Izuku felt this guy was a bit odd, but they could be classmates it’d be best for them to get along.

“I know you two, you were all over the news. You were involved in that sludge villain incident.” Other students were taking notice, recognizing them from the news. Katsuki was getting more agitated.

“Yeah...we were…All Might saved us, he was amazing.”

“HAHAHA!” Monoma started laughing. “You guys must think you are hot stuff, but you needed All Might to save you?” Monoma shook his head. “You guys couldn’t handle one little villain, and you want to be pro heroes. You must be embarrassed!” He laughed some more.


“Katsuki!” Izuku spoke, making the blonde freeze. “It was nice to meet you Monoma-kun, good luck with the exam, we’ll be leaving now.”

“Huh?!” he gasped as the two walked off. Onlookers began to murmur and whisper about what just went down.


“You should have let me roast that damn extra.”

“He’s not worth it, we shouldn’t be starting fights before the exam.” He was right.

“He needed to get exploded a little.” Katsuki pouted and Izuku chuckled. He pets Katsuki. He felt more relaxed now.

“I’m sure you’ll get your chance one day.” The written exam was a breeze. Having Katsuki’s support helped calm his nerves and he was able to focus on the test. Izuku knew a lot about hero history past and present. Basic and advanced education questions, knowledge about Hero Laws, all an all a pretty standard test.

Next was the Physical Exam, boys and girls were taken to different rooms and asked to strip for the exam. Some guys weren’t shy and stood bare ass naked, letting it all hang out, while others were allowed to wear underwear until they reached the examiner.

This felt like a locker room for a lot of the boys, sizing each other up. In a way of seeing how they stacked up with each other, physically speaking. Izuku was blushing a bit as he felt a lot of guys staring at him. A guy with pointy teeth standing behind him patted him on his shoulder. “Hm?”

“Nice!” He said, giving a toothy grin and a thumbs up. “You are super manly!”

“Oh um thank you.” Izuku checked him out. “You are quite manly yourself!” The dark haired guy blushed.

“Sir, you need to remove this...collar?” One of the attendants was pestering Katsuki.

“Huh?!” He snapped.

“This collar sir you can’t wear it!” In hero society there was all kinds of devices that could be used to alter one’s physique, temporarily or otherwise. Accessories to make one taller, shorter, skinnier, plumper, more muscled. One young man already got in trouble, he was wearing a ring to make him 6 feet tall when really 3’5”.

“It doesn’t come off.” He stated. He was naked, not ashamed of his body, but the collar was the only item on him.

“Sir, you must remove the collar to proceed.”

“It doesn’t come off!” He growled. Not that he’d want to take it off anyway.

The attendant was getting annoyed. “We need to do a full physical exam before you take on the next test, if you fail to pass this exam you will not be allowed to continue!”

“I can’t take it off, even if I could I don’t want to!” He snapped.

“Excuse me!” Izuku stepped up. “This collar is made by my quirk, it doesn’t come off. I already submitted a report to UA about it.”

The attendant checked Katsuki’s chart. “Oh so you did. My apologies sir.” Katsuki huffed. “You may proceed.”

Katsuki got measured, weighed, and given a standard physical. He was in fine physical condition. “Are you sexually active?”

“Yes I am.” He wasn’t about to hide it, he was proud of it. “Why do you ask?”

“In your exam, I noticed some irregularities that would only be there if you were having sex.” His dick had gained a darker shade to it, his nipples had become more tender and swollen, his entrance was well used, and his skin had a healthy glow to it. “There is nothing wrong with it, in fact you are one of the healthiest young men I’ve seen.” Katsuki felt proud, even his work outs had helped improve his form.

The examiner smiled. “You must have a very loving partner, your body has been well taken care of sexually speaking.”

Katsuki blushed. “I have the best lover!”

Izuku sneezed. ‘Is someone talking about me?’

He left and the examiner sighed. “Young love.” It was nice for him to see youth studying, learning proper foreplay, and participating in healthy experimentation. He could see Katsuki was comfortable and happy.

Katsuki stepped out and bumped into Monoma. “Ahahahaha, you….you have a collar! What are you some kind of pet? Why don’t you run back to your owner?”

Katsuki glared at him. “I am a pet, and I have an amazing master. Don’t be jealous just cause your single.”

“Why you?!” Katsuki sized Monoma up. “Hahaha, was it that bushy haired nerd you were with? If that dork can satisfy you, I’d be a sex god.”

Katsuki glared at him and sized him up, when he saw Monoma’s 4 inch pecker… “Heh!”

The big talker blushed. “What?!” he covered himself. “Do you think I’m too small!?”

“Listen here, you could be hung like a horse, but with your attitude you’ll never be able to satisfy anyone but yourself.” The two got in each other’s faces. “You’d be lucky to end up a guy’s bitch.”

“Tch, screw you, I’ll never be a little slut like you!” He huffed and walked away.

Katsuki flipped him off. ‘Little bitch, Master would put you in your place. You think dick size matters? Top or bottom until that attitude improves you’ll sour any position your in.’ He had a feeling Izuku could whip the brat into shape.

Speaking of his master, he had finished his exam. He was talking with a tall guy wearing a mask and nothing else. He was tall muscular had multiple arms, and had quite the piece between his legs. Izuku was gushing over his quirk, writing in the air like he had his notebook with him. ‘So cute!’

“Oi Deku!” Katsuki called and came over to him.

“Hey Kacchan!” Katsuki hugged him. “Kacchan?”

“Thank you for loving me!” He said and kissed him. Izuku blushed. He was shocked at the sudden affection, but wasn’t objecting it.

“Shoji this is my lover and pet, Bakugou Katsuki!”

“I see.” One of his Dupli Arms changed into a mouth. “It is nice to meet you both. Midoriya is very sweet, you are very lucky.”

“You interested in him?” Katsuki asked point blank. Shoji blushed behind his mask. “If you want to become his pet, you shouldn’t be shy about it.”

“Kacchan!” Izuku gasped. “You can’t just go around saying stuff like that!”

“You wouldn’t be jealous?” Shoji asked, making Izuku blink.

“Deku has two pets already, you seem strong, and I can see it in your eyes. A look of wanting.”

“You are an amusing guy Katsuki, Midoriya it was nice talking with you.” he turned around to walk away, but his tentacle mouth faced them. “If your offer is genuine, I’d like to consider it.”

“Oh well, you see, I am kinda, sorta, forming a harem…” Izuku twiddled his fingers. Hoping their conversation wasn’t attracting too much attention.

“Interesting...I think fortune has smiled on me having you approach me today. My focus must be on the exam ahead, but I’d like to consider such an offer after.” With that said he left.

“Kacchan honestly, we can’t go around telling people about that!”

“It’s faster this way, that way those who have interest in you know they have a shot.” He hugged Izuku close. “Besides I wanna see you dominate someone, so bad!” He growled.

“But why Shoji, we just met.”

“Because I saw the way he was looking at you. You captured his heart somehow, I dunno just being you!”

“I was just admiring his quirk and his physique.”

“I don’t know how to explain it but, I know that look, that want and desire.” He said, recalling seeing that look in his own eyes before he truly became Izuku’s pet.

“I see, well Shoji is quite nice. His quirk is really interesting.” He began to nerd out over the guy’s quirk. It sounded versatile enough to Katsuki anyway. “Please tell me you aren’t gonna announce our harem to anyone I ask about their quirks?”

“I’m not an idiot Deku, besides we don’t need just anyone, we need someone that’s gonna love you and support the harem.” He smirked and his hands sparked. “Any fucker that wants to hurt you or the harem will fry!”

“You are a good boy Kacchan!” Izuku pets him, making the blonde blush, now he was rock hard. They had some time before everyone finished with their physical exam. Izuku buzzed around and chatted with a few guys, curious about their quirks. Katsuki followed behind, acting as a fine guard dog. Their behavior didn’t go unnoticed.

Those that passed the physical exam were allowed to partake in the final exam. Those that passed received a number showing what site they’d be going to. They got dressed in either gym clothes or special attire, some students had filed out forms for special gear. Izuku was a bit worried, he had an idea for a tool that would support his quirk, but he didn’t have it ready yet.

They poured into the assembly hall. Present Mic came out to explain the final exam. Izuku gushed about seeing the pro, and began muttering about how he never missed his talk show or radio broadcasts. Present Mic dropped a bombshell for Izuku, the opponents they’d be facing were robots.

Izuku’s quirk only worked on living things. This put him at a serious disadvantage. He gulped and Bakugo held his hand. The test was mixed up every year, last year they had the third years act as the villains, the year before that they had the Art Hero Doodle, create creatures with his art for the applicants to fight. Another year Hound Dog designed the exam with the help of Ectoplasm, using his clones as thieves for the applicants to catch. This year Power Loader designed this exam. What’s worse, Katsuki was placed in another site for his test. “We’ll just do our best, no matter what?!”

The final exam was gonna be crazy…

To be continued Exam Aftermath



I really like this concept! Love how you shifted the dinamic with monoma, can't wait to see who the next pet will be and how the exam goes.