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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Meeting Go

Go had always had a love for Pokemon. He didn’t have many friends, but he had Pokemon research and an experience with a legendary pokemon as a child driving him. He didn’t have many friends, and claimed he didn’t need them anyway. When he heard about the Lugia sighting he skipped school and tried to track the Raid Storm. He wasn’t a trainer yet, so he had no means of catching or battling pokemon, he just wanted to meet the legendary.

To him Pokemon were so amazing and cool, he knew a lot about Pokemon already but was a tad sheltered. He’s never been outside of Kanto before, and only went out of town on school trips. He didn’t know a trainer had caught Lugia when he jumped on it, causing the two to meet in a rather crazy way.

Ash was riding on Lugia’s back and taking an aerial tour when Go suddenly jumped and latched onto his leg. Ash helped him up. “That was pretty reckless!” Ash said with a chuckle, he honestly respected that.

“Are you Lugia’s trainer?”

“I am, we had an amazing battle!” Ash exclaimed, his smile shining brighter than a Sunny Day. “My name is Ash Ketchum, this is my partner Pikachu.” Pikachu greeted the young man. Go felt his heart flutter a bit. “Care for a lift?” Go nodded.

“My name is Go, nice to meet you!” Ash nodded.

“Let’s go Lugia!” Lugia let out a cry and the two were off.  Go was bewildered, he got to see so many Pokemon from the sky, to the sea, across the land. This world was truly amazing, it was much cooler to see Pokemon live then on his computer screen.

Go was amazed with Lugia too, seeing how he moved, the pokemon had an air of power and elegance. He had amazing presence and exerted such pressure. “Hold on tight!” Ash took hold of Go’s hand as Lugia apparently spoke to Ash, and the two were in for a wild ride.

He blushed and gave Ash’s hand a squeeze as Lugia turned up the speed. Their hearts pounded in their chests. They got wet, got air dried, and Lugia showed off his power, striking the water and making it rain creating some rainbows. Go’s blush grew. This experience was amazing.

Go could feel Ash’s love and excitement for Pokemon. “You are pretty amazing you know?”


“I accept you!” Go said, confusing Ash more. “I accept you as my friend!”

Lugia was an amazing flier and swimmer, he took them on a fantastic journey until the sun was setting, but was able to take them round trip back to Cerise’s Lab. When Ash rode up on a Lugia it was certainly turning some heads. “You caught Lugia!” Cerise was nerding out, positively gushing about seeing the amazing legendary.

“Well done my boy!” Oak praised. Ash chuckled. Go nerded out seeing Professor Oak of all people.

“That’s the Alola Champion for you!” Cerise said.

“Alola Champion?!” Go gasped. He looked at Ash in shock. He tried to record the Alola League tournament, but his power went out and he had missed the whole tournament. He was more interested in Pokemon than battles, so he just gave up and didn’t dive into it anymore than that.

“I’m the Champion of the Alola League!” Ash said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “I learned a lot in Alola, but becoming a League Champion is just one step on my quest to be a Pokemon Master!”

“Amazing!” Go exclaimed. He thought Ash was just a normal trainer.

Lugia nuzzled against Ash making him chuckle. “Professor...Lugia is amazing!” Ash filled them in on their little adventure. Cerise’s eyes sparkled in delight. “I could feel it, we had a really strong bond with Lugia!” The two stared into each other’s eyes and the feeling was mutual.

Go shared his insights on Lugia, he had taken pictures and video the like. Cerise was happy with both of their insights, plus thanks to Ash he got to meet a legendary Pokemon. “Thank you both so much!” Cerise said with a blush. “How would you boys like to become research fellows for me?”

“Hm?” Ash blinked.

“He means we’ll go on missions for him to study and observe Pokemon.” Go was bursting at the seems. They would get to meet, study, all kinds of Pokemon, and help with his research. Go was giving a monologue about the future being in the palm of his hands.

“I’m in!” Ash declared.

“Wait me to!” Go said.


Delia came forward. “Are you sure you’ll be alright sweetie?” She asked. Looks like she finished her shopping.

“I’ll be fine mom, I have my Pokemon with me after all.” He wasn’t worried about the commute since he had Lugia.

“That won’t be necessary Mrs. Ketchum.” Cerise showed them a room that Ash and Go could share, it was spacious, had beautiful decor, and it even had a bunk bed. “If you like you boys can stay here at the institute?”

“You mean it?!” Go was giddy. This was a dream come true. “We are gonna be live in researchers.”

“Hmm, well Mimey, do you think you can look after Ash for me?”

“Mime Mr. Mime!” the psychic type declared.

“You wanna join the team Mimey?” Ash asked and offered a Pokeball. Mimey nodded and fist bumped the ball, he got sucked in and closed with a ping. “Alright!” Ash declared.

Go tried to claim the top bunk for himself, but this started a wrestling match between the two guys. Ash was surprisingly strong, and Go cursed as he got a little excited. Thankfully Ash’s mom broke them up, and the bed situation was settled via coin toss. Ash and Mimey helped bring Delia’s bags to Oak’s car. “Oh my little Champion, I’m so very proud of you!”

“Thanks mom!” They shared some touching I love you’s and warm hugs.

“Just remember no matter how strong or famous you get, your still my son, and a mother always worries.” She hugs him again, before getting into the car.

Oak asked about Ash’s other Pokemon. Cerise said he was working on a park for Pokemon but it wasn’t ready yet. He did give Ash his own Rotom Phone, so it’d make requesting pokemon and transferring them anywhere in the world a lot easier.

There was just one more piece of business left to attend to...


Cerise brought out a Charmander, a Bulbasaur, and a Squirtle. “Go, it’s time for you to choose your first Pokemon.” Ash was excited to see the Kanto starters again.

“My first Pokemon...it’s gonna be Mew!”

“The mythical Pokemon!?” Cerise gasped. Ash blinked.

“That’s right, though some might not believe he exists but I saw him, and I decided I’ll have Mew as my first Pokemon!”

“I’ve seen Mew.” Ash said surprising the two. “Go...Mew is a very powerful and very tricky Pokemon. Mew is said to be the ancestor to all pokemon found on Earth.”

“Are you saying my dream is impossible!” He got angry, his hand balling into a fist.

“While catching Mew is an inspiring goal, I think you need to look at it another way.” Ash said. “Lugia is also a legendary Pokemon, and it took my whole team from Alola to take him on. You don’t even have one Pokemon to catch Mew.”

“Look at it...another way…” He looked down at his feet then back up to Ash. “Then do you think it’s possible I could catch Mew?” Most of the guys he knew mocked him for even believing Mew existed.

“I think you can, you just need to work hard, train hard, and bond with your Pokemon. Then one day when you find Mew, you’ll be able to challenge him to a battle, do the best you can and try to catch him!” Ash said and Go blushed.

“Mew...the ancestor to all Pokemon...I got it!” he declared. “Until I find Mew I’ll work my way back to him!” If all Pokemon came from Mew, they carried a piece of him. He’ll catch all the Pokemon he can, learn all he can, then he’ll be ready to catch Mew. “So to start my Journey, there’s the obvious choice.”

Go picked Bulbasaur, and his data got registered in Go’s Rotom Phone. “Bulbasaur, let’s work together to catch lots of Pokemon!”

“Bulba Bulbasaur!”

The two had dinner, brushed their teeth, Ash fed his Pokemon. Go got to meet his Alola team, they were all so amazing and cool looking. They stayed out of the balls and in the room, like part of the family. Rowlet and Bulbasaur hit it off. Lugia was returned to his ball so Cerise could study him safely.

Despite full bellies neither Ash or Go could really sleep. Go even got the top bunk. “Hey Ash, are you awake?”

“I am, guessing you can’t sleep either, huh?”

“Yeah...it’s weird I was so excited, and my parents were really happy for me. It just feels weird...I’ve never slept outside my own bed…”

Ash chuckled. “Yeah, when I started my journey it felt a little weird at first to.” He got an idea. “Do you wanna sleep with me?”

“Sleep...with...you?!” Go gasped, his cheeks burned in a blush.

“Yeah, you need a cuddle buddy.” Ash said. “Come down here!” Go obeyed, and saw Ash holding up the blanket for him. Pikachu was holding a substitute doll and cuddling with it. Go couldn’t shake a blush, they were both in their underwear and wearing loose shirts.

“Okay…” He crawled into bed with Ash. Go settled in his back aimed at Ash’s chest. ‘His bed is so warm!’ Ash swung an arm over him, and began to hum a tune. Go felt his eyes close.

Being near Ash was so comforting. Ketchum couldn’t help but smile. Clemont was like this too, good times. “Mmm,” he sighed and Go shivered.

‘He smells so good.’ He was pulled closer to Ash and Go’s heart started beating a little faster. ‘What is this feeling, I’ve never felt so safe or happy before with another person.’ He felt Ash’s warm breath on his neck,  a strong arm around, and Ash’s heat seeped into him.

As his heart fluttered Go blushed as his cock stirred. He got excited! He blushed from ear to ear. ‘What is happening to me?’ It seems he wasn’t the only one as Ash’s bulge poked Go’s butt. ‘Is that his…’ his mind was reeling. ‘It is...he’s so big…’ the bulge was digging, and Goh brought his hands down to shield his crotch, a small attempt to hide his embarrassment.

A part of him wanted to get out of bed, not wanting to scare Ash away with any “weirdness”. The other part, wanted Ash to wake up, do what...he wasn’t sure… He chose to stay, and let Ash’s closeness warmth and spooning lull him to sleep.

To be continued...Evolution Pollination


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