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Bleach parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Heat and Mating

Sajin remembered his heats, they were awful!

At first he tried to ignore them, bad idea. Ignoring the heat just made the course last longer, and finding no release made the next heat even worse.

Sometimes they got so bad he couldn’t wear clothes, just having anything on him was unbearable. He would lay in the nude panting as he rode the waves of need. The smell of his own arousal made his head spin, he’d pant and drool. Sajin had a heatgasm, this was a bad sign. It meant his body was forcing an orgasm just to relieve some of the pressure.

He got an earful from Unohana about that so he bit the bullet and started jerking off. He wasn’t very good at it, he jerked off until his cock was raw, and that wasn’t helpful. It just made him sore and his manhood tender.

The heat didn’t stop when he slept either, so he had no one to take care of him. He needed to have orgasms while he slept, again his body gave him what he needed through wet dreams.

He often put a pillow under him so he had something soft to hump against. Not that it helped, he needed to be taken and dominated, his hole spasming in want all night long. He felt miserable after each and every heat, no satisfaction no matter how much he came. His balls produced more then he could get out, to the point they swelled.

Sajin was almost driven mad with how much his body ached, yearned, needed. It was no wonder he was drawn to Ichigo like he was.

Now he had an alpha to take care of him...

Komamura howled, bucking as his alpha pounded into him from behind. His tail wagged, swatting Ichigo’s pecs and abs. His dick and balls bounced with every powerful thrust. The friction created by his thrusting cock, spread through his entire body. It felt so good.

His tongue was hanging out of his mouth, and he was panting heatedly. He felt so full and complete, before he knew it he was cumming hands free. His heavy balls lurched and his thick cum pelted the ground. It was such a mess, but he didn’t care.

Neither did Ichigo, who even as Komamura tightened around his thrusting cock didn’t release. He picked up the pace, pounding Sajin’s sweet spot dead on. All Sajin could gasp and moan, as he was sent over the edge again. He couldn’t speak, his brain so lust addled he couldn’t form words.

“Your ass is squeezing me so tight, I don’t think I’ll be able to pull out.” Komamura whined, staying connected forever sounded perfect in his lust addled mind. Ichigo covered his body with his own, his dick sinking slightly deeper. “Mm, this is nice, your cock is hugging my dick, and hugging your big furry form is so warm!”

The fur tickled his bare skin, it made Ichigo even more excited. His pre-cum oozed and mixed with his slick. Ichigo ground his hips, having his dick dig deep, nudging his sweet spot. “Mmnnnhhh!”

Ichigo reached around and groped his furry pecs. He ran his fingers through soft fur and groped the hard muscle underneath. Sajin panted and shivered. It was about to get a whole lot better as Ichigo found his perky nipples, peeking out from his fur. “Here we go!” Ichigo pinched them both.


He flicked the left.


He rubbed the right.


He tugged on both.

“Nnnaaahhaaaghh!” He bucked, his body spasming and his hole squeezing Ichigo’s impressive cock. Ichigo smirked and continued to mix up attacks on his nipples, toying with them and making Sajin squirm. Komamura panted and drooled, his body shaking with pleasure, as Ichigo played him like an instrument.

With being stuffed and teased Sajin felt the pressure building, heat pulling into his groin before he… “Oooohhhhhh!” His back arched as he came on the ground, powerful bursts of semen pelting the ground again and again until they formed a pool. He didn’t get a chance to catch his breath as Ichigo began to move, pounding away at his furry ass.

The increased sensitivity had Sajin panting and moaning, giving a little yep each time Ichigo hit his sweet spot. It felt so good, too good! He had just came and with a few more jabs to his sweet spot he was cumming again.

“Ohh so tight, so good for me!” Ichigo moaned, he gave a few more thrusts into his clenching heat and came. His thick cum pelting Sajin’s sweet spot before filling the furry male up. Sajin panted and drooled, feeling another orgasm wash over him.

‘I belong to him, he’s marked me inside and out!’ He shivered in delight. Ichigo pulled out, earning a whine at the loss. The orangette admired Sajin’s gaping ass, for a bit, admiring his work.

Kurosaki crossed the room. “Come here!” Sajin followed, leaving the mess behind. “On your back!” The furry male was quick to obey, rolling over, entering a good boy position. “So cute!”

Ichigo lazily stroked his dick, while bringing his foot down to Sajin’s pulsing rod. “Mmmnnnhhhh!” His head rolled back and his hips bucked.

“Good boy!” He began to rub Sajin’s cock with his foot, using his toes to massage him and his heel to grind. Sajin’s toes curled and his tail wagged faster, creating a steady thump~thump on the floor. Ichigo could feel him pulsing more and more against his sole.

Ichigo took in the furry male, seeing such a big guy under foot was wildly arousing. Sajin was huge, tall and muscular, he could snap a man’s neck with one hand. Yet, here he was, panting and moaning under the ministrations of one foot. ‘So hot!’ Ichigo worked himself faster and rubbed Sajin harder.

“Ah ah ah ahhh ahh ahh ahhhoooo!” Sajin arched his back, his heavy balls lurching and sploosh! His cum launched, shooting clear across Sajin and hitting the puddle of cum they left behind. Ichigo chuckled amazed at the beast of a man.

“This seat isn’t comfortable, will you provide a better one?”

“Yes!” Sajin moaned. Ichigo got up again and move over and sat on Sajin’s face. The furry male supported his alpha with his hands.

He giggled, he straight up giggled. His nose was buried in Ichigo’s manly ass. His strong musk washed over him in waves, he started to sniff and sniff, taking in the delicious aroma. ‘He smells so good!’

It was such a show of trust for the alpha to bare their ass to a submissive. In his lust addled mind, it wasn’t fully registering, but he was truly touched. He began to lap at Ichigo’s ass, his long dog-like tongue ran along his crack. Over and over, while his hands squeezed the plump cheeks in his hands.

“Ohh yes, that’s nice!” Ichigo moaned, and resumed his pumping. Sajin continued, lapping at the young man’s hole. His strong wet muscle worked its way inside Ichigo, earning a moan of delight. Sajin was so focused on pleasing his alpha, he didn’t even register when Ichigo began to play with his dick again with his feet.

Sajin gave a thorough tongue fucking, reaching deeper than most normal tongues could reach. “A much better seat!” Ichigo moaned. He massaged the large fat cock between his feet, this was so fun!

He could feel Sajin sniffing him, taking in his alpha’s scent and burning it into his memory. Even if someone mind wiped him, his body would never forget this smell. Tasting him in a unique way, cementing a bond of faith and trust between them. Pleasure pumped through his veins, both from his alpha’s ministrations and loving the males praise and moans.

It wasn’t a surprise when Sajin came, his man milk rocketing and splattering Ichigo all over. His chest, abs, crotch, hand, and legs. “Such a messy boy you are!” Ichigo licked some of his cum off his fingers. He got up causing his tongue to leave his ass with something akin to a pop.

Ichigo moved between his legs, lifting the heavy limbs over his shoulders. “No more mess!” Ichigo said with a chuckle, and put Sajin in a full mating press.

Komamura gasped as his dick bopped his nose.  “Suck it!” He obeyed, sucking his cock as Ichigo fucked him again. His thrusts into his cum stuffed hole made an erotic noise.

Sajin made muffled noises, his moans sending pleasing vibrations through his shaft. It was good oh so wonderful! He drank his pre-cum, feeling his length pulse against his tongue. “Mmmmmrrggghhhhmmm!” He was trapped in a cycle of pleasure he didn’t want to get off.

Ichigo pounded his sweet spot hard and fast, his balls smacking his furry cheeks quickly. ‘So hot...too hot...I can’t...take it!’ His orgasm hit and he was forced to drink his own seed. Gulping down his thick and heavy load.

“I’m cumming!” Ichigo moaned, finding his own release. Sajin saw stars getting cum from both ends at once. His cock left his lips as his head rolled back. His vision was fading fast, he was so...so...happy! With one cum soaked hiccup he drifted off to sleep.

“Woo, did I go to far?” Ichigo was panting. The orangette pulled out and rolled the furry male over. He checked his partner and breathed a sigh of relief. Sajin was fine, just physically exhausted.

That didn’t mean anything for his heat. Ichigo barely had 30 minutes to clean up before Sajin was hard again. Ichigo shook his head. “Poor guy, to be so sensitive this late in life.” He traced his dick with his finger. He kissed Sajin’s cheek. “I’ll take care of you big guy.” He had to take care of his furry lover while he slept. Ichigo grabbed his zanpakuto. “Let’s do this partner...bankai!”

To be continued


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