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Inuyasha parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Angst/Feels Warning

Three Tail Tale
Shippo is a three tailed fox demon, and quite strong. He comes home to find his father murdered by thunder demons and he begins a quest of revenge. He meets Inuyasha, and finds the half demon’s attitude poor, he can fix that. With some demon magic he drains Inuyasha’s brain into his dick, he puts Inuyasha on a strict regimine of sex, training, and sex. The hanyo bulks up and his dick remains in a permanently erect state, a strain on his brain but he wasn’t using it much anyway. Shippo’s path of revenge begins building an army of himbo sluts that can be his guard dogs at the snap of his fingers.

Chapter 1

Shippo was sent to the fox demon academy, his father wanted him to grow into a powerful fox demon. It was a lot of fun, he met a lot of nice fox boys, and gained quite a few toys. Fox demons were usually seen as weaker, inferior, since young fox demons had to rely on tricks to bring down larger demons. Ignoring the fact said tricks did work on larger demons. The fact that older fox demons are seen as sluts; ignoring the fact that fox demons can take/share power through sex.

Usually the more arrogant the demon, the easier it was to trick them. Defeating powerful demons helped fox demons work their magic. They could siphon a bit of demon energy. Drinking and absorbing semen was a faster way of taking in energy.

Weak, Parasites, Inferior, Tricksters, Pathetic; demons who believe that are usually the first ones to fall. Fox demons know the truth, and live their truth. There was nothing wrong with enjoying sex, and if they can share power from it, it was a win-win. Those that respected the fox demon got the share. There was no denying they love their games, but they always play to win.

Shippo trained for years, breaking two of his seals and gaining two more tails. He was such a tiny thing when he came to the fox demon academy, but with two seals broken he was able to ascend. He became 5’6”, with long brown hair; he kept tied in a pony tail. Shippo had big furry feet with firm pads, long furry legs, three fluffy tails; which he could hide making it look like he had just one massive tail. Deception was the main weapon for fox demons.

He worked out every day to build some muscle, using magic weights to tone up his arms, give him some nice pecs, and a six pack. He did exercises to perfectly shape and tone his booty and hips. He had quite the beast between his legs, with balls that’d make a tanuki respect. He wore a simple kimono, with a fur vest and belt, which held an assortment of pouches Shippo used to store his toys, his tools, and other odds and ends.

“Shippo-kun, your father will be so proud to see how much you’ve grown.”

“Thanks master, I’m a bit home sick so I’ll be happy to go home and reconnect.” He gave a bow.

“You were such a scamp when you arrived, you’ve really matured.”

“Not too much I hope.” Shippo said with a chuckle. The elder fox laughed.

“Ho ho ho ho ho, a fox demon must never lose their spirit or imagination.” he patted his shoulder. “Shippo-kun, as strong as you may be, your journey is just starting now. Take this with you.” He gave Shippo a sword, wrapped up in blue clothe.

“What is it?”

“It is a sword made from one of your fangs. It is still young and like you its future is not yet fully clear. This blade will grow and change with you, I trust it will serve you well.”

“Thank you master!” He strapped it to his back.

“Good luck out there!”

“Thank you again!” Shippo bowed, and grinned, before heading out. He moved so fast, zipping through the fields, when reaching the forest he jumped from tree to tree. It was so nice, the wind in his hair/fur. “Yahoo!”

He was so excited. When he saw his den, his heart soared and his eyes became wet with joyful tears. “Papa!” He called out. “Papa...I’m home!” He called out running over to his den. “Papa?”

No response.

“Is he out hunting?” He sniffed the air. “No...No!” He ran into the den. “Papa! Papa!” The whole place was trashed. Some his father’s best treasures were in pieces. ‘Who did this?’

The den, the nest, everything his father built or collected was destroyed. ‘What happened here?’ A part of him didn’t want to believe this was happening. His father was a powerful fox demon! ‘He wouldn’t lose, maybe he’s out hunting whoever did this?’

‘Yeah some weasel or snake demon probably snuck in and raided our den. Papa is probably hunting them down right now.’ He searched the whole den, finding scorched earth. ‘These marks…’ He ventured deeper as he caught the scent of his father. ‘Papa!’ the walls and ground were scorched.

‘Thunder demons?!’ The ground didn’t smell like they were done by a fire demon. He gulped. Thunder demons were dangerous, wielding a power that both many men and demons fear. Plus another demon would have taken their food or treasures, but no everything was just trashed. ‘Did they value nothing...why were they here…’ Some foreign smells lingered in the air. Once caught his attention.

‘I smell Papa, maybe he fought some demons and was left wounded?’ He began to panic. He reached the back of their den, to think his father would be pushed this far back. Shippo found a huge hole in their den, light was pouring in and there in the spotlight…

“No…” his eyes widened, he moved, in what felt like slow motion. He dropped to his knees as his eyes welled up in tears. “Papa...your arm!” Shippo let out a loud cry!

His heart sank as he wailed. “AaaaaaAAAAAhhhhhHHHHHH!” He felt like he was crying for hours. All his happiness and joy, gone in an instant. His demonic aura flared as his sorrow became rage. Behind him was a mark burned into the den. It was the thunder demons, they trashed their den, and marked it for their own.

“Those bastards!” He clawed at the ground. He punched the ground making it crack. He picked up his father’s arm, unknowingly setting off a trap. Shippo wanted to give his father some form of a proper burial. ‘What happened to the rest of his body?’ He shuddered at the thought.

He buried his arm nearby. “Father...forgive me...I should have been there for you.” He couldn’t stop crying as he dug the grave. “Though you probably would have had me escape and fought them on your own...or caused a distraction so I could escape…” He was weak, its why he trained to become strong.

“You don’t have to worry about me Papa, I’ve become strong, and I’ll make those who did this pay!” Easier said then done. “I wish you could see me now, would you recognize? Would you ruffle my hair? Would you tell me how big I’ve gotten?” He had another crying session. This was all hurting so much.

‘How will I find my father’s killers?’ He prayed for his father’s soul. ‘He cannot properly rest until I find all of him.’ Storm clouds grew overhead, and it began to rain. Shippo didn’t find it odd, believing even the heavens was weeping for his father.

This storm wasn’t normal, as a strange rumbling was drawing closer. With the rain Shippo couldn’t smell what was coming. A stray lightning bolt came down and struck the ground, forcing Shippo to jump away.

“You were right brother...there was another fox demon.”

“I told you Manten, these fox sluts breed like rabbits. I’m sure they had at least one bastard running around.”

“You are so smart Hiten!” Two demons drifted down from the sky, Shippo recognized Hiten had a special demon item that granted him flight. The fox demon academy had a library with info on lots of demon artifacts. His brother was riding on a cloud. “I wonder what I can make out of this one?”

Shippo’s eyes widened as he saw what was around Manten’s waist. “You bastard!” His father...his father’s pelt…

“You murdered my father, and took his fur and…” Shippo was furious, his eyes bleeding red. “I’ll kill you!”

“You can try, but we’ve gained a lot of power.” Hiten launched lightning at Shippo who dodged. “In this world its eat or be eaten.”

Manten charged up a huge blast and launched it from his mouth. Shippo dodged, but was thrown back from the sheer force of his power. “We didn’t want to kill him, we asked him to leave nicely, to surrender his territory, but he refused.” Hiten shrugged.

“He had quite the salty mouth on him, and he gave us quite a bit of trouble. Now he makes a lovely pelt.”

Shippo growled. “To the victor go the spoils!”

“I’ve heard enough!” Shippo roared. “Fox Leaf Arrowhead!” He turned some leaves he collected into weapon, his fox magic making them as hard as steel. He launched them, but the two demons were able to maneuver freely in the air. “Fox Leaf Shuriken!” this attack was different, now he could control the spinning leaves.

“You got some tricks, but not good enough!” Hiten used lightning to fry the leaves.

“Fox Fire Inferno!” He created a ball of fox fire, and launched it, but Hiten simply spun his staff and dispelled it. While he was focused on Hiten, Manten charged another attack.

He fired, and Shippo dodged, but not fast enough and his arm got caught up in the blast, his kimono sleeve was turned to ash. Shippo cried out, his arm getting badly burned. He thrashed on the ground in agony. They didn’t let up, Hiten shooting lightning at him.

‘I see now, two wielders of lightning, working in sync. I can’t take them both on by myself!’ Hiten was also skilled at close combat, he got in close and began to wail on the injured Shippo. His father was a strong man, but this is what he was dealing with.

Shippo felt his sword pulse. ‘That could work.’ He took hold of the sword handle with his good hand. Fox fire surrounded him, the flames were so strong for a moment Hiten and Manten lost sight of him. In that moment Shippo made his move.

“I don’t know what your planning but you can’t beat us.” Hiten fired a powerful bolt at what he believed to be Shippo, but when his lightning struck the figure in the flame. BOOM!


Shippo had slipped away, using the rain to mask his escape. He was beaten, injured, but he survived and he swore he’d get his revenge.

He found a forest far enough away he could relax and heal. He poured his demon energy into his arm to speed up recovery. ‘I’m still not strong enough, but I know how to get stronger. I can wait, I can bide my time, but I will get my revenge.’

After three days of rest, Shippo’s wounds had healed but he needed to recover his energy. “Hey!” A loud voice bellowed. “What do you think you are doing in my forest fox?!”

Shippo looked at the aggressive individual noticing he was a dog demon of some kind. ‘He will do!’

To be continued



VERY nice setting of the stage. Really feel for Shippo here, much more so than in the original material. 😉