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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 New Adventure, New Rivals, and New Pokemon!

Ash managed to escape Team Rocket’s pursuit, but ended up getting completely lost. “I’m trying to find Professor Rowan’s lab.” Ash sighed. “Darn that Team Rocket.”

“Pika pika/Ai Ai pom!” Pikachu and Aipom agreed.

Suddenly a Starly clashed with Aipom. The two began to rumble it out. “Who’s that Pokemon?” Ash checked his Pokedex.

Pokedex: Starly, the Starling Pokemon. They flock in great numbers. However they bicker if the flock grows too large Though small, they flap their wings with great power.

“Aipom use Swift!” Aipom unleashed a barrage of stars knocking Starly back.

He fought back with Gust. “Come back and hit ‘em with Focus Punch!” Aipom obeyed his tail glowing and he hit Starly. “Now Monster Ball Go!” Ash hit the Starly with a Monster Ball and it got sucked in.


“Alright, I caught a new Pokemon!” He did his victory pose.

“Pikachu!” “Aipom!” his pokemon cheered.

“If the pokemon was that easy to catch what was the point?” A purple haired teen said seeing Ash’s battle. He was also looking to catch some Starly.

“Okay Starly come on out,” he called out the little bird. Ash gave him a massage to help him recover from the battle. He then did the same to Aipom. “There we go, how you feeling?”

“Star/Aip!” The two said.

“You think you can help us find the road to town?”

“Starly!” he agreed and flew off, he knew the area like the back of his wing. He was flying ahead, minding his own business when an Elekid attacked him.

“Hey leave him alone!” Ash ran in and Pikachu blocked his attack.

“That Starly is yours?” The purple haired young man said.

“Yes he is?” He was confused, what was with this guy?

“You really think that Starly is good enough?”

“Huh?” His Starly was insulted.

“I think Starly is great!” Ash said.

“We’ll see.” This guy had three Starly. He scanned each of them. “Bet you didn’t know your pokedex could scan your Pokemon, find their best ability, and see what moves they know.” He returned two of them. “Get lost!” he released the two he returned and kept the last one.

“You are rude, how can you be so mean?”

“Those other Starly just knew a simple Tackle attack. Why would I waste my time training them?”

“Because any Pokemon can become strong with the right training. They can learn new moves, get stronger, and bond!” His Pokemon agreed.

“What a waste of time. If a Pokemon lacks power or ability why train it at all?” The guy checks out Ash’s Pokemon. “Are they strong?”

This guy was rubbing Ash the wrong way. “My Pokemon are very strong.” He told him his Pikachu’s moves proudly.

“Let’s have a battle then and prove it!”

“Who are you anyway?”

“The name is Paul.”

“Well Paul, I’m Ash, and I’d love to battle you, but my Pokemon just had a battle and they need to recover.” His Aipom and Starly just battled and it was intense, he wasn’t just gonna jump into a battle like that. Though he had given them a message to help them, Paul was also giving him some really bad vibes.

“Whatever,” he started to walk off.

“I’m looking for Professor Rowan’s lab, do you know it?”

“Head east, you’ll hit the road, follow it and you’ll hit the lab.”

“Thanks!” Ash ran off. Paul wasn’t done with him, he wanted to use Ash to make his own Pokemon stronger.

Ash found the road, and was heading towards Rowan’s Lab. He was glad he had an appointment with the man. Paul wasn’t like the other trainers he met, he seemed...off…

He released his Pokemon so easily, like he didn’t care. When Ash released Lapras, it was because he was young and had been separated from his pod. He was returned to his pod, and allowed to grow up with his family. When they met back up in Johto Lapras was older, wiser, and matured.

Lapras wanted to be with Ash again so he joined with Ash’s team once more. Ash had left Pokemon for training, but that was because THEY wanted to get stronger in a specific way. Paul cast those Starly aside, not even giving them a chance.

Gary also caught multiple Pokemon of the same type, but he trained them in different ways. If he had three Butterfree for example, he trained one to focus on Attack and Special Defense, the second he trained for Defense and Special Attack, and the third would be trained in Support and Status Effect moves.

‘What was that guy’s deal?’ he got weird vibes from Paul. Despite his cold exterior, there appeared to be a deep pit of rage and aggression.

“Hey Ash!” A huge truck pulled up.

“Brock!?” Ash exclaimed excited and confused at seeing his friend again. “I thought you were checking in on the Pewter City Gym?”

“I did, but Forrest is doing a great job as Gym Leader. My parents are taking the home a bit more seriously. I called your mom, and she told me you were heading to Sinnoh, so I got a lift.” The truck driver was a cute girl, and Brock believed he had found his soul mate.

Ash had heard that one before. Just as Brock was planning living the trucker life on the road, her husband called. “Well Brock seems you found your friend, I gotta get moving. Thanks for the food!” The door shut and she was driving off.

Brock cried. “Like I was saying Ash, I missed you a lot and thought another adventure together would be the best. Nothing like two men sharing the road together!” Ash chuckled.

“That’s the spirit!” He chuckled and cupped Brock’s crotch. He felt the man’s hard on jump in his grasp. “But let’s take care of this guy first.” He palmed him and Brock melted.

They found a secluded spot, Ash’s Pokemon keeping guard, and Brock dropped his pants and boxers. His fat cock springing up and twitching in need. “Ohh Ash!” Brock blushed, as the raven haired teen played with his cock and balls.

Brock has been hopeless with the ladies, but Ash helped him get over what happened with Professor Ivy. Since then whenever a girl got a Brock’s engine running, before inevitably shooting him down Ash was the one who took care of him. Not to say Ash didn’t get Brock’s engine running, he was just a passionate man.

Ash loved Brock very much, and that love was returned. Brock was just Brock, he was a hopeless flirt. Brock actually had a chance with a few girls, and he either didn’t follow through or didn’t realize it till it was too late. It didn’t really bother Ash, because when they were together Brock wasn’t thinking about anyone else but Ash. Plus Brock could “love” all the girls he wanted, but he still played with guys with and for Ash.

Once Brock’s cock started to spill pre-cum, Ash got his fingers nice and wet before releasing his cock, to play with Brock’s ass. Brock moaned and bucked, his cock twitching. “Ash please!”

“I got you!” Ash started licking his shaft, his hot breath tickling his crotch. He worked one finger in and out of Brock’s tight ass, giving it a wiggle to make the male moan and his knees buckle. Ash added a second finger as he took Brock’s cock into his mouth.

“Ohh yes ohh ohh yes!” He laced his fingers in Ash’s dark hair. His heart was racing, his face twisting into a goofy expression of love. Ash’s mouth was so wet, warm, and his throat was tight.

Ash was an amazing cock sucker, he had lots of practice, he sucked Brock down to the root and nuzzled his pubes with his nose. He hummed in delight, gave Brock’s balls a squeeze, and curled his fingers inside him. He knew all of Brock’s buttons, he could edge him until he was begging to cum or get fucked, he could make him cum fast and recover quick, and he could make Brock feel loved, helping him forget every rejection he’s ever had.

Since they had places to get to, Ash played him fast, not giving Brock a second to catch his breath. Brock howled his pleasure, his orgasm hitting him like a Thunderbolt, he came hard into Ash’s mouth.

Ash added icing to the cake, massaging his sweet spot through his release. He came hard, and his orgasm lasted longer, Ash milking him of every drop. “Ohh yeah ohhhh!” He drooled.

His spent cock slipped from Ash’s lips. Ketchum fixed him up, and tucked him back into his pants and underwear. “Don’t you want to get off too?”

“Later, gotta meet with Professor Rowan.” Brock had the map, but they didn’t get lost. Ash felt a strange pulse in the air.

They followed the pulse and made it to his lab, and Ash’s Pokemon were able to rest and recover. Rowan chewed Ash out for being late. “Sorry sir!”

“It was my fault!” Brock apologized.

“Hmm,” Rowan went through his lab. There was a bit of a mess when a new trainer came by to get her Pokemon. “Well I talked to Samuel about you, he says you are quite good with Pokemon.”

“I try…” Ash blushed.

“You see I discovered a Pokemon egg recently, and it is quite mysterious. It has yet to hatch, despite our most advanced incubation methods.”

Ash was drawn to the mysterious egg. “Is there something wrong with it?” He remembered what happened to Larvitar.

“I’m not sure, I’ll be sending it to Nurse Joy for an examination.” Ash put his hand on the glass.

“I hope you are gonna be okay…” A knock came to the door.

“Yes?” Rowan opened the door.

“It’s Paul…” Ash was surprised.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m here for him.” Paul looked to Ash. “You finished your business here right? Are you ready to battle?”

“Fine, we can battle!” He wanted to shut this guy up and get him out of his hair.

“If you like we can make it interesting, maybe you can reward me like you did him.” He shot a glance at Brock.

‘He saw!’ Ash and Brock blushed.

“I wondered why you chickened out of our battle, you call yourself a trainer but really you are just a slut.”

“You are a creep!” Ash snapped. His Pokemon agreed. “Let’s do this!” He didn’t agree to any wager, but his pokemon were pissed and wanted to put this creep in his place!

“A three on three match!” Rowan offered them the use of his battle field, interested to see a match between the two. Ash took a few deep breaths to calm down. He didn’t know what it was but Paul was just making him on edge.

They got a surprise audience of a blue haired girl named Dawn. She apparently had been having trouble catching a Pokemon and had come back to Professor Rowan for some tips. She walked into something crazy.

Their first match was Starly vs Starly. Ash’s Starly came out on top, despite Paul’s Starly already knowing Aerial Ace. The battle was intense, but unaware to Ash he was giving off an aura as he cheered for Starly and gave him orders.

The egg in Rowan’s lab had some energy spikes.

Paul returned his Starly. “Pathetic.” He said, while Ash praised his Starly for his hard work.

“Chimchar, Standby for Battle!” he called out the Sinnoh fire starter.

“A Chimchar?” Ash pulled out his Pokedex.

Dexter: Chimchar, the Chimp Pokemon. Chimchar easilly climbs the sheerest of walls and lives on mountain tops. When it sleeps, its flames go out. It is very agile, and it is said that not even rain can extinguish it’s tail flame.

“Looks like you got your Chimchar lesson for the day.”

“What an attitude.” Brock had to agree, he’s seen quite a few of Ash’s rivals, and they varied in personality and strength but this guy was something else but not in the good way.

“Aipom, we gonna experiment a little okay?” They had a little powwow.

“Are you done?” He asked. Chimchar watched Ash and Aipom together, their dynamic was a little odd, compared to him and his trainer.

“Alright, Aipom I choose you!” Aipom came out onto the battle field, it did a spinning jump and took a bow.

“Huh?” Paul was confused.

‘Is he a coordinator?’ Dawn’s eyes sparkled.

“Aipom used Swift!”

“Chimchar use Ember!” The two attacks clashed. “Now Scratch!”

“Dodge it Aipom!” Ash called with a smile. Aipom dodged and dodged.

“Whoa Aipom is fast!” Paul was surprised. Brock couldn’t help but chuckle, Aipom liked hats and was hard to catch.

“Aipom use Focus Punch!” Aipom did a little spin as he charged up his Focus Punch. The contest style was throwing Paul and Chimchar off. He hit Chimchar and knocked him back.

“Grr, Chimchar use Flame Wheel!” It hit Aipom back.

“Aipom Focus Punch!”

“Chimchar use Dig!” Chimchar avoided the attack by digging underground. He made three holes and was trying to confuse Aipom by taunting him, switching from hole to hole. “Now finish him!”

Chimchar popped out of the hole ready to attack. “Aipom use Astonish!” Aipom gave a shocking shout and struck Chimchar with his tail. Aipom flinched and got knocked back.

“Use Scratch!”

“Counter with Fury Swipes!” The two went at it, but Aipom had the edge with his tail.

“Chimchar Flame Wheel!”

“Dodge with your tail!” Aipom sprung up, rolling in the air as he dodged Flame Wheel. “Now use Swift!”

“Chimchar use Dig!” He dodged by diving into the ground. “Now use Ember!” He popped out of the hole and blasted Aipom with his fire attack. Luck was on Paul’s side as he received a burn.

“Aipom you okay?”

“Ai!” Aipom said, but the burn was taking away his strength.

“Focus Punch!”

“Flame Wheel!” the attacks clashed, but Chimchar’s fire burned just a little hotter. Aipom lost, but it was a close match. Chimchar celebrated his win, but his trainer had other thoughts.

“Being pathetic is nothing to celebrate!” He returned Chimchar.

“You were great Aipom, I know our future is gonna be bright together.” He returned the Normal Type. He was giving off such a warm aura, the egg was responding to it.

The final match was Pikachu vs Elekid. It was a vicious match, Elekid had Protect, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, and Brick Break. Paul tried to over power Pikachu, but Pikachu was experienced dispatching powerful moves.

Ash had Pikachu use Volt Tackle and Iron Tail together. Paul had Elekid use Protect, which shielded against Volt Tackle, but the super charged Iron Tail that came was packing extra power. “What was that?!” Paul gasped.

Pikachu may have taken damage from Volt Tackle but Elekid was hurting bad. “Thunder Punch!”

“Pikachu use Quick Attack!” Pikachu’s speed was unmatched, dodging Elekid’s punch and taking another hit.

“Brick Break!”

“Iron Tail!” The attacks hit but Elekid had another fist.

“Thunder Punch!”

“Pikachu spin and take it home!”

Pikachu fought off the Brick Break and the Thunder Punch, and wham Elekid took the Iron Tail right to the head. Elekid was down and Ash and Pikachu were standing tall.

“Ugh!” He returned Elekid.

“We did it Pikachu!” The two hugged.

“You are entering the Sinnoh League right?”

“I am!” Ash said.

“Good that means I’ll have other chances to crush you.” He released his Starly. “Get out of here!”

“What’d you do that for?”

“I’ll catch a better one!” He said before leaving. He showed respect to Professor Rowan and thanked him for the use of his field.

“That guy, such a jerk!”

“Professor!” One of his assistants came out. “It’s the egg sir, the readings are going off the charts.”

They checked the egg and indeed, it had been showing powerful signs of life. “Hmm, curious.” He looked to Ash. “Why don’t you look after the egg?”

“Me? Really!” he got excited.

“I have a feeling you coming here, helped wake the egg up.” Ash smiled and took the Egg. He felt a weird connection to it already.

To be continued


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