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Bleach parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Strip Poker

Shunsui tried to focus on the girls in his squad but this resulted in a lot of the girls transferring out. Meanwhile Ichigo was getting along swimmingly with the men of Shunsui’s squad. The captain may have ignored them, but Ichigo was a fantastic motivator. Before Shunsuirealized it Ichigo rose through the ranks and became his third seat. The lieutenant seat was currently vacant, but that seat was always chosen by the captain.

He wanted a pretty girl to be his lieutenant, and was trying to ignore the thoughts about Ichigo. He couldn’t do that if Ichigo was attending to him as his lieutenant. It hard to deny Ichigo had a beauty to him, which was the excuse he kept telling himself. ‘Man, why can’t I find just one pretty girl to become my lieutenant!?’

Ichigo is quite lovely…’

‘Yeah he is…’ He thought with a blush.

He’s quite capable to…’

‘Yeah he is…’ He’d be an excellent choice actually.

It’d be nice to have him by our side…’

‘Yeah...it…’ He shook his head. ‘No no no, I don’t like guys that way.’

Oh yeah, then what about the dream of you and Ukitake in the hotspring…’Shunsui blushed and physically slapped himself. ‘Or your dream last night where…’ He slapped himself again, dispelling the image before it could form.

‘I swore I wouldn’t think about that again.’

Maybe you did, but we always remember.’His zanpakuto loved playing games with him. Shunsui rubbed his temples. He found a bottle of his best sake and poured a few cups. He decided to walk it off and get some fresh air.

The worst part was the more he tried to avoid Ichigo the more curious he became. There was only so much one can learn from a file. So he was torn, a part of him wanting to stay away from Ichigo, and the other wanting to know more about him.

He made the rounds, and heard a commotion. “Four of a kind Jacks High!” Ichigo put the cards on the table. The men he was playing with him gasped and laughed.

“Oh man!”


“He got me again!”

The guys laughed. “Ichigo is so hard to read, you never know what he’s got!”

“It’s like the gods bless his hands or something!”

“Not always, sometimes its not the cards you’re dealt, but how you bluff.” Ichigo shuffled the cards. “The same is true in battle, you can sometimes bluff your way to a win, you just gotta know how to read your opponent.” His zanpakuto was proof of that, depending on the hand he got and the enemy he was facing. “Keep it in mind guys, every skill you learn, every technique you master is another card in your deck, you’ll never know when you’ll find your trump card.”

Shunsui was impressed, they were having fun and he was teaching them a valuable lesson. One of the guys simply laughed.

“I still think he’s just lucky.” He wanted Ichigo to hurry up and deal.

“Luck favors the bold isn’t that what they say?” The guys tensed.

“Captain!” the men gasped.

“Good evening Captain.” Ichigo said.

“You are quite bold, aren’t you Ichigo?”

“So I’ve been told.” He finished shuffling the cards. “Do you want to play?”

“Oh no, I couldn’t do that, I’d be wrong of me to take your money.” he stroked his chin.

“I’m sure you could try.” Ichigo shot back, throwing him a charming smile. Shunsui watched them play a few hands, before the guys bailed.

“Too rich for my blood!” the other guys bailed out and Shunsui took a seat across from Ichigo.

“Sorry about that, didn’t mean to spoil the party.” It seemed a lot of his squad members weren’t too fond of him. He couldn’t blame them with how he introduced himself.

“It’s okay, I’m sure you’ll be more fun to play with.” A shiver raced through Shunsui’s body.

“Well, I do enjoy a good game.” Ichigo passed the deck over to him. He cut the cards and shuffled.

“Then let’s play.” Shunsui dealt the cards.


Shunsui wasn’t playing seriously at first. He was trying to gauge Ichigo’s game, to see when he bluffed, to find any tells he could exploit. The rules of the game were simple, and Ichigo was winning a few hands, folding when the pot was low. ‘Time to play for real.’

“How about we raise the stakes a bit?”

“Sounds good to me, I’m mostly playing with your money.”

‘Not for long.’ He wasn’t trying to take Ichigo’s money, but like in combat, you can tell a lot about someone with how they play a game. Sure he could have invited Ichigo out for drinks or something and just talked about him, but the boy could be aloof when he wanted to be. Plus the fact he was trying to not get too close, or risk whatever feelings from spilling out.

Shunsui underestimated Ichigo. Even when he was playing seriously. Ichigo didn’t fall for his bluffs, and even caused him to fold when he was only packing a pair of threes. His curiosity spiked, he forgot about his issues and wanted to find out more about Ichigo. “One more hand.”

“I would but….you’re broke, you got nothing left to bet with.” Shunsui checked his money pouch and looked over to see a large stack of cash on Ichigo’s side.

‘Damn...when did that happen?’ The player in him didn’t want to give up, he saw Ichigo as a challenge he wanted to defeat. He smirked. ‘If I do this...there won’t be any going back.’

“How about we play a more adult game?” Shunsui said.

“I’m listening.”

“Have you ever played Strip Poker?”

Ichigo smiled. “I dabbled.”

‘Cheeky brat.’ He read his file, he was caught a few times playing strip poker with his friends at the academy. ‘I may not play serious with childish games, but I bet my all in adult games.’

“Normally the game is over once one loses all their clothes. I’d like to play with a special rule where the loser has to grant one request for the winner.”

“Any request?”

Ichigo rested his chin in his hand. Looking so coy. “Yes, any request…” Shunsui gulped, his perverted and sex starved mind, quickly thinking what the any request would be.

“Very well, I hope you aren’t biting off more than you can chew.” Shunsui felt confident, they dealt the cards and began to play.

First Hand: Shunsui lost his hat.

‘Not a big deal I got this.’

Second Hand: Shunsui lost his pink kimono.

‘I know his game, I can beat him!’

On the third hand, he played off one of Ichigo’s earlier bluffs, thinking he had nothing. “Four of a kind Queens high!”

‘What the hell?’ He had furrowed his brows earlier when he had a bad hand. He lost his socks.

“You are good at this…”

“I’m told I become a different person when I play for higher stakes.” Ichigo beat him again. “Or when I play for something I want!” His gaze grew intense as he removed his top. Shunsui blushed.

Ichigo wanted to see him naked, so he was pulling out all the stops. Shunsui began to sweat. ‘Oh shit…’ He just entered an adult game with a card shark. He started to overthink, as bit by bit, he stripped naked.

He was down to his fundoshi. ‘Damn it this is bad.’ Ichigo shuffled the cards but his eyes were roaming his manly form. ‘Why is he looking at me like that?’ Shunsui had a rocking body, but his manly hair was a turn off for most of the girls he pursued. His body hair was quite noticeable but it suited him.

Some people liked the beach look, no “grass or trees” in sight. Most people lived with the grassland look; there was hair there but it’s light and you’d rarely see it. The woods look was noticeable hair on the arms or legs, but light hair everywhere else. Shunsui had a forest look, noticeable hair on his arms, legs, chest, abs, pits, hands, and feet. Some people even like the full jungle look on a man, where the hair was thick and rich, some guys could pull it off others couldn’t, and even if you could pull it off didn’t mean your partner had to love it.

Ichigo wasn’t just liking what he was seeing he was loving it. The forest look suited him, it complimented his muscle and build. Shunsui could feel it in his gaze, drinking up every inch of him, thirsty for more. There was just one article standing in his way. His aura flared, like his fundoshi was his enemy.

Shunsui wasn’t gonna back down. It felt so different to have someone want him, chase him, desire HIM. His zanpakuto spirit huffed in an “I told you so” way. He was always the chaser...now he was about to get caught. His heart was pounding in his chest and much to his embarrassment his dick was tenting his underwear.

He looked from Ichigo to his his hand a Full House, three 10’s high and two 9’s. It was a good hand, only a few others could beat it. He may be betting his ass on this hand, he couldn’t back down.

Ichigo sensed his hesitation. “How about we go all in on this hand. If you win, I’ll strip completely, and you can make a request of me?”

“Anything?” He gulped.

“Anything!” Ichigo said, and Shunsui felt his dick twitch. Naughty thoughts began to stroke his mind.

“Why would you double down?”

“Because I have something I want...very badly!” Shunsui took a deep breath.

“Alright double or nothing!” He laid out his cards. “Full House 10’s high!”

Ichigo looked shocked. He looked down at his cards and then to Shunsui. “That’s a good hand.”

“Yes it is!”

“Did you want me to strip for you that badly?” Shunsui blushed.

“Well...I-I-I...well…” he stammered.

“Did you want to do something naughty to me?” He untied his belt. Shunsui shivered in anticipation, he did, he really did! “Well I hate to disappoint you…” He dropped his belt and his cards. “But I have a Royal Flush!”


“I win!” His poker face dropped and pure joy was on his face. Shunsui stood up, and dropped his fundoshi, blushing as his cock slapped his hairy abs. He was so hard it hurt. His massive balls were ready to blow.

‘He got me good!’

“Well...what is your request?” Ichigo’s poker face was back on, and in an instant he had no idea what the guy was thinking. His eyes were shimmering with desire, and it had Shunsui’s heart and mind racing. He was naked, hard, and at Ichigo’s mercy.

Was he gonna make him kneel and kiss his feet, was he gonna make him suck his dick, would he claim his cherry, or would he just make him masturbate for him. The possibilities was making his dick ache more, and his body reaching the breaking point.

“Yes...this is something I wanted for a long...long...time…”  he purred and Shunsui’s dick twitched and started leaking pre-cum. “A deal is a deal, you have to grant my request, whatever I want.”

“Anything you want!” He licked his lips. He was in a fog, hanging by a thread. He wanted Ichigo to touch him, anything!

Ichigo leaned in close. “I want to become your lieutenant!”

“EHHH?!” Shunsui gasped. Ichigo got him again. “Fine...I’ll do it!”

“Yes!” Ichigo kissed his cheek. His body quivered.

“Is that all you want…” He sounded disappointed.

“Just for today, yes!” He cupped the man’s cheek. “I like playing the long game. This was just round 1, now that I’m your lieutenant, our game can continue.” He collected Shunsui’s clothes and all the money he won. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Captain!” He vanished with flash step.

‘That little…’ Shunsui was seething. He had to walk back to his room through the Squad 8 barracks, butt naked, hard as hell, his dick throbbing angrily. ‘Ohh it’s on, you wanna play? Then game on!’ Night patrol got one hell of an eyeful.

Shunsui always liked games, and he really hated to lose!

To be continued...Shunsui’s Lieutenant!


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