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Danny Phantom parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Dora’s Warning

Danny Phantom finally witnessed the ring. “This wasn’t on me before, when did, how did, huh?” He tried to pull it off no luck, which was weird because it didn’t feel tight. It was a perfect fit honestly.

He created a clone and tried to have him remove the ring, but the ring simply sparked and forced the two back together. “Okay then!” He pointed an ecto blast with his finger at. Bang!

Pew pew pew pew

The blast ricochet off his ring and bounced off the walls causing havoc each time it bounced. Danny had to duck and cover to avoid getting his hair scorched. “Okay...bad idea…” He tried to go intangible but the ring just went with him. “What the heck is this thing?”

This wasn’t his first ghost ring he’s come across. Johnny 13 had given his sister a ghost ring, along with some other cursed objects to try and make it so his girl could possess her. That ring came back a few times, it was one of Kitty’s main weapons/tools. Plus ghost/cursed objects were always causing trouble if given the chance, Danny still remembered the dragon necklace that kept changing hands and unleashing a Dragon of Rage on people.

“Who put this on me then?” He looked at the ring. Aragon watched him, a smirk on his face. Danny became lost in thought for a bit before he realized...

“Oh right the ghost!” He rushed to find out the reason for the Ghost Alarm, following his ghost sense.


Sam and Tucker were on the hunt for the ghost, hoping to identify who it was. They may have had a ghost detector but someone like the Box Ghost was on a different threat level than Skulker. In this case this ghost was friendly...usually…

“Dora!” Sam gasped.

“Samantha!” She flew over to them. “Sir Tuck!”

Sam face palmed. “It’s just Sam Dora, we’ve talked about this.”

“I kinda like Sir Tuck!” Tucker said with a smile. “Makes me sound noble and cool!” Sam rolled her eyes.

“Now is not the time for your modern sensibilities.” She exclaimed. “Please show me your hands!”

“My hands?” Sam did, and Dora inspected them.

“So it’s not you...I was sure that…” Dora frowned.

“What’s going on Dora?”

“It’s my brother, he’s up to something. He slipped out of prison and performed some kind of ritual.” She hung her head low. “I’m afraid he still had some supporters that aided him.”

“He’s not coming after Sam again is he?” Tucker asked.

“I thought that may be the case. He created a ring that would claim his bride. He said he would build a new world with his bride. So I thought…” She looked to Sam.

“Well he didn’t mean me, see no ring!” She did not want to marry that prick, not for all the money or kingdoms in the multiverse.

“Maybe he meant another girl, there’s lots of pretty girls both human and ghost.” Tucker had a list on his PDA. To Sam’s annoyance it was organized by “hotness” even Dora was on the list.

“This is bad, the ring changes the host. The longer the ring remains on their finger the more they’ll be changed.”

“We’ll help you find it!” Sam said.

“No you can’t, the ring cannot be seen by mortal eyes, only a ghost will be able to see it. I musk ask for Sir Phantom’s help.” She held her hands in a prayer move. “Time is not on our side.”

“We’ll let Danny know, can you keep looking for the bride?” Sam took Tucker’s PDA.


“Maybe this list will help.”

“Thank you, I’ll be off!” She flew off, just in time for Danny to meet up with his friends.

“Hey guys, where’s the ghost?”

“It was Dora, she came with a warning.”

“Seems her crazy brother busted out and on the loose. He’s wanting to get a new bride.”

“Sam are you okay?” Danny looked to her.

“Yeah I’m fine, I’m not worried I can take care of myself.”

“Hmm, do you think it has anything to do with this?” Danny raised his hand to show them the ring.

“Your hand?”

‘Can they not see it?’ Danny transformed back, and the ring was gone. ‘Am I seeing things?’

“I guess it’s nothing.” He gave a weak smile.

“Well Danny, Dora needs your help to find the bride and stop her brother.”

“Sure thing, classes won’t be back in session. You guys will cover me?”


“We’ll catch up once school let’s out.” Danny went ghost and flew off after Dora. Once again he could see the ring.

‘I have a bad feeling about this?’

Dora was checking the hands of every maiden in town, but none of them had the ring. She was leaving no stone unturned. “Dora!” Danny called and flew towards her.

“Sir Phantom its good to see you. Did Samantha and Sir Tuck explain to you about the situation?”

“Yeah, your brother is out and looking for a bride?”

“Yes, I’m sorry, you trusted me to keep him contained.”

“It’s okay Dora, we beat him once we can do it again.” He was holding his hand, shielding the ring. He rubbed his hand nervously. “His plan wouldn’t involve a ring would it?”

“Yes, a ring unseen by mortal eyes, so I need your help to find it.”

“I...I think I found it…”

“Really?!” She exclaimed.

“Can...can you remove it?”

“My brother doesn’t think so, but once we find the bride. I will try to use my power to remove it.”

“Is...is...is this it?” He showed Dora the ring. Her eyes went wide, looking from the ring to Danny and back again.

“You...but my brother...but he…”

“Dora, what’s gonna happen to me?”

She collected herself. “Nothing...I will help you!” Her amulet glowed and she tried to pull the ring off. The ring glowed hot, and Danny hissed. “Bear with it, I will…” She kept pulling and suddenly flames burst from the ring and blasted her away.

“Dora?!” He gasped. “I’m sorry I didn’t do that, I swear.”

“It was my Brother’s spell.” She transformed into a dragon. “But I won’t give up!” with her claws she tried to remove the ring.

In this form she was able to resist the flames longer, but the ring wasn’t budging. Danny was hissing in pain, the ring was getting so hot. “Just a bit more!” Suddenly the ring glowed and the flames became concentrated and were changed into lightning. She was struck and she roared in pain. She was reverted back to her humanoid form.

Aragon laughed. ‘I tried to warn you sister. I am the only one of us who can remove the ring.’ He learned his lesson from last time. ‘There is only one other who can, and he doesn’t have the power to do so yet.’

“I’m sorry!” she coughed.

“Dora...thank you for trying to help.”

“Sir Phantom…”

“Dora what does this mean?”

“It means you are a Dragon’s Bride, and the more you wear that ring, the more dragon like you become.”

“Is that why I’ve been feeling so...different…” Danny blushed.

“Those changes are just the beginning.”

“How do we stop it?”

“I’m afraid...only my brother can remove it. He knows more about the spell than I.”

“Do you mean, I’ll become a dragon like you guys?” She nodded. He didn’t know what to say. He ran his finger over the ring and his eyes glazed over. “Maybe that won’t be so bad…”


“Yeah...I can fight ghosts with this power...I can make it work…”

“Sir Phantom?” He kept rubbing the ring. “Forgive me!”


Danny snapped out of his trance. “You must resist, my brother will no doubt pull more dirty tricks to try and keep you. This ring binds you to him, and if the transformation is complete, you both will be bound forever.” Much like the crown he tried before.

“I’ll try!”

“I will help you, I won’t let my brother have his way.” She recovered and held his hand. “I’m sorry my brother is doing this?”

“Why is he doing this, I thought he wanted...you know a woman?”

“So did I…” Her brother’s choice was strange to her.

“Okay we just need to find him, kick his butt, and force him to take this ring off.”

“It won’t be that easy…”

“What is it?”

“My brother is in hiding, he will not be easy to find.”

Danny hmmed. “I may have a solution to that, but I won’t like it.”

“There is another problem. Since you two are linked now, we can’t hurt him without hurting you.”

“That’s not a problem...I hope...maybe some time in the Fenton Thermos will change his tune.”

“Time is not on our side, Sir Phantom.” She paused. “Wait maybe it can be!” Her hand glowed green, and she shot the ring. “I maybe can’t remove it, but I can slow the change.” Her brother had stopped time for their entire land in the ghost zone, she could at least do this.

“Thanks Dora! See you are a big help!” He had hope. He had friends and family and he was sure they’d get the ring off one way or another, be it by magic or science.

With her warning taken under advisement, Danny felt emotionally drained. Thankfully Sam offered for Dora to stay with her, she could feel them in on Danny’s situation. He didn’t know how to tell them honestly he just wanted to rest. Today was long and he felt done…

He crawled into bed, and fell deep asleep soon after his head hit his pillow. The mirror in his room rippled, turning dark as a figure appeared in it. “My bride…”

To be continued...Double Trouble


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