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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 4 

Chap 5 Vampire Control

Ghost Freak’s master plan was to revive the Vladatians, a plan he didn’t share with his minions. The Vladatians were an ancient race of alien from Anur Transyl. During their original reign all species were made slaves by the Vladatian powers. Those that couldn’t work as slaves ended up being their food.

Their rule kept the advancements limited, compared to other alien worlds where science and technology boomed. Vladatians loved the old and the dark, their failure to advance and evolve was what led to their extinction. As smart as they were they could have found better ways to eat and to live, but they chose to be evil and wicked, feasting and enslaving the innocent.

So there was no love lost when they went extinct.

Ghost Freak knew they were gone but not lost. He found the remains of the Vladats and collected them. His biggest prize was the claw of the former king of the Vladats. The strongest of their kind…

He wasn’t very forthcoming with his plan to his minions. Dr. Viktor was furious, his people facing most of the hell the Vladats put them through. They were seen as the perfect food since they could absorb electricity and recharge. They were like living batteries that the Vladats could drain at their leisure.

Other species were reduced to extinction because of them, drained until there was nothing left. Bogians, Invisothropes, and Trollics, just some of the lost names of species wiped out by their hunger. Once they were gone other races made this place their home.

Crujo and Kuphulu weren’t so keen on this idea either. Vladatians were elitists seeing anyone other than Vladatians as inferior and ultimately food. Dr. Viktor protested, but Ghost Freak dismissed him. “I will be able to handle him!”

“Throw the switch!” He ordered. Crujo didn’t want to do it. “Do it!” More hesitation. “Don’t make me, make you!” he glared.

Crujo obeyed and the energy Ghost Freak was collecting was used to revive the fallen alien. Lord Transyl roared. “I live!” His eyes glowed. “And I hunger!”

Viktor dodged out of the way, but Crujo and Kuphulu were not so lucky. Transyl hauled them up into the air, ready to feast upon them.Ghost Freak knocked him away with his scythe.

Transyl clawed the wall and came back. He quicklyspat something at him, only for him to go intangible and the corruptura phase through it. “That won’t work on me!”

He flew at Transyl and quickly possessed him. “I am in control here, it is I who brought you back, I am the master here. You can obey me willingly or I can take your power by force.” He released him. “Now, welcome back to the world of the living Lord Transyl.”

“Tch, you dare to mock me Ectonurite?”

“We aren’t so different you and I? We both can control people, I possess them and you...well you use whatever you spat at me. We both despise sunlight.”

“I do not cooperate with my inferiors. Sunlight may hurt me, but it destroys you!”

“Maybe, but I have the means of restoring your people to their former glory.” Viktor didn’t like that idea. “If you help me destroy my enemy, this world can be yours.”

“What insect would you like me to squash?” Transyl was interested in Ghost Freak’s goal of ruling the universe. If they worked together, they’d have more than just one world, but there was one who’d stand in their way.


The Lovely Duck was fixed and the poison was through Ben’s system. Ben sneezed. “Someone is talking about you.” Rook said.

“That’s just an old wives tale.”

“Gwen is not married.” Ben rolled his eyes and kissed his beta.

“We are leaving, yes?” Rad asked.

“I...am a bit worried about leaving Ghost Freak here.” Ben said, with what he pulled with Scout’s family, what he pulled in the past Ben knew what he was capable of. As for Scout, he was being torn by his instincts and his duty. Even if he was able to transfer to Earth, he’d be leaving four active criminals on the loose on his home world.

He transformed into Gray Matter and built a Sun Gun. He had enough materials to make three. Scout may have given his family runes to shield them from possession, but there were a lot of innocents here. “Repairs are almost finished, we need to go!”

“We got it,” Ben groaned. He didn’t know what to do. A lot of the people still saw Ben as a monster. Even if he wanted to help, hard to help when he wasn’t wanted. That was a hero’s job though.

Scout met up with them.  “Ben...my alpha...I...I want to go with you...but…” He understood. “I love you so much, but I cannot simply abandon my people.”

“I know, you are a good boy!” he kissed him. “I’ll come back for you, right now we lack the means to stop Ghost Freak.” They were gonna get off world, send a report and try to get back up. If the Plumbers weren’t gonna help Ben would prepare and go back himself.

“I’ll be alright, I have the Alpha Rune and the Pumpkin Guards. I’m gonna miss you terribly.” The two hugged.

Ben gave Scout a Sun Gun and the group left. “It was great to meet you, it was great to know you, I’m not gonna abandon my beta. Just wait for me!” He nodded and licked Ben’s cheek. “Who’s my good beta?”

Scout’s tail wagged. “Me…” he blushed.

“Who’s my good beta?” Ben said again with a smile.

“Me!” Scout cheered.

“And me!” Rook glomped Ben from behind.

“Yes you both are my good boys.” He scratched Scout behind the ears, and Rook under his chin. Rook and Scout fist bumped, they were still close, and were actually looking forward to being beta brothers.

The Lovely Duck took off leaving Scout behind.Before they could leave the planet’s atmosphere, Transyl left Ghost Freak’s cloaking field triggering Ben’s omnitrix.

Omnitrix: New Alien DNA detected!

“What?!” Ben gasped.

Omnitrix: New source out of range. Omnitrix lock imminent!

“Wait Rad turn around I gotta go back.”

“No way, that place is crazy. Not putting my baby in danger.” He said, talking about his ship.

“Rad…” The omnitrix was his source for his hero time. Rad got annoyed and acted a bit childishly and sent Ben out an air lock. Ben was able to get an alien that flies, and reach the ground safely.

“You will go back and get him.”

“Hmph!” Rad huffed.

“I will repeat. You will go back and get him, or I’ll eat you!” He said with a growl.

“Tch, angry betas I swear!” He wasn’t scared of Rook, he had his own betas to get home to.

Rook took some deep breaths. “Fine, but know you will not be paid, if Ben is not returned safely.” That did it.


Maybe it was better if they didn’t come back. Lord Transyl was a busy vampire. He took control of every citizen in a short time. The Pumpkin Guards had their hands and tentacles full just trying to hold off the controlled citizens.

Scout’s family was tucked away, protected by their runes. Ghost Freak and his crew rolled into town fast, and Scout got overwhelmed fast, even with the Alpha Rune’s support. “A vladatian!?” Scout gasped.

“Loboan scum!” Transyl spat a corruptura at him. The Alpha Rune responded and broke it before it could control him. Transyl hissed.

Scout fired his Sun Gun. Transyl cried out in pain, his body smoking. “Day Light at Night!” he glared. “Technology feh!”

Ghost Freak recognized this weapon, though got a few shots as a reminder. “Tennyson, he continues to vex me! Where is he?”

“Long gone, looks like you’ll have to settle for me!”

“Then I will enjoy the look on his face when he returns to find you dead!” Ghost Freak charged at him. Scout did his best to hold him off but he was growing more and more overwhelmed. Thankfully before Ghost Freak could land a killing blow, Ben swooped in and scooped Scout up. “Tennyson!”

“You came back?!” Scout gasped.

“Yeah, remind me to kick Rad’s ass later.” Ben reverted back to human form. “Though maybe not, seems my bad feeling about Ghost Freak was right on the money. Who’s the dude with the fangs.”

“I am Lord Transyl former ruler of this world, and you insect are trespassing.”

“That is Tennsyon, my enemy and yours.”

Ben scanned Transyl.

Omnitrix: Vladatian DNA unlocked!

“Vladatian huh? Looks like I’ll be kicking your butt.”

“Insolent child!” He growled. “I will have you cleaning my castle floors with your tongue!”

“Yeah...no!” Ben activated the omnitrix and turned into a Vladatian, a young one in his prime, fully chiseled and toned. “Whampire!”

The Lovely Duck arrived. “Looks like we got some back up.” Rad had a big gun. Rook had his Proto-Tool in blaster mode and a sun gun. Hobble had a blaster and sun gun combo.

“You fools you outnumber yourselves.” He spat the corrupturas at them. Hobble was fine, thanks to his biology.

“Ha ha!” he taunted Transyl, but made the mistake of looking him in the eye. Transyl hypnotized him. His mucus body didn’t protect his simple mind.

“Uhh guys?” They dropped the sun guns and stepped on them.

“Ben….run…” Rook said. They opened fire. Ben grabbed Scout and took off into the air.

“Two can play at this game!” Whampire spat his own corruptura. Viktor, Crujo, and Kuphulu were taken over and turned on Ghost Freak and Transyl. Things were turning into a cluster, Ben’s enemies were now fighting his allies turned enemies.

“Rook come to your senses!” Scout clashed with Rook, the two were evenly matched, because Scout didn’t want to hurt him and Rook was trying to resist control.

“This bad, let’s regroup. Scout…” he called.

“Right!” He kicked Rook away. They escaped with Ghost Freak’s crew.

“Ben I...am...sorry…” Rook said.

To be continued


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