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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Group Discussion

Izuku wasn’t a malicious person or a selfish person. He put in a lot of time in to research something he hadn’t really thought about before. He had two sudden confessions, both from guys he thought were his friends, they still were but they wanted something more. ‘I’ve been so driven in becoming a hero, I hadn’t thought about dating and stuff.’ He didn’t want to hurt Katsuki or Tetsutetsu.

With more info he gained the more questions he had. Questions he couldn’t answer on his own. Kacchan was freaking out, over some of his questions. He did seem to know what he was talking about already. It was amazing Katsuki knew so much about sex stuff, but he was always cool like that. ‘I wonder if Tetsuchan knows about this stuff.’

He couldn’t make some of these decisions on his own, it wouldn’t be fair. “Hey Kacchan, can you come to my place tonight?”

“Uhh…” His brain halted, and he blushed. “Sure, whatever…” Izuku eyed him.

‘Could Kacchan be Tsundere?’

“What’s that look for!?” Katsuki growled and ground his fists into Izuku’s head playfully. “What is that nerd brain thinking Deku!?”

“N-n-n-nothing!” He chuckled nervously and winced. “Oww stop that hurts Kacchan!” Katsuki backed off. He muttered a sorry.

“I’ll come by later.”

On the way home Izuku called Tetsutetsu. “Hey Tetsuchan, can you come by my place tonight. We need to talk about things.”

“Oh yes of course!” He’d be there, he’s been waiting for this call for awhile. Izuku got home, and his mom was there.

“I’m gonna talk to both Kacchan and Tetsuchan today.”  He said.

“Oh sweetie!” she hugged him. “I’ve been doing some research of my own, and I found this.” She handed over a document to her son. “I thought it might help you with your choices.”

Izuku read the document and blushed. “Could this be...I mean it is, but I can’t ask them to…”

“Relax dear, it’s just an option, you need to talk to them about.” She was gonna give them some privacy and decided to go shopping and stop by and see Mitsuki.

Izuku waited for his two suitors. Each passing minute felt like an hour. Izuku was so nervous, but not as nervous as his boys. Tetsutetsu had no idea what was about to happen, but kept telling himself no matter what Izuku decided he’d be happy for him.

Katsuki was sweating bullets, he had so much he wanted to tell Izuku, but felt he was too late. He was smelling like a cinnamon roll bakery. The idea of Izuku leaving him behind made his heart ache. It was the one thing Katsuki didn’t want to happen.

The two met outside Izuku’s house. “What the hell are you doing here?” The two said in unison. “Deku/Izuku invited me!” They answered. “Stop that!”

“So he invited both of us, is this a good sign or a bad one?”

“Tch,” Bakugou huffed. He wasn’t sure, it was hard to tell what Izuku was thinking. Ironic as sometimes he starts muttering what he’s thinking out loud. When those gears in his head start turning, it’s like he’s processing multiple things at once. Even if something leaks out it wasn’t the only thing running through his mind. “Hell if I know, why the hell did you have to confess to him metal head!?”

“Because I love Midoriya, better question if you love him why haven’t you confessed sooner?”

“None of your business!” Katsuki was blushing now, small explosions going off in his hand.

“How unsightly, listen here Bakugou! As a man I will respect whatever decision Izuku makes, but don’t think I’ll back down to you!”

“You wanna fight!?”

“Oh yeah!” He cracked his knuckles. “Men can settle a lot with their fists.” Before the two could duke it out the door opened and Izuku was standing there, radiating an intimidating aura.

“Get inside right now and knock it off!” He was serious and embarrassed. The two were making quite the racket. “We need to talk the three of us.”

They went inside, left their shoes at the door and went up to Izuku’s room. The place was a shrine to heroes, especially All Might. “Okay, I’ve been thinking a lot about what you guys said to me, the confessions and all that. So I’ve used this time to try and figure stuff out and I’m still confused on some things.” One of the videos he watched said that while self exploration was healthy and needed for development, experimenting with one’s partner can confirm things. Being with another person can have different results. “I do like guys, and I think my preference is for men only. There are some other things I’m still trying to figure out.”

That was a sigh of relief, and the idea of Izuku exploring himself made their hearts beat a little faster. “I’ve been thinking about what you guys mean to me, and how I feel about you.”

Katsuki and Tetsutetsu gulped. “I may have known Kacchan a little longer, but we have known each other for a long time.” He twiddled his fingers. “I care about each of you very much. Tetsutetsu, your confession caught me off guard, but looking back on it…” Izuku smiled. “It made me very happy.”

Tetsutetsu blushed, he felt his heart skip a beat. “Katsuki,” he wasn’t using his pet names, he was very serious. “Your confession caught me the most off guard. We have been friends and rivals for so long, I had no idea you had any romantic feelings for me, at all.”


“But still…” Izuku placed his hand over his chest. “The more I thought about it. You have always been really protective of me. Like when those guys tried to take me to a mixer, you got really scary and chased them off. Or like when those other guys wanted to take me to a party, you got really scary and chased them off. Then there was that one time some older guy put his hand on my butt and squeezed it, you got really angry and I honestly had no idea why.” Bakugou’s jaw dropped.

Even Tetsutetsu felt for him. There was always a few guys hitting on Izuku at the gym, but since Izuku brushed it off he didn’t intervene...well sometimes. ‘Oh man, I kinda feel for you bro.’

“Deku…” Katsuki was trembling.

“But, now I know. Those guys had ill intentions for me. You were protecting me, all this time. You are really cool!” Katsuki blushed, Izuku’s words piercing his heart like an arrow. “With that in mind, I realized that you’ve been pining for me.”

“I uhh well...yeah…” Deku was standing so firm, it reminded him of Auntie Inko.

Izuku wanted to hear from both of them, before he made his decision. “Izuku Midoriya, my feelings for you haven’t changed. I love you so much!” He’s wanted to tell him for so long, but didn’t want to ruin their friendship. “I think we sync well together, as a combo, our quirks certainly compliment each other. More than that I think we compliment each other. So even if you don’t want to date me or more, I’d like us to stay friends and maybe work together in the future.”

“Deku...I...damn it...I love you!” He said. “I’m not good at this stuff, the old hag was right. I was waiting for you to pick up on my signals, and when I saw creeps creeping on ya it just made my blood boil. I want you to pick me, but if you’d be happier with metal head, I’d understand, and wish you the best. I just don’t wanna lose you completely.” He shook his head. “No matter what, anyone who breaks your heart better know I’ll make him dead!”

Izuku was touched by both of their confessions.

“With as it stands, I care about you both so much, just the idea of rejecting either of you pains me.” Midoriya began to sniffle. His initial plan was to be fair and not choose either of them, but the idea was so painful Izuku couldn’t bring himself to go through with it. “I think I’m bad, or selfish… I’m the worst!” He began to tremble. He couldn’t choose between the two, both of them held a place in his heart and he didn’t want to let either of them go. “Because I feel I love both of you!” He cried, thick heavy tears streaming down his face.

The confession kinda took a back seat as a crying Deku, had both males on edge. They didn’t know what to do here. Izuku was crying, because he loved them. Normally when Izuku cried Bakugou beat up whoever caused it, but this was very different. Tetsutetsu knew Izuku could get emotional, he shed manly tears and he could cry with the best of them, usually he was just there and let him cry it out. The thought of losing either of them was too painful for him to bare. They were both idiots, they needed to fix this now!

They looked at each other and the same thought was shared between them. They nodded and they hugged Izuku. “You aren’t bad!”

“You aren’t selfish!”

“You guys are just saying that…” he cried.

“You are the sweetest kindest man I know!” Tetsutetsu said.

“You’re the most selfless person I know, you’ve put up with me all these years.” Bakugou said.

“You’ve helped me a better man!”

“You’ve given me perspective, I’d probably be a total jack ass without you!”

“You mean more of a jack ass?” Tetsutetsu added shooting him with a smirk.

“Shut it!”

Izuku chuckled. “You guys are sweet.” Izuku hugged them back. He made their hearts flutter. “You don’t think I’m a slut or something?”

That had Bakugou and Tetsutetsu laughing. “Absolutely not.”

“If anyone calls you a slut I’ll kill em!” The blonde said with a  wicked smirk.

“You really are a beast.” Tetsutetsu face palmed.

“Shut it metal head!”

It was Izuku’s turn to laugh. “Thanks guys, I was worried about that. I was a bit nervous showing you guys this. I think it may be our best option.” He showed them the document his mother gave him.

“What the heck!?” Bakugou gasped.

“A Harem License!” Not just anyone could have a harem, it took paperwork, registration, and support from all parties involved. Katsuki read the document, his speed reading skills coming out. “I’ll sign it!” Tetsutetsu said proudly.

“Hold on I’m signing it first!” Katsuki tried to grab the document.

“No one is signing it...yet.” Izuku took the document back. “If we are gonna do this, together, there is something I think we need to figure out.” He was blushing. Izuku took a deep breath and began to strip.


“Izuku!” the two blushed.

“I think we need to experiment and see if can be compatible sexually.” He stood before them looking chiseled and sexy!

‘Oh fuck!’

To be continued...Group Exploration


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