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Breath of the Wild parody: Tier 3: WIP

Potion Quest

Link was seeking materials to mix a new potion. He got what he needed to take on a Lynel but he mixed up the order and lands himself into a rather intense situation. He got a boost but his quest for the potion ingredients is far from over.


Across Hyrule one could find many strange creatures, some holding magic of their own, or capable of wielding wepons. Often adventurers and heroes were tasked with fighting these creatures. They were free to take any treasures or weapons the creatures dropped. Often an adventurer could even take pieces from the creature and sell them, or use them as materials for potions, weapons, or even magic.

Link was known as a young hero. He was willing and able to help anyone who asked. He was often looking to get stronger to fight the forces of evil. He’s gotten a fair collection of weapons and items, but was on the hunt for something special. After exploring a library he found a book of potion recipes. There were so many, ones to increase strength, ones to increase your speed, temporary invincibility, invisibility, the book was something else. It also meant it was quite expensive, he had to sell quite a few weapons and items but it was worth it.

He hugged the book to his chest, there was a special potion recipe in this book. It required some heavy ingredients, but Link wasn’t one to shy away from a challenge. His efforts often led to big rewards. He used his remaining sword to collect ingredients for a Sleep Potion and a Lust Potion. He smashed the herbs, getting the juices out, then chopped up the plants itself, he added some lavender to the juices and since the potion turned blue he was on the right track, if it had turned purple he didn’t have the balance of juices and lavender, he then added some hot spring water and began to mix it all up.

After giving it some stirs and shakes, he added the chopped up herb bits, when they entered the water, they crackled and made the potion give off a beautiful glow. The floating pieces began to take the shapes of stars and moons, but you probably couldn’t tell at a distance.

Then there was the Lust Potion, it required an assortment of beautiful flowers that were powerful aphrodisiacs. One produced a sap-like honey while the other produced spores. He milked the flower of its sap, and wore a mask when collecting the spores. The spores turned the sap into a strong pink color. It didn’t glow like the blue potion because it was needing something special.

Link blushed as he read the next ingredient. Essence of a man’s lust! Link had no choice the potion wouldn’t work without it, it needed something personal. So, after a quick check to make sure no one was around, he undid his belt. His pants were lowered to his ankles, exposing his bare ass, 6.5 inch dick, and full balls.

He lazily stroked himself, thinking about this, that, and some other things as his manhood stiffened up. Once he was fully chubbed, he spat in his hand and used as it as lube to really work himself. His cock felt warm, and his heart was pumping, the pulse of his heart he could feel in the palm of his hand.

The heat built up, and his pre-cum began to spill. His free hand adjusted the bottle to catch the essence. The clear liquid didn’t have enough semen in it to trigger the potion’s effect. He blushed and pumped himself harder.

For Link this was embarrassing, but he just kept reminding himself this was necessary. He had to have this lust potion, to complete his quest. He didn’t want to overflow the potion with pre-cum, so he used it to pump himself faster, smearing the slick fluid all over his length.

As much as he couldn’t help it his thoughts drifted towards a certain prince, the pace on his cock grew, his heavy balls bouncing as he pumped faster and faster. His pointy ears started growing redder as his mind started to fall deeper into his fantasy. His breath came out in short pants and his hips suddenly jerked as he toppled over the edge of orgasm.

His legs buckled, as his thick cum was shot into the bottle. His hero seed mixed with the ingredients, snap...crackle...pop...GLOW! He made a high quality Lust Potion. Link blushed and shook his head, shaking away the perverted thoughts that he allowed to squirm into his mind. He could have had a better orgasm had he played with his ass, thoughts about him, usually brought up those desires.

Link quickly tried to squash those ideas and burried them deep. This incident had him a bit rattled, he quickly dressed, and pocketed both potions.

Why does he need a Lust Potion? Well, one of the ingredients for this special potion he wanted required the seed of a powerful creature. Many creature parts had value and for many decades people weren’t aware that monster semen could be used in potions, lotions, and even medicines. Most creatures often weren’t in a hot mood, when fighting a hero or adventurer. So some alchemist or magician ages ago created a recipe for a Lust Potion, so a would be adventurer could collect monster semen easily.  ‘Okay, just have to fight this guy, once he tries to stare me down, I’ll hit him with the Sleep Potion, then the Lust Potion. Then I just gotta milk him and collect his seed in this.’ he had a medium sized empty jar to collect some monster cum.

Not just any monster, one of the toughest wild monsters you can find. The Lynel! A monster who holds great strength capable of using two handed weapons single handedly with no draw backs. An anthro/centaur hybrid, the head of a lion with a red mane and two rigid horns coming from his head, the upper body of a man, bursting with muscles that would make professional body builders jealous. From his waist down he was that of a horse, a very muscular horse.

Link had faced these monsters in the past and collected some weapons from them, but he had no idea the true bounty one of the Lynel had. To complete his potion quest he just had to get the Seed of a Lynel!


Link had faced Lynels before, he thought he could handle this job. Lynel’s liked to size up and stare down their enemies before engaging. He didn’t have to go after any rare kind of Lynel, the recipe book just stated Lynel semen. Though in his excitement and confidence, he may have been reckless.

He forgot to check the durability on his weapons. Lynel’s could be found in numerous places targeting one wasn’t hard. He targeted one, and tried to move into position, crouching down and lurking around. He tried to hide behind some bushes but what he forgot to do was move down wind. The Red Lynel he was tracking caught a whiff of his scent and turned, catching sight of the blonde.

Link thought he was being so sneaky but he was no Solid Snake. Lynel was already sizing him up, and the fact the blonde was hiding was making the creature grow confident. Link was going through his potion bag, planning to pop out from the bush, make the Lynel size him up, hit him with the sleep potion, then lust potion, milk milk he got the seed.

To bad he was already spotted, his chance of fight or flight dwindled. Suddenly a fire ball struck the bush Link was hiding behind. “Yipe!” Link jumped as the bush was turned to ash. His potion bag fell away from him.

The Lynel roared, charging at Link. The blonde blocked his sword with his own. In the heat of the moment he failed to notice the sound of his weapon reaching its limit. The Lynel went for another attack, but Link rolled out of the way. “Kyaa!” he swung his sword, but the Lynel blocked it with his shield.

Link followed it up with a spin slash, which the Lynel blocked with his sword. His weapon started to crack, but Link’s focus was split, he needed to defend/fight the Lynel and try to get to his potion bag.

When he cast a glance towards his bag the Lynel launched a fire ball at him. He was able to dodge the first one, but the next one he tried to block with his sword only for the blade to break. “Oh shit!” Link cursed as another fire ball came at him and knocked him back.

He landed near his potion bag. The Lynel charged at him, he fumbled with his potions. He thought he grabbed the Sleep Potion, but when the potion burst, a purple haze washed over the creature. The Lynel stopped, so for a moment Link thought he had won but ohh...he was wrong!

The burly creature felt the Lust Potion take hold. Lynel’s eyes changed from gold to purple. His breath began to come out in short pants. The creature’s muscled form began to sweat, heat spreading through him. Lynel’s nipples hardened, and his tail began to thrash aggressively. His twin hearts began to beat out a samba as his libido surged. Lynel’s balls dropped, his massive nuts full of fresh and thick monster cum.

He dropped his sword and shield, and removed the crotch platting, showing off a thick nest of manly hair. His dick was further back, but Lynel’s had a thick mane of manly hair that secreted pheromones. Aesthetically it looked fluid, from the manly buff form, to the thick bush of manly hair/fur, to the centaur lower half.

Lynel scratched his pubes, feeling his arousal ride. Link was shocked when he dropped his sword, but it turns out he was packing a much BIGGER sword. He had the length and shape of a horse, the girth of a lion, and the libido of a monster. He had a dick that even fellow Lynel’s would be jealous of, and the massive cannon of man meat was aimed right at Link.

The blonde blushed. ‘Oh no oh no oh no no no!’ He grabbed the Sleep Potion and threw it. The potion had no effect now, he got the order completely backwards. The creature was super charged with lust, now he would not rest until he was fully satisfied. He growled hungrily. His lustful eyes sized Link up, and he licked his lips.

Link eeped and he scrambled, trying to run. He hoped if he got away fast enough, the Lynel would find some other Lynel to fuck. ‘There’s no way I can take that monster!!’ The Lynel had already sized Link up, he wasn’t seeing a warrior, all he saw was prey!

The Lynel grabbed Link fast, catching him by the back of the neck and lifting him up into the air. “Wait...what are you doing…?” His grip was so strong and firm. With his free hand, he ripped Link’s clothes right off his body. “Gah!”

His clothing tatters blew away on the passing breeze. Nothing was spared, he soon had the breeze between his knees. What was worse was the fact he was being manhandled this way caused a surprising surge of lust through Link.

Lynel growled and raised an arm, exposing his hairy pit. “What are you doing now you beast!” Link was brought to the Lynel’s hairy pit. ‘Oh fuck!’

The manly musk hit him harder than a Lynel’s body slam. He tried not to breathe it in, but the manly hair kept tickling his nose. He struggled, but that just made his cock and balls brush against the Lynel’s thick bush. The manly haired tickled his groin making the blonde gasp.

With each accidental whiff, Link felt his body grow hot. He began to breathe it in naturally, letting a fog of lust cloud his mind. His dick was now hard and wanting, and Link began to hump against the Lynel. His stoic face melted into a slightly more lustful one. You could see lustful spirals swirling in his eyes.


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