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Slime parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 21 

Chapter 22 War

Gabiru’s plan was to confront the Orc Army head on using the swamp. With their home field advantage they could out maneuver the orcs while they sink in the mud and marsh lands. The goblins could provide support and back up.


Gabiru did not know the terror of the Orc Lord, and he wasn’t aware of a majin pulling the strings. The Majin had a crystal eye view of everything that was happening. So when Gelmud noticed where the lizard women and children were hiding, he pulled some strings.

Twenty Five Thousand orcs broke off from the main army and began taking a new path, their goal to break into the labyrinth murder/devour the women, children, and the elders who Gabiru left locked up.

Another group of Orcs were set to move around the Lizardman territory and close of their escape in a fearsome pincer attack, while the main army marched forward for a head on attack.

Had Gabiru waited, Rigur’s totems could have defended the main base even from mystical observations and invaders. The military force Rimuru was ready to provide would have been able to handle the large numbers. Plus both Rimuru and the chief held knowledge Gabiru didn’t.

War was not always a frontal assault, sometimes in war the winner is decided not just by might but by tactics. Gabiru was treating the Orcs as mere dumb pigs, but with their numbers, their might, and the tactics of a demon backing them this would not go the way he wanted.


It was true the lizardmen could fight fiercely in their marshes, and when they confronted the orc army, it looked like they were winning. They killed orc after orc, while the goblins provided archery support. Gabiru had walked into Gelmud’s first trap by locking up the chief, his second trap sprung when the lizardmen left their labyrinth, which led to…

“Lord Gabiru!!”

“What?!” Gabiru gasped as the orcs began to eat their fallen comrades. “Orcs eating other orcs!?” Suddenly the orc army was filled with new vitality and strength.

“Trample All, Trample All, the strength of the fallen becomes ours, the strength of our enemies becomes ours, trample all, trample all!” The orcs were able to power through the marsh and were able to grab a handful of liazardmen.

“Sir Gabiru!” the men cried out in horror, they were devoured...and in that moment the lizardmen lost their home field advantage.

The orcs soon swarmed them, cutting off their escape even as Gabiru ordered a retreat. The orcs were already showing signs of Starved. Gaining scales and webbed feet, this was just a taste of the power they’d obtain from devouring all of the lizardmen. With their new features the marshlands became their territory, their speed and strength growing.

Gabiru was caught off guard for only a moment. It was too late. “We are surrounded?!”

“How did they flank us?” He growled. “Men take formation, protect the goblins!” He didn’t have time to think, he was cut off from the others. His plan was already falling apart. ‘What am I gonna do?!’

“Men stand strong!” They aimed their spears out, ready to fight to the death.


Rimuru, Rigur, Ranga, the Goblin Riders, and the Kijin were making their way to the lizardman territory. Rigurd was left in charge, with orders to defend their home, but should the main forces fall they were to retreat. Little did they know some orc scouts had already stumbled upon their village.

Gelmud was alerted immediately. “What’s this I wasn’t aware of such a village it looks too well made to be a goblin village?” He decided to have a look, but his spying spell was repelled. “What’s this?!” Goblin Shaman Totems! “I wasn’t aware of any Goblin Shaman? Though could the goblin I named have evolved so far?” He shook his head. “No that one died a pitiful death, no matter, such a village will be food for the orcs!”

He split the army once more sending one half for the pincer attack and the other half to go after the village. The pincer attack encountered a surprise Gabiru’s sister, who thanks to her father was able to escape and try to get help. The orcs were moving faster than expected. They were toying with her, but Souei and his doubles had found them. ‘Lord Rimuru, the chief’s aid is in trouble, what would you have me do?’ He reported that a smaller unit of orcs was nearby.

‘Can you win?’

‘Of course!’

‘Sexy and cool, so confident!’ Souei blushed. ‘Oops did I say that out loud.’

‘Yes lord, but leave it to me!’ Rimuru’s team arrived couple of minutes later, and the orcs were scattered into several pieces.

“You didn’t leave any for us to play with, so greedy!” Benimaru teased.

“A few ran away, back to the main army I suspect.” He had his clones scouting.

Rimuru used healing potion, so she survived despite suffering from fatal wounds. She acted as the chief’s proxy and they formed an alliance. “The lizardmen will be saved, don’t worry!”

“Thank you!”

“Lord Rimuru!” Souei gasped. “My scouts have detected two more units of orcs. One appears to be attacking the lizardman base from the side the other is heading towards the village.”

“Should we head back?” Benimaru asked.

“Not at all, I put Rigurd in charge for a reason, the goblins have been training, the dwarves have made strong and durable weapons and armor. Plus your sister is strong, I have faith in her skills as well.” He wasn’t being overconfident, he had true faith and understanding of their abilities. Now it was time to move. “We have a war to win!”

“Yes Lord!” they cheered. Souei would go free the Chief, while Rigur focused on defending the women and children, along with the base.

“Ranga bring the the Goblin Riders and the Oni to the battlefield.”

“Yes sir!” He took his werewolf form. “Shadow Movement; Moonlight Waltz!” His shadow spread across the ground, and he was able to pull the others into the shadows. They moved swiftly. Rimuru just hoped it wasn’t too late.

Rimuru took to the sky, sprouting bat wings. He would have great sage observe the battlefield. He wasn’t taking any chances!

-x-Goblin Village-x-

The orcs marched right up to their front door. Rigurd, Shuna, Kaijin, and Kurobee stood in their way. “Orcs, if you are here for peace we ask you return later our Lord is away.”

“We are not here for peace, we are here to trample and devour you all.”

“I see. Lady Shuna...” He gestured for her and she stepped forward.

“Then you shall receive a special welcome!” The orcs roared and charged at the village. Shuna’s magic activated, her spell synced with Rigur’s totems, amplifying her spell. “Wall of Fire!”

Blue Flames rose up, linking between the totems. The orcs ran right into the flames and were burned to ash, nothing but their melted armor remained. The orcs stopped their death charge, but they were ready.

“Archers ready!”

“Ready ma’am!” The Hobgoblin archers weren’t like the goblins Gabiru employed. When they fired arrows, they lacked the strength or accuracy.

Shuna enchanted their arrows making the tips ignite in blue fire. “Fire!” The arrows flew, some got head shots, the blue flames consuming the orcs in seconds. Nothing left for their comrades to eat.

Goblinas were rocking sling shots, with rocks slathered in oil. They wound up and let ‘em fly. The rocks became ignited by the wall of fire, they struck the front line orcs, making the flames spread and consume them.

This tactic helped Shuna conserve magic.

“They strong!”

“Don’t fear men. We will overwhelm them.” Two orcs launched a third over the wall of flames. Rigurd was ready, he had an iron club. He pulled off his jacket, and with a flex his shirt ripped apart exposing his popping muscles. He wound up and hit the orc back with the club. He slammed back into his fellow orcs, bones broken and insides ruptured.

They didn’t get a chance to eat him as the Hobgoblin Archers continued to snipe them. “This is bad, we need to retreat and warn the others!” They tried to flee, but found they were caught in a trap. There were some goblin totems scattered among the trees. They had alerted Rigurd and the others so their preparations were perfect.

“Veil of Sleep!” Shuna cast, any that tried to flee were knocked out.

“You damn pigs.” The wall of fire parted and Kurobee stepped out. “You destroyed our village trampled our friends and families, and then bring war to Lord Rimuru’s doorstep, then have the balls to try to run!” That wasn’t gonna happen.

“Forging Fire!” Kurobee blew a special flame, it didn’t hurt the pigs, but it melted their armor and weapons. The orcs screamed as their melted armor scorched their bodies. They writhed in agony, the ones with helmets died quickly.

Rigurd joined the fray using raw strength to toss the orcs around. He had a club Kurobee had a hammer, and they were wrecking these orcs. The Hobgoblins and Goblinas provided mid to long range support with Shuna backing them up with magic. One orc tried to go after Shuna but Kaijin was guarding her and punched the orc so hard his teeth shattered.

“Taste defeat orcs!”

To be continued...Tides of Battle


Damion Andrew

Glad that the others got some action as well. So happy to get another good chapter.


yep wanted to give other characters more time to shine and be active in the story