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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1 

In honor of a new isekai anime that has come out and was working on Slime Lord this came to mind.  Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?  So I'm a Spider, So What? It's available on crunchyroll so far not sure where else but I'm sure it'll make the rounds. If you can check out the anime, the manga, or the light novel, if it's not your thing I understand but I thought it was interesting. 

That Time Satoru was Reincarnated As Spider

Satoru Mikami was stabbed to death protecting his coworker and his date. He cursed his lack of strength and speed, and lamented his virgin life. His thoughts are heard by the voice of the world and he’s given skills and a new body as he’s reincarnated into a brand new form.

Chapter 1 In Another World As A Spider

Satoru Mikami was just an ordinary guy, he enjoyed his anime and video games, he wasn’t much for sports, but he studied hard and got a good job. He had a nice job in general contracting, rising through the ranks by working hard, and working within office politics. Mikami soon was given a management position of his own and his coworkers loved him as he always made sure they got the credit they deserved. Under him hard work was rewarded.

So it wasn’t a surprise when one of his coworkers invited him out. He was getting married and wanting to show off his fiancee. Satoru could tell he was showing off to his superior but he was a good guy so he played along. Things turned tragic as a crazed mugger came running down the street brandishing a knife. People were screaming and trying to get out of his way.

Tamura shielded his fiancee, but Satoru acted quick pushing them out of the way and taking the knife himself. The mugger’s knife went in deep, he twisted making Satoru cough up blood. Satoru tried to grab him, but the mugger released the knife and ran off.

Mikami collapsed onto the ground, his blood gushing out of the wound. Tamura tried to keep up the pressure but it wasn’t looking good. ‘It’s hot, my wound is burning, and yet my body feels so cold.’

Accepted: Heat and Cold Resistance Acquired, these skills shall merge and become Thermal Fluctuation Resistance.

‘Dang it, if only if I was faster, I could have stopped that guy without getting stabbed.’

Accepted: Agility Skill Acquired, Evasive Action Skill Acquired.

‘If only I was tougher, I’ve handled delinquents in the past, am I getting sloppy. I wasn’t even scared I rushed in even without thinking.’

Accepted: Choosing a form with a tough exterior. Close Combat Skill Acquired, Fear Resistance Skill Acquired.

“Satoru, Satoru, please hold on!”

“Tamura, it hurts.” He was tearing up.

Accepted: Pain Nullification Skill Acquired

“Satoru this is all my fault.” He confessed his intentions but Satoru already knew, and he was glad he could protect him.

Accepted: Unique Skill Guardian Acquired.

“Just do me a favor, make him happy he’s a good guy!” He spoke to Tamura’s fiancee. “Take care of him for me.” she swore she would. “Tamura, be a good man for her, and if you could do me just one favor, fry my hard drive would you.”

“I promise!”

Not enough information, processing...Accepted: Lightning and Paralysis Resistance Skills obtained.

‘Who’s that talking, I don’t recognize the voice. Oh man I’m feeling weak am I gonna die?’ his consciousness was fading. ‘I can’t believe I’m gonna die a virgin, in old video games male wizards who stay virgins end up becoming Sages, at my age soon I’d be a Great Sage.’

Accepted: Extra Skill Sage acquired, skill shall be evolved into the Unique Skill Great Sage acquired. Fear Resistance had evolved into Fear Nullification.

‘Am I hearing things, must be feeling regret I’ve never had a lover. In my next life I want to live for love!’

Analyzing...Accepted: Unique Skill Predator Obtained, Unique Skill Love Titan Obtained.

‘Everything is getting dark...’ His eyes closed, and his heart beat began to slow...slower...and slower...until his human life ended.


Satoru woke up, but he was surrounded by darkness. ‘What is this, where am I?’ He thought. He tried to speak but he couldn’t form words. Satoru shifted and struggled. ‘Did I die? What happened with the Mugger, did Tamura wipe my hardrive?’ He had a lot of ecchi games on his computer, he’d like not to be discovered.

He felt confined in a tight space, he started struggling more and more, trying to escape. Crack! He broke out of an egg! ‘What the hell?!’ he gasped. ‘I was in an egg?’  He wasn’t human anymore, he was now a spider. ‘My totally not made up manly man bod has been reincarnated as a spider monster!?’

Answer: That is correct!

‘Whoa who said that?’ he thought.

Answer: I’m your skill Great Sage, you were granted the body of a Small Spider Monster, to answer your request of a tougher body.

‘I did say that huh...so I have skills right?’ His stomach growled. ‘How embarrassing.’

Answer: If you are hungry please eat your Egg it will give you nutrients while I go over your skills.

‘Sounds good!’ He began to eat his shell, which was a little weird, but it had a dairy flavor to it which tasted quite nice.

Among your Resistance Skills, you have the Thermal Fluctuation Resistance Skill, which grants you a resistance to heat and cold. So fire magic and ice magic will have a weaker effect on you. You have Lightning Resistance and Paralysis Resistance, which lessons the damage you’ll take from Lightning attacks and magic, while the later helps you resist skills and effects that cause Paralysis. Fear Nullification, while it doesn’t rob of the ability to be scared, it shields you from being Intimidated by a foes aura and skills.  Last but not least is Pain Nullification, while you can still take damage you won’t feel pain.

As for your Passive Skills, The Agility skill grants an increase to your speed and mobility. While the Evasive Action Skill when active will allow you to dodge most attacks. Your Close Combat Skill raises your affinity for hand to hand combat, and will allow you to learn Martial Arts Skills.

‘This all sounds like a Video Game, I’m getting kinda excited.’ He had almost finished eating all of his egg.

Now for your Unique Skills. First is the Unique Skill Guardian, when in a party or group the defense of your companions will be boosted by your own. When defending someone Guardian doubles your power. You can also produce an Aura that draws an enemy to focus on attacking you. Unique Skill Predator, this skill allows you to devour and absorb what the user eats, gaining new skills. It grants you a second stomach, a sub space that can store what you wish inside.

Great Sage, grants the user the ability to use magic, while nullifying the casting period to use said magic. With Great Sage you can analyze and assess things you see, touch, and eat. Through Analysis you will be able to use this information to create craftable items if you have the required materials present. Lastly you are able to hear the Voice of the World, granting you knowledge of all things and phenomenon not concealed.

‘Wow these are impressive skills, is it okay for a little spider monster like me to have?’ Unique skills seemed to have a lot of other abilities mixed into them. He guessed that was what them so unique.

Answer: There is one other Unique Skill Love Titan, but it isn’t able to be activated in your current form, evolution is required. These skills were granted to you by the voice of the World during the reincarnation.

‘I see,’ He remembered the voive speaking to him when he was dying. ‘So that’s what that was.’ Still, monsters, magic, skills, this was all getting exciting. He wanted to know more.

Update: There are Skills obtained for becoming this class of monster, would you like to learn them?

‘Yes please.’ He finished the egg and rubbed his belly. ‘Go ahead I’m gonna figure out how to walk in this form.’ He had eight legs now, so this would take some getting used to.

Acquired: Monster Skills for the Spider Monster Family obtained. Passive: Night Vision Skill

‘That explains how I can see in the dark.’ Looking around he was in some kind of cave.

Far Sight Skill: Using one or more of your eyes you can see great distances.

Web Walker: Able to walk on webbing ignoring any strange conditions.

‘Oh right I have more than two eyes now, that’s kinda weird, but not too bad I guess.’ He almost didn’t notice, it felt so natural for him.

Spider Climb: The skill that allows spider monsters to climb on walls, ceilings, and difficult terrain.

Spider Sense: Able to detect danger and attacks before they happen.

‘What am I Spider-man...I mean technically...Yahoo I’m a spider man baby!’ he jumped up happily. He learned to walk, and began to climb the walls and ceiling of the cave as Great Sage continued.

Defensive Skills; Stealth: An ability that masks one’s presence. Warning, it doesn’t make one invisible, and some skills can be used to find you.

‘Good to know.’

Sticky Thread: An ability  that lets one create used to create webs.

Steel Thread: An ability that creates threads as hard as steel.

‘Hmm, could Steel Thread be used both offensively and defensively?’

Answer: This is correct, if proper conditions are met, new skill trees can be opened up from your other skills.

‘This is so awesome.’

Offensive Skills; Poison Bite, Web Attack, Unique Skill Great Sage has unlocked Poison Magic, Poison Bullet Learned.

‘I can use magic!’ Great Sage told him before, he was just surprised he had it already.

Yes, you can use the magicules both inside and outside your body to perform magic.

‘Okay what are magicules?’ Great Sage explained in simple terms they were the building blocks of life, some wizards drew in the magicules around them to perform grand magic. The level of one’s magicules wasn’t limited it could be increased through study, training, and evolution. ‘This is so cool, here I come world, this little arachnid is ready to explore!’

Little did Satoru know that his path was leading him towards a very powerful monster.

To be continued...Skills and Dragons


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