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Slime parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 20 

Chapter 21 Gabiru’s Betrayal

Gabiru had lost to Rimuru, he got knocked out hard. He had lost to a slime, one he had called lowly. Gabiru had seen Rimuru in all his naked glory, it was truly special. A sight of heaven before he was knocked out. His men carried him off to treat him.

He had underestimated his opponent and it had cost him. Had Rimuru wanted to kill him he’d have lost more than just a duel. The slime could have made him his food or…


“Ugh what happened to me…” He couldn’t move. Jiggle Jiggle Slither Slither. “Ehh?”

His arms were bound above his head by slime. He looked down and gasped. “EHH!?” He was naked and he was all tied up in slime, his legs were spread wide, exposing his crotch. The slime held him tight, so his struggles were fruitless. Even his useful tail was bound tight. “Heh...hey!” He was stuck in a pool of slime.

The slime on his tail played with the tip of his tail. “No...not there, it’s sensitive!” Gabiru moaned as the tip of his tail was consumed and stroked/sucked/squished. It was a weird sensation the slime caused applying the best aspect of the three actions. Gabiru writhed in pleasurable agony, his claws flexing as he entered the first stage of arousal.

His lizardman balls dropped; lizardmen have internal testicles that drop when excited or turned on. It was a practice for warriors not to get too excited in combat and keep a cool head or give your enemy a weakness to exploit.

The slime grabbed him by the balls, making Gabiru buck and moan. “Oh you wicked slime, how cruel of you to go after my family jewels like this!” His words sounded like he hated it, but the way his body moved and responded he was loving it. He started panting as his balls were massaged by the slime.

Gabiru shivered as slime spread over his princely physique, searching for areas that will make Gabiru cry out in pleasure. It discovered his sheath. “No please...not there...not…” The slime teased his front entrance before slipping inside. “Ohhh you beast!” Gabiru drooled, tossing his head back in ecstasy. “Mmm aaahhhh!”

Inside a lizardman’s sheath were special nerve endings similar to one’s prostate but spread out through the whole sheath. Having fingers or even a cock slide inside was considered highly erotic and personal. The fact Gabiru was fantasizing about this said a lot.

The slime found his hard dick inside his sheath. Gabiru was in the second stage of arousal, his pre-cum wetting his sheath. The blue ooze consumed his penis, and started sucking. “Oh not that, I won’t give in, I’m cumming!” He came fast, shooting his load into the goo.

Gabiru entered the third stage, his penis slipping from the sheath. As a descendant of dragons he was quite impressive reaching 14 inches, with little ridges along the underside. The smell of his own exposed penis sent Gabiru into full mate mode. “Fuck me, Breed me, Please make me cum!” He howled, his pupils were blown wide, his hips shaking wildly.

Suddenly Rimuru rose up from the pool of slime. “If you insist!” Slime tentacles invaded Gabiru. One invaded his mouth, four invaded his sheath, two invaded his ass.

Gabiru lost it falling into the sexy slime. Dream Rimuru made Gabiru cum again and again, the slime teasing his ridges and glans. “Ahh ahh ahh ahhh!”


Gabiru bolted upright. “Hah!” he gasped, quickly looking around. He was dressed, slimeless, in the forest, and his underwear had gone through a bit of a crisis. “What...what happened?”

“Sir Gabiru!” His men rushed over and hugged him.

“We are so glad you are okay!”

“You’ve been out for quite awhile.”

“Where is the slime?” Gabiru asked, he got up, blushing as the results of his wet dream ran down his legs. He shivered.

“Back at the village we carried you away to safety.”

“That slime is quite tricky!”

“What do you mean Sir Gabiru?”

“Simple, that is no normal slime, he must be a majin who turns into a slime to deceive his enemies.” He was close, but still an idiot.

“Of course, Sir Gabiru wouldn’t lose to just a normal slime.” Technically they were right, Rimuru wasn’t a normal slime, he was a slime lord.

“Such a dirty trick!”

“Calm down, such tactics can be found in this world. I won’t be deceived again!”

“You are so wise sir Gabiru!”

Gabiru stood proudly. “The next time I challenge that slime I will defeat him!”

“As expected of Gabiru-sama having the courage of a leader.”

“He is the next ruler!”

“Gabiru is so cool!”

“Ah yes, and the next ruler will need a powerful bride. I’ll crush that slime and make him my queen!” His proclamation was a bit shocking, but there was applause from a new source.

“Strong and manly just as the rumors say!” A strange figure was among the lizardmen.

“Who are you?”

“He showed up a bit ago, and has been hanging around.”

“Have a nice dream Sir Gabiru?” the clown-like male asked, a knowing glint in his eye. He made Gabiru blush, his tail wagging slightly.

“Just who are you!” Gabiru shifted, images of his dream running through his head, keeping him in a state of excitement.

“I am Laplace! I’m a messenger, and I have some words from Gelmud.”

“From Gelmud-sama!” Gabiru got excited as Gelmud was the one who gave him his name. The first stroke of his ego, as Gelmud buttered him up saying he saw potential in him.

Laplace twirled around. “This is very important, the orc army is being led by an Orc Lord!” The very name sent chills down the young lizards’ spines. Laplace’s movements were fluid, and as the lizards talked among themselves he got in close to Gabiru. “Even though the current chief is a capable man...don’t you think he’s getting on in years?”

He invaded Gabiru’s personal space. “To be frank, I think the threats ahead are too much of a burden on him.” His men weren’t helping the situation muttering about the stories of the Orc Lord. Even Gabiru had heard a few things.

‘He can’t be that tough.’ He growled. “Silence!” He snapped getting his men to calm down. “I don’t care if he’s a legend or not, to me he’s just a little stronger than the others. An Orc is just an orc after all, how dangerous could one Orc Lord be?

“The fact Lord Gelmud asked you to deliver this message to me, must mean he has a lot of confidence in me!”

“Of course, of course, you are a high quality monster with a name after all, you can rival that of the Orc Lord!”

“I had planned to take over after the Orc Lord was defeated, but by then it may be too late.” Gabiru decided. “Men we are returning to the marshes, let’s go!”

The men chanted and rushed to head home. Laplace waved them off. “Safe travels he called to them.” His demeanor changed. “Put on a good show Gabiru…”

-x-A few days later-x-

Rimuru was planning to have the final battle at the Lizardmen Marshes. His own village was preparing for battle just in case. The chief was quite cautious and respected them, he was a lot different from Gabiru. Rimuru recognized it as someone who had been at the job for a long time and seen a lot, compared to a hot shot rookie who thinks he knew it all and was ready for anything.

They were planning to meet in a week, but Gabiru was able to make it home in just 5 days. Some of the lizardmen guards had come in contact with a few orc scouts, and they were shaken. The orc had the power of an ogre at least. They were using their natural labrynths and numbers to jump the scouts and kill them.

The chief had them focusing on defense. “We will not lose a single man on my watch!” The chief declared. This tactic was a necessity not only to protect his people, but keep the orcs from gaining their powers. “This is a war against the Orc Lord! No one is allowed to die!!”

“To think there’s thousands of these monsters!” One soldier said after killing a scout.

“Defending only wastes man-power!” Gabiru arrived.

“Sir Gabiru you are back!” the soldier exclaimed.

He came to the chief’s chambers. “Son you are back, have you got the goblin villages to join our cause.”

“I have!” He had a total of 500 goblins. “I must ask, why are we only defending and not attacking the orcs?”

“While you were gone we were approached by some powerful allies. They will be coming to form an alliance and we will deal with the orc army together. The best strategy is to defend till the moment we meet them.”

“This is not how the proud lizardman fights!” Gabiru said, shocking the chief. “Father, you’ve grown old!”

“What?” His eyes widened as Gabiru brought in his soldiers.

“It is a good strategy to use our natural labrynth to fight against a huge army. However, to spread our troops so thin will make it hard to attack the enemy.”

Gabiru’s sister gasped as their soldiers turned on them and raised their weapons against them. “Gabiru what is the meaning of this!?”

“Calm yourselves I have no intention of harming anyone, I’ll apologize for my actions after this war is over.” He said.

“I won’t allow you to act on your own!” The chief roared. “Do not be foolish, we have powerful allies coming, just have patience son!”

“Gabiru...no brother, please think clearly!”

“I am!” He declared. He wasn’t alone, a lot of the young soldiers had been turned to Gabiru’s side. They also didn’t agree with what the elders had decided. They wanted to fight the orc army head on. Gabiru locked his father and the tribe elders in a cell.

“You fools, you will get yourselves killed!”

“I think not father, we shall win!” His men started chanting his name, drowning out the warnings his father tried to give. His mystical weapon was taken and placed into Gabiru’s hands. The trident’s power flowed through Gabiru.

Gabiru ordered that the women and children be placed in a secure location, and that all able bodied men prepare for war. “I shall show you how a real lizardman fights!”

The Chief hung his head, Rimuru’s warning of watching his back turned out to be more pressing than he thought. He just couldn’t believe his own son would do this. ‘Gabiru...you fool...you don’t know the terror of the Orc Lord. One life won’t be enough for them. If they take our power we’ll be wiped out!’

To be continued War


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