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Baka and Test parody: Tier 6

Chapter 7  

Chapter 8 Taking Down Shoko...Never Say Die!

When Yoshii came to everything was a blur. “Aki...Aki...Akihisa...” Someone was calling to him. As his vision cleared he saw Yuuji above him.

“Yuuji?” he blinked. “Am I in heaven?” Reality came down on him. He sat up abruptly and was met with the red head’s arms. Yuuji pulled him into a hug.

“You didn’t come back to class I got worried!”

“Dang, Shoko got me, that taser of hers hurts!” He rubbed the back of his neck. Yuuji knew all to well. “But don’t worry, I’m not giving up, we can still get the key.”

“No Aki...we should give up.”

“Huh, what are you talking about? We gotta get the key.” He was so optimistic. Yuuji was more logical and he believed he could see the writing on the wall.

“You idiot!” He grabbed Akihisa’s shoulders. “When you didn’t come back to class I got really worried, and when I saw you laying on the ground my heart ached.” Yuuji began to tear up. “And when you didn’t wake up at first I got really scared okay!”

“Yuuji…” It was touching. “Look I’m okay really, we can take on Shoko together.” Yoshii hugged him.

“We need to find another way, I don’t want you hurt.” He was aware of what Shoko was capable of

“We might not be geniuses, but we never give up. We’ll find a way I promise.” He kissed Yuuji’s cheek. “She doesn’t have the right to take that control from you, if you give up that control it should be your choice.”

“Aki!” He clung to him tightly, his heart swelling with emotion. It was a touching moment between the two. This man, is the one who wished to surrender himself to, he trusted Yoshii with his heart, his body, and his manhood! It wasn’t a big surprise he trusted Akihisa with so much before.

“Maybe we can challenge Shoko to a game of cards and beat her and take key.” The two walked back to class, Akihisa going over their options.

“That’s assuming we win…” Shoko was a mean card player, and had a wicked poker face. It wasn’t exactly a bad option but challenging Shoko head on was dangerous.

“Oh I know, we can challenge her to Test War, and take the key if we win.”

“With our scores, she’d wipe the floor with us.” Again not a bad option, but the fact was Shoko’s test scores beat them in every category.

“Right, maybe we should ask Kouta and Hideyoshi if they have any ideas?”

“No I don’t want anyone else to know.” This was a sensitive situation.

“We might not be able to do this alone, but with help it may work out.” This was true.

“Let’s hold off until we are out of options.”

“Okay, if that’s what you want.”

“Maybe...I should give into Shoko’s demands.”

“Absolutely not!” Yoshii snapped.

“She’s relentless, even if we beat her she’ll just come back stronger.”

“That’s no reason to give up, we have to stand against her. She’s gone too far Yuuji, but you aren’t alone anymore. I’ll have your back!” He was gung ho, having a never say die attitude.

‘That’s the problem, if it was just me I wouldn’t care what happened, but the thought of losing you…’ They got back to class and resumed their studies.

Something was bothering Yuuji. A truth that he knew about Shoko. When he had tried to ask girls out before, Shoko would always drive them off. Even in middle school when he even talked to girls Shoko reacted viciously. Even if Akihisa believed he could handle it, didn’t mean Yuuji wanted to put him through hell.

Going up against Shoko was different, she may be smart, stubborn, but she was super crazy and that made her dangerous. He needed to know what she knew. ‘She probably just thinks I confided in Akihisa as my friend, if she finds out we are dating her rage will be cranked up to an 11. If that happens...then Aki might…’ His imagination took a grizzly turn showing him the worst possible outcome.

“No!” Yuuji shouted in class.

“Yuuji, go stand in the hall and keep it down!”

“Yes sir…” he left the room.

‘What is Yuuji thinking?’ Akihisa thought, Kouta and Hideyoshi were thinking the same thing.

Once class was over, Yuuji headed over to Class A to confront Shoko. “Yuuji?” Yoshii looked around. “Maybe he went to the bathroom.”

“Akihisa, is something going on?” Hideyoshi approached him after class.

“I sense that you and Yuuji are up to something.”

“Us, up to something...no way…” he whistled innocently.

Kouta and Hideyoshi shared a look. “He’s lying.”

“Totally lying…” Akihisa gasped. He tried to look so innocent too, but he just looked more guilty.

“What you guys don’t trust me!” He huffed. “Some friends you are.” he crossed his arms.

“It’s not about trust, you’ve been acting strange all day, and we wonder if Yuuji might have put you up to something.” The girls were all over him saying something about him flirting with Shoko of all people.

“We are your friends you can trust us to help you if you need it.” Kouta added.

“Thanks guys, I know. There is something going on but its between me and Yuuji okay?”

“Fair enough.” They would be there if they need them.


Yuuji went to class A. “Ah Yuuji, I was expecting you.” Shoko met with him. “Shall we sit down?” The red head was quiet but followed her.

“We need to talk Shoko.”

“About what?”

“You know why I’m here!”

“Of course, I was surprised when you asked your friend to retrieve it.” She revealed the key. “I’ll admit he caught me off guard, but as you can see he failed to retrieve it.”

“And you punished him!” he glared at her.

“Don’t look so angry, he tried to get between you and me, I did what was right.” She giggled.

‘Crazy bitch!’ He balled his hands into fists.

“I’m sure you must be aching now.” She wagged the key.

‘No Aki took good care of me, I feel great, but the cage must come off eventually.’ He tried to keep calm. “Give me the key Shoko...”

“Become mine.”

“That’s not how this works, you can’t cage me and expect me to just give in.”

“But I have and you will. Little Yuuji will stay locked up until you agree to become mine. You must be ready to give in right, that’s why you are here?”

‘I’m here because you hurt Akihisa, you bitch you’ve gone too far.’

“But I must say, I can’t say I’m surprised you turned to Akihisa. You two are unusually close. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were having an affair with him.”

“Well I can honestly say I’m not having an affair.” He said with a smile. ‘Because I’m not yours you crazy bitch!’

“While it is nice to have dear friends, I can’t have someone coming between us Yuuji!” She had that look in her eyes.

“I understand…” He gulped. “Please give me the key Shoko.”

“Then you will become mine?”

“Yes, I’ll do whatever you want.” He said. ‘I can’t let her hurt Akihisa.’ She had a contract all ready for him.

“Oh Yuuji, I knew you’d see it my way!” Her smile made him sick.

‘Forgive me Akihisa, I love you too much to bring you near this monster.’ He thought. His eyes skimmed the contract but his heart sank when he saw one line. “What the hell is this?”

“Now now Yuuji, you can’t expect me not to punish you as well. You got Akihisa involved and he almost made a fool of me. Plus I don’t like how close you two are!” There in black and white a part of the contract that’d make him hers.

“I can’t be friends with Akihisa anymore!”

“That’s correct.” She tapped the key on the desk. “Now sign and the key is all yours.”

‘You bitch!’ He grit his teeth. Losing Aki not once but twice. “No fucking way!” He shredded her contract.

“What are you doing Yuuji!?”

“You can take this contract and shove it up your ass!”

“Should you really talk to me that way?” She raised the key. “I could throw this key away, and you’ll never be free.” She revealed this cage was a special model, it could last on a man’s penis for a month. She didn’t think she’d need a month, but she didn’t want to damage his penis long term just in case.

“You won’t do that.”

“And why not?”

“Because if you do that Ill go nuclear, I have all the evidence I need.” He patted his crotch.

“You wouldn’t!”

“It’s not an option I take lightly, but I’m willing to solve this peacefully.”

“I’m listening.”

“I’m challenging you, if we win you give us the key fair and square.”

“And if you lose you can become mine.”

“You can have my body, but you won’t have my heart.”

“We’ll see!” She smirked. This girl was totally fine with that.

‘I believe in Akihisa, no matter what.’ He stood up. “By the end of the month, that’ll be the cut off time.”

“Very well it is agreed.” The two shook on it. Yuuji returned to Class F, he looked drained.

“Yuuji are you okay?” Akihisa rushed over to him.

“I declared war on Shoko...”

“What?!” Akihisa gasped.

“Idiots never say die right?”

“Right!” The two fist bumped.

To be continued...


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