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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Ash’s Pokemon: Charmander, Pikachu, Pidgey, Spearow

Tracey’s Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Rattata,

Chapter 5 League Registration

Tracey and Ash were eating in the mess hall, it was late so the two were all alone. “Mmm, this stuff is good.” Ash licked his lips.

“Sure is.” Nothing beat a good meal after a work out, and what a workout they had. “We can stock up on Pokemon food here to.”

“Sounds good.” Ash went through his bag and pulled out a thermos. “Here, have some of this.”

“What is it?” he peeked inside, and found it was thick rich semen. Tracey blushed.

“My special milkshake.” Ash winked at him. “You’ll need to start drinking that stuff, it’ll help you evolve.” The human body was special, amazing, but it had limits. Centaur semen could break those limits. “After Gary evolved he could spend hours and hours on my dick.”

Tracey gulped and licked his lips. He paused for only a moment before drinking Ash’s milk. It was thick, rich, and had layers of flavor. Tracey had finished half the thermos, before he took another breath. “Mmm,” It was so good, he wanted more.

“Pace yourself,” Tracey nodded.

It didn’t take long for his semen to take effect. His body got warm and tingly. The change was nice and pleasurable, he felt a stretch similar to growing pains, but it felt good. His penis surged. “Ohh!” His balls grew larger, pre-cum overflowing and soaking through his underwear.

Ash gave him the run down, right now he was just ingesting it orally, that can be reversed. If he took it anally that would seal the deal. Even with the evolution he’d need to train his ass to take his monster length. The thought alone excited Tracey further.

He felt like he was gonna burst. His penis swelled, growing thicker and a touch longer. Ash told him, that once they were mated if Tracey wanted to top he would. Sketchit groaned. Topping, bottoming, both sounded good but right now he wanted to cum.

“Want a hand?”

“Yes please!” Ash helped him up and onto his back while he collected their trays and his thermos. Sketchit moaned, his hard on getting pressed by Ash’s backside. He was now able to enjoy Ash’s lovely scent. “Sniff, sniff, sniff!”

‘He smells so good! Ohhh!!’ His heart skips a beat, and his body surges with pleasure. His climax hits hard, his eyes rolling up, and his now heavy balls unload a surprising amount of cum into his underwear and shorts, the excess running down his legs. “Whoa!”

He blacked out for a few seconds, enough time for Ash to put their trays away. Despite the powerful orgasm he was still hard. “This is amazing!” He rocked his hips and continued to sniff Ash’s scent.

Ketchum chuckled. He was used to this, Gary was quite surprised at the changes at first to. He got used to it after some time and tender loving care.

Ash carried him and their packs, to their room.  Tracey humped against his back, the whole way, he was so excited. ‘Cute!’

“Will all your lovers experience this?” Tracey panted.

“I’d like to hope so, I’ve only played with Gary so not sure. I’ll be able to share this with my Pokemon as well.” Tracey moaned, the images of Ash mating with his pokemon flooding his mind.

“Ohh Ash, I think I’m gonna blow!”

“Easy there, let’s get you more comfortable.” Tracey got down off of Ash’s back, and began to strip like his life depended on it. He moaned as cum soaked crotch met the cool air. His wet underwear hugged his penis, tugging his hard on down, allowing it to snap back up.

“Ohh!” Tracey was so aroused. Ash had him kneel on the bed so the centaur could play with him, his front legs resting on the bed. The two got to be face to face, their lips meeting in a heated kiss. “Mmmnnn!”

His body rocked in a dry orgasm. “Ash...I’ve never felt so sensitive before...so horny...” His penis twitched like crazy.

“Not to worry, once your body gets used to the changes, it won’t be so overwhelming.” Ash played with his nipples, making the human pant and moan.

“Ohh Ash!” He started to leak like crazy, his insides twitching. “Please play with my ass!”

“I intend to!” He turned Tracey around, reaching around to grab his leaking erection.

“Ahh!” Tracey arched his back. Ash brought his free hand to play with his ass. “Ohh!” his whole body shuddered. ‘Just having it rubbed!’ He chewed on his lip. Ash’s finger slipped inside. “Gah!” his eyes rolled up.


His inner walls hugged and squeezed Ash’s finger.

More Pleasure…

The digit sank deeper and deeper, till it reached the knuckle. Ketchum began to rock the finger back and forth. Stimulating Tracey’s new nerve endings.

New Pleasure…

The friction had his head going blank, add the fact he was being stimulated on both ends. Ash’s grip on his cock was like a pro, tightening and releasing at the right times. His strokes were so firm and fast it had Tracey’s big balls jiggling. His head was swimming, so it was no shock he was tipped over the edge. “Ash!” he moaned as he came hard, thick cum erupting over the sheets.

Ash milked him through his release, coaxing a few extra spurts from his twitching dick. “Ohh that feels amazing!” His hips buck as he rides his orgasm.

His cock relaxed entering a softened state, but Ash wasn’t done with him yet. His fingers explored his channel, until they found his prostate. “Try this!” Ash pressed his sweet spot and Tracey saw stars.

“Ah ahhhh!” Despite being soft, Tracey came again, blowing his load and adding to the growing puddle of cum. “I came...even though I’m soft!” He got really dizzy and fell back into Ash’s embrace.

“Feels amazing right?”

“Ohh yeah!” Ash gave amazing after care, giving the greenette a massage. He let Tracey relax in his bed, while he changed the sheets and tucked Tracey in.

“How you feeling?”

“Tired mostly, and tingly all over.”

“That’s normal, we’ve had a long day. Go ahead and get some rest.”

“What about you?”

“Hehe, I got energy to burn. I’ll go check on our Pokemon.” Tracey yawned and nodded settling in for a much needed rest. It was a good thing he ate, his tank was full! Ash took the soiled sheets to the laundry and started them on the wash. He checked on the pokemon and they were recovering nicely. Charmander had actually fully recovered and joined Ash. “I’m doing alright, how are you?”

“Char char!” He flexed showing he was at 100%, his tail was burning strong.

“That’s good, that was scary huh?” Charmander nodded. “I’m glad it all worked out too.” they’d have to be careful dealing with Pokemon swarms in the future.

Suddenly the power went out…

“Huh what’s going on?” Ash and Charmander lit up the hallways with their natural flames.

Nurse Joy came out and found them. “Someone cut off the power, we need to switch to the back up system.”

“We’ll help!”

“Char char!”

Nurse Joy got the Pikachu Generator up and working, getting the lights back on and keeping the equipment running. “I’ll go and check the generator can you stay here and watch?”

“Sure thing!” She left, leaving the two to watch the Pokeballs and the back up generator. They weren’t alone for long, as the source of the black out made themselves known.

“Prepare for Trouble...”

“Make it double...”

“Who goes there?!” Ash called out.

“To protect the world from devastation!” He heard a female voice say.

“To unite all peoples within our nation!” He heard a male voice say.

“To extend our reach to the stars above!” A woman with red hair entered the room. “Jessie!”

“James!” A blue haired man entered the room.

“Team Rocket, blasting off at the speed of light!”

“Surrender now, or prepare to fight!”

“Meowth! That’s right!” A talking Meowth entered the room.

“Whoa that Pokemon talked, he can talked!?” he gasped.

“Whoa he’s not human!” Meowth gasped.

“He’s a monster!” Jessie and James said in unison.

“I happen to be a centaur thank you very much!” he crossed his arms. “What is Team Rocket, and what are you doing here?”

“We are after rare Pokemon, but seeing such a rare creature we’ll take you as well.”

“So you are bad guys!” Ash snapped, his flames activating their defensive nature. “Back off, I won’t let you take a single Pokemon!”

“Char char!” Charmander said he’d protect his trainer. He growled at the trio.

“You think you can take on the three of us all on your own?” Jessie laughed. “Ekans I choose you!” She called out the Poison Type.

“Ekansssss!” The Pokemon hissed.

“An Ekans?” He pulled out his Pokedex.

Dexter:Ekans, the Snake Pokemon. Ekans moves silently and stealthily. Eats the eggs of Pidgey and Spearow, whole. It can freely detach its jaw to swallow large prey whole. It can become too heavy to move, however.

“Go Koffing!” James called out his own poison type. Ash scanned him as well.

Dexter:Koffing, the Poison Gas Pokemon. The poisonous gases it contains are a little bit lighter than air, keeping it slightly airborne. Koffing will expel their poisonous gases randomly to keep themselves from exploding.

He finished off with scanning Meowth.

Dexter: Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokemon. Meowth love to roam at night and gather coins and other objects that sparkle. When they see round objects, it plays and loses track of time.

“Oh man...” Ash put his Pokedex away.

“Let’s see you take on all three of us!” Meowth said, and charged in with Ekans and Koffing.

“Let’s do this Charmander!”

“Char Char!” Charmander dodged Ekans, and jumped over Meowth to attack Koffing with Scratch. He then smacked the poison type with his tail and knocked him to the ground.

“Now Charmander use Ember.” His fire type spun in the air hitting Meowth with his flames. He landed on Ekans making the poison type cry out in surprise.

“Ekans get him with Poison Sting!” He launched a barrage of poisonous needles.

“Koffing use Smog attack!” Koffing blasted a poisonous gas.

Charmander got hit into the toxic gas, getting a double hit of poison. “No Charmander!”

“Now Ekans use Wrap!” Ekans coiled around Charmander and locked him down tight.

“Let him go right now!” Ash demanded.

“I don’t think so!” Jessie laughed. “Now we’ll be catching you too!” she pulled out a net gun.

“Char!” Charmander cried out as Ash was netted. He struggled to escap

“Got him!”

“Now we’ll take the Pokeballs!” James said. They didn’t care if they were empty or had a pokemon inside, anything for the glory of Team Rocket.

“Don’t worry Charmander, stuff like this won’t stop me!” he released his flames and destroyed the net. “You can do this.” Charmander struggled again.

“Silence that lizard, Ekans use Poison Sting!”

“Char!” He released a green flame from his mouth. It hit Ekans point blanked and forced it off of him.

“Whoa that’s a new move!” He checked the Pokedex. “Dragon Breath awesome!”

Ekans was paralyzed. “No Ekans return!” Jessie called her Pokemon back.

“Koffing use Slude!” James called. Charmander dodged the attack.

“Now Charmander use Dragon Breath!” He blasted Koffing, and it was a knock out. Koffing was withdrawn.

Meowth snuck up behind Ash and jumped on his back aiming his claws at his throat. “Don’t move or the freak dies!”

“Nice work Meowth!” Jessie praised.

Charmander stopped moving, and Jessie and James started collecting the balls off the shelves. Meowth chuckled. “Let your guard down kid, now you and your little lizard will be coming with us.”

Ash conjured up a fire ball. “Hey Meowth, go fetch!” he tossed the ball and Meowth’s brain went blank. He jumped and caught the fire ball, and got engulfed in flames.

“Gah, I was tricked!” Meowth said before fainting.

Ash stomped his hoof. “Drop those Pokeballs or else!”

“Char!” Charmander growled.

Jessie tried to take her sack and run. Ash pitched another fire ball destroying her sack. “No!”

“Charmander give her some Dragon Breath!” Turn about was fair play they had attacked him first after all.

“Mander!” He blasted, and the red head was paralyzed.

James gulped and dropped his sack. “Time for some punishment!” Ash hit James with some special flames.

The blue haired man gasped as his clothing was turned to ash. “Gaheheh!” He shielded his crotch. Charmander laughed.

“My flames are special they only burn when I will them to.” He slapped some flame cuffs onto James. He blushed. “Now you are gonna put those Pokemon back, all of them!”

“Like...like this?” Ash nodded.

James obeyed, revealing that he was turned on by the sudden development. “Well now, aren’t you a naughty boy.”

He put the balls back, getting harder by the second. Ash’s gaze was burning, being naked, and bound was only adding to his arousal. Ash and Charmander were too focused on James, and making sure everything was put back.

Meowth had recovered and got a smoke bomb.

“Boom!” Thick black smoke filled the room. Meowth freed James, who got his Koffing back. They got Jessie and ran off.

“We won’t forget this!” they shouted.

“Dang they got away.” Ash gave chase, but they escaped in a Meowth shaped balloon. It was fine, he guessed, with the Pokemon safe, and Nurse Joy getting the generator back up and running everything was sound. “I hope we don’t run into those losers again.”

“Charmander.” He agreed.

“Team Rocket...a group of Pokemon thieves...” Nurse Joy was happy that Ash protected the center, and gave a report to Jenny. He had quite the story to tell Tracey the next day.

“Oh man, there was trouble and I was just sleeping in bed!”

“There, there,” Ash patted his back.

“Ash if they ever come back, I promise next time I’ll help you.” Ash found it sweet, but hoped that would be the last time they ran into those guys.

They got to register for the Pokemon League. Tracey wanted the full pokemon experience, that included battles. Ash was excited. They both just needed 8 gym badges to get into the Pokemon League Championship. Their adventure was just getting started.


“Team Rocket’s mission is to gather powerful pokemon, to build an army and bring order to this chaotic world!” Meowth recited their mission.

“We are tasked with finding rare and powerful pokemon, but we have found something extra special!”

“If that kid is a centaur, we could breed a whole army of em, and raise them to be soldiers for Team Rocket.” Meowth said.

“I’m not so sure, that guy and his Pokemon might be too much to tango with. Maybe we should report it to the boss first.” James had gotten dressed with some spare clothes in the balloon.

“Have you gotten soft? The boss will be pleased to have such a powerful creature. Plus I bet the Team Rocket Scientists will wanna get their hands on him. He’ll be the catalyst for some amazing research I’m sure.”

“So it’s agreed, two to one, we’ll get that centaur boy and all his pokemon too!” Jessie cheered. She high fived Meowth, while James sulked a bit.

James blushed, feeling his manhood tingle. Meeting that centaur boy had lit a fire inside James, a little spark that may grow into something special.

To be continued...Forest Fun


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