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Slime parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Goblin Troubles

Rimuru was surprised to meet some goblins, they didn’t look like the typical goblins one might see in a video game, they were scrawny but had tattered clothing. Rimuru could see their weapons were either rusted, broken, or worn out. He got a bit excited and greeted the group, only to speak a little too loud.

The goblin wearing a bandana bowed to Rimuru. “Please powerful one, lower your voice!”

‘Oops...’ Rimuru sweat dropped. “Sorry about that, what can I do for you?” he asked, speaking much softer.

“Strong One, please come to our village, we need your help!”

‘Do they mean me?’ He followed the goblins to their village, it was a wreck. The place was run down, signs of battle scattered all over. The goblin elder was shaking like a leaf.

“Oh strong one, it is an honor to have you in our village.” The goblin with the bandana was with him, while the other goblins peeked in through windows, the door, and a few holes in the wall.

“Why do you call me strong one, I’m just a humble slime.”

“You jest? You are a Mimic Slime a rare breed of monster, not only that your aura shows you are a far superior monster!” Rimuru began to sweat drop, he wasn’t used to so much praise. He rotated his Magic Sense to show his aura was totally leaking out.

‘What the heck?! No wonder those wolves ran away from me!’ It felt like he was walking around a public street with no pants on. It happened one time he had woken up late, and in his rush to work ran out without pants. The most embarrassing thing to happen to him in his original life. He sucked his aura back in and was able to properly conceal it. He read enough shonen manga to know that hiding your power level was a wise move. ‘Wait, how come those humans didn’t notice me...are they okay?’

Without Veldora, it seems the Forest of Jura had fallen into chaos, with various tribes of monsters going to war over territories. The Direwolves were making a play, as the swiftest fighters, vicious claws and fangs. In terms of power, it took ten Goblins to just beat one Direwolf. There was a total of one hundred direwolves. “My son risked his life to get us this information.”

“My big brother even had a name, and it took all he had to...” the bandana goblin began to tear up.

“He was our strongest warrior and even he fell to the beasts!” the chief cried.

Rimuru felt bad for them. At this rate this village would be wiped out. The goblins swore to serve Rimuru if he helped them, and he agreed. First thing to do was bolster their numbers, there were many wounded left on death’s door. ‘Time for some healing potion!’ The mimic slime gobbled up the goblins one by one, splashing them with his healing potion and spitting them out.


“Next it’s time to improve these weapons!” Rimuru ate their shabby weapons and got to work. Since he had raw materials it didn’t cost any magicules to simply fix and modify the weapons. He made the spears stronger, granting them a magisteele core to make them extra durable, and gave them a snake fang tip. “I present you Poison Spears!” The spears were for the female goblins.

He fixed up their bows and arrows. He coated the arrows with Paralysis Breath, turning the arrow heads green. “I give you Paralysis Arrows!”

Their swords and axes were next, nothing fancy with these, he repaired the damaged weapons and upgraded them with some magic ore. Making their blades much more durable and powerful over all. He even took their small shields and upgraded them with some Armorsaurus scales.

Wolf howls in the distance was a sign of an impending attack. “The direwolves will attack by nightfall.” The elder warned.

“Not to worry, we’ll be ready!” He had the goblins prepare a fence around the village. It wasn’t a grand barrier but it was enough. Rimuru put a few finishing touches on it. Now they just had to wait…


The Direwolf leader was ready for war. “Our speed is unrivaled, our claws and fangs will tear through goblin flesh and we will grow strong by feasting upon our enemies!” The wolves howled. “We will tear through from village to village, building our strength and then we shall bring down even the lizardmen!” More howls of delight.

His son wasn’t so sure, he reported to his father about the powerful monster that had appeared. “You must be joking, do not disgrace me son.” he growled in warning. “We wolves must not show weakness, there is no monster we should fear!” Now that Veldora was gone this was their time to rise to the top. His son would point out they wouldn’t have dared challenge Veldora, but his father was already in a mood.

He was gonna kill all the goblins and claim their land for their people, against his son’s wishes. While expanding their territory was one thing, he wasn’t for genocide. Plus he sensed a danger on the winds, that rare monster with a monstrous aura. His fur still was on end.

His Grandfather was the one who made the pact with Veldora, he was old and wise, his father was a younger and brash, quick to anger. He saw the elder wolf’s mercy as a weakness, giving in when they were the stronger monsters. Ever since a human gave him his scar, he wanted revenge, but his Grandfather showed mercy to the human, since he had attacked them first. He’s looked down on everyone ever since.

‘Grandfather, please protect and watch over our people.’  While the star wolf had mourned his elder’s death, his father wasted no time taking over the pack. He took over the hunting grounds quickly, but escalated once Veldora vanished. The son feared his father had lost sight of the purpose of the alpha, it was their job to protect the pack and do what is best for the pack, his father was more using the pack for his own selfish ends.

The wolves marched towards the goblin village. “A fence?” The leader snarled. “You goblins dare hide as humans do?!” he bellowed.

“Hold it!” Rimuru came out. “You have a choice, leave now or die!”

“Father, that is the monster I saw!”

“Silence!” His father growled. “You might be a Mimic Slime, but a slime is a slime, we won’t run from such a creature!” he howled. “Kill them now!”

His main forces charged, but they didn’t get far, running into steel thread that Rimiru set up as a trap. “A trap!?” he gasped. Their blood made the threads visible. “Push forward!”

They slipped under his first trap and rushed the fence, but got caught in his second trap. They were caught in sticky thread! The goblins approached and with their swords and axes killed the invading wolves. “Weapons?!” He glared his fur standing on end. “Is that why you are so confident?” he growled and growled, clawing at the earth in frustration. “Fools! We wolves have no need for tools, we have natural weapons. Get them!”

The wolves tried to slip under the wires again to mount an assault, but the goblin archers readied their bows. They landed some hits, not enough to kill but with the paralysis properties the wolves got taken down without killing them. Even a nick was enough to get the wolves paralyzed.

“Weaklings!” the wolf leader growled. “Circle around kill them, kill them all!”

Some of their forces moved around, avoiding Rimuru’s wire trap, and went to jump the fence even using the bodies of their dead comrades to clear the gap. To bad for them, Rimuru was ready for that. “Spears up!” The female goblins raised the spears and skewered the wolves who tried to jump over. If death wasn’t instant the poison finished them off in seconds.

“Father we’ve lost half our forces!”

“Weaklings, the pack doesn’t need weak trash that can’t beat a few goblins!” he growled.

“Father!” the scarred wolf knocks his son down.

“I’ll deal with them myself!” He charges forward, biting and slashing through Rimuru’s thread trap. He dodged and avoided oncoming arrows not getting a scratch on him. “Die lowly slime!”

He went to attack Rimuru and got caught in a combo of Sticky and Steel thread. “You can call me a lowly slime, but you are still gonna die here.”

“No, I refuse to lose, wolves kill them all!” Rimuru could see an anger and rage behind those eyes. There was no reasoning with him.

“Water Blade!” with one shot he severed the wolf’s head, ending this fight. Rimuru swallowed the wolf leader.

Great Sage: Acquired Menace Skill, Odor Sleuth Skill, Fang Mimicy, Fur Coat Creation, Pelt Creation,

Rimuru used Menace. “Wolves your leader is dead, you can choose to submit or leave. I will treat your wounded either way.”

The pack pushed forward, before kneeling. “Our pack submits to you!”

“Ehh?” The son wasn’t so bull headed as the father. The goblins cheered as they had achieved victory. For now the Goblin’s troubles were over, and a grand new adventure awaited them.

To be continued...Names and Jacket

Rimuru gives the goblins and wolves names, draining his magicules. He’s quite impressed with Riguru, and uses his jacket ability to becoming a living body suit for him. The two have some fun.


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