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Inuyasha parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Miroku the Perverted Monk!

Miroku woke up in his bed. “Whoa what a dream.” His skin was flushed. “Hehe, must have had too many drinks last night.” He sat up, he was naked, his clothes nowhere in sight. The monk shifted and his penis stood at attention.

“Well hello there, good morning!” He chuckled, he shed the blanket and gazed at his twitching manhood. “I feel like a good session might do me some good.” Having his hand as a lover wasn’t new for the monk. His cursed hand laying lax as he worked his dick.

He started off slow, teasing his length and tip before starting a leisurely pace. Miroku gave his cock a squeeze and used his thumb to tease the tip. He brushed his glans, teased his slit, and rubbed the head. “Mmm!” As his pre-cum leaked, he started spreading it over his length.

Once his cock was nice and slicked up, shiny from his essence, he started to really work his shaft. Squeezing and pumping, picking up the pace every ten strokes. ‘This feels good, so good!’

His skin started to get flushed, he was working up a nice sweat. He pumped and pumped, but his release seemed further away then when he started. Miroku was working his cock so fast his balls were bouncing. Despite leaking pre-cum like crazy, he couldn’t tip over the edge.

The room was filling with a heavy musk, which weirdly turned the monk on. ‘Why can’t I cum?’ he fisted the sheet, while bucking into his own hand. Miroku was so horny it hurt, his balls were itching to cum, but it was like something was missing.

He couldn’t stop now, he pumped and pumped, not finding relief. Miroku closed his eyes and tried to fantasize, looking for some kind of mental scenario to push him over the edge. At first he went to his go to mental image, having sex with a girl, but…

‘No that’s not it, I don’t want to fuck, I want to...’ his free hand began to move, his legs spreading. Miroku’s once cursed hand reached down past his balls and reaching his entrance. Two fingers rubbed his hole, his middle finger tracing it and gave it a flick. “Mmm!” he arched his back.

His mental image shifted as he scratched at the back door, his finger slowly working his tight hole open and slipping inside. “Ahh!” his eyes fluttered. It felt so good, he worked his finger deeper and deeper until it reached the bottom knuckle. “Ohh!” His toes curled.

‘What is this feeling...I’m feeling so good playing with my ass!’ He worked the finger back and forth as his fantasies continued to change. In his mind he was no longer with a woman. The man in his mind was playing with his cock and ass in tandem, Miroku’s hands matching his movements.

He added another finger, and began to work his hole more, scissoring, twisting, and curling. The anal stimulus pushing his lust higher and higher. “Ohh...I...I’m...I’m cumming!” he cried out as he came, shooting his load all over his face, pecs, abs, and all over his pumping hand.

As he cums, his inner walls hug his fingers, reminding him there was more pleasure to be found here. Said digits locate and rub his sweet spot, milking a few more spurts from his dick.

As his seed marked his body, his mind imagined males jerking off around him and showering him in seed. The images and self bukkake made his body shake in delight. It was quite a load, and without even thinking Miroku brings his cum covered hand to his lips and licks it clean. He collects the cum off his face, and does it again, before he snaps out of his horny daze. “Oh my, this is quite the mess...I should clean up...but...” he trances out for a moment. “It’s time to make the rounds!”

He gets out of bed, chest, abs, and crotch still soaked with cum, and he grabs his staff. He leaves the hut like this, bare ass naked and covered in cum. “Good morning!” he walks around the village, earning gasps of shock.

It wasn’t just that he was naked, it wasn’t just that his front side was slathered with semen, it was the confidence. Not a speck of shame as he sauntered down the road, greeting people as he usually did. The town had heard rumors that Miroku was a bit of a pervert, but this was on a whole other level.

Another strange surprise was that he hadn’t flirted with a single woman once, the whole time. Despite being rumored of being a perv Miroku had a lot of respect from the villagers. Now with this dick glistening in the sunshine, and his most intimate places on display that respect was plummeting fast.

To those that had misgivings about Miroku, he was a notorious flirt, this was the funniest thing ever. “So he finally shows his true colors!” one of the men laughed.

“Maybe this is a new flirting tactic?” Miroku had flirted with a lot of women; married, single, and open.

“Maybe its some spiritual training, cast off one’s worldly desires and all that.”

“Let’s see what’s up with him.” The three men approached the naked monk.

“Hello gentleman, how can I help you?” he asked with a smile.

“What’s up with you monk?”

“Excuse me?”

“Are you showing your true colors or what?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Why aren’t you dressed?”

“I am dressed!” Miroku protested and ran a hand across his cum splattered chest. “See?”

“You are walking around with cum on you, what are you some kind of pervert?” The last word struck a nerve with Miroku, lustful electricity coursed through his veins. His penis twitched and his nipples hardened.

“If this is some kind of trick to steal our women, it won’t work, pervert!” Miroku gasped as the word sent more jolts through his body, his penis rose to full mast and he felt a strange sensation in his ass.

“Look at him he’s hard! He really is a pervert!”

“Ahh!” Miroku arched his back, shooting his load into the air. The men gasp in shock as the monk came hands free. They were drawn to the state of the monk, skin flushed, sweaty, nipples hard and perky, body trembling…

Seeing him like this stroked feelings inside them they didn’t know was there. Blood rushed south and the men blushed. “I’m not...after women...” Miroku panted. The men shivered and ran off.

“He’s a pervert!” they cried.

“Ahh!” Miroku’s knees buckled. ‘Why do I feel so hot!?’ The word was like a strange spell over his body and soul. He was feeling it deep in his ass now. ‘It is a warm day today!’ He started walking, clutching onto his staff tightly.

Now he was walking around with a full erection, this twisted the perspective a bit. Some reasoned the naked monk was just doing some religious practice, but wondering around with his naughty body hot and aroused that was different. “Pervert!” A woman cried out.

“Ahh!” Miroku moaned, feeling those lustful jolts again.

“Pervert!” someone else shouted, making Miroku moan and buck his hips.

“He’s a pervert!” Someone cried out shielding their eyes.

“Ah aaaahhhh!” Miroku gripped his staff so tight his knuckles turned white. His balls lurched and he came hard, making a mess in the street.

“Pervert, pervert, pervert!” Was being chanted as Miroku walked through the streets. His head was growing fuzzy, he was still hard no matter how many times he came.

“Have I been cursed by some form of Lust God?” He moaned, but the idea soon left his mind. ‘No this is normal, being naked is normal, being naked is natural. You are a pervert, you are a perverted monk!’

“Yes! Yes I’m a pervert!” Miroku moaned as he came again. He clapped a hand over his mouth. ‘What am I saying what am I thinking?’ He shook his head. “I should find the others.”

As he walked around some more, any thoughts of any strange goings on fell out of his head. When he reached Inuyasha’s hut, it was just a normal day, but what was inside the hut was anything but normal. Inuyasha and Kouga were inside, naked and horny, and they were sitting on Ginta and Hakkaku, using their faces as seats.

The two wolf demons were eating out the hanyo and wolf leader. Miroku could hear their hungry licks and slurps as they ate out the two. “What’s up Miroku?” Inuyasha asked, while Kouga smirked at him.

Miroku’s eyes were transfixed on their hard cocks. “Inuyasha? Kouga? Why are you both naked?”

“Waiting for you, get to work.” Kouga huffed.

“What?” Miroku’s body moved on its own, dropping his staff, andkneeling before the two and taking a hold of their dicks. He started jerking them off expertly. “Why are you both so hard?” The smell of demon penis was making his head spin.

“Rules are rules, pets aren’t allowed to jerk off without master’s order, but now we have you!” Inuyasha moaned.

“Pets?!” Miroku blushed. The pace on their individual cocks started to change, Inuyasha was more fast strokes making his balls jiggle, while Kouga seemed to like harder strokes and getting his tip teased. ‘I can’t stop, I have to jerk off their cocks!’



The two came, shooting their loads all over Miroku. “Nice loads my pets.” The monk shivered. Hojo slithered in.

“You!” He grabs his staff, looking ready to fight.

“Welcome back master!” Inuyasha and Kouga got up and bowed before their master.

“Whatever you’ve done to them I’ll purify you and reverse it.” Miroku snapped.

“Oh? Are you sure about that?” Ginta and Hakkaku stood up, cocks hard.

“What am I...” he dropped his staff again and got to work polishing their rods.

“This is your job now, my little perverted monk!” Miroku moaned and came all over the floor.

“This...is your doing...” he got Ginta and Hakkaku off, showering himself with even more cum.

“Indeed it is, it’s time for you to finish your job...servant!” Miroku’s pupils dilated. He stands up and bows.

“Good day master, I am at your command.”

“Well you are in uniform, a birthday suit suits you best, and semen makes a lovely accessory.”

“Yes master!” Miroku spoke.

“Do you want my cock, servant?”

“Yes master, I need your cock!”

“You’ll have to earn it servant, you will serve me and my pets, helping us expand our little family.”

“Yes my master!”

“And when you do a good job, you’ll be rewarded.” He caressed Miroku’s cheek, making the man shiver. Hojo had plenty of power, but he needed a monk’s power and knowledge to deal with some troublesome enemies.

Hojo’s cock exposed from his sheath and Miroku got to work using both hands to work his master’s shaft. “I’ll have so many pets, and servants to take care of them, and myself.”

To be continued


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