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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Invasion

Ichigo woke up early, his body unusually horny; skin flushed, nipples swollen, cock hard and leaking, his entrance was throbbing around the toy inside him. “Oh man, I must be pent up!” He felt hot inside, and too drained to jerk off. “Guess I’m going for a cold shower.”

Kurosaki removed the toy and he whined at the loss. ‘What the hell!?’ his legs suddenly felt like jelly. He shook his head and moved to get washed up. ‘Maybe, I’ll hold off using this again...’ he cleaned off the toy and put it away.

He got his shower, but the cold water didn’t soothe the heat pumping in his veins. “Fuck...what’s going...on...” Ichigo didn’t notice his new accessory, until the gargantas started opening in the sky. The overwhelming spiritual pressure was so great even Ichigo noticed it.

His ring pulsed, and Ichigo moaned. “What is this thing?” He tried to pull the ring off but it didn’t work. “Damn it, I need to get dressed and get to Urahara.” His ring pulsed and white threads spread over his body, white spirit clothe formed over him. “This looks like Shiro’s!?”

“Well...at least I’m dressed time to move!” Ichigo didn’t have his zanpakuto for some reason, and with so many enemy spiritual pressures he had to act fast. He slipped out of his home, and made a run for it. He knew the hollows could track powerful spiritual pressures so he didn’t want to bring the hollows here.

Such a grand invasion got the attention of the Soul Reapers, even Kisuke couldn’t sit by with this many intruders.


Espada 6 Luppi, Espada 8 Szayel, and former Espada Grimmjow, their reiatsu alone was intense. Ggio, Abirama, Nirgge, and Tesla were behind them. “So this is the human world, how interesting...” Szayel activated his pesquisa. “Looks like we will have company.”

“We should split up, the first to find the bride gets to claim him!” Luppi said with a chuckle.

“Luppi-sama, that wasn’t our mission, we need to retrieve the bride safely.” Tesla spoke to the espada with respect, but Luppi smacked him.

“I didn’t ask your opinion. The bride is a true prize, one only worthy to the strongest of hollows.” He shot a glance at Grimmjow. “Broken beasts have no place before him.”

“You bastard!” Grimmjow growled.

“As twisted as ever Luppi, but you should watch your mouth worth is decided by the Bride, and you don’t have that protection yet.”

“Oh I will, once I get him in my grasp, I’ll satisfy him so much I’ll be his only husband!” Luppi laughed and went off to find Ichigo. Grimmjow however, went the opposite way Luppi went.

‘I wasn’t able to track him with my pesquisa, guess that’s the thrill of the chase!’ Szayel thought. He clapped his hands. “Well boys let the chase begin, try not to die and keep the Soul Reapers out of our hair. Send up a flare if you find the Bride!” the hollows scattered.

Grimmjow wasn’t stupid, he remembered Ichigo’s scent very well and was able to track it. ‘I have to find him first.’ He caressed his scar, feeling his heart pound in his chest like a drum.


“Honestly, why are you getting in my way?” Luppi sighed in frustration. He was surrounded by Ikkaku, Yumechika, Rangiku, and Toshiro.

“What are you doing here hollow?” Toshiro glared.

“Listen here runt, I’m Espada 6, and you are keeping me from my bride. Get out of the way or die!” he released his spiritual pressure, but all that did was have the three lieutenants release their zanpakuto, and Toshiro to go bankai. “Fine, it’s your death. Strangle...Trepadora!”


“Ah Kisuke Urahara, I bet you are wondering what we are doing here?” Szayel faced off against the blonde shinigami. “I have plenty of questions for you as well.”

“Well you seem like a smart guy, I trust you’ll be able to give me some answers or you won’t be walking away with your life.” Their spiritual pressures clashed.


Tesla wasn’t as dumb as the espada thought he was, he followed after Grimmjow, having a feeling the one armed espada would be key to finding the bride.


Chad had recovered from his training with Renji, and with the aid of Noba he went out to face one of the hollows. The two bumped into Nirgge. “Get out of my way, humans?” he felt strange powers from the two.

“Not gonna happen!” Chad activated his power, while Noba opened up a worm hole.

“Very well, I’m looking for Ichigo Kurosaki, you know him?”

“Ichigo?” Chad’s eyes widened. Nirgge charged at them sword drawn.

“I’ll take that as a yes!”


Renji met with Abirama, the two proud warriors exchanging names. “Renji Abarai huh? I’ll offer your body to the Hollow Bride to show my strength!” He charged at Renji and the two began to clash.

‘What the hell is a Hollow Bride?’ he thought and began to clash with the hollow. “I don’t think so, Roar Zabimaru!”


Tessai confronted Ggio along with Ririn and Kurodo. “You wouldn’t happen to know where the Hollow Bride is do you?”

“Never heard of such a thing!”

“Really, bet you could find him though right, just like how you lot tracked me down?” Ggio draws his sword. “I bet those two have advanced tracking skills.”


‘Everyone is engaging the enemy, I can’t just sit back and do nothing.’ He was a bit embarrassed as he was still aroused.

Suddenly Ichigo froze feeling a very familiar source of spiritual pressure. He looked up and spotted the man. “Grimmjow...” his heart fluttered, and his manhood twitched.

The bluenette charged, catching Kurosaki and pulling him into a nearby alley. “Kurosaki...” Grimmjow growled. ‘Oh fuck he smells so good.’ He could smell the boy’s arousal, turning him on something fierce.

“Grimmjow, what are you doing?” Ichigo was blushing. Shocked that the arrancar wasn’t killing him. He should be happy about that, but he was still confused. Grimmjow purred and ground his hips. ‘That’s not his sword...’ he gulped.

“Please, let me have you!” Grimmjow’s grip on him tightened.

“What are you talking about? Are you drunk?” The arrancar chuckled.

“Do you not know who you are?” Grimmjow licked his cheek. “I can protect you, I will protect you. Let me be yours!” He nuzzled his neck.

Ichigo was beyond confused, what wasn’t helping was his aching dick, Grimmjow having a strong musky scent, and feeling the male’s penis was making his knees go weak. It was hard to think, and only getting harder. “Wait wait wait, hold up!” Ichigo pushed at his chest, and was shocked at how easily the male backed off.

The look on his face was heart breaking. “I’m sorry, please don’t hate me. I’m still strong, I can be better, I can still serve you!” Ichigo finally noticed he was lacking an arm. His chocolate eyes melted, for Ichigo this wasn’t an enemy, not right now.

Grimmjow was a powerful man, he knew that having fought him before. He was the type who could take hits and come back swinging. In an instant the hollow looked defeated, like Ichigo could shatter his very soul with a single word. If he was one with a more wicked heart that’s what he’d do...

Ichigo cupped his unmasked cheek, the bluenette leaning into the touch. He mistook Grimmjow’s state was because he was missing his arm. ‘I want to help him!’ His ring pulsed, and Ichigo’s reiatsu poured into him.

The former espada moaned, the scar Ichigo left on him growing hot and tingly, ripples of pleasure spreading through his form. He gasped as his arm reformed. Grimmjow’s eyes widened. “Did I...do that…?” Ichigo was just as stunned.

“This is the power of the Hollow Bride!” Grimmjow smirked, making Ichigo shiver. “You are bloody fantastic!” His reiatsu spiked, washing over Ichigo and charging his arousal. It wasn’t choking him, or intimidating, it was beckoning him. “Marry me!” He wrapped both arms around Ichigo.

“Ehh?!” His heart fluttered. His head was spinning and he sank into his inner world. Shiro was waiting for him. “Shiro, what the fuck is happening?”

“I’m sorry King, it appears I have some explaining to do.”

“Explain fast, I have a horny arrancar who I think has lost his mind.”

“Do you want him?” Shiro asked.

“I...” he blushed. “Um what?”

“Do you want to have sex with him?”

“He’s my enemy...”

“Who you just helped, you gave him back his arm.” Shiro crossed his arms. “If you want him King then accept him, he’ll make you feel so good.”

“He tried to kill me, I shouldn’t...”

“We survived, and we marked him. He’s ours.” Ichigo remembered his fantasy and felt another surge of arousal. “We are the Hollow Bride, a rare breed, his feelings for us are clear. We can help the hollows, we can save them, and they can give us what we need.”

Ichigo left the inner world. He leaned forward and licked the scar he left on Grimmjow. The act was both cute and super arousing, Grimmjow’s dick felt ready to burst. “Take off your clothes.” The arrancar blushed, and grinned.

He didn’t know much about the Hollow Bride or whatever, but he knew what he wanted. He’d worry about the consequences later.

To be continued...The First Mate


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