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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Love Totodile Style/Fire and Passion

The gang was camping around a nearby lake on the way to Goldenrod City.

Psyduck was happily swimming, surprising Misty’s Water Pokemon.

Totodile was quite the handful, he was such a happy and joyous pokemon. What Ash didn’t know was he was a passionate one too. Every time he was called out he was doing a little dance, and winking at Ash. He was happy to help his fellow Pokemon but it was clear he was showing off.

He found a bunch of wild Magikarp and began to juggle them with his Water Gun.

“You really should control your pokemon more Ash!” Misty said. Totodile glared at her and hit her in the face with a Water Gun. “Hey!”

Totodile laughed and did another water gun and it turned into a heart. “Aww that’s sweet, I love you too Totodile!” he hugged the water type and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Totodile got hearts in his eyes and did his little dance again. “Why don’t you go play, I’m gonna help Brock prepare lunch.” Ash began setting the table.

Brock knew Ash loved all his Pokemon. He couldn’t help but smile seeing them like that, if not a little jealous. The gym leader and aspiring breeder, wasn’t having much luck in his own love life. Ash becoming his main source of spank material. ‘Is it possible for him to love me too?’ He sighed.

“Toto?” The water type stared at Brock.

The gang paused as they heard singing. “Azumarill Azu Azu Azu!”

“Ohh Cutie!” Misty squealed. “I’m gonna catch it!” Without warning she tossed a ball at her. It didn’t work, but did piss off the Water Type Diva.

“AZU!” She fired a powerful Water Gun the ruined their camp and knocked them all back.

“Hey!” the humans cry out.

“Toto-DILE!” Totodile countered with his Water Gun and knocked the diva back, he laughed and did a little dance. Psyduck applauded him and tried to fire his own Water Gun, but it was just a trickle.

Azumarill laughed at him, making the duck monster sulk. “It’s okay Psyduck, we’ll work more on your moves soon.” Ash patted their heads, making Psyduck blush and Totodile gush. Azumarill wasn’t pleased and looked ready to attack again.

“Pika!” Pikachu defended his trainer by zapping the diva, and knocked her out.

“Azumarill!” A woman called out. Trixie shows up, with her Golduck, and its Brock’s turn to swoon. Totodile is confused.

Trixie wasn’t stupid, she saw the soaked people, and their wrecked camp and knew what her pokemon had done. “I’m so sorry!” she bowed her head and Golduck scolds Azumarill.

She invites everyone for food and tickets to their show. Trixie  runs a Pokemon circus, and unfortunately her Azumarill was the star. “She’s become quite the diva lately.” There were other Pokemon acts but many refused to perform with her.

If anyone showed her up she’d get mad, and when the other Pokemon were practicing she’d laugh at them if they messed up. Ash saw that when his Psyduck failed to perform a Water Gun. Trixie had caught Azumarill to be a partner for her Golduck, but things weren’t working out for her. “If things keep up, I’m gonna have to release her.” She had even attacked an audience member who heckled her.

“We’ll help you with your next show.” Ash said and Totodile cheered. “She’ll be able to see that it’s okay to have other Pokemon in the spot light.”

“Allow me to help in any way I can dear Trixie!” Brock said. The plan was to stop these diva fits. Ash, Brock, and Misty believed their Pokemon would be tough enough to deal with her. Trixie was happy to compensate them for their help, Ash had his Psyduck train with her Golduck to gain control of his water power.

Totodile was all set to perform with Ash. He was a natural, and Ash looked so cute in his baggy pants and vest. While everyone else was practicing and working hard Azumarill was drinking sodas and eating snacks. Trixie warned her and warned her, but the Pokemon was so high on herself she didn’t listen.


The show was going off without a hitch, the gang’s Pokemon marched in a parade. Misty did a water show with her Pokemon. Cyndaquil and Chikorita did a form of knife throwing act but with the Grass Type’s Razor Leaf. Psyduck worked with the clowns, and got a lot of laughs, he had fun which was what mattered.

Brock was showing off in a big way, wearing some muscle man speedos and nothing else. He flexed his muscles a bit, and did some weight lifting with Geodude and Onix. His Pineco played a “human” cannonball roll and shot out of a cannon and exploded in the air. Vulpix did some flame hoop jumps, looking beautiful and elegant.

“You were great Brock!” Ash exclaimed. Brock blushed.

“You uhh really think so!” He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. His heart started pounding in his chest. “I think you are up next right?”

“Sure am.” The two bumped elbows. Totodile danced and the two took to the stage.

Azumarill was the last performer, but she wasn’t happy. Golduck wasn’t paying attention to her, since he was with Psyduck, and the way she saw it all these other pokemon were “stealing” her spotlight.

Totodile did a juggling act, using his amazing control of his Water Gun to juggle balls. His energy was infectious and the crowd loved him. Azumarill took some of her fruit and threw it at Totodile, but he had this covered and juggled the fruit along with the balls. “Amazing!”

Once the segment was over, Totodile let the balls and fruit drop, smacking the balls with his tail to hit Azumarill, while eating the fruit. He did his dance and the crowd went wild. Azumarill huffed. She stomped out on stage and pantsed Ash, trying to humiliate the trainer. “Gah!” Ash gasped as he wasn’t wearing underwear and having to cover himself.

Brock got a nosebleed from the sight of Ash’s massive nuts and plump booty. Totodile had hearts in his eyes, blowing kisses like crazy. That was the final straw.

“Where are you going?” Trixie asked, she was furious. “If you won’t apologize and you refuse to go on, I’ll have to fire you!”

The pokemon copped an attitude, acting high and mighty. Trixie revealed her ball, and a blue light erupted from it. “Azumarill, you are fired!” The pokemon shattered, and she started to cry and beg, but even Golduck wasn’t interested. When she didn’t get her way, she left.

Team Rocket found her and convinced her into getting some revenge. Azumarill was caught by Jessie, given the name Diva, and they made their move to teach the circus a lesson. Totodile and Pikachu were caught, as was Golduck, and the other circus Pokemon. Psyduck slipped through their smokescreen and chased after them.

The Pokemon were pissed at Diva’s actions. She didn’t care, as she saw it her talents were wasted in the circus, now she could be a real star. Psyduck found them. “Psy duck sy!”

“What are you gonna do you joke of a Pokemon?” Team Rocket laughed.

Psyduck tried to use Water Gun but it didn’t work. Diva laughed. He tried again, and while it had a bit more power to it, wasn’t at all effective. Diva continued to laugh. Her laughter gave Psyduck a worse headache causing his psychic powers to trigger and he broke the pokemon free with Confusion.

Totodile, Pikachu, and Golduck cheered him on. “PSY!” The pokemon escaped with Team Rocket recovering quickly.

“Get them all!” They charged and Psyduck built up the water power he had inside, glowing blue for a moment. He managed to unleash a solid Water Gun and knocked Team Rocket back. Ash and co arrived, shocked that Azumarill had joined Team Rocket.

“Believe it Twerp Diva is one of us!” Diva nodded. She attacked them, but Psyduck, Totodile, and Golduck blasted them with water and drenching them.

“Alright then, Pikachu!” His electric mouse sent them blasting off with a powerful Thunderbolt.

“Team Rocket is blasting off again!”

Ash hugged his Pokemon. “I’m glad you are all okay!”

“You have a real bond with your Pokemon Ash!” Trixie said. “Have you ever thought of becoming a Pokemon Coordinator?”

“A what?”

“A coordinator, they have contests here in Johto, I think your little Totodile has a knack for performing. You can register in Goldenrod City, and if you’ll be able to carry even more pokemon.” She explained the ins and outs of Pokemon contests, obtaining ribbons and entering the Grand Festival.

“I’ll think about it, what do you say Totodile?” He danced in agreement, it sounded fun. Ash wanted to be a Pokemon Master, and this Contest thing made him all tingly.

The Circus wasn’t without an ending star for long as Trixie finds a Quagsire and catches it. Quagsire and Golduck fell in love, shocking Brock and Misty as they were both male. Seeing those two had Brock all tingly to.  Totodile gave him a nudge, surprising the trainer. ‘Does he know?’


Ash wanted to reward Totodile’s hard work. Though they didn’t have time to mate, that didn’t mean Ash couldn’t help Totodile out. His water type’s balls were internal, and his cock slipped from his sheath.

Totodile moaned as Ash licked his sheath, flicking and teasing, even slipping inside to touch his erection. Totodile has two stages of arousal, getting aroused/excited, then entering the mating stage where his penis come out of the sheath.

Ash worked his sheath, tongue fucking it and making out with it, coaxing his penis out. He didn’t break the pace, licking and sucking on Totosile’s penis as it came out. Totodile was in heaven. He blushed and panted, body trembling as his dick sank into Ash’s warm mouth.

His trainer had his pants around his ankles, loving the breeze between his knees. He fisted his aching cock, so fast his giant balls bounced and jiggled. The musk that came from his crotch had both Totodile and Ash increasingly horny.

Totodile couldn’t help himself as he neared orgasm, bucking up and humping Ash’s mouth. His climax hitting and his cock erupted like a hose, a long thick stream of cum blowing into Ash’s mouth and down his throat. Ash chugged his seed, finding his own climax, and blowing his load across the grass.

The two panted, Ash pulling Totodile into his arms and the two made out. Rustle Rustle!

Ash jumped as someone came from the bushes, catching them in the act. “Golduck?!” He gasped.

Golduck had been watching them, judging from his massive and leaking dick. He gave them a thumbs up and a wink. The two blushed. Golduck used his psychic powers to help clean up, and went to go mate with Quagsire.


The gang headed towards Pyro Mountain, a place said to be infused with Fire Stone energy. So it was no surprise one could find all kinds of Fire Type Pokemon here. “According to the guidebook Pokemon that evolve with a Fire Stone can evolve by battling here.”

“Does that mean you are gonna evolve your Vulpix?” Ash asked.

“If that’s what he wants.” Brock has been raising Vulpix for some time. He was great at raising Pokemon, so when the gang runs across a baby Magby, it’s up to Brock to look after him.

Team Rocket tries to take Magby but Brock shows his skills and rescues him from the trio. He catches Magby using his Friend Ball. The ball jiggles and clicks closed. “I caught a Magby!”

As a gym leader Brock had a special license to carry more than six pokemon.

A strong trainer was making their rounds on Pyro Mountain, training their Skarmory. Miki was wanting to battle against both Water and Fire types, both strong against Steel types. Coming to Pyro Mountain, got the best of both, as trainers brought Water Pokemon here to train for obvious reasons.

Miki battled Misty first, her Skarmory creaming her whole roster. Ash got Scar from Oak and had battled Miki with Cyndaquil and Scar. Cyndaquil lost, unable to land any hits, but Scar got revenge and took the win against Skarmory.

Ash wanted to do more training with Cyndaquil, and Scar was happy to help. Cyndaquil learned Flame Wheel from the training. Cyndaquil: Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Swift, and Quick Attack

Scar: Fire Fang, Smog, Flamethrower, and Pursuit

Miki battled Brock, and during the match Vulpix evolved into Ninetails, unleashing a powerful Fire Blast and landing a win. “Not bad Brock, you have a lot of passion.” Miki praised.

“Oh Miki, you are quite the tough trainer, you have pierced my heart!”

“I don’t think so, I think your heart lies elsewhere.”

“Huh?” Perfect timing as Ash showed back up.

Miki patted his shoulder. “You should tell him.” Ketchum had a rematch with her later and Cyndaquil beat Skarmory. Totodile got his chance to battle and was able to beat Miki’s pokemon too, his dancing skills taking Miki off guard.


Misty was staying at the Pokemon Center, but Ash slipped out with his Pokemon. He called out his Totodile, Scar, and Cyndaquil. Pikachu was waiting for them. Ash got naked, moaning as he felt finally free and naked.

Scar buried his face in Ash’s balls and inhaled deeply. “Miss me buddy?” Scar yipped happily, giving Ash’s balls a lick. “You’ll get a turn, but can you keep watch for me?” He nodded and set off.

Ash bent over and spread his cheeks. “You ready to mate Totodile?”

“Toto!” he had hearts in his eyes. He jumped on Ash and began to rim eagerly!

Ash slumped to the ground as Totodile ate him out. His cock slipped from his sheath ready to plunder Ketchum’s tight ass. He mounted the boy’s wet, throbbing hole and began a brisk pace. “Ah ohh ah ah ah!”

He began to drool, Totodile’s pace was so wild it had him seeing stars. “Pika!” “Cynda!” Pikachu and Cyndaquil approached, cocks hard and wanting. Ash began pumping their dicks, teasing the slits with his thumbs.

Brock had followed them, and began playing with his cock and balls. ‘Ash is so sexy, I want him!’ He wanted to play with Ash’s big balls, squeezing them as he stuffed his big dick in Ash’s tempting ass.

“Totodile!” the pokemon cried out, shooting deep inside Ash, while Pikachu and Cyndaquil shoot all over his face. Ash came and Brock felt a pang of jealousy.

‘I want to make him cum!’ Brock was pent up, and his balls have been itching like crazy since the circus incident. ‘How is he so sexy!’ Just as Brock was about to cum...

“Hound!” Scar popped out scaring Brock from his hiding spot.

“Brock?!” Ash gasped.

Brock blushed, what a situation. Ash naked and covered in cum with one of his pokemon inside him. Brock naked with a hard wet dick, pre-cum all over his hand, it was clear what he was doing.

Things were about to change for the two, in more ways than one.

To be continued


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