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My Hero parody: Tier 1

Hey guys please enjoy this new my hero parody, while I deal with some irl issues 

Purple Flare

Izuku has a modified quirk from his father. He produces a strange purple fire that can’t be extinguished by wind or water. This quirk draws the attention of Endeavor, who has a whole agency around fire quirks. Izuku and Shoto meet and Izuku helps the boy stay on the right path.

Chapter 1

Izuku always wanted a quirk, he tried to breath fire, or move small objects, which are his parents quirks. He kept trying and trying until one day, he produced a strange purple flame. “Mom...mom...I did it...I did it!”

“Oh sweetie!” His mother hugged him.

His quirk awakening was just the first step, now he had to figure out how it worked. The flames were purple, and not from a chemical reaction or temperature alteration. It was described as a mystical fire, a physical flame that could not be extinguished by wind or water. A fire that only burned if the user wanted it to.

So of course word of this new fire quirk reached the Number 2 Hero Endeavor. He approached Inko about taking Izuku under his wing, training his quirk and discovering what he was capable of. His agency was well known for it’s fire quirk users, and he was the number 2 hero, but his reputation proceeded him. She was hesitant, but Izuku was all for it.

Izuku loved heroes, saw the best of them, analyzed their strengths and weaknesses. He wanted to be a hero so much, he didn’t see the danger of it, he just wanted to help people. Endeavor wasn’t like All Might, the man focused on fighting villains, he wasn’t so great on the rescue parts.

“Flame quirks need to be properly cultivated Mrs. Midoriya. I’ll help your son train to be a fine hero.”

“Please mom, I wanna be a hero!”

“As long as it doesn’t interfere with your studies, I guess it’ll be okay.” Izuku cheered and Endeavor shook her hand. She hated to admit it, she just didn’t trust Endeavor. ‘There is a madness behind his eyes.’ Her husband refused to join Endeavor’s agency for a reason.

Izuku would start at Endeavor’s agency on his Tenth Birthday. For now he was put on a strict diet and work out, which would increase as he got older. Izuku was confident and happy to do it.

He was given a tour, and this was where he met Shoto Todoroki…


Shoto was there for training, his left eye bandaged up. “Hi there, I’m Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you!” The greenette went over to him. He was giving off his 100 Watt smile.

“Hi...” he looked away.

“What’s your name?” He was still smiling.

“Shoto...” He looked around. “Are you here with Endeavor?” He hadn’t seen this ball of sunshine around before.

“Yep, I have a fire quirk, he says he can help me control it.” He breathed some purple flames. The strange flames caught Shoto’s eye.

‘I’ve never seen flames like that...’

“Did you hurt yourself with your quirk?” Shoto tensed. “I burned my hands once when I was practicing.” A factor as to why his mother agreed to let Endeavor train him.

“Not my quirk...” he bit out.

“Oh sorry, what is your quirk then? Can you show me?” Shoto was hesitant, but Izuku was just so innocent and excited.

“Kay,” he showed off his ice side.

“Ooh chilly, this feels nice!” He giggled. “You have an amazing quirk!” Shoto blushed.

“That’s because it’s my mom’s quirk.” Izuku blinked at him. As he understood it, this agency was full of those with fire quirks. Plus his wording led to his next question.

“You have multiple quirks?”

“Kinda...I hate my other side.”

“Please show me!” Shoto showed his fire side, begrudgingly. “Amazing!”

“This is my father’s quirk, I don’t think it is amazing. I prefer my mother’s quirk.”

“That’s not it.” Izuku touched his hands. “Half Ice, Half Fire, they are both very nice quirks, but together they are even more amazing.” Shoto met Midoriya’s pure and honest eyes. “This quirk is all yours, it’s your ice and your fire, together...” Izuku gave him another smile. “You’ll make a fine hero!”

The young lad, had no idea how much his words touched Shoto. They reminded him of his mother’s words, something he had forgotten. Todoroki began to cry.

“Did I say something bad! I’m sorry!”

“No...” he wiped his eyes. “My dad can be scary, I don’t want to end up like him. I’m scared if I use my flames I’ll be just like him.”

“My friend Kacchan can be scary sometimes to, but he wants to be a hero more than anything. I think if you want to be a good person, a true hero, that’s what you’ll become. You don’t have to be a hero like your dad you can be a hero like you!” Shoto couldn’t help himself, he hugged Izuku. The greenette hugged him back, giving him plenty of comfort and warmth.

Shoto got to cry it out, and Izuku sat with him, rambling off on all the cool things he could do with his quirk. Midoriya had a knack for quirk analysis and application. His own quirk was a mutation from his father’s side, but he recognized this quirk was his, and Shoto should do the same. The young Todoroki honestly felt better, if even only a small bit.

Izuku could see him as his mother did, he wasn’t a monster, it was his quirk, he wasn’t Endeavor. To have someone say that to him meant the whole world.

“Does your eye hurt?” Izuku asked.


“I know a way to make it better.” Izuku kissed his bandages. “Bad pain go away, with these kisses blow away!” He kissed the spot again making Shoto’s face go completely red. Shoto remembered his mom doing something similar when he scraped his knee once.

“Thanks...it feels lots better!”

Endeavor got called away for some business, so one of his sidekicks took Izuku home. “Bye Shocchan, see you again!”

“Bye...Izuku...” This wouldn’t be the last time Izuku and Shoto met. The two were gonna form quite the bond. Sadly it would be awhile before the two met again, Endeavor mostly trained Shoto at home.


For the next five years, Izuku woke up, went to school, then went to Endeavor’s hero agency for training. He’d do his homework, exercised, and trained his quirk. In his free time there, Izuku studied the other quirks of those at Endeavor’s agency. At home Izuku kept up with his vessel development, Endeavor said he needed a strong body to draw out the best in his quirk.

Endeavor had invited Izuku to his agency, but wasn’t giving him hands on education. He was the Number 2 Hero and a busy guy as it was. Izuku wasn’t complaining, since the other heroes at his agency were pretty cool.

The young lad was building up a nice body full of compact muscles. Midoriya could produce even more flames then he could before, and had a form of pyrokinesis with his flames. An aspect he received from his mother most likely. He was getting strong and flexible, his grades were excellent, and he was even doing better socially at school. Though Izuku said his only real friends were Kacchan and Shocchan, because most of the other kids only started liking him after he had a quirk.

Katsuki developed respect for Izuku, not seeing him like all the “extras”. Though Bakugou wouldn’t admit it, he cared a lot about Izuku, when some older boys had picked on him, Bakugou rushed to his aid, despite being outmatched and outnumbered. Midoriya pushed him to not be lax and work on his quirk more and more. He even praised Izuku for how far he’s taken his quirk so far. They had developed a proper healthy rivalry, built on their childhood friendship.

Izuku was so proud of him, but not everyone was pleased. Endeavor had called her in for a meeting to discuss the results of Izuku’s training.

“The boy is lacking fire power.” Endeavor said. He was going over Izuku’s test results. While Izuku was hitting his targets, he wasn’t burning them. “Your boy is lacking the will to fight, and use his fire correctly.”

“But I thought his quirk is coming along well.”

“It is, he has control but lacks power. At this rate he won’t be able to become a hero with his quirk.” He showed her a video of one of Izuku’s tests, to measure his fire power. Despite producing a large amount of purple flames, the sensors weren’t able to pick up any heat. “A fire that doesn’t burn won’t bring down a villain.” he banged his fist on his desk for emphasis.

“Mr. Todoroki, my son is a sweet boy, and he wants to be a hero. I’m trying to be supportive, and I’ve agreed to allow you to train my son here at this agency. What would you suggest?” she crossed her arms.

“I’d like to be more hands on with Izuku. I’ll be able to handle any heat he dishes out.”

“Okay, if you feel that is best.”

“Not to worry, I personally train my own son, he’ll one day surpass All Might!” Endeavor boasted. “In my opinion, your son will benefit from training with me, he’ll learn how to use his fire!”

Inko agreed to this, but only because neither her or her husband knew how to help Izuku. They both took non hero jobs. She wanted her son to be safe. Izuku was overjoyed at the news.

He was brought to the Todoroki Household the following weekend. Fuyumi Todoroki greeted Izuku and welcomed him inside. “I’m Izuku Midoriya, pleasure to meet you!” he bowed.

“My such manners you have. Welcome!” She had the strangest feeling she’d heard this boy’s name before. Not just from her father, she had the same feeling then.

“Be safe and take care Izuku!” His mother called before heading off. “I’ll pick you up later okay?”

“Okay mom!” he waved.

“Your mother seems very kind.” Fuyumi said.

“Yeah she is, she worries about me a lot. So I want to be a strong hero so she won’t have to worry.” Fuyumi chuckled and ruffled his hair.

“Mothers always worry about their children, always!”

Izuku was impressed with the size of their estate, but he was in for quite a surprise. “Shocchan!”

“Midoriya?!” Shoto gasped. ‘What is he doing here?’

Izuku smiled and rushed over to him, hugging him tightly. ‘Oh no, he’s hot!’ he blushed. They hadn’t seen each other in ages, both boys had grown up. Izuku had a more impressive physique than Shoto. ‘He’s so strong and muscular!’

“You know this young man Shoto?”

“We met a long time ago, this is Midoriya.”

“Ohh that’s it, he’s the special friend you met at Father’s agency.” Shoto blushed.

“Wait...Shoto...you are Endeavor’s son?” The pieces fell into place and Izuku got very concerned.

“Yeah...sorry I didn’t tell you but...”

“Shoto! Izuku! Perfect we can go to the training room!” Endeavor found them. Shoto’s blood ran cold.

Izuku remembered everything Shoto said, but he was about to see first hand the dark side of Endeavor.

To be continued


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