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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Say My Name

Mael was having issues. By day, he was doing his duties; training, prayers, and listening to his brother’s lectures. He used them as reminders that demons were his enemy, then he’d be going out demon hunting.

He wouldn’t be at it for long before he’d bump into a certain blonde demon. “Hey Estarossa!” He twitched in annoyance.

“That’s not...ugh hello Meliodas!” he crossed his arms.

“You ready to hang out?”

“Yes...” What followed was a night of fun, just spending time together. Meliodas kept calling him by that stupid name, but otherwise they visited different villages. He got to meet the people, the people he believed they were fighting for.

He got to party with some fairies, dance with the giants, even drink with some friendly beastmen. What’s worse he was hanging out with a demon, if his brother knew he’d be furious! ‘He’s not like the demons my brother talks about.’

Meliodas was like a social butterfly, his nature had people drawn to him. Even when he beat someone in arm wrestling there was no hard feelings. Mael felt that maybe Meliodas was a flame people were drawn to for the warmth, but he refused to be a moth to his flame.

He would call it a night and return to the divine realm. “Bye Estarossa!” Meliodas called, jabbing one final annoyance.

This went on for awhile, after a couple weeks Mael was finding it hard to sleep alone. It was so nice waking up with Meliodas beside him, now that he was keeping his distance he just felt alone.

To make matters worse, Meliodas had kept his word about no sex. He was on his best behavior! Which was oddly maddening. He should be pleased, this is what he wanted. It was just so damn weird. Mael kept having dreams about their two escapades, then his own imagination began cooking up this and that.

He kept waking up with his sacred rod stiff as a board. This led to a very cold shower. ‘I shouldn’t want to be with that pervert little demon!’ His brother told him that, demons were inferior creatures, mindless beasts, nothing but parasites.

Mael had believed those words, but the more time he spent with Meliodas he had more doubts.


“The only way to bring peace to the land, is to purge the demons from the world!” Several celestial soldiers cheered.

‘Is that really the only way?’ Mael thought. He was sitting with the other two archangels, looking out at his fellow angels. ‘How many have fallen in this war?’ Not just on their side, the demons, the humans, fairies, giants, and so many other races that have fallen. ‘And for what?’

Meliodas believed they could form a treaty. ‘Can we really coexist?’ He didn’t think his brother would go for it.

“Meliodas is the blood son of the demon king, he is a vile creature, but do not engage him in battle. You must leave him and the members of the Ten Commandments to us Archangels!” the crowd cheered again.

When he went on patrol he was heavy in thought. ‘I haven’t really met any demons like Meliodas.’ In battle he had crushed many demons, and he was sure Meliodas had done the same to his people. ‘In war, maybe neither side is just...’ He sighed and looked around at the beautiful world they were fighting for.

“Oi Estarossa-kun!” He tensed, his feathers bristling at the familiar nickname. The blonde demon was wearing a cloak. What was weird, despite the name, he was actually happy to see the demon again.

He rubbed his temples. “Meliodas, can we talk?”

“Sure thing!” The two started walking, having discussion as they made their way towards a new town.

“The demons and goddess clan are at war, how can people party and carry on like nothing is happening?”

“Because they have to, tensions are high, but that’s why they party, that’s why they drink, eat, and carry on. It’s what I admire about them.” It wasn’t as if they didn’t know, but they had to keep living. “They want the war to be over too.”

“What are the demons after?”

“If you mean my old man, he’s after the magic power of the world. Not sure what he means but that’s all he talks about. He pushes my brother and me like we are pawns.”

“Zeldoris...I have heard of him. I heard he commands his own demon army and even gives orders to the commandments.” He wasn’t considered one of the Ten Commandments but was said to be very dangerous.

“Hmm, I suppose he does, he probably delivers my father’s orders. Not to brag he idolizes me more than my old man. He’s a good guy, but I fear he’s trying to hard to be me, and not trying to find out who he is.” Mael paused at that, he always looked up to Ludociel, and worked hard to be as strong and mighty as he was.

“What about the Ten Commandments, you are one of them, are they like you or your father?”

“Well, I can’t speak for all of them, some are kinda twisted like my old man. Others I think if given the chance they’d come to like this world.” He heard that Rajine, Derieri’s older sister, was sneaking out and hanging with some vampires. She had orders to bring them to the demon’s side, but honestly she just liked being with them. She had even made some human friends. “They all have something they want, but maybe they can find what they need instead.”

“What is it that you want?”

“Are you interrogating me?” Meliodas raised a brow at him.

“No...I...just have questions...” he felt bad.

Meliodas chuckled. “Well then, what I want is a bar, a pub, maybe just a little tavern.”

“That...that’s it?”

“Yep, a little place where people can eat, drink, and have fun together. All races in one place, just having a good time.”

“Is that what the demon king promised you if the demons win the war?”

Meliodas stopped walking. “No...” His rage surged and his power spiked. “My father only wants me to get strong to become the demon king. He doesn’t care what I want, or what the others want, he tells us what we want and none of us are strong enough to disobey!” The Earth trembled from his intense fury, even Mael was shocked, catching a glimpse of his true power for a moment. “Crap...let’s move!”

He calmed down and got them away from the site which became crawling with angels. Mael didn’t want to get caught so he bunkered down with Meliodas until the coast was clear. The angels were quite relentless. “Sorry...so much for hanging out tonight.” Meliodas sighed.

“No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have asked all those questions.”

“Why did you anyway?” Mael hesitated but decided to trust Meliodas.

“Been having doubts I guess. I wanted to know if you were just a random anomaly or could there really be peace between us?”

“I think so, it’d be better than all this fighting when we could just share this world.”

“It wouldn’t be easy.”

“If it was easy, it’d have been done already.”

“My brother has never spoken highly of demons, I took him at his word never questioning anything he said to me.”

“My teacher tried to teach me about the Goddess Clan, he didn’t speak very highly of you either. He said that about a lot of people actually. I figured out he was wrong.”

“I don’t think my brother has come down here long enough to meet anyone, yet he always said we are protecting the people.”

“Seems to me he’s protecting the magic. The power demons fear, and the power the goddess clan reveres.” he shook his head. Mael wished he could deny it, but he was seeing a darker side to his brother.

When the coast was clear, they could leave but it was quite late. “You heading back to the divine realm?”

“I...kinda don’t wanna go home tonight...”

“We could sleep here.” Mael blushed and moved away from him.

“We?!” he shook his head. “No way, I said no sex!” Despite his words, his heart was pounding in his chest.

“Not sex, we could just sleep together in the same bed.” Mael wasn’t sure. “Here, I’ll do something to put you at ease.”


“Are you sure you can sleep like this?” Mael looked down at Meliodas.

“Oh yeah, I’m good!” Meliodas was tied up tight, like a sushi roll. “Why don’t you join me?” Mael laid down beside him, but with his back to him.

“You better not try anything!” he said before closing his eyes. He drifted off to sleep, easier than he had in weeks. The angelic male tossed and turned in his sleep, eventually drawing closer to Meliodas and pulling his bound form to him. “Mmm,” he cuddled with the demon like a body pillow.

The thought of killing Meliodas never crossed his mind, even with him tied up and seemingly defenseless. Mael didn’t realize it, but he was falling for the demon, and vice versa.


In the morning Mael woke up, with Meliodas smiling at him. “Good morning,” the goddess blushed, and jumped back.

“You...me...we...did we?” he was still fully dressed and Meliodas was still tied up.

“No we didn’t.” Meliodas did a few twists, and with a few flexes he broke the ropes and freed himself from the bonds.

“You could do that the whole time?!” Mael gasped.

“Yep, but I wanted you to feel comfortable around me.” The goddess blushed, feeling his heart flutter a bit. “Did you sleep well?”

“Oh...yes, yes I did.” Really well actually.

“Do you want me to leave so you can take care of that?” He pointed down.

“Take care of...” he looked down and saw he was pitching quite the tent. “Yeep!” he covered himself. “I don’t know what you are talking about?!”

“You don’t know how to masturbate, here I’ll show you.” Meliodas got naked fast, shocking Mael. His physique is impressive, his body may be compact but he was tight. His massive demon dick had Mael’s hole twitching and his length pulsing. “You take hold of your rod like this, and depending on your preference you may want lube.”

Mael watched as Meliodas jerked off, working his “sacred rod” at a solid pace. He was hesitant but he got undressed freeing his own. His penis was drenched in pre-cum. Mael took hold of his length and began to stroke it, matching Meliodas’s movements.

“Feel good?”

“Yes!” Mael gasped. His eyes shifted from his dick to Meliodas, watching the demon pleasure himself. The blonde was looking back at him, eyes so pure, honest, and full of love?

Something about being watched made Mael excited, he squeezed his rod a little harder. The goddess came undone a bit faster, but Meliodas followed soon after. Their cum erupting from their aching cocks splattering the ground before them. “Wow so thick, you must have been saving up a lot!” It was hard to tell since Meliodas’s demon balls produced copious amounts of semen, but with his keen eye he could tell.

Mael blushed. ‘I can’t believe I just did that!’ Mael learned how to masturbate.

“Believe it or not you can even play with your ass for a greater release.”

“I don’t need to know that!” he hissed. Mael got dressed. “I’m returning to the divine realm!”

“Okay, later Estarossa!” Mael twitched with annoyance. He was too tingly to snap at him right now.


Mael had a lot to think about after that incident. Meliodas’s sexy naked form, flushed with arousal was fresh in his mind. ‘He looked beautiful!’

He felt like he knew so little about the world, was he really so sheltered. In the days that followed, Meliodas showed him more and more, hot springs both natural and man made, he showed Mael farms and helped him get down and dirty in the fields. He took Mael hunting, and gave him the experience of camping. They even took out some bandits together. ‘There can be bad humans, good demons, what does that say about us?’

How many good demons had they killed without a question. Demon attacks were happening less frequently, and their soldiers were coming back injured but alive. His brother said it was a message from the demon clan, but he wasn’t so sure.

He started spending more and more nights in a shared bed with Meliodas. Nothing happened, even if he didn’t tie the demon up. It was just nice to cuddle and having someone beside him. “This is nice huh?” Meliodas sighed and nuzzled against him.

‘Yeah it is...’

“Goodnight Estarossa...”

‘That’s not my name!’


Mael’s frustrations had built up, and he decided to go bar hopping without Meliodas. ‘Stupid Meliodas, we’ve spent so much time together and he still doesn’t use my name. Bakaodas!’ While he was drinking his troubles away, some guy started hitting on him.

‘That’s right, I don’t have to mate with Meliodas, I can be with anyone I want!’ So he danced with the guy, and the man started getting handsy. ‘What is he doing? He doesn’t even know my name.’

The mix of lust and booze made it hard to focus his magic, but he knew he didn’t want this. He didn’t feel that warm and fuzzy feeling he did when he was with Meliodas. “Sorry, but this was a mistake.” He ran off and left the village.

He was sitting up in a tree watching the stars when...

“Estarossa there you are!” Meliodas found him.

“THAT’S NOT MY NAME!” Mael snapped. He whipped around and glared at the demon. “You never say my name, never its always Estarossa, Estarossa, you know my name I want you to say it!” He dropped down and faced Meliodas.

“Are you sure?” Mael blinked. “I thought you didn’t want to be associated with me. I know some humans talk to the goddess clan. If I used your name, I thought you’d get in trouble if word got back you were with Meliodas the son of the demon king!”

Mael’s eyes widened. He had a point, it slipped his mind completely. “Well...we are alone now...so say it!”

“Mael...” The taller male shivered. “Mael!” he took hold of the goddess’s hands. His heart fluttered and his cheeks burned.

“So...you can say it.”

“Yeah, I can. I just enjoyed spending time with you so much, I didn’t want ya taken away.” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “I thought a pet name would work. I’m sorry.”

“Fine, but when we are alone, I want to hear you say it.”

“I’m good with that. Mael!” He blushed and felt his heart flutter.

Mael kissed Meliodas, shocking the demon. “Thank you!”

To be continued...Brother I Love Him
