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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Wrath of the Lunch Lady

Danny’s parents thought their daughter might be possessed by a ghost, so they modified the vacuum and created the Fenton Extractor. If it worked properly it would separate a ghost from a physical source.

At the Casper High Lunchroom

“Who would get mad? Pretty much everyone, who wasn’t given a choice in this.” Danny crossed his arms.

“Yeah well, the school board approved of the changes.”

“You mean Mr. Lancer approved it, and the rumors about the full Steak/Meat All you can eat buffet in the teacher’s lounge.” Tucker pointed out.

“Oh come on!” Sam huffed.

“Just saying Sam, this is a bit extreme!” he poked at his sandwich, it was simply bread and grass.

Lancer came up to them. “Miss Manson on behalf of the School Board I’d like to personally thank you!” He smiled and patted her shoulder. “This is a welcome experiment for our cafeteria.” Sam smiled, feeling pleased with herself, while Danny rolled his eyes.

Tucker’s meat senses tingled, and he sniffed the air. “I smell meat!” His nose pointed him towards Lancer. Tucker glared while Lancer began to sweat.

“No, no, I can assure you the rumors about the new Prime Meat Buffet in the teacher’s lounge, are completely untrue,” he said, before pulling out a tooth pick and cleaning his teeth with it. “Thanks again!” he patted Sam’s shoulder and dashed off.

“Yeah, thanks again for making us eat garbage.” Tucker glared at her.

“It’s not garbage!” Danny didn’t really care what fancy name Sam had for it was. It looked and tasted like grass, even regular salads had more flavor than this stuff.

While the lunch lady snuck off to eat a triple double-decker burger with everything on it, the Lunch Lady ghost came in. She saw the new menu and felt her phantom blood boil. Danny’s ghost sense triggered. He saw the new ghost moving about in the kitchen, but before he could act. “Guys we have a problem!”

“Fenton!” Dash threw some dirt at Danny’s head.

“Make that two problems!” Dash was pissed, as he ordered mud pies, and got actual mud from the ground. He blamed Danny because of his relationship with Sam. “Dash, she’s not my girlfriend.”

“I’m not his girlfriend!” Sam protested.

“These are the best years of my life, it’s all downhill for me after High School. How can I enjoy my golden years eating mud!” Danny almost felt bad for Dash, he would have felt for him more, if he wasn’t an asshole in his own right. Dash pushed Danny into a table and ordered him to eat it.

Danny shot Sam a look. ‘You see this?!’

Sam didn’t seem to care how angry and upset the other students were. Danny had bigger things to worry about, so he pulled out a ghost trick he was working on. ‘Phantom-kinesis!’ he was able to fling some mud around, literally, even though Sam said it was topsoil.

“Food Fight!” someone screamed and the whole cafeteria turned into a full-on brawl. Danny got Sam and Tucker down and they kept low to make it to the kitchen.

“You are gonna pay for this Fenton!”

“Great...I’m still his favorite...” Dash got hit with some more dirt, and the trio slipped away.

Danny met with the Lunch Lady Ghost, she seemed sweet enough, but when Tucker told her Sam changed the menu her rage showed. “I’m going ghost!” Danny transformed. Lunch Lady had control and mastery over the kitchen and food, she sent every plate in the kitchen at them like shuriken. Danny was able to catch the plates and set them down safely.

She tried to skewer Danny with actual knives and skewers. He turned intangible, allowing them to get embedded into the wall.

“Lunch is sacred, lunch has rules!” she snapped. “Cake?”

Sam and Tucker nodded their heads. “Tough! Children who change my menu don’t get dessert!” She had apparently made the menu fifty years ago, putting a lot of love and care into it to. “I control Lunch itself!” She brought the ovens to life and they breathed green fire. Danny dodged the flames, and Lunch Lady escaped, sicking the ovens on them like dogs.

He grabbed his friends and went intangible, phasing him and them through the wall. The ovens crashed into it, returning to normal appliances. “This is what I get for being an individual!?”

“It’s fine to be an individual Sam, you cross a line when you force your ideals on others!” His ghost breath triggered again. The hallway trembled and an ominous wind tore through the halls.

The Lunch Lady wasn’t done, using her powers she stole the meat buffet from the Teacher’s lounge, Lancer is a liar big shocker and used the meat to transform into a ghostly meat monster. “Prepare to learn why meat is the most powerful of the food groups!” the meat monster snarled. “Cookie?” Sam shook her head no. “Then perish!”

Danny blasted the meat monster with ecto energy. “Back off!”

“Don’t tell me you like this new menu?”

“Actually I don’t, but I’m not gonna let you hurt my friend!”

“Aww that’s sweet, have some pie!” She hit Danny with a pie so hard and fast he slammed into a wall.

“Gah!” Danny changed back to human.

The meat monster took off with Sam. Danny shook off the pie juice, but before he could change back he was caught with Tucker by Mr. Lancer. “Told you, you’d pay for this Fenton!” Dash was with him, covered in dirt from the eco recyclable food.

They were brought to Lancer’s office. Tucker had quite a list of issues from chronic Tardiness, talking in class, Poor Athletic Grades, faking an illness to get out of gym, and loitering around the women’s locker room. Danny was pretty squeaky clean, he had a few accidents here and there, mostly because of his new ghost powers, but his record was clean. Thanks to Wulf he wasn’t banned from handling any fragile equipment at least. “Care to explain the little food fight incident?”

“Dash threw food at me first sir, and did anyone see me throw any food?”

“No they didn’t, but Mr. Baxter also threw 4 game-winning touchdown passes in last week’s game and thus exempt from any charges.” That bugged Danny something fierce. “Mr. Baxter claims the food fight was your fault, and Mr. Foley you are being charged with the disappearance of the faculties meat buffet.”

“But we didn’t do any of that.” Danny protested, a half-lie, as Danny did cause the food fight, but for good reasons. One being self-defense since Dash was picking on him.

“Yeah, and I thought there was no meat buffet in the teacher’s lounge!” Tucker shot back.

“Care to explain why my cafeteria and students are covered with food and dirt, and you two are squeaky clean?” They didn’t have an answer, they couldn’t say because they had to go fight a ghost.

“Maybe the fight got started cause Dash was messing with me, and someone got him to make him stop and things spiraled out of control.” Lancer was tough on mischief but easy on jocks.

“It's also possible we’re clean because instead of taking part in the fight, we left.” Tucker pointed out.

“Good points all around, but all students involved are being punished by cleaning up the cafeteria.” Except for the jocks and cheerleaders. “Wait here I’ll get you two some mops and buckets!” Lancer left with Dash watching the door.

Wulf showed up, Danny went ghost, and the trio phased out of the room. With Wulf’s nose, they were able to track down Sam and the Lunch Lady. Lancer returned to an empty office, pissed and planning worse punishment for Danny and Tucker.

Tucker felt bad, blaming himself for Sam getting kidnapped. Danny couldn’t argue since he told the ghost that she changed the menu. Wulf found them a trail, and found the Lunch Lady holding Sam hostage in a mountain of meat. She was trying to get Sam to understand the joy of meat, which Sam refused to accept, claiming all meat was just fat. Both sides were just plain stubborn, neither giving in.

Sam wasn’t making things better, for someone who wanted to be understood she refused to see the ghost’s side of things. Danny had to facepalm. ‘At this rate, she’s gonna talk herself into being a ghost.’

Danny and Wulf took on the ghost, while Tucker worked on getting Sam out of the meat pile.

Despite the training, this fight wasn’t going well for Danny. The Lunch Lady’s meat monster was like a suit of armor. His ecto blasts and Wulf’s claws weren’t doing any damage to her. “Fear the power of meat!” She unleashed sausage ropes that tied up Wulf.

Wulf tried to eat his way out, only for a rope of sausages to tie around his muzzle. “Let him go!” Danny charged in, only to get smacked away by fish. “Ugh!” Danny blasted Wulf free, who decided to take a bite out of her armor.

“Mmm tasty!” No matter how much he ate, the school had a whole supply of meat and other foods to add to her power.

“No pets in my kitchen!” She swatted Wulf away, he recovered and the two were at her again.

“Sam just say you're sorry!”

“But I’m not sorry, we don’t need meat!” the Lunch Lady raged.

“Sam some people like meat, and some people don’t both are fine, you gotta do what’s best for you!” Danny snapped. “You changed the menu, her menu, you hurt her feelings, and stomped on her beliefs.”

“Well, I’m sorry...” Danny smiled and the Lunch Lady calmed down. “That she feels that way but I did nothing wrong, the new menu is better for everyone!” Danny facepalmed.

Lunch Lady screamed and absorbed all the meat the school had, including the meat pile Sam was in. She went crazy, striking everyone. She knocked Danny through a wall, luckily he went intangible at the last second. She tried to crush Sam, Tucker, and Wulf.

Wulf stood his ground trying to protect the humans, but the Lunch Lady’s rage was making her grow stronger. Danny came back and phased them out of school. Wulf followed.

“They escaped...but they’ll be back...I’ll prepare a full course meal of pain!” she cackled.


Danny was exhausted, reverting back to human form, and Wulf helped carry him back home. His parents had no idea as they had attacked Jazz with the Fenton Extractor, it didn't work because she wasn't possessed. Sam and Tucker, started playing the blame game, but a growl from Wulf made them take it outside. He watched over Danny and worried about what came next. Control over one's powers was one thing, but not all ghosts were combat-hardened, some natural talents could be overwhelming. Danny was out for a couple of hours, Wulf whimpering and nudging him softly, hoping he was okay. When he woke up he heard this…

“This is all your fault Tucker, you and your meat obsession.”

“My fault!? Are you crazy, none of this would have happened if you hadn’t changed the menu!”

“You got me kidnapped!”

“Yeah that was my bad, and I’m sorry. Now go apologize to that ghost!”

“Not happening, the eco-friendly vegetarian menu stays!”

“Not if I have anything to say about it!” The two stormed out. Danny rubbed his temples.

“This is about to get a whole lot worse isn’t it?” Wulf nodded and licked his cheek.

To be continued... Kitchen Catastrophe

Danny goes to school with some Fenton tech and Wulf, to find two protests going on. Danny and Wulf battle the Lunch Lady causing a huge mess. Lancer tries to punish Danny, Tucker, and Sam, but Danny told his parents what was happening at school and Jack steps up and has a few words with Mr. Lancer


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