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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 14 

Chapter 15 First Day of School

“Yo Aizawa!” All Might approached him.

“What do you want, you Spot Light Alpha!” Aizawa growled.

“I heard you expelled a student on the first day, but just one though.”

“Got something to say?” He glared at the blonde man who shook his head.

“Not at all, I was watching, that young Alpha had a lot to learn and wasn’t ready to be a hero.” He had met plenty of alphas like that, those that didn’t put the work in. “The others showed promise?”

“They weren’t awful.” he walked past All Might.

“Umm...Aizawa...” the man stopped.


“Oh um nothing, happy to be working with you, I’m off!” he ran off leaving Aizawa to sigh.



The stress of this exam was heavy, and it was just the first day. Izuku had to go around giving some relaxation incense to have everyone feeling better.

“I’m so sorry!” Izuku was apologizing to the alphas. “I heard what Kacchan did, that’s really embarrassing!” Kirishima had told him everything.

“He certainly seems to do things his own way.” Iida said.

“Tch, I am the lead Alpha I have the right to test them as I see fit. I have to make sure they can please you!” he huffed. “If you extras wanna fight about it, I’ll blast you all to kingdom come!”

Lead Alphas and Lead Betas held an important role in a pack, they often had to lead by either brains, brawn, quirk, or respect to keep others in line. Katsuki just saw other males as a challenge to overcome, he knew in his heart no one could take Izuku from him. ‘With shits like that bastard around, if he got some extras together it’d be a problem.’

The alphas accepted Izuku’s apology and agreed to wait for Midoriya to test them. There was plenty of time before their next ruts. Plus they had to admit they’d do the same if they had such a cute omega as Izuku, so they couldn’t be too mad.

Ojiro shared his experience in the beta room. “I don’t know if I’m cut out to be a lead beta?” he rubbed the back of his neck.

“You better shape up tail ass!” Bakugou snapped. It didn’t come as a surprise to Bakugou, omegas were rare after all, they may have had three omegas in their class, but there was only one omega in Class B, and the other classes had more and more betas than alphas. ‘They want to fuck an omega, an understandable want, but doesn’t mean they can easily go after Deku!’

“Ojiro, I think you are really great, you’ll lead the other betas well!” Izuku praised. Ojiro blushed and smiled.

He did have a report on the betas interested in Izuku. Bakugou was fine so long as Midoriya was happy, not that he wanted any extras getting involved with the pack. “You better pick a strong one spiky hair!”

“Were there any betas that stuck out for you Kirishima?” Izuku asked.

“Not yet,” he was looking for a manly beta. There was a few contenders but none of them really got his engine going. “I want to find the perfect beta, that’ll strengthen the bond between us and make our pack be better!”

“You are such a sweet guy Kirishima-kun!” Izuku hugged him and the red head sighed in delight. They parted to get cleaned up and changed. It was hard to believe this was just their homeroom, they still had a full day ahead of them.

They had pro hero teachers which had Izuku gushing for hours. Math with the pro hero Ectoplasm, Science with Vlad King, Language Arts with Present Mic, Literature with Cementos, Hero History with Snipe, and Health with Recovery Girl. There was extra curricular classes like Art with Midnight, Shop with Power Loader, Cooking with Lunch Rush. Izuku was in full fanboy mode, and they hadn’t even took part in the hero courses!

UA would also invite pros in to teach special classes when they had free time. Alumni and nonalumni alike, the school’s goal was to train the next generation of heroes after all.


It was Lunch Time when Shoji stopped Izuku. “Can we talk?”

“Sure,” he looked to his pack. “I’ll catch up, save me a seat okay?”

“Sure thing!” Kirishima gave him a thumbs up.

“Don’t take too long Deku, you need to eat for the hero classes later!” Katsuki growled.

Izuku and Shoji went off together. Midoriya was watching the tall hunk of a man, he was muscular and fit, kind and strong, certainly a worthy alpha for anyone. ‘How come he hasn’t mated before?’ He was about to find out.

“Midoriya, I really want to mate with you, but I want to be honest with you.” he was hesitant. “You are quite curious, so I’m sure you’ve wondered how I haven’t mated yet.”

“I have, did something happen?” Shoji nodded.

“I had tried to sooth my first rut with a beta friend of mine, but after they...well they freaked out and called me a freak. I lost interest in mating after that. I haven’t felt the desire until I saw you.” He had gone through his first rut alone a painful experience for most alphas.

“What did they freak out about?” Shoji rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

“It’s why I wanted to talk to you privately. I can be a bit self conscious about this...” His gaze was cast down, a weight hanging off his shoulders.

“You can tell me!” Izuku said confidently.

“I will, I did not want to court you without you seeing the true me.” He wasn’t the type to reveal his secrets after a bond was formed. “I’m sorry if I scare you.” Shoji lowered his mask and showed Izuku his face.

He braced himself for the gasp, a scream, even crying. Izuku stared at him, his eyes sparkling in wonder. “Interesting!” Shoji had a very long mouth that matched his slightly elongated face. He had heard scary, creepy, and monster before but never interesting. “Is this why you cover your face?”

“Yeah, my face scared off my first partner. So I had given up on mating. Do you find me repulsive?”

“Can you lean down so I can get a closer look?” He nodded and leaned down for him. Izuku cupped his face and kissed him.

“You look handsome to me.” Izuku was blushing, Shoji’s face burned hot. “I would be honored if you became my alpha!”

“Thank you!” Shoji kissed Izuku again, this time deepening the kiss.

‘His kisses are strong!’ Izuku shivered. Shoji put his mask back on, he was still shy about his face. Izuku accepting him that was enough for him. “I’m sure the pack will accept you too.”

“You accept me, that’s all I want.” Izuku hugged him, and Shoji wrapped him up in his arms. He’s an exceptional hugger to. “Let’s get you to lunch before Bakugou blows me up.”

Izuku chuckled, but sweat dropped knowing Kacchan would. “I’ll give you my test later this week if that’s okay?”

“Sounds perfect,” he morphed the ends of one of his tentacles into a mouth and kissed Izuku’s cheek. “I promise to handle this challenge and be a fine mate for you. Before I lost interest in mating I had a lot of ideas on how to use my quirk to please my partner.”

His words had Izuku’s whole face go red, his big nerd brain began to run wild with ideas making him short out for a bit.


The Lunchroom was really bustling, news about the opening in Class 1 A had the other classes gossiping. Class B was of course first in line to take the spot, but all efforts could be made to claim it. Those that had decent grades and solid quirks had a shot.

Of course since Aizawa made the opening, he’d be the one dealing with the requests for the transfer. Izuku wasn’t really worried about it, he just didn’t want anyone scary joining like... “Looks like Class A isn’t so hot, you already lost one student.” Izuku grimaced. It was Monoma.

Izuku was standing in line with Shoji to get food from Lunch Rush. “I heard it was a low class alpha who got expelled, you know all about low class alphas don’t you.” he sneered at Izuku.

Shoji shielded him. “Step back pest.” Shoji glared at Monoma. “If you have something to say why don’t you say it to me.”

“I’m talking to the slut, what business do...” Chop! A female alpha stepped up and knocked Monoma out.

“I apologize for this one, please don’t think too badly of us, we of Class B aren’t all like him.”

“Wow she’s tough!” Izuku was impressed, and even Shoji nodded. “Thanks for standing up to Monoma.” Izuku hugged Shoji.

“Any time, he’s a brat.”

“I hate it when he calls me a slut.” Izuku twiddled his fingers. Shoji patted his head.

“Don’t listen to him, he’s jealous and being petty.” Izuku smiled.

They got their food and found their pack at a table. “Hey guys, is it okay if Shoji eats with us?”

“Tch, do whatever.” Katsuki huffed.

“Sure thing sit down man!” Kirishima said.

“Welcome!” Ojiro said.

Some betas and alphas glared at the pack for mixed reasons. The desire to approach an omega was strong, but Katsuki was producing a come near us you die vibe. So alphas were looking at the pack alphas with a mix of jealousy and annoyance.

Izuku wasn’t the only one, Ochako was also being hounded, Tsuyu was keeping his omega safe from fools. Hagakure was invisible so she avoided detection. Izuku spotted a familiar omega Awase, he was in class B.

Midoriya waved at him, and he waved back before sitting with his alpha. ‘Momo!?’ his eyes widened in surprise.

Lunch was almost over when a muscular young man came over to them. “What do you want?” Katsuki glared at him.

“Excuse me but I wanted to talk to the omega.” He didn’t back down from Katsuki’s intimidation.

‘How manly...’ Kirishima thought.

“Izuku-sama, please allow me to court you with the intention mating!” he bowed and smacked his head on the table cracking it...the table not his head.


“Who the hell is this idiot?”

The young man pulled back. “Forgive me, my name is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu!” He smirked. “I’m a beta, and it would be an honor to become your mate.”

“Oh well...” Izuku paused, he blushed a tad surprised at someone being so forward with him. Tetsutetsu was loud his words ringing with his spirit.

Some students began to laugh. “There he goes again, he has no chill.”

“I can’t believe he confessed in front of a pack like that what an idiot.” their words and laughter made him become flushed.

“That idiot never thinks!” more laughter.

“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you!” Tetsutetsu ran off. “I’m not giving up.”

“Wait...” It was too late. “My how quickly he runs.”

Kirishima cried. “That confession was so manly.”

“He might not be a total waste.” Bakugou huffed.

Izuku wanted to go after him but the bell rang. “We gotta move, it’s time for out hero courses.”


To be continued Battle Training

All Might is teaching his first class, and things are a bit different. Izuku shows off his hero costume much to everyone’s surprise.


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