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One Piece parody: Hypnovember Special

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Pirate Attack

Luffy was relaxing on deck, watching some nearby whirlpools. “Ahh what a nice day!” he sighed happily. “Hmm?” He used a scope and spotted a pirate ship in the distance. “Cool a pirate ship!”

Bang Bang Bang

A barrage of cannon balls flew towards their ship. “Aaaahhhh!” Luffy countered with a sound attack, his voice vibrating the air and causing the balls to explode.

Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji heard the commotion and came out to investigate. Seeing the pirate ship they decided to transform, their normal clothes vanishing in a flash of energy leaving them naked for a few seconds before being dressed in their raid suits. “Luffy are you alright?”

“I’m fine!” he chuckled. “Looks like things are about to get interesting!” The brothers smirked.

“If they looking for a fight we’ll give it to them!”

The pirates were the Alvida Pirates led by Lady Alvida herself, a large woman with an even bigger ego. Her main weapon consisted of a massive mace. Their ship pulled up along side Luffy’s. “That’s quite an impressive ship you got there.” Alvida’s men looked ready to rumble, weapons drawn.

‘Who the hell is this cow?’ the trio thought.

“Are you boys with the government or some kind of royal family?” The ship looked familiar to her. “It looks like something from the evil army?” Their raid suits plus the ship raised a few flags.

“Hm?” Luffy looked to the brothers.

“We come from an infamous family, the Germa 66.” Ichiji said.

“There is an even a comic, though it’s written with us as the villains with some legendary hero defeating us.” Niji said.

“Though its more famous in the North Blue, the comic is wide spread, so some may recognize it.” Yonji finished.

“Cool!” Luffy was excited to have such a cool ship and fun crew.

“So you are members of that evil army?!” Alvida snapped.

“Nope we are pirates!” the four say with a grin.

“We have left Germa!” Niji said.

“And stole this ship for our captain Monkey D. Luffy!” Ichiji declared.

“That runt is a pirate?” Alvida looked at Luffy and laughed. The Vinsmokes glared at her. “What a joke!” Her men laughed and the trio were ready to charge in and kick some ass. Luffy held them back though. “If you really are a pirate that makes us enemies, since we aren’t of the same flag.”

“If that’s what you want, but know if you fight us you are gonna lose.”

“Quite confident aren’t you?” she chuckled. “Koby!” she shouted and a pink haired boy flinched. “Tell these runts who I am!”

“Um yes...right...” the boy was shaking like a leaf. He didn’t seem the piratey type. “Ummm...” He took too long and Alvida smacked him and the men laughed.

“I’m Lady Alvida the most beautiful woman in all the seas!”

“You are the best Lady Alvida!” her men declared.

“These guys must be blind.” Niji pointed out, which made Yonji laugh.

“Or they have no taste.” Ichiji said making his brothers laugh.

“They are ruled by violence.” Luffy could tell, she reminded him of Bluejam, who used to kill his crew mates for any little thing, he kept his crew in a state of fear. He felt bad for the little pink haired guy.

“You can consider me the queen of the East Blue, so hand over your valuables and you won’t get crushed!”

“Not gonna happen!” Luffy snapped. “If you wanna fight us, then bring it on and to the victor go the spoils.”

“Get him men!” Alvida shouted.

“I wanna have a talk with that little guy, hang back for a bit.” Luffy said before charging forth in his hover chair. “Lullaby!” The siren started to sing, his voice turning soft and soothing. His music put Alvida and her crew to sleep, leaving Koby surprised. “Don’t worry they won’t be waking up for awhile. Let’s talk!”


Koby told Luffy his whole sad story, how he had gone fishing one day and gotten on the wrong boat. He had been her slave for the last two years. “Why haven’t you tried to escape?”

“I tried once, but...” He had tried to get a marine ship to help him escape, but the marines were all in Alvida’s pocket. Nelson Royale, an obese and lazy marine who use his position to chase his own vices. He had a crush on Alvida and was giving her a pass to do whatever she wanted, a few bribes here and there made it so she could get away with murder.

Koby had reported her, but he was taken back to Alvida. “They beat me up so bad!” he cried. “I always wanted to be a marine, but...” It was his dream but he was left shattered. “Since then, I’ve been too scared to escape.”

Luffy could see his spirit was broken. “Well, I can’t say all the marines are bad, just like with all people there are good ones and bad ones.”

“Do you think I can become a marine?”

“I’m not sure, I think we all follow our own sense of justice in our own way.” He thought of his Grandpa in that sense. “Depending on what you consider right or wrong, you should have the courage to fight for it.” Luffy said with a smile.

“Luffy-sama is amazing!” the Vinsmoke trio cheered. Koby sweatdropped.

“They can be a bit spirited, but its a good thing.”

“What’s your dream Luffy?”

“I’m gonna become King of the Pirates!”

“No way, that means you are going after the legendary treasure the One Piece!?”

“Sure am!”

“But that means you are gonna be entering the pirates graveyard. That’s a death sentence plus there will be lots of pirates after the same treasure as you, they’ll kill you to get it.”

“I decided long ago, I’d chase after my dream no matter what, if I die, then I die. No regrets!” he said confidently with a smile, touching his treasured straw hat. Koby was touched by Luffy’s words, the guy was full of courage. “You should believe in yourself too.” Luffy’s words wormed their way into Koby’s mind finding the boy’s broken spirit and helping it get mended back together.

Alvida and her men woke up. “You! What did you do to us?”

“I’m a siren, I put you to sleep with my voice.” As a siren he could control his voice, making sure it worked on Alvida’s and her men leaving Koby unaffected.

“A siren, so you’re a merman!” It was hard to tell thanks to his hover chair. “This just gets better and better. If I hand you over to Royale as a pet, I’ll make this whole sea my kingdom.” The Vinsmoke brothers saw red.

They crushed Alvida’s men with ease, it took them less than a minute. “You worthless wimps!” she snapped. “Koby! Tell these punks who I am!”

“You are...THE BIGGEST UGLIEST SEA COW IN ALL THE SEAS!” He declared. He had the Vinsmokes rolling on the floor with laughter. ‘I finally said it!’ Even Luffy got a chuckle out of it.

Alvida’s jaw dropped. “Die brat!”

‘No regrets!’ As her club came down, it was blocked by Luffy’s hand.

“Well said Koby, you stood your ground!”

“I’ll crush you!”

“Don’t think so!” Luffy smirked. “Merman Combat: Tidal Wave Push!” He did a sumo palm thrust and hit Alvida hard, he bent her club and sent the woman soaring into the sea.

“These guys got quite the hall Luffy!” The brothers raided the stores finding food, weapons, money, and even a devil fruit.

“No way!” Ichiji picked up. “Why did she have one of these?”

“It was a gift from Royale, he didn’t know if it was real or what power it has.” Koby explained. Their first thought was giving it to their captain.

“You guys found it, you can have it.” Luffy said. “I can’t really get a devil fruit, for a merman not being able to swim might mean death.”

“Nah I’ll pass.” Ichiji passed it to Niji.

“No thanks.” He passed it to Yonji.

“Yeah I’m good.” Yonji passed it and it ended in Koby’s hands.

“The devil fruit can give someone great power, but it makes them the enemy of the sea. If you want it it’s all yours consider it a reward for your bravery.” Luffy patted his back.

“I’ll take it but I wanna get stronger first.”

“Good plan.” Monkey smiled.

“This is quite the haul, how we gonna bring it to the ship?”

“Leave that to me.” Luffy began to sing, sound waves dancing through the air. “Puppet Song!” Alvida’s men got back up and were under his spell. They helped transfer their booty to Luffy’s ship.

Once everything was finished, Luffy stopped singing and the men collapsed unconscious. “Ah that was fun.” He chuckled. The Vinsmokes applauded. They had treated Koby like a toy so Monkey returned the favor.

“Nice work captain!” They got back to their ship and set Alvida’s ship to drift, they’d be picked up by marines later.

“You coming Koby?”

“Me? But I want to become a marine, well I used to...”

“Is there a marine base nearby?”

“Yeah there is one, rumor has it they got a major criminal locked up there!”

“Sounds interesting. We’ll take you there, and you can decide for yourself do you wanna become a marine, a pirate, or a civilian, no matter what it’ll be your choice.”

So Koby joined Luffy and the Vinsmokes. Since the pinkette wanted to get stronger the crew was willing to help him. They began to train him, he exercised and did chores, while sparring with each of them.

They began teaching him how to use a sword, since it was good exercise and combat training. Luffy taught him martial arts. It was intense, but Koby wanted to get stronger!

It would be 4 days until they reached the marine base.

To be continued...Finding Freedom, Koby’s Intense Training


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