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Hunter x Hunter parody: Tier 1

Chapter 10 

Chapter 11 Candles, Spiders, Bets, and Killers

With Tonpa’s loss they had to win now no matter what. They had to win three of the next four matches to advance. “I’m glad you dealt with the dick, but maybe you should have saved that trick for your opponent.” Leorio said.

Gon stretched. “It’s fine, it wouldn’t be fun that way anyway.” Gon’s opponent didn’t look tough, he was a scraggly dude.

Sedokan, sentenced 149 years in prison, serial bomber. Gon promised he’d be careful and went out to face the prisoner. As gone entered the arena he felt a foreign breeze on his scales.  “Well...as you all probably noticed I’m not terribly strong.” he showed off his scrawny arms. “So I’m not good at fighting, or running, and jumping around.”

“I’m good at that stuff, though jumping can be a bit tricky. I don’t like stuff that’s overly complicated.” Hearing stuff that was, tended to make his brain overheat.

“I figured as much. So I propose a game.”

“What kind of game?”

“One neither mental or physical.” he snorts. “Or overly complicated.” The serial bomber pulled out two candles.

Their game was simple, they’d light the candles and the first one to go out loses. Well, it seemed simple on the surface until Sedokan revealed the candles one was short the other long. “You pick the candle you want, you can vote using majority rules.”

“He wants us to pick, he’s up to something.” Leorio said. “It’s gotta be a trap, normally you’d want to pick the long candle since it’d obviously take long to melt and go out.”

“So he’d obviously tamper with the long candle, but if he knows that he could have tampered with the short candle.” Kurapika pointed out.

Sedokan sat down. “Go ahead take your time.”

In this situation either candle could be tampered with, the more they pondered the more it’d just go on and on. There was no way of knowing which candle was tampered with, and  even if the options were fair there would be suspicion. In this situation there was an obvious biased choice. ‘This truly is a dilemma.’

“No rush, talk among yourselves, we have all the time in the world.” he chuckled.

“Which one should I pick?” he asked.

“Good question...” Leorio ruffled his hair in frustration.

“Gon, choose whatever one you want, we’ll follow you.”


“Are you sure about this, Gon’s probably not gonna think too hard about this.” Killua pointed out.

“We have to trust his instincts.”

“I’ll pick the long candle!” he said cheerfully.

“The long one, you sure?”

“Yep, since it’s longer it’ll take longer to melt and go out.” everyone anime fell on Gon’s side. “What’s wrong guys?”

“Told ya.” Killua face palmed.

“Well that’s one way to look at it.” They cast their votes, Gon making Tonpa do so as well. “Not like we can know which candle is tainted anyway.”

The long candle was tossed to Gon and the two lit their candles at the same time. The winds from below made this challenge tricky, if they weren’t careful the wind would blow out their candles. “Bet you are planning to do something bad to blow out my candle huh?”

Gon was shielding his candle. “Not at all, I don’t have to do a thing. I already came prepared.” Gon’s candle erupted, the flame growing massive and intense. His candle that would have taken 5-6 hours to melt now only had about 2-3 minutes.

“You bastard I knew it, you tampered with the long candle didn’t you!” Leorio accused.

Sedokan chuckled. ‘You fools, the choice I gave you was just a smokescreen. I had four candles prepared. No matter what choice you made you’d have always gotten an oil soaked candle.’

Gon stared at the intense flame for a bit before smiling. Without a word he sat the candle down, the flames were so strong a simple breeze wouldn’t take it out now. In a flash Gon surged across the arena and blew out Sedokan’s candle before he even realized what was happening. “Ehhh?!”

“Hehe, I won!”

“He did it!” Leorio cheered.

“Nice one Gon!” Kurapika said.

“Not bad.” Killua was impressed.

Gon returned to the others, for a round of high-fives, while his opponent returned as the loser. “That’s what you get for using cheap tricks. I’ll go next!” One of the criminals lost their shackles and stepped forward.

Kurapika was to fight Majitani, despite his supposed intimidating appearance, was a massive coward. He was sentenced 108 years for fraud and blackmail. He tried to trick Kurapika into giving up, and if he had been up against Leorio or Tonpa his bluffs may have worked. Kurapika and Gon could tell he wasn’t a threat at all.

He made the wrong kind of bluff revealing a spider tattoo and pretending to be a member of the Phantom Troupe. Kurapika snapped, his blood lust rising, and he kicked the man’s ass so hard he was giving up after a few hits. His eyes were burning red, his calm aura had become a storm of rage even Killua was shocked...and a little turned on.

Gon had him covered, coiling his tail around him.

Majitani was down for the count. Kurapika had clearly won, but one of the prisoners hoped to use this match to play the field. Leroute was sentenced to 112 years in prison for illegal gambling and trafficking of endangered species. She was quite curious about Gon being a rare creature himself, she could already imagine selling him for a good price.

Her gambler’s spirit took hold, not like she could escape prison and sell Gon anyway. So her main focus was winning this game. She started her match with an accusation that Kurapika’s match wasn’t finished.

Kurapika was exhausted from his blood lust. “I’m sorry, I lost control of myself, sometimes even seeing a spider makes my blood boil.” He told them, making the guys sweat drop.

“The match was for death or surrender, I didn’t hear him give up?” she shrugged.

“That’s a lie, he surrendered before Kurapika knocked him out.” Gon declared.

“And we are supposed to believe you?” She gazed at him.

“I don’t lie, and never underestimate a lamia’s hearing!” his ears twitched for emphasis. Lamia were skilled hunters capable of detecting the slightest heat source and the smallest sound. Even with the wind, Gon heard the guy’s surrender clear as a bell.

Leroute wanted to challenge this, but was swiftly overruled by the examiner. “Their superior hearing is well documented, and there is no deception in the young man’s eyes.”

Kurapika’s win was officiated, before Leroute could get her game on. ‘No matter!’ she smirked and revealed herself. Her opponent was Leorio, sadly she knew a solid mark.

She challenged him to a game of gambling, she played him in a game of Strip Rock Paper Scissors. Leorio was confident, too confident, and began to lose his jacket, his undershirt, his tie, his pants, shoes, socks, and finally his boxers. “Gah damn it!” He was now as naked as Gon and Killua. “You gotta give me a chance to win my clothes back.”

“Sorry, but you have nothing to bet with.” She chuckled, gazing at his naked form. This put Leorio further on edge. “Though I suppose we can bet on time.”

This was bad, she had his number, and he didn’t want to lose. So their betting game began anew with Leorio betting their remaining time to win. He fell for her tricks one by one, costing them quite a bit of time they’d have to partake in before continuing.

Her goal was clear. “She might not be trying to win, but help herself.” The longer she stalls them the more years come off her.

“Oh I intend to win, I made a deal with the warden, If I win my match I’ll get 50 years off plus whatever I take from you guys!”

“You bitch!” Leorio hissed.

“My don’t get so flustered tiny!”

“I am not tiny!” he says while shielding his crotch.

“Leorio, bet on if your a teen or an old man!” Gon called out.

“That won’t work Gon, I’m obviously a man in my late teens like you guys!”

Leroute was so shocked she fell over. “No way!” She made the bet and actually lost. His identification proved it. “I thought you were a dirty old man!”

“I’ll have you know I’m not a dirty old man I’m a dirty young man!” He declared causing his friends to anime fall.

“Is he proud of that?” Kurapika gasped.

“What a weird guy...” Killua said. Gon just chuckled.

Leroute got back control, and placed their final wager on one final rock paper scissors match. Leorio fell for her mind games and lost.

This landed them a 60 hour penalty, which meant they’d only have 12 hours to get to the exit. Plus they were tied with one match left, if Killua lost they’d lose completely unable to move on at all.

Leroute’s victory landed her 110 years off her sentence. “Just two more years and I’m free!” she chuckled. ‘I’ll be seeing you again lamia boy!’ she thought with a smirk.

“Not enough blood!” The last criminal's shackles came off, and everyone was scared. Johness the Dissector, a mass murderer, he wasn’t here to get time off, he just wanted to kill again. The other prisoners got out of his way fearing he may attack them at any second.

His blood lust was intense. Leorio wasn’t sure if they should leave this Killua. He had heard of this killer, and his gruesome ways of killing people with his bare hands. “Just watch old man.” He walked out bare ass naked, when it came to assassination his mind was focused.

“Killua won’t lose!” Gon said.

“Gon are you sure about this?” The lamia simply nods.

Johness wanted a death match, obviously, but made the mistake of waxing poetically about how he was gonna kill the young man. In the blink of an eye Killua was gone and there was a hole in his chest. “What did you...”

His eyes widened as Killua was holding his still beating heart in his hands. Their was shock on both sides. Johness stumbles towards Killua reaching out for his heart. “Give it back...give it...back...Gi...” he collapsed onto the ground his hand open and Killua calmly places the heart back into his hand.

Gon had followed it all with his lamia eyes, Killua had killed Johness so quickly it took the body and brain time to register it. Killua was quite humble about the whole thing. “My dad would have done a cleaner job, when he removes a heart there’s not even a drop of blood.”

He showed off the trick to it, his hand shifted and his nails sharpened, shocking Leorio. Gon hugged Killua congratulating him on his victory. “It was a little boring though.” He smirked. “Hey old man, you didn’t get to fight before, wanna take me on?”

“N-no thanks, I’m good.” Killua shrugged.

Leorio wanted his clothes back but since he lost they were confiscated. She said she’d only give them back if he dropped out of the exam, so Leorio abandoned them and joined the naked club with Gon and Killua. “You look very sexy Leorio!” Gon praised making the man blush.

The group left to the punishment room where they would have to stay till their lost time was up. Though it was punishment. Gon saw it as time they could hang out and get to know each other.

To be continued Punishment Room Fun, another member of the naked club appears!


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