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Ranma 1/2 parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Mushrooms and Dates

Ranma wasn’t dumb, he was able to put two and two together. Ryoga wanted to go mushroom picking right after hearing about the Super Human Mushroom. The boy was aroused. Their closeness has told Ranma a lot.

Ryoga was changing, growing, and discovering himself. Saotome was curious to see, and excited to see what kind of man he was gonna become.

He had overseen his training, currently he could tap into his chi to harden his belt and make it as strong and as sharp as a steal blade. It was quite impressive but Ranma knew he was strong, and would get stronger still...


The two made their way, Ranma using the map and leading Ryoga to where the mushrooms grew. “Let’s go mushroom picking!” Ryoga cheered and began hunting for his goal, though he did collect some edible mushrooms to.

As Ryoga searched and searched, Ranma kept a close eye on him so he wouldn’t get lost. Ryoga couldn’t stop thinking about what he learned in sex ed, he didn’t even question that in his mind he bottomed to Ranma. It was the first thing that came to mind, it’s what excited him. He had other thoughts rushing through his head.

Ryoga had learned a lot about the ins and outs of sex, which had his mind racing at all the possibilities. It wasn’t like he knew about girls, being an all boys school. Sexual tensions could run high, there was nothing wrong with two guys giving a helping hand to each other. Ryoga didn’t know if they were just friends with benefits, or if there was something more between them.

For the last month with each new lesson, it was giving Ryoga the wildest dreams. Each one involved Ranma, he wasn’t good with girls, it was hard for him to picture it.

He wasn’t sure how to pursue these feelings he had for Ranma, but he thought finding the mushroom would be a good start. Saotome was a tanuki his body was already unique, he wanted to be able to meet him on that stage, but he wasn’t having much luck finding any of the super human mushrooms. ‘I know they are rare, but I just need to find one.’

After a couple hours of searching they had made quite the haul of mushrooms. Ranma identified all the ones that were safe to eat and tossed out anything dangerous. His demi human nose was able to detect anything poisonous. “We made quite the haul!” Ranma declared he had a huge basket on his back full of mushrooms.

“Yeah...” Ryoga said sullenly.

“We can even sell some of these to make some decent money.”


“Everything okay Ryoga?”

“Hm, oh yeah I’m fine!” he chuckled nervously. Ranma stopped walking and fixed Ryoga with a stern look.

“Ryoga just talk to me.” Hibiki shivered.

“I wanted to find the Super Human Mushroom!”

“Oh?” Ranma raised a brow at him. He knew it. “Why would you want that?”

“Well your body is special, and I wanted to be special too.”

“Close, but I think there’s more to it.”

“I...I...”he began to twiddle his fingers. He gulped. “I’ve been having these feelings, this what we have between you and me.” He felt so nervous, he slapped his face. “I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!”

That actually took Ranma off guard. “I don’t know if you can see me like that. I know our deal, and I like our deal! I can’t help but wonder if we can have more. So I wanted the mushroom to make it so we could...do that...”

Ranma smirked. “You mean this mushroom?” He revealed the Super Human Mushroom.

Ryoga’s eye widened. “I’ve also been thinking about us. For the record I like boy and girls. Personally I’d like to one day have a harem.” Ryoga was surprised. “I’d like us to have a harem.” he offered the boy the mushroom.

“You mean...” his heart began to pound in his chest.

“Yes Ryoga, I am in love with you. You don’t have to take this mushroom, you don’t have to change. We took the same classes, mushroom or no, our relationship will bloom.” This mushroom was sought after by gay men and martial artist alike.

“I want this, I want you, I’m inexperienced but will you have me?” It was just a physical change, but it was a symbolic gesture between them. From text books Ranma picked up the men of the musk kingdom were considered natural super humans.

“Yes!” Ryoga ate the mushroom. It would take a few hours but soon he’d be super human like Ranma. In one small way they had become closer. “Well that settles that, we can prepare for tomorrow night.”

“Why, what happens tomorrow night?”

Ranma pulls Ryoga close. “We are gonna have our first date.” He said before kissing Hibiki on the lips. Ryoga felt a surge of happiness, it was like having butterflies in his stomach. He kissed back.

Saotome had some surprising kissing skills, which had Ryoga melting like butter. He tried to breath through his nose and match Ranma’s pace, but he was being kissed breathless. ‘This is our first kiss!’ he moaned, and Ranma deepened it.

“Now let’s go take care of this.” Ranma palmed Ryoga’s fat cock.


Ryoga was feeling super charged, his body broke down all food. It was an artificial Bio Feedback, his body had changed, his muscles becoming more solid and defined. Ranma’s bio feedback was natural. It went to show Ryoga how hard Ranma worked as he pushed his body to need solid sleep.

He was excited about their date, but he had other questions. He had a lot of time to think. “Ranma do you think about the future a lot?”

“Sure do, have a lot of big plans. I’d like to have my own dojo, a home, I want a harem family, one forged by love and supported by hard work.” He wanted to honor his mother’s wish of being a great man. “I’ll be damned if I end up like my old man!” he growled.

“I think you are a great guy!” Ryoga said, making Ranma smile.

“Thanks you’re great too!” the two shared a quick kiss. “Are you worried about the harem thing?”

“Not exactly...it’s more of the boys and girls thing.” he ran his fingers through his hair sheepishly. “And maybe the harem thing a little.” Not like he didn’t hear about harems from other guys in school, but when they said it, it seemed empty. When Ranma said it, he sounded like he could pull it off.

“Well the harem will come much later, right now I have my heart set on you and you alone. When the time comes we’ll start our harem together.” He meant it, his focus was on Ryoga.

“That’s just it, I’m not good with girls, or other guys, I’m not good at any of this. It took a lot to figure out just to get here.” It was like he also got emotionally lost.

“Ryoga stop, I can see how special you are.” He hugged the lost boy. “You don’t have to worry. If we bring a girl in she’s gonna love you as much as she loves me.” He praised Ryoga heavily, talking about his kind heart, his tough physique, and a cock that’ll make girls go wild.

“What if I can’t be with a girl?” Ranma shrugged.

“Then you’ll just be with the boys.”

“What if I don’t wanna be with any other guy but you?” Ranma could hear fear in his words.

“Then you’ll be mine and mine alone, no one will touch you without my permission.” he purred making Ryoga shiver. Saotome took hold of his hand. “I’m not gonna toss you away Ryoga, if you want out no matter what we’ll be friends. I’ll honor your wishes.” he gave him another kiss. “If it’ll make you feel better I’ll draw up a contract, I’ll honor any deal we make.”

Hibiki had to admit it did make him feel better. He shook his head. “Maybe later, you are right, I wanna focus on us for now!” He didn’t want to hold Ranma back.

“I’ll admit, I have had my doubts about the future, but Ryoga you’re special to me.” A rival, a friend, a partner, and maybe soon a lover. “If you want this between us, I’ll be working hard to make it happen.”

“Yeah, I want this!” he kissed Ranma and was met with equal love and passion. “I’ll work hard to!”

“I know you will, but for tonight it’s just us so let’s have fun!” The two were dressed nice, and headed out for their date.

“What are those two doing?” Genma was watching them with binoculars.


“It’s a shame there isn’t a festival or something to go to, we’ll just have to go for something basic.” Ranma sighed. “Man I bet you’d look amazing in a kimono!” He said, making Ryoga blush.

“Well there is a festival in three months, we could go to it together.”

“Now who’s looking to the future?” Ranma teased.

“Well do you wanna go to it or not!?” Ryoga snapped.

“Of course I do. It’s another date!”

‘That was easy, I can do this!’ Ryoga was blushing. “Huh this place is...”

“This is your favorite restaurant right, we order food here a lot?”

“No this is, but I’ve never been here before.” He tried to find it but...of course… He did recognize the logo on the place.

“We are gonna start with your favorite place to eat.” Ranma said.

“So this is what people do on dates?”

“Not sure this is my first one to, but I did some research. The main point is to have fun.” he scratched his chin.

Ryoga got to order whatever he wanted on the menu, even some expensive dessert. “It always looked good on the fliers but it cost too much to get.”

“Not today,” Their orders got placed, and they were able to enjoy each other’s company. The food was amazing, the dessert fantastic.

Ranma paid the bill, much to Genma’s annoyance. ‘That damn brat wasting my money! I mean money...’ Note: Genma is basically mooching of his own son, class act.

The two walked to their next stop, Ranma holding Ryoga’s hand. ‘Is this a date, what are you playing at boy?’

“Where are we going next?”

“To this.” Ranma pulled out a flier for a movie.

“Oh this is that new kaiju movie, I’ve always wanted to see one in theaters but...” By the time he gets to the theater the movie has left.

“Not today!” Ranma says with a smirk. They get to the theater, they get tickets, popcorn, candy, soda the works.

The movie was a kick ass Godzilla and Mothra team up. Ryoga was so buzzed after the movie, and they had snacks to spare. “How about a double feature?” Ranma asked.

“Oh yeah!” Ryoga cheered.

The other movie available at the time was a romance. The boys decided to give it a shot, which is where Genma came in, seeing them go into a romance movie together. ‘Boy...how dare you disgrace me!’ he thought angrily.

Ryoga looked around, the other patrons were all couples, and it seems they weren’t there fair the movie’s plot. One by one the couples found moments to start making out. Even Ranma was surprised. “Do you wanna….?”

“I...um...yeah...” Ranma pulled Ryoga into his lap and the two began to make out. The movie was boring anyway, the lead was a bitch, who kept smacking the male lead over misunderstandings. It got old fast.

The music was nice to make out to, and it was dark so they slowly just relaxed into each other. As their make out session continued Ryoga didn’t care if anyone saw. ‘Let them see, I want them to see...oh crap am I a pervert?’ Note: Duh!

He got so excited he started grinding his hips against Ranma. Saotome growled in delight. He grabbed Ryoga’s plump rear and gave it a squeeze, swallowing the male’s moans. ‘He’s so sexy!’

They broke apart towards the end of the movie and finished their snacks and re-hydrated. The bitch girl got the romantic lead despite showing no real growth, and the love rival having better chemistry. They still had fun though, no one really seemed to care, it was a make out movie in the end.

The two left the theater with fingers laced. “Ranma Saotome!” Genma shouted. “What is the meaning of this?!”

“Old man? What do you want?” Ranma glared.

“I want to know what you are up to.” He stomped over to them. “You aren’t really sleeping with this trash are you?”

Ranma saw red, and he punched Genma hard in the gut, sending him flying back. “Insult Ryoga again and I’ll break you!” He cracked his knuckles.

Genma chuckled. “You must be a good lay brat.” he wiped his chin. “Don’t think he loves you, he’ll toss you away once he gets whatever he wants from you!”


Ryoga punched Genma right in the face. “You are an asshole, how can you talk about your son like that!” Ryoga snapped. “You are his father but you don’t even know him, Ranma isn’t that type of guy and he’s a better man than you will ever be!”

Ranma felt his heart flutter. “Ryoga...let’s go home!” He scooped Hibiki up and raced off.

“Ranma?!” Ryoga gasped only to be kissed hungrily.

“I want you so much!”

The night was young and the two were about to get wild.

To be continued First Time

Ryoga is nervous about their first time, but despite only having one official date, Ranma and he were not strangers, they knew each other intimately.



Welp, Ryo's doubts certainly died a swift death. 🤣 Then again, Genma's casting of wild aspersions did cement what was already there between them, and had both boys react in defense of it; so he has his uses. 🤔