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Naruto parody: Patreon reward

Chapter 9 

Chapter 10

Zaku was dashing around avoiding patrols, but what he wasn’t prepared for was Orochimaru catching him off guard. He past by an alley way, when some arms stretched out and nabbed him. Before he realized it he was pressed up against the wall, with a hand around his throat. “Gah!” He remembered this grip.

“Oh Zaku...Zaku...Zaku...I’m disappointed in you.” Orochimaru appeared from the darkness. “I thought I had taught you better?”

“Maybe...you are a lousy teacher!” he grunted out which earned a tighter hold on his neck.

“A snake can teach a mouse to be strong, but it’ll always be a mouse.” He chuckled. “I saw promise in you once, but this is as far as you go.”

“You gonna kill me?” He wasn’t surprised, he had a feeling they wouldn’t survive coming to Konoha one way or another.

“This village is full of potential, fresh and ripe potential. You aren’t even strong enough to handle a curse mark,” he tightened his grip. “But in death you can still be of use of me.”

Zaku felt his air supply getting cut off. ‘So that’s it...was this your plan for us all along...even back then...’ he began to tear up.

Orochimaru noticed and smirked. “You shouldn’t have any regrets, had I not plucked you from the gutter you’d have died long ago, your life belongs to me. So die for me!”

Zaku braced himself for death. “Although, maybe you can prove yourself useful to me. It seems the Fox Vessel has escaped, you wouldn’t know anything about that?” From his tone Zaku knew he knew what he did.

“So you’ll let me live if I tell you where Naruto is?”

“Smart boy!” he smirked. “He’s the true prize, with his power I’ll be able to advance the curse power to new heights.” He was almost salivating at the possibilities. “Now tell me where the fox is?” He released his grip ever so slightly so Zaku could talk.

Instead...Zaku spits in his face. “Go fuck yourself!”

Orochimaru tightens his hold on his throat. “Little rat, will die like one!”

Swift like the wind, something barrels through the alley, before Orochimaru knew it. His arm was severed and Zaku was snatched away. “Gaaaaahhhhhhhh!” His severed arm was left burning in the street.

Orochimaru couldn’t give chase as the small fire would act like a signal flare and draw in patrols. He retreated for now, planning to heal his arm easily enough. ‘Thanks for making it interesting.’


“You saved me!” Zaku hugged Naruto’s animal form.

“I caught your scent and sensed you were in trouble.” Kyuubi had said Naruto had a latent talent as a sensor ninja, honing that skill would be very useful.

“Orochimaru was trying to kill me, I was just a pawn to him in the end.” he cried.

“Do you want to get your friends?” Zaku wasn’t sure, Orochimaru knew he had betrayed him, so he was sure they knew already. Could he convince them...he wasn’t sure…

As Naruto rushed them to safety Zaku’s concerns were met as Kin followed them intending to confront them.


Dosu while he didn’t believe Zaku was a traitor, instead blamed Sasuke for all of this and planned to kill him in the finals of the Chunin Exam. To make sure that happened he challenged Gaara.

He was full of confidence, but lacked the knowledge to face such an opponent. Gaara was having his own issues, it was a full moon.

Like Naruto he was a fellow jinchuuriki, Shukaku wasn’t as kind as Kyuubi was. He constantly tormented his vessel to the point the young lad couldn’t sleep out of fear of being taken over. This filled with Gaara with a madness, keeping his body alive through a chakra meditation technique that allowed his body to rest but his mind staying alert and keeping Shukaku at bay.

When the Full Moon was out Shukaku became restless and became difficult to control. Dosu coming to face him now was a huge mistake. Gaara was already a strong and deadly ninja, but Shukaku was not a beast to be messed with.

Despite Dosu’s skills he was swiftly overwhelmed and killed by the demon’s tail. It didn’t end there, as Gaara caught a scent on the wind. ‘The Fox!’ With a smirk he takes off into the night.

Dosu’s corpse was collected by Orochimaru.


Kin followed Zaku and Naruto into the forest, an area knew like the back of his hand. Kin wasn’t weak by any means, but she wasn’t as soft as Dosu. He projected terror and power to hide the softness inside, Kin was different.

She was a survivor, her skills in genjutsu said to rival even Tayuya of the Sound Four. She was shocked at Zaku’s betrayal, but seeing him with the beast left her all the proof she needed. ‘This ends...’

She activated her jutsu, and Naruto stops as he’s cut off by a wall of sound. It was like the air was vibrating from the noise creating a dangerous barrier to pass through. “To think you’d sink so low as to help an enemy. You’ve fallen far Zaku!” Kin revealed herself, armed with needles.

“Kin, you have to listen to me, Orochimaru is...” A needle was thrown towards his eye, only to be smacked away by Naruto’s tail.

“That’s Lord Orochimaru to you traitor!”

“Kin he’s lying to us. He’s up to something big!”

“Of course he is, Orochimaru-sama is a brilliant man! He aims big and he will take us with him!”

“She’s too far gone, we need to move.”

“You aren’t going anywhere!” She launched a barrage of needles at them.

Naruto’s tails deflected them, some got embedded into the ground. Kin smirked. She had bells on some of the needles, which she used to activate her genjutsu. “Bell Trap Jutsu!”

Zaku and Naruto were mentally paralyzed, Naruto returning to his hybrid form. Their eyes were glazed over. “Now this is the end of you two!” She moved in for the kill, but was grabbed by the throat by Naruto.

The blue eyes were gone, now red and his pupils into slits. Kyuubi was in the driver seat now with a smirk he dispelled her genjutsu and her barrier. “Big mistake!” he growled.

Zaku gripped his arm. “Please...please don’t kill her.”

“She wanted to kill you.” Kyuubi growled.

“I know, but its over, she’s chosen her fate.” Naruto released Kin. “I’m not a sound ninja anymore, good luck and I wish you sense!”

Kin glared and tried to charge at Naruto one last time, and Naruto smacked her with his tail. The two vanished.

Naruto wasn’t worried about Kin following them again, they had another issue, her delay had allowed something to catch up to them and it was hunting them.


Orochimaru found her later. “I’m sorry Lord Orochimaru, the fox man, he’s too strong for me.” she bowed her head.

“So it seems, you’ve done well to get so far.” Kin looked up at him smiling, believing he was forgiving her.

A sword penetrated her in a flash. “Gah!”

“But this is as far as you go, with two dead bodies I’ll be able to enact my plan in the end.”

“What?!” She gasped, blood running down her chin.

“Did you think I would let you live? You can no longer serve me in life, your a much better pawn in death.” he twisted the blade inside her making her cough up more blood.

‘Zaku...I’m sorry...’ She thought as the thread of her life was severed.


Gaara was chasing after Naruto and Zaku, his beastly nature allowing him to follow the trail. Under the light of the full moon these two were about to clash.

-x- The Next Morning-x-

The ninja patrol had to report that they had lost Naruto. Sarutobi couldn’t help but be a little pleased. The council were furious and were throwing accusations that the Third, Kakashi, or even Iruka had helped him somehow. Of course the Third stood up to that. “You lot made this move on Naruto without my approval, all of this is your fault. Don’t go pointing fingers now!”

Kakashi went to Sasuke’s room, to find the young man covered in his own seed. “Naruto...” Sasuke panted in his sleep. Hatake couldn’t help but smile.

Naruto had helped push back the madness, so it was possible to bind the curse mark. He woke the Uchiha up. “Kakashi-sensei? Where is Naruto?”

“Gone, for now. Let’s go Sasuke.” The raven haired male was full of questions, but he felt the sting of the curse mark. He nodded and got out of bed, no shame in his naked body at all. He couldn’t bring himself to dress, but Kakashi had the next best thing.

He wrapped Sasuke in a cloak that smelled of Naruto, it helped the Uchiha relax. He walked out with Sasuke and brought him to a ritual site in an attempt to seal his curse mark. Sasuke performed the ritual naked, a part of him feeling he missed out on the naked voyage the other rookies got to have.

Kakashi finished the ritual, a seal forming around the curse mark. It was merely a bandaid, but it would suppress the madness the curse mark inflicts. “Kakashi-sensei...is it wrong to have a harem?”

“Not at all, some strong ninja have had harems as they had the money and power to support and protect his lovers.”

“Naruto is very strong...” Sasuke said, pulling the cloak around his body.

“Indeed he is!” Kakashi felt his loins stir. Kakashi gave Sasuke a talk, he had a few porn books about harems and harem etiquette. Sasuke needed a lot of training.


Temari beat down Kankurou’s door. “Temari what the hell?”

“Gaara is gone!”

“What?!” he gasped, shooting out of bed in only some boxers.

“Gaaaahhh put some pants on!” Temari shielded her eyes.


Naruto’s boys were trying not to jump for joy as their sensei’s came out and reported that Naruto had escaped. “What?!” Sakura snapped.

Kiba glared at her. “Sasuke is missing to, what if that monster kidnapped him.”

‘Is she serious!’ Though they didn’t know it Sakura had a curse mark on her, being fueled by her negative emotions.

“Sasuke is with Kakashi, he’s fine!” Asuma explained.

“We still need to find that monster and bring him down before he could hurt anyone!”

“That “monster” saved your life in the forest of death, you are lucky to be even alive!” Kiba growled. He had to be held back by Shino and Chouji.

“Why do you care, it’s not like you treated him like a friend?”

“That’s true, and that’s my fault, but Naruto is a fellow ninja, he deserves the benefit of the doubt.” Kiba kept some cards close to the chest. He could go on and on about the regret he felt over how he wasn’t there for Naruto growing up, they all did, but that was gonna change.

Shikamaru felt they had to keep an eye on her.

To be continued...Surprise Attack



Very nice, very nice! A lot of sub-plots being moved forward, too! Lovely intrigue-building, Paper. 😉