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One Piece parody: Redux

Mantra Awakening

Luffy awakens observation haki while in Skypiea, though he calls it mantra. They hang around so he can learn how to use it, this new power is a big step into becoming the pirate king.

Chap 1

The crew’s experience in Skypiea changed them. Luffy had the potential for the three powers of haki though he didn’t know it yet, but seeing Mantra or Observation Haki in use has caused his instincts to awaken it inside him.

He could hear the voices of everyone on the island, everyone happy and partying. Aisa recognized he had the power, and offered to teach him how to control it. He agreed of course and as they trained Aisa asked him about taking Wiper along with him.

Said man was listening in on the conversation. Wiper had come looking for Aisa, hoping to apologize for his actions. He’d have to apologize to Luffy as well. During his fight against Eneru and his Priests Wiper had practically gone mad, having fought against Luffy and even shot at Nami and Aisa. He was so blinded by his hate he had nearly killed one of his people in the process.

“You guys are pirates right, and pirates need strong crew members right?” she was carrying a club and Luffy was blindfolded.

“That’s right.” She began to attack him and Luffy had to predict where the attacks came from and dodge them. He was getting hit a lot at first, but since he was rubber it wasn’t doing much to him.

“Then would you let Wiper-san join you, he’s one of our strongest warriors.” She says while attacking. “He’s really scary!”

“Hmm maybe if he wants to, I’m not the type to force someone into joining.” At that moment Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper sneezed. Though to be honest he was just really determined for them to join, he knew what he wanted and went for it.

“It’s just that, Wiper-san is a nice person deep down or so I’m told. He spent his whole life trying to honor his ancestor Calgara and his bond to Noland, his whole life has been about fighting and now that we are heading into a time of peace I think he will become lost, but if he joins your crew he can explore and see the blue sea as Noland did.” Aisa kept swinging at Luffy. “Your crew is full of monsters, he’s a monster too!” Aisa’s words were like a punch to the gut.

“If it’s adventure he wants then life on the wide open sea would be a good place for him. However he has to decide that for himself, he has to find a dream to chase.” Luffy chuckled. “I fought him before, I know he’s really strong.” His words made Wiper’s heart flutter.

“Oh then what’s your dream.” she asked swinging at him, and Luffy dodged smiling.

“Me? I’m going to be the king of the pirates!” he said proudly, but ended up getting smacked in the head. Wiper left them to train, he had his own thinking to do. Luffy bore no ill will against him, though he still felt he should apologize later.

It was true for years his goal in life was to ring the golden bell and return his people to the Upper Yard, both of which were happening. He spent years coming up with battle plans, training to get stronger, building new and powerful weapons using dial technology. Thinking back he had attacked the pirates before, he had grown so called and un-trusting perhaps it was time to open up his mind and his heart.

In hindsight he should have worked with the Blue Sea people. He had forgotten the true regret of Calgara, his hate had made him forget. Despite the hatred between their people the sky people had gone to warn his, and allowed them to escape Eneru’s devastating attacks. Luffy had fought hard to protect them, to light the fire of Shandora, to honor the descendants of Noland. ‘I was a fool!’

‘Should I go with him...um them and travel the blue sea. I may even see places that Noland visited. I could even see new and even more wondrous places.’ He smiled. ‘I could certainly help their crew, out of all the sky warriors no one knows more about sky warfare than me. It would give them an edge that’s for sure.’ He hated to admit it, but Aisa was right, he was a monster.

The future of his people didn’t need a monster to fight a god anymore. Seeing everyone laugh and party together made it clear he also prolonged the war between their people. His actions left them divided. Could they have stood a united front against Eneru? He didn’t know, he could only grasp what he could see, and Luffy was the key weapon to fighting Eneru and he had nearly destroyed it.

He talked to his friends about it and they were supportive, saying it would be a great opportunity for him. Kamakiri had the heart for his people, he was the second strongest warrior but his heart was stronger than Wiper’s. “My friend, we have lived, breathed, fought, and nearly died together. I know you better than anyone. I think you should go with the Blue Sea People, not just because you are Calgara’s blood descendant and carry his will, but because I know you want to go.”

Laki was meant to be his fiancee, Wiper had always said it was no time for fiancees, since there was a war to be won. Truth was, he didn’t feel that way for her. She was like a sister to him. “Wiper,” he tensed up not sure what she was gonna say. “You should go and be happy. You are a fighter, you always were, always are. If you go to the Blue Sea you will be able to continue to fight.” She took his hand. “That’s what you want right?”

“Yeah, part of it.” He honestly couldn’t see himself in this peaceful world with Eneru gone, the Skypians and Shandorians unified.

She pulled him in close. “You don’t have to worry about me, I know. I saw the way you were looking at the warriors of the Blue Sea.” He blushed. “You like men.” His jaw dropped, he couldn’t even deny it. He was always drawn to strength, battle exciting him in ways it shouldn’t. It wasn’t just that he liked men, he liked strong men, and Luffy was strong. “You like Luffy.” She added, and just hearing his name made Wiper’s heart skip a beat.

He spoke to the chief, who gave him no grief about leaving. Wiper named Kamakiri his successor and next village chief. Laki and Kamakiri made quite the couple and had been in love for some time.  Aisa came back from training with Luffy, and she tensed up just looking at Wiper. ‘She’s still scared of me, I can’t blame her.’

He bowed his head, similar to how Ganfall did. “I’m sorry, for everything, I’m sorry!” Aisa was surprised. She did forgive Wiper, but there was a part of her that was still scared of him.


The Straw Hats had recovered the gold from the belly of the snake, and loaded it on their ship. The adventure wasn’t over though, Chopper still wanted to make sure everyone’s health was doing alright. Plus he wanted to see if he could learn any sky medicine. Sanji wanted to stock up on foods, and learned more about Sky Fruits and recipes. Zoro sought to train more. The monster trio had to admit the ability of mantra was worth hanging around to learn. Usopp wanted to stock up on dials, through trade, and he managed to get some spoils of war pilfering some dials from the defeated priests.

Next came the hard part how he was gonna ask, he went over it, over and over. He didn’t want to sound pathetic but he also didn’t want to sound to harsh and scare them. The rubber man happened to overhear his practicing and found it cute, he decided he’d welcome the man into his crew, he was certainly strong and cool, above all interesting. He could bring sky warfare to his crew and make them stronger. Having fought him himself he knew how strong he was and how stubborn he could be.

Luffy continued to practice his mantra even getting his crew in on it. They would attack and he would dodge, even in a short time they were making great progress. Not like they didn’t have time to spare, it’d be awhile before the log pose reset, and the crew managed to sneak on some extra treasure. Not that anyone would complain, they did help save all of Skypiea.


Wiper worked up the courage, went to the crew. “Wahhh it’s the gorilla!” Usopp screamed. Luffy smacked him.

“How are your wounds?” Chopper asked.

“Much better, thank you for helping my comrades.” he bowed politely to Chopper, who blushed and began to do a little dance.

Luffy raced over to him. “Thanks for helping us with the bean stalk!”

“Of course, you bested Eneru and Lit the Fire of Shandora.”

“I don’t know what that last part means, but you’re welcome!” he smiled and Wiper felt his heart flutter. The thought of not joining this crew made his heart ache.

He took a deep breath and asked to join their crew. “I want to see the blue sea world. Allow me to join your crew.” He says and Luffy grins.

“Sure, welcome aboard.” Yep just like that, a strange feeling washed over Wiper and he couldn’t wait to set sail with these strange people. “You can be our crew’s tactician, I’ve seen your talent with weapons.”

Zoro and Sanji seemed fine with it, noticing an all to familiar blush on Wiper’s cheeks as Luffy gushed about him. Usopp was against it, but was overruled. He looked to Chopper to back him up, but the little guy wasn’t scared of him. Nami wanted an apology for him shooting at her before, which he gave. Robin asked for a sit down so she could collect some of the rich history he knew.

Now as apart of the crew he began to make dial weapons for his crew, they had plenty of dials, his collection, stuff confiscated from the priests, and even some bits that Eneru left behind. One was the lightning dial, this one had been tricky to make into a weapon in the past, but with Luffy he’d be able to handle the weapon without being injured himself.

He made Luffy a Lightning Jacket, when activated it shrouded him in electricity which didn’t hurt him. He also got a belt that created ball shape clouds, they were cool and Luffy could even ride them and even bounce on them. He made Monkey some skates, though modified them to make them like sandals for Luffy’s style. He made some gloves for Luffy which he could stash on his belt. Wiper also got to spend more time with Monkey, as he taught the boy the ability to skate.

Wiper perfected Nami’s Clima-Tact, much to Usopp’s annoyance, added all sorts of new features, including a milky dial, fog dial, and a ball dial. Nami practiced, she could mix the flame and ball dials to create a mini sun to hit an enemy with. The cheap sprinkler gimmick Usopp installed was upgraded with a water dial, which helped make a proper Rain Tempo. She got some sky shoes too, much like with the waver she was a natural with them. He also got her a lightning dial and eisen dial, these along with her flame dial gave her staff a form of battle formation along with the upgrade. His biggest gift to her was a very rare Chill Dial, the opposite of the Heat Dial but it released a cool energy that kept things cold. Her new staff was truly impressive. Her last upgrade was an Axe Dial glove.

Zoro also continued his training, perfecting his techniques and doing extra weight training; sparring against Luffy helped them both grow. They had a good feel for each and trust, so they were able to spar blindfolded. The swordsman noticed quickly the difference in Wiper when he was around his captain, he had an eye for strength and knew the berserker would fit in.

Chopper and Wiper began to bond, and he began to help the kid. He had trained many young men into soldiers, he helped teach Chopper how to fight and build confidence in himself. Chopper got some special doctors from Skypian doctor’s called an Aloe Dial which can store his medicine. He upgraded his hat with a Lamp Dial which he could use during operations or when he wanted to read at night.

He made him a belt similar to Luffy’s but this one had more dials placed in it; Ball, Flash, Fog, Eisen, Flavor. It also had little pouches he could store other items in. Chopper wasn’t the greatest fighter in his mind, he often doubted himself. “It’s not about being the strongest, most battles begin and end with this.” he poked Chopper in the head.

It was a powerful message for the little guy, he started to think of what he could do with these dials. If he used the Flash Dial he could use it to blind an enemy to attack or escape with. The Fog Dial could also be used as a smoke screen. Using his intellect he stored Sedatives inside his Flavor Dial, he could knock out enemies without killing them. He preferred to use the Eisen Dial defensively, medically he could use it to create medical tools like a scalpel, offensively he thought about using it to create cannonball shaped projectiles he could throw.

Wiper explained the use of the Ball Dial and Ball Clouds, and Sanji gave him the run down of the Ordeal of Balls, it was a pain but could catch an enemy off guard. They used this to help train Luffy’s mantra having to predict which one was just a normal empty sphere, one Wiper put weapons into, and Chopper mixed his dials together and created a Sedative Ball, hitting it releases a powerful sedative as a gas.

Through this training Luffy had to dodge the dangerous balls while striking the empty ones. Chopper also assisted in projectile training throwing Iron Cloud Balls at Luffy. Chopper was so happy to assist in Luffy’s training, and was happy to get stronger in his own right. Wiper gave him one last item a Burn Blade, a flame sword similar to his burn bazooka. He took it and steeled his resolve to use it if it meant protecting his crew.

For Robin, he made a lamp dial so she could read at night, he also made her a flashlight with a smaller lamp dial. For sky warfare he made her a bracelet with a flash dial inside, he also made her some gloves. One had a Flame Dial, the other had a Heat Dial. This not only gave Robin better defense and offense but also made for a good get away tool if needed.

For Sanji he made the cook special equipment for the kitchen using dial power. Water Dials in his sink, his oven switched to Heat Dial power, Sanji even getting a mini cooker. A Flame Dial for barbecue and stove tops. Wiper gave up his last Chill Dial to Sanji, so their food could last much longer, he could even use this dial to chill deserts. He also used flavor dials to smoke food giving it extra flavor. He even got an alarm system for his kitchen, it wasn’t a lock but it worked. He didn’t accept any items for sky warfare, he seemed adamant about it though Wiper wasn’t sure why.

Usopp refused saying he’d create his own weapons. Even though the stuff he made put Usopp’s toys to shame. Their ship got some upgrades, furniture made from artificial clouds. Their washroom upgraded to have a natural hot tub, and a water dial charged showers, even with a heat dial for a nice hot shower. The crew traded in their hammocks for some cloud beds. The ship got outfitted with two huge Breath Dials on the sides for travel even if they had no wind, and a Jet Dial on the back for fast transport.

Wiper even updated the ship’s cannons, turning the front cannon into a Burn Cannon. He got to bring his collection of dials and dial weapons to the ship and shape a form of armory. He had collected various dials in hopes of finding a way to beat Eneru. The Sun Dial, it absorbed sunlight and could fire it off in a concentrated beam. It was too destructive to use on the island so he kept it stashed. The Shout Dial similar to the Tone Dial but it amplified the sound ten fold, making it a LOUD and sudden sound blast. The Venom Dial, it is said it can absorb poison and venom like the water dial but he was never able to build enough poison to make it work. Luffy thought it looked cool so Wiper gave it to him. His last special dial was known as the Dragon Dial, it worked like the Reject Dial to the Flame Dial, it takes and amplifies the fire power it receives ten fold. He didn’t bring it to war as it would have consumed all of them and destroyed the land they were fighting for. These special dials he believed would be more useful on the Blue Sea.


Time in Sky proved to be an awakening experience. They learned of a new abilities and fighting styles, they gained a whole lot of gold and a new crewmate. The straw hats worked together to get stronger, they may have spent longer time on this island than most but it was necessary.

Luffy had gotten the basics down for Mantra he could sense people and predict attacks. He was a fast learner, and he already reached the skill what even Eneru and his priests could do. He’d continue to advance this technique. Sanji and Zoro were able to develop mantra themselves, but much to Zoro’s annoyance Sanji had more an affinity for it, able to predict moves and detect people, while Zoro had only learned to detect people so far. Even Chopper learned to hear voices with mantra, he believed he could use it to be a better doctor.

The crew worked on mastering their sky warfare, and Wiper even got the rest a pair of sky skates to give the crew some options, just as they could be used on the clouds, they might even be useful into the sea.

Though not all of the crew, Usopp was busy doing his own thing most of the time.


It was the night before the crew was to leave. Wiper awoke hearing noises coming from the ship, Robin, Nami and Usopp were asleep so he ventured over to inspect. What he saw made him gasp in shock and he felt his blood rush south.

His fellow crewmates were naked, and mating in the most unique ways. First in his line of sight was Zoro and Chopper in his heavy point form. When he met the swordsman he thought the man would be a top but now before his eyes the green haired man was on his hands and knees taking the doctor’s massive cock.

Choppers big hands were on his hips, and he could hear the loud smack as their hips met again and again. From his position he could see Chopper’s incredibly thick cock vanishing inside him again and again.

From Zoro’s expression he was loving every thrust. His dick was bobbing freely, every thrust whipped about flinging pre across the deck.

He gulped as his gaze looked to his new captain and the cook. Sanji was riding Luffy’s cock, and the rubber man was well endowed to. Luffy seemed to be having fun using his rubber powers as his legs coiled around the blonde and his feet were caressing his dick.

Sanji’s cock was about 7 inches in length and was leaking a large amount of pre. “Ah Luffy yes fuck yes!” he moaned as his captain’s hands were around at his chest teasing his nipples, pinching and rubbing his sensitive nubs.

Luffy chuckled and ground his cock deep inside his cook. “Captain!” he cried as he came, shooting his load over his pecs abs and Luffy’s feet. His clenching heat pulled Luffy over the edge and he came, filling Sanji up with cum.

The blonde leaned back against Luffy and the boy hugged him as he came down from his high. “Enjoying the show Wiper?” he asked, the four looked to him.

“I um…” his cock was exposed, he was uncut with the foreskin over the head. “What is all this?” he asked trying to hold down his arousal.

Chopper chuckled. “I can explain I was the newest one to join this group.” He stopped thrusting inside Zoro, the swordsman groaned at the loss. “We each brought our desires to Luffy, and he promised to take care of us.”

“I belong to Luffy alone, I don’t want another man touching me.” He kissed Luffy and the rubber man dominated the kiss.

“Doesn’t keep you from flirting with women, perverted love cook.” Zoro says.

“Oi shut it!” The two glare at each other, but break it to moan as their dominants brush their sweet spots.

Luffy just chuckled. “Zoro belongs to me to, but he is more open.” He stretched his head over and kissed the swordsman. Zoro moaned into the kiss, his body pulsed and he began to shoot his load all over the deck. Chopper moaned as he was squeezed by the swordsman’s inner muscles. He cums and fills Zoro’s tight ass.

“As for me, I want Luffy and Zoro, and they accept me.” Luffy kissed the muscled zoan.

“It looks like you have special interests as well.” Sanji points out, his cock was still hard, and no amount of hiding could hold back his 8 inch penis.

“Wanna join us?” the rubber captain asks.

“I don’t know I’ve never thought about such things before.” It was true, living day to day focusing on battle it didn’t leave time for such things. He got turned on and excited, but he focused on training and ignored it.

“Well we can start off small, how about I help you out while I fuck Sanji.” The blonde took the cue and got on his hands and knees.

“You guys can keep going?!” he gasped and shock. Zoro and Chopper were going at it again to, the swordsman was on his back getting fucked with his legs up over the doctor’s shoulders. The zoan started pumping his length between their bodies, his cock was also 7 inches but more curved.

“You bet!” Luffy started to move working his length in Sanji’s tight hole. Wiper ditched his clothing and walked over to Luffy. The boy turned his head and was greeted by the berserker’s manly smelling cock. He ran his tongue along his hot cock, and his hand came up to massage his balls.

Wiper’s moans joined the groups. He looks down and meets Luffy’s gaze as he teases his dick with his tongue. He worked his way up to the tip and tugged on his foreskin with his teeth. “Ohhhhh!” Luffy took a moment to peel back the boy’s foreskin, exposing his sensitive head, he starts lapping. “Oh oh!” pleasurable shivers race down his spine.

“Such a manly taste, yummy!” Luffy starts sucking right away, wrapping his lips around his heated flesh and starts sucking him down. Wiper moans as the rubber man deep throats him with ease and buries his nose in his thick nest of pubes. His hand leaves his balls and moves further back to tease his opening.

“Oi wha-ahhh!” a slick finger plunged into his hole, he was shocked at first by the intrusion but as the finger moved around inside him it touched something that made him arch his back in pleasure. “Fuck!”

‘Hehe found it!’ Luffy thought and he closed his eyes. He started bobbing his head, sucking and licking him from base to tip as his finger worked his hole. His other hand stretched over and began playing with Chopper’s hole, the deer moaned in pleasure.

One finger became two and he began to assault his sweet spot with sharp thrusts. Wiper couldn’t take it, he came hard, shooting his thick pent up cum into Luffy’s mouth, the rubber boy sucked it all down with ease. Wiper could no longer stand and he collapsed, only to be caught and held by Luffy.

His vision was blurry, but he slowly became clear. Luffy held him and pulled him into a kiss, easing him down from his high. When he finally relaxed Luffy held him some more sharing his warmth. “Watch this, I’m gonna fuck him to completion.”

Luffy never stopped thrusting into Sanji, not even a second, his cock was hitting his sweet spot. Sanji was drooling from the explosive pleasure coursing through his veins, he may have been a man who loved the ladies, but Luffy opened him open, who accepted his wants and needs. He was the only man in the world he wanted. “Luffy-sama!!” he cried out as he came shooting his load once more.

“Sanji!” he came, a spilled even more seed inside his cook.

Chopper came next, his captain’s fingers teased his sweet spot and brought him to release. He gave one final thrust against Zoro’s sweet spot and came, each spurt hitting against that sensitive bundle of nerves. Zoro came spilling his seed between their bodies.

The males separated, Chopper shifting back to his brain point form. Luffy pulled out and a large overflow of cum spilled out and down Sanji’s legs. “Ahh this was fun, it’s always fun to have sex on a new island.” Wiper was surprised at the boy’s energy.

Luffy took care and began cleaning everyone up. After everyone was clean he carried them down to the men’s bunks and tucked them into bed. He put Sanji in his bed, and put Wiper in Sanji’s. He cleaned up the deck, and came back down and got into his bunk and cuddled with his blonde.

Wiper’s mind was filled with thoughts, but he was also tired so his thoughts would have to be settled in his dreams. But his life among the strawhat’s crew was going to be an interesting one.

To be continued


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