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Hey guys I come with some sad news, After being sick for a week, and dealing with a lot of issues health wise, plus with irl issues its clear I've been struggling I had to talk to someone and this person has been an emotional rock for me for years, their advice has gotten me through a lot of dark times, and they said I'm experiencing burn out. I can't even deny it anymore

I have fallen behind and I've tried to keep my focus on stories as much as possible and if i wasn't dealing with health issues i felt I could have bounced back no problem, I always feel I get close or I'm doing good, but then something bad happens. I feel like I'm operating without a safety net. You guys have been supporting me, and I appreciate it, please hang tight, have faith I am gonna take a short break I'll try to get my writing back via reduxs. I'll be back from this break on November 5th and I hope a few days of whatever I can call this will get back mentally.

Physically we still waiting on an operation to fix my hip, I feel that will push me towards a recovery and while my pain may never be 100% gone, it'll be manageble so I can get back to having a normal life 



Thanks for the heads up. Take all the time you need Paper.

Damion Andrew

We're all wishing for you to get better. Take your time and have a nice rest. We can wait and we will. HEALTH COMES FIRST.

ZooFan 123

If possible you could take a month break like other artist on patreon will do, of course during that month you won’t get any money. But with the time you could recover from your burn out a lot better than just a couple days. Of course I don’t know your finical situation so you might need whatever money you get from us. But, if you don’t then definitely take a month off! You health is number one after all!


Rest up and take however long you need to recover. Your health comes first.