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DBZ parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 4  

Chapter 5 Guardians

Cumber was making excellent progress, through meditation he was getting control of his emotions, he even had control of his Ozaru form. Being filled with all that rage and hate, made it easier to deal with the destructive rage of the Ozaru. While meditating his purple aura flowed naturally and calmly. He spent his days, meditating, training, sparring with Kakarot, eating with Kakarot, bathing with Kakarot, and sleeping with him. Shin noticed the two were growing quite close.

Kibito of course had his objections, he admitted he was wrong about Kakarot, but this was the Evil Saiyan. “Even if Kakarot came keep him calm, he’s still a potential danger.” He watched them spar, and as their powers flared he feared the ancient saiyan might lose it.

“I’m not so sure about that, but you are worried about his God Ki, correct?” Kibito nodded. “Cumber obtained the power of a god on his own, but the god ki was fueled by his rage and turned darker and darker till Cumber went mad.” He was sealed because despite the danger he was shown mercy.

“If his rage spirals out of control the Dark Ki will return...” Shin raised a hand.

“Cumber has experienced love, before he was filled with nothing but hate and anger, driven by the most primal desires to survive. When a mortal gets like that, its clear to see how they can go mad. You lose the ability to trust, to open up, even accept help.” Shin smiled. “Kakarot has broken down his walls, and swam through the sea of darkness and found Cumber.”

Shin walked through the garden, with Kibito following. There was a lake Kakarot enjoyed to swim in, and there the two were splashing around and having fun. “Look at them Kibito?” Kibito blushed as the two saiyans were skinny dipping, but they appeared to be having fun splishing and splashing around.

Kakarot was teaching Cumber to have fun, outside of battle. The ancient saiyan had a sparkle in his eyes as he splashed his fellow saiyan. “He loves him, though he may not know it or understand it.”

“It’s possible he had forgotten about love, but as they spend time together his love grows. He still has god ki, it can flow naturally as he becomes more emotionally balanced.” Kakarot pounced on Cumber and began to tickle him.

“I didn’t think I’d hear the ancient saiyan laugh.” It wasn’t a sinister chuckle but an actual innocent laugh. The two started to have a tickle fight, making Shin chuckle.

“They make each other happy, I have looked into his mind, he bares no evil thoughts towards him.” Shin explained. “Kakarot is bursting to have someone to spar and well...play with...”

“Play?” Kibito looked to Shin, and sure enough when he looked back, the tickle fight had ended and Kakarot had his arms around Cumber’s neck. The two started kissing, it was tender and warm, but started growing more passionate by the second. “Oh my!”

“Let’s leave them to it.” Shin warped them away.

Kibito didn’t want to see what was about to happen. Kakarot and Cumber began to kiss like they fought, full of passion, excitement, and desire, there were sparks. Tongues battled for dominance, it seemed to go on and on. Neither saiyan seeking to admit defeat, this time it was Cumber, and Kakarot dominated his mouth earning lustful grunts and growls from the ancient saiyan.

Kakarot ran his fingers through Cumber’s thick mane of hair, gyrating his hips as their crotches pressed together. Cumber had no idea what kissing was, but certainly picked up on it. The younger of the two, had discovered it while mortal watching. It was something two people who liked each other did. From there, their instincts took over and they got the passionate kisses they were doing now.

Their ki crackled as their passions grew higher, the heat between their aching rods was enough to sizzle. Cumber purred and his body arched as his release and Kakarot’s hit around the same time. Their upper bodies were dowsed in thick ropes of semen. Cumber showed him what two saiyans did together when they liked each other. He laid him out on the soft grass, and proceeded to worship him with his tongue. A tongue bath, long sensual, and the purr he earned from Kakarot was just music to his ears.

It only got better that Kakarot returned the favor, but not until Cumber had licked every delicious inch of him. The two were lovey dovey for quite awhile. Once they were clean they went off to train some more. A tongue bath for a saiyan was intimate, letting another saiyan taste your most vulnerable and most sensitive places. They could taste the power in each other’s skin, from their muscles, their strength, their sweat, their manliness, and in their current situation their seed.


The males were active, Kibito just wasn’t expecting them to be sexually active. After their spars, Cumber went through a ki purifying process, which including laying his muscular body across Kakarot’s lap, and letting the male finger his ass good! When they first started it was just one finger, but now a few months later Kakarot had up to three fingers working Cumber’s tight ass.

Cumber liked it so much they did it every day, even if his dark ki didn’t flare. Kakarot’s fingers churned up his insides, gave his sweet spot a rub down. Cumber’s tailed curled around his arm. His eyes rolled up as Kakarot milked him of an orgasm. “Nnnnnhhhhh!” Cumber growled in delight, his cock pulsing as it spat rope after rope of semen.

Kakarot rubbed him through his orgasm milking a few extra spurts. He came so much, his big balls pelting the ground with thick heavy seed. ‘So messy!’ Kibito thought with a blush and wiping his nose of blood.

‘Why are they always naked!?’ When the two were alone, they embraced nature and were naked...always naked...Kibito brought it on himself for checking in on them so much. Sometimes he sensed their ki spiking and thinking their fighting was going too far. Something was shaking the ground! He warped over there and his jaw dropped.

Cumber was on his hands and knees, his tail thrashing wildly as Kakarot pounded him from behind. The saiyan tugging on the thick mane of hair making Cumber howl out. It was Kakarot’s thrusts that was shaking, his thrusts so powerful they rippled through Cumber and into the ground. The ancient saiyan was loving it, the friction, the thrust, the POWER!

He clawed at the ground, arching his back and tightening around Kakarot’s thrusting cock. “More more more!”

“So tight!” Kakarot growled, his power surged, and Cumber moaned. Their tails were coiled together, in typical saiyan mating style.

“Big yes more faster!” Cumber was quite hung but Kakarot was no slouch, and what he lacked in girth he made up in length! His long strong thrusts created such an intense heat from the friction, it spread through his veins and made his body burn with lust. He pushed back fucking himself on the saiyan’s rod, the sound of skin striking skin was so explosive it was like a clash of fists.

Pleasure and desire dripped from them, heat pouring off them in waves. Kibito didn’t stay around for the climax, but their combined roars certainly told him it was awesome!

“They are having sex!” Kibito told Shin.

“Is that what they are doing? That’s nice.”

“Are you okay with this?”

“Why wouldn’t I be, mating is healthy for saiyan males.” Kibito paced, not sure what to think.

Roughly 20 minutes later

Kakarot and Cumber returned, Kakarot was wearing a warrior’s weighted gi, orange and blue, with the kai crest on the front and back of his shirt. Cumber was wearing a matching gi, but his was purple and red, he didn’t have the kai crest instead he had the kanji for monkey. It was made by his own magic materialization skill. “Hey Shin-sama, Kibito-sama!” Cumber nodded at them in acknowledgment. He didn’t speak to them much, only Kakarot. “It’s dinner time right?”

Kibito narrowed his eyes at them. ‘Their power levels have grown!’

“Indeed it is, sit down and we shall eat.” the two left to sit down at the dining table.

“Their power has grown!” Kibito whispered.

“Indeed, when saiyans mate they increase their power by sharing their seed. In their language I believe it is called the hentai boost.” Shin conjured up some food for them to eat. “With Cumber around I expect Kakarot’s development to jump leaps and bounds.” Kibito was worried that Cumber might grow too powerful then. Shin wasn’t so worried. Kakarot was ingesting Cumber’s semen, either by oral, tongue bath, or by some other means.

The food was brought out and Cumber and Kakarot dug in. ‘Still no manners!’ Though as far as saiyans go, it wasn’t that bad.


Kakarot spent the next year, training his god ki, mastering it to the best of his ability. Over the course of this year, the two saiyans grew closer, becoming mates. The two were going at it every day, and Cumber wasn’t the only one on the receiving end. Oh yes, Kakarot took Cumber’s fat dick for a spin every other day. After their first time it just kept getting better.

Cumber was so THICK! It felt amazing, and he pumped him full of so much cum! Kakarot had no idea about the hentai boost, sure he felt stronger after mating with him, but he was just happy to be with him. The feeling was mutual, top, bottom, it didn’t matter, the fun was in the foreplay, and yes sometimes their sparring matches counted as foreplay.

They each showed dominance in the moment, but it could be flipped on its head. Kakarot didn’t think less of Cumber for showing a submissive side, and while Cumber had accepted the role of the submissive, he hadn’t expected Kakarot to give over the reigns, voluntarily even. “You got such a nice big piece, I want to feel it, inside me!” this was the first time and the rest has been wild fun.

Cumber was shocked, touched, and incredibly horny. He didn’t want to hurt Kakarot either, so he took time and care prepping his saiyan body for his thick ancient saiyan dick. He soon had Kakarot begging for him as his fingers and tongue teased his hole and made him ready.

Kakarot knew he was big, but taking it inside him he sure as hell felt BIG. His ass was stretched wide around his length. “Ahhh!” he moaned arching his back and his tail puffing. Cumber was sweating bullets, he never expected his fellow saiyan to be so tight. “Does this always feel as good for you?”

“Always!” Cumber purred, pressing his full length inside him and kissing his lips. He waited for the saiyan to adjust before he began to move. His thrusts were strong, Cumber’s big balls smacking his ass was like he was getting spanked. It only made Kakarot tighter increasing the friction between them.

There were moments he thought he might lose control, but Kakarot would bring him back with a kiss or a touch. As he embraced his desires and showed his fellow saiyan his love, he swore to himself, even if the rest of the universe burned his Kakarot, he would always protect!

Their climaxes hit and Kakarot spilled his seed between their hard bodies. The ancient saiyan had pumped Kakarot so full of he looked like he had eaten a 90 course meal. Cumber stayed inside him until he absorbed all the cum, and when he pulled out…Kakarot whined at the loss and his plump saiyan ass was gaping. ‘So sexy!’ Cumber thought.

“Cumber!” he moaned. “How about round two?” Absorbing all that saiyan cum had him super horny. The long haired saiyan was in for a wild ride.

Kibito happened to walk in on another round of their love making, this time with Cumber on top, both males were covered in love bites. “Ahem, I’m sorry to interrupt!”

Cumber growled, stopping mid thrust. “Oh hey Kibito-san! What’s up?” Kakarot of course having no shame at being naked, a cock up his ass, and caught in the throws of passion. Cumber was more annoyed, sniffing Kakarot’s neck while he slowly ground his hips against his ass.

“Shin-sama has request you, both of you, do try not to keep him waiting.”

“Okay!” Kakarot’s power soared as he went Mystic Form, and Cumber howled as he came deep into his ass.

‘He used the legendary power for that...’ Kibito face palmed.


When the two came before Shin they were dressed and cleaned up. “Kakarot, I have watched you grow, you have become a strong warrior, a noble fighter, a pure hearted man, and from my understanding a fantastic lover.” This made the two saiyans blush, and their tails curl together. “You have obtained the god ki and made it your own. Now I believe you are ready.” Shin materialized a pillow and on it was his kai earrings, a planet seed. “You are among the kais, linked to the god of destruction, as such you will be responsible for a quadrant all your own.”

This was what Kakarot wanted to watch over and guide people, to help them. He looked to his mate. “What about Cumber?” he took hold of his hand. “He doesn’t have to stay here does he?”

“I was thinking about that.” Shin materialized another set of earrings. “Just as Kibito is my apprentice but he is also my guardian, how about Cumber becomes your guardian?”

He agreed happily. Cumber did hold the god ki inside him, so it was a fitting position. Shin could see it in the man’s soul, Cumber would protect Kakarot with his life.

Kakarot took the oath linking himself to Beerus, another life line for the God of Destruction. He decided to choose the North Quadrant, it was where the saiyans world once was. It was a tearful goodbye for Kakarot and Shin. 

“What do you say Cumber, let’s plant this seed and in another year it’ll grow into a beautiful world for us?”

“As long as I’m with you, I’ll be happy anywhere.” Kakarot chuckled and the two shared a kiss.

The North quadrant had new kais looking after it, and while they set up their new planet, they needed a place to crash. Kakarot decided on Earth.

To be continued


ZooFan 123

Really great chapter!