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Bleach parody: Patreon Gift

White Out

Karakura City is facing a strange outbreak of a drug known as White. Its effects on people changes person to person, but its led to several disappearances and corruption. Detective Grimmjow is on the case looking for a missing person, Ichigo Kurosaki, he’s got a few friends on the police force and on the streets trying to help him find the boy, but something is funny about this case. Corruption Mind Break Body Mod Weight Gain Muscle Growth

Chapter 1

Karakura City was full of possibilities, Grimmjow knew better. He had come to the city to become a cop, he was on the force for six years, but kept butting heads with the chief in the end he left. He got his private investigator license and opened up shop.

Grimmjow wanted to help people, there were a lot of scum bags out there. He had a lot of friends still on the force, they still believed they could do good while in the system. The blue haired man wasn’t the type to be tied down by rules. As a PI he got to make his own rules and was able to help people that slipped through the cracks.

This city had light and dark sides to it, but in the shadows was where the true madness could be found. Grimmjow was willing to abandon the light to keep it protected. He made contacts with those who lived in the shadows, getting eyes and ears all over the city. Over time he got some support taking in strays he called it.

Yylfordt was his secretary, Ggio was his assistant, and Tesra was his informant. He had a pretty nice set up, but nothing could prepare him for what was coming.


Grimmjow was running through the jungle, at first he was fully clothed but as he ran and ran, more of his clothes began to vanish. He kept running feeling his heart beat like a drum. Soon Grimmjow was as naked as the day he was born, but that didn’t stop him.

He couldn’t stop, he had to keep running, it was like he was chasing after something. He didn’t know what but he had to chase it. The jungle felt so natural around him, it was like he knew every rock and tree in this place. His blood was pumping, excitement fueling him to go faster.

Without realizing it he had dropped onto all fours and was running like a mad beast. He couldn’t stop, his prey was calling for him. When he came upon a clearing he was indeed an animal, a blue panther. Before he could descend upon his prey a loud noise startled it.

Grimmjow’s eyes opened and he smacked his alarm clock. “Damn it...that stupid dream again...” He got out of bed, he was sure embracing nature alright, not even a pair of boxers on him. It was a warm night in the big city, no surprise it being summer.

His apartment was a bit cluttered, he had copies of reports from the last case he ever worked on as a cop on a board and piles of paperwork here there and everywhere. Newspaper clippings, reports, and various files. It was hard to believe that 85% of this was all for one case, he kept closed case files at his office. He had a bad habit of bringing work home.

He walked around naked in his apartment for a bit before grabbing a shower. He took care of his morning wood here, less clean up. There wasn’t a particular image or fantasy in mind, he just did it to get off. ‘Just a part of my morning routine.’ he thought. His seed getting washed away with the shower spray.

Grimmjow brushed his teeth while lazily scratching his thick nest of manly hair. He had his morning coffee and breakfast, before getting dressed. His cell went off. “Yylfordt, what’s up?”

“Good you’re up,” there was a pause. “You have a client coming in, in an hour, please try to be on time.”

“What are you my mother?”

“No I’m your secretary, which means you pay me to ride your ass.” Grimmjow snorted.

“You wish, I’ll be in on time.”

“Get to it boss, it’ll look bad if Ggio beats you in again.” Yylfordt hung up the phone.


Grimmjow headed down to his office, walking past the usual people he did everyday. ‘This city needs a lot of clean up, if only I could have taken that bastard out.’ He gave out some cash so a few guys could at least get some breakfast. ‘It’s not enough...’

He made it in, and his newest clients were waiting for him. “Isshin Kurosaki?”

“Yes, I run a small clinic in the east district.” he pulled out a picture frame.

“Come sit.” He brought the man into his office. “What can I do for you Mr. Kurosaki?”

“Mr. Jaegerjaquez, I’m told you are the best PI in the city.”

“I am, and you can call me Grimmjow.”

“Grimmjow, you see, I’m hear about my family.” he handed over the picture frame. “That’s my wife, my son, and my two daughters.”

“Cute picture, what’s wrong?” He handed the photo back.

“My wife died a few years ago, and I promised her to take care of our children.”

“Did your wife die of fowl play?” He remembered this woman’s picture from somewhere.

“I am not sure, but I’m not here about her case. It’s my son!”

“What about him?”

“He’s gone missing.” Grimmjow raised a brow.

“How old is he?”

“Just turned 18 last year. I’ve gone to the police, but they haven’t helped.”

“Is it possible he just ran away?” Rebellious youth, having just lost his mother, it was a possibility, but Isshin shook his head. “How long has he been missing?”

“Two years, my girls have been worried sick, and I’ve exhausted every avenue I could.”

“So you think this is fowl play?”

“I’m not sure, ever since he’s been gone cash arrives in the mail 500 dollars every month.” Isshin balled his hands into fists. “I think my son has been kidnapped.”

“Kidnappers usually demand a ransom for a kidnapping not give money to the victim’s family.”

“That’s what the police said. Please Detective Grimmjow, please find my son, and bring him home.” Isshin put a huge stack of cash on his desk.

Grimmjow looked at the picture. “I’ll need a more up to date picture, and I’ll take the case.”

“Thank you Detective Grimmjow!” he began fishing through his wallet.

“I can’t promise I’ll find him, you know that?”

“I know, but we have to try, my wife would have never given up!” he handed over a photo. “Thank you Detective!” The two shook hands. He put on a hat and a coat and left Grimmjow’s office.

“Yylfordt, call Ggio, have him dig up everything he can on a Ichigo Kurosaki. I’m gonna call Red see where the cops are at on his case.”

“So you are taking this case over? You know how kidnapping cases usually go.”

“I know, but something feels off. The boy goes missing and yet money arrives at the home every month. Have Tesra keep an eye on the family, he needs to find out who’s making the drop.”

“How’d you read Isshin?”

“A bit odd, but he’s seems genuinely upset and wrecked by the loss of his son.” Grimmjow had some coffee. “I’m gonna go call Red, make sure Ggio and Tesra do their jobs.”



Grimmjow may have had a few friends on the police force, but very few would answer his call. He had one solid go to guy.

“Hey Red, how’s it going?”

Renji Abarai groaned. “Grimmjow...man what do you want now?”

“Is that anyway to talk to your oldest and dearest friend?”

“Bite me, I’m hanging up now.”

“Whoa whoa, listen Red, I need your help.”

“Of course you do, why else would you call me?”

“That’s cruel Red.”

Renji sighed. “How about you treat me to a club sometime, maybe then I’ll take your call.”

“Fine, I’ll do it.”

Renji leaned back in his chair. “You must really need my help. What’s the job?”

“Isshin Kurosaki came into my office.”

“That damn fool.” Renji ruffled his hair in frustration.

“Sounds to me like he was right to call me if you guys are dismissing his case like this.”

“We didn’t dismiss the case, the boy vanished the anniversary of his mom’s death, and yet every month money is sent to the family. He ran away, felt guilty and sent money back to support his family.” Renji told Grimmjow there were no other leads, all his friends had no idea where he went or what happened. “The kid didn’t want to be found, the chief shelved the case there’s other issues going on the just one missing kid.”

“You don’t say?”

“Yeah, the chief even has a drug task force coming in...” he face palmed.

“Really?” Grimmjow had a sultry tone in his voice.

“No...shit….Grimm, don’t you dare, Kuchiki will have my ass if he even sees you near this case!”

“Is some super drug bleeding through the city? I could do some digging….” Renji could hear the smirk.

“Fucker fine, I’ll get you the Kurasaki file, just stay out of the drug investigation. Kuchiki will have me on desk duty for a year if he finds out you stuck your nose into a case this big.”

“The Kurosaki file is all I want, happy drug hunting.”

“You owe me one Grimmjow, seriously!” He’d drop the file at his office after work.

“Yeah yeah, I’ll treat you to a club next time your free.”

“Saturday, mark your calendar.” Renji hung up the phone.

He felt sorry for the Kurosaki boy, but a serious drug was sweeping through the city, there was a string of disappearances and deaths. Kuchiki Byakuya was trying to pin down the drug, the developer, and the dealer but they had nothing.

Grimmjow wasn’t the type to not do the leg work, little did he know he was walking into something crazy.

To be continued...Friends

Grimmjow gathers all the data he can on Ichigo Kurosaki and plans to ask some questions. Meanwhile an orange haired beauty wakes up to start the day.


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